PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROPOSED NEW PHARMACY NHS Forth Valley and Right Medicine Pharmacy Ltd would like to consult with you regarding a proposed application for a new pharmacy at Unit 2 Kinnaird Village Retail Centre, Kinnaird Village Larbert, FK5 4GY. In accordance with national regulations NHS Forth Valley has to decide whether granting of the application would be necessary or desirable in order to secure adequate provision of pharmaceutical services in the neighbourhood in which the premises are located by persons whose names are included in the pharmaceutical list. The national regulations require NHS Forth Valley and Right Medicine Pharmacy Ltd to undertake a joint public consultation before Right Medicine Pharmacy Ltd makes their decision on submitting a formal application. This consultation has two main purposes: a. b. To assess the current provision of pharmaceutical services, the needs, challenges and ease of access within the area of the application. To establish if support for a new pharmacy exists from residents to meet the needs of the neighbourhood / local population. In order to help NHS Forth Valley and Right Medicine Pharmacy Ltd, to assess this application we would be grateful for your response to the following questions: 1. Right Medicine Pharmacy Ltd has defined the neighbourhood as being: South – A88 Bellsdyke Road; North – M876; West – Railway Line; East – Unnamed Road, known locally as Old Moss Road. Do you agree with the proposed neighbourhood? Yes / No Please comment 2. Who do you think would use this service? I.e. Stenhousemuir residents / Larbert residents / Kinnaird Village residents / Others. Please comment: 3. What benefit do you think a community pharmacy would have in the neighbourhood of the proposed location? Benefit / No Benefit / Don’t know Please explain your answer: 4. As part of the obligation to an NHS Contract, Right Medicine Pharmacy Ltd would require to provide the following NHS Pharmaceutical Services from their pharmacy should the application be granted: Core Services: o Chronic Medication Service – for people with long term conditions. o National Pharmaceutical Public health Services including smoking cessation and supply of emergency hormonal contraception. o Supply of medicines under the Minor Ailment Service. Dispensing of prescriptions. Stoma Service – appliance supply for patients with a colostomy or urustomy. Supervised administration for substance misuse Gluten-free foods service Unscheduled care – urgent supply of repeat medicines Disposal of unwanted medicines Plus any services which NHS Forth Valley determine there to be a requirement for. Do you consider there are gaps / deficiencies in the existing provision of NHS pharmaceutical services within the area of the application? Yes / No / Don’t know Please explain your answer: 5. The Health Board requires to assess if a new pharmacy is required to secure the adequate provision of pharmaceutical services in the neighbourhood in which the premises are located. Do you or your representatives experience any issues or challenges accessing NHS pharmaceutical services/or do you already have ease of access to NHS pharmaceutical services. Please comment: 6. The proposed location of the new pharmacy is Unit 2 Kinnaird Village Retail Centre, Kinnaird Village, Larbert. What do you think about the location of the proposed community pharmacy? Please comment: 7. How do you or your representative currently access NHS pharmaceutical services? Walking / by bus / by car / cycling / other (Please indicate). 8. Would a new pharmacy at the proposed premises change the way you currently access NHS pharmaceutical services? Yes / No Please comment: 9. Right Medicine Pharmacy Ltd proposed opening times to provide these services are as follows: Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday 9.00am – 6.00pm 9.00am – 1.00pm Closed When would you be most likely to use the proposed pharmacy (please indicate): Monday to Friday, Between 8.00am – 9.00am 9.00am – 12 noon 12noon – 2.00pm 2.00pm – 6.00pm After 6.00pm Saturday am pm 10. Please indicate if you are responding as: (* Please delete as appropriate) An Individual* / A Group* / An Organisation* 11. Contact Information – These Questions are Optional and you may remain anonymous if you prefer. If you wish to remain anonymous, would you be willing to just provide postcode as this will give an indication of where respondents are resident. (Again this is optional) Name /Group/Organisation Address City / Town Postcode Email Please send your response to: Pharmacy Contracts Officer, Primary Care Contractor Services NHS Forth Valley, Carseview House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4SW. If you wish to email your response: Please return your response by 12 NOON TUESDAY 23RD FEBRUARY 2016 Thank you for taking part in this Joint Consultation