Identity through Sport

Identity Through Game
At the opening and closing ceremonies of every Olympic games the host nation presents a
celebration of its people and culture.
In essence they create and showcase the identity of an entire nation to the rest of the world. We have explored Sochi 2014
as a class, but also, in the summer of 2015, Toronto will be hosting the Pan Am Games.
( How could we best take advantage of this opportunity to
celebrate life in Toronto? How could we use this opportunity to promote our city (instead of nation)?
Using our discussions in class as a reference point in terms of identity and focus, word choice and manipulation
select one of the following tasks to demonstrate your skills at defining, explaining and
presenting.your vision of how to celebrate and promote Toronto to the world through the Pan Am games.
1. .Imagine you are an advertising account manager who is bidding for the contract to market the
Toronto Pan Am games to Americans. You have 3 minutes to make your pitch to the Toronto
Pan Am Games executive team. Create a speech that will convince the team that you
have a great idea for a series of online videos that will encourage people to visit Toronto and
make Torontonians and Canadians proud of their largest city. (Presented. No visual needed)
Imagine you are freelance screenwriter. You are hoping to win the contract to script the
opening ceremonies for the Pan Am games in Toronto. You have been asked to submit a
storyboard of your idea for what you believe will be the most powerful 3 minutes of the 90
minute long ceremony that will celebrate life in Toronto and Canada. Your storyboard can
have no more than 15 frames and must be accompanied by a brief written proposal (2 pages double spaced). Convince
the Pan Am games Board of Directors to hire you. (Submitted)
Imagine you are a designer who would like to sell a photo essay celebrating Toronto to the
Pan Am Games organization. Create a 2 minute long photo montage (perhaps with music) and a speech that
celebrates and defines Toronto for visitors from around the world. Explain in your speech/essay
your vision of the GTA and how your photo montage conveys yourvision. Convince the Pan Am Games Board of Directors
to select your photo essay for their website - See Stephen Brunt 2010 Video Essay. (Presented)
4. Imagine you have been asked to create a photo essay celebrating Canada’s achievements in the 2014 Sochi games.
Create a 2 minute long photo montage (perhaps with music) and a speech that outlines what “achievement or success”
means to you, or to Canada as a nation. Think about questions like how did Canada come to create their identity through
their involvement in the games? See Stephen Brunt 2010 Video Essay. (Presented)
Imagine you are a City Councillor somewhere other than North America. You wish to
convince the International Olympic Committee to choose your city to host a future Olympic
Games. Create a proposal for a TV commercial to promote your city and convince the IOC to consider your city for the next
Olympics (Winter OR Summer). (Written (in the form of a letter) with pictures – submitted. 3 pages double spaced)
Promoting Canada - Evaluation Criteria
Curriculum Connections
The knowledge and skills you will be demonstrating through your task.
Writing - Developing and Organizing Content
Identifying Topic, Purpose, and Audience
1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for several different types of writing tasks
Generating and Developing Ideas
1.2 generate and focus ideas for potential writing tasks, using several different strategies and print, electronic, and
other resources, as appropriate
1.3 locate and select information to support ideas for writing, using several different strategies and print, electronic,
and other resources, as appropriate
Understanding Media Texts
Purpose and Audience
1.1 explain how both simple and complex media texts are created to suit particular purposes and audiences
Audience Responses
1.4 identify and explain different audience responses to selected media texts
Creating Media Texts
Conventions and Techniques
3.3 identify several different conventions and/or techniques appropriate to a media form they plan to use, and
explain how these will help communicate meaning
Producing Media Texts
3.4 produce media texts for several different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and
EMS3O1 Curriculum Connections
Individuals and Groups
1.1 analyse the representation of groups and individuals in media texts and comment on the perspectives, beliefs,
or biases that are evident in the texts.
Canadian Identity
2.1 evaluate the impact of mass media on perceptions of Canadian identity.
Global Awareness and Globalization
2.3 assess the impact of the media on countries, cultures, and economies around the world and/or the relationships
among them, focusing on globalization
Purpose and Audience
1.1 create media texts for different purposes and audiences
1.2 select an appropriate form for a media text they plan to create, and explain why they made that choice
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