PRESENTATION - MULTIMEDIA PROJECT PLAN NEEDS ASSESSMENT A NALYZE Grade- Graduate Students Age- Varies What they know – Varies; Some students have a solid background of assistive technology while to others this is a new concept. Virtual and Live students Content analysis: Learners have 3 different networks in their brain where information is stored. And, content can be shaped to address the different networks. Think about the different networks, and how the content is applied to each. ( Recognition Content (symbols, recognizing) PowerPoint Presentation – images/video clip/simulation Handout of Presentation Multiple Means of Representation (Present information and content in different ways) Strategic Content (patterns, relationships, formulas) Multiple Means of Action and Expression (Different ways to express what they know) Oral discussion of Presentation Information will be presented through the use of a PowerPoint Presentation (visual/kinesthetic), a handout of the presentation (visual/kinesthetic), and oral discussion of the presentation (verbal/auditory). The images in the presentation should elicit recall of a common tool – the keyboard. The first video clip should elicit recognition of breaking down a wall – an analogy for “breaking down barriers”. The second video clip should elicit recognition of a personal time that the student struggled. Lastly, the simulation should elicit personal recognition of a difficult task. Oral discussion with peers on topic Whole group discussion “Snowball” - Write one interesting fact that you learned and how you will incorporate this piece of assistive technology in the future on a sticky note – throw in the center of the room – Based on instructional design principles using Gange’s 9 Events & UDL 1 everyone gets up and picks one up – reads aloud to the group Students will have opportunities throughout the presentation to discuss with peers, in small groups and whole group, instances where this assistive technology may be helpful and/or how they’ve used it already (if they are currently teaching, personally, or with their own children). Lastly, at the end of the presentation students will play “Snowball” and write an interesting fact they learned and how they hope to incorporate this piece of assistive technology in the future. Affective Content (feelings, emotions) Multiple means of engagement (Stimulate interest and motivation for learning) Write with opposing hand – how does it look? Are you satisfied with it? Consider students with OT difficulties, sensory difficulties – writing isn’t the only means of showing mastery – consider more computer based Raise your hand if you can type without looking at the keyboard. Consider a beginner attempting to learn to type to communicate – would it be easier for them to learn without all of the distractions on a typical keyboard? Students’ motivations will be tapped into early in the presentation in order to gain their attention and interest for learning the information. Students will be asked to write with their opposing hand. They will then be asked to type a given sentence without looking at the keyboard. Students will be asked to volunteer how they felt. Additionally, the FAT City video clip should elicit personal emotions that each student should be able to connect to. Lastly, the images of the frustrated student and successful student should also simulate emotions that draw connections for the students. Common misconceptions about the content and/or process that my students may have are: Writing is necessary in the “real world”. We are providing students with an “advantage” over other students and it’s not “fair”. If students are in the regular education classroom they need to do what all regular education students are doing. My students will need to be informed about what assistive technology is and how it is a tool that can break down a barrier that a student may have in order to access the curriculum. It is not an advantage but rather, levels the playing field for that student. Learner & Content Analysis: Learning Styles, Different-learning abilities Based on instructional design principles using Gange’s 9 Events & UDL 2 Learning Style or learning Ability Learning - Teaching Challenge How you will accommodate with this lesson (with or without your technology) Does multimedia help with this challenge (yes/no) Visual Intelligence Student does not attend to the information presented and will miss information. Chunk material to increase attentiveness – provide engaging lesson YES – with the ability to show video, pictures, and use of a PowerPoint presentation, material can be chunked and more engaging. Aural Intelligence Student has sensitivity to sound or noise level of other peers in the classroom impedes the students ability to hear material presented. Decrease external noises. NO Students are asked to sit for the presentation. Opportunities will be provided throughout the presentation for students to be up out of their seat. Kinesthetic Provide opportunities for peers to talk throughout presentation to decrease extraneous chatter throughout the presentation NO Justification This presentation with its use of technology allows me to reach the following learning styles of my students: Visual, Auditory, Intrapersonal and Interpersonal. It does not however, allow me to reach those that are kinesthetic, musical, or logical-mathematical learners. Visual students benefit from the use of the material being presented before them instead of just being orally presented. Auditory learners are presented with video clips that assist in their learning. Lastly, Intrapersonal and Interpersonal learners interact on a personal level with the PowerPoint. LESSON Based on instructional design principles using Gange’s 9 Events & UDL 3 S TATE OBJECTIVES Academic Standard or Goal ISTE Standards Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity Engage in professional growth and leadership Objectives Learners will be able to describe assistive technology. Learners will be able to identify an adapted keyboard as a piece of assistive technology. Learners will be able to find additional information on the web about an adapted keyboard and other pieces of assistive technology. Time needed to complete: 10 minutes S ELECT METHODS, MEDIA, AND MATERIALS URL resources used and website name National Center for Learning Disabilities e-Special Needs South Carolina Assistive Technology Program Based on instructional design principles using Gange’s 9 Events & UDL 4 Teacher resources/ student resources PowerPoint presentation (flash drive, computer - WWW) Print out of PowerPoint presentation Package of sticky notes/Paper/writing utensil U TILIZE MEDIA AND MATERIALS How will it be used (Individual viewing or for the class) Multimedia will be used to present the material (Flashdrive – PowerPoint, computer, WWW). Materials will be used to engage students in a learning activity (Snowball activity – Sticky notes/writing utensil) and for future reference (printout of PowerPoint) R EQUIRED LEARNER PARTICIPATION - PROCEDURE HTTP://EDUTECHWIKI.UNIGE.CH/EN/NINE_EVENTS_OF_INSTRUCTION 9 EVENTS OF INSTRUCTION Gaining Attention Students’ attention will be gained by asking them to write a quote in cursive – “The secret in education lies in respecting the student.” Ralph Waldo Emerson – with their opposing hand. How does it look? Are you happy with it? Was it easy for you to do? Students will then be asked to use the keyboard in front of them and in Microsoft Word, type the quote without looking at the keyboard. Lastly, students will be asked to type the quote using the keyboard with their eyes open. Informing students of objectives Objectives will be discussed with the students at the beginning of the presentation to set the stage for learning. Based on instructional design principles using Gange’s 9 Events & UDL 5 Prior learning Prior learning will be stimulated through the simulation activity. Its purpose will be to engage the affective portion of their prior learning – to relate to themselves. Presentation of material Material will be presented orally with the assistance of the PowerPoint to provide visuals. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation will also be distributed. Learning guidance Learning guidance will be provided through a simulation activity. Through this activity students will gain an understanding for how an individual feels with a disability and how changes to their environment can assist them in feeling successful. Eliciting performance Performance will be elicited through the Snowball Activity. Students will write down a fact they learned and how they will use assistive technology in the future. Providing feedback Feedback will be provided through the use of the Snowball Activity. Students will write down a fact they learned and how they will use assistive technology in the future. Students will then share what their peers have written. I will provide feedback to the students as the slips are read. E VALUATION & ASSESSMENT o Assessment Formative – questioning throughout presentation Summative – At the conclusion of the presentation students will demonstrate knowledge by writing down a fact learned and an application of assistive technology. ENHANCE RETENTION & TRANSFER Transfer of knowledge Based on instructional design principles using Gange’s 9 Events & UDL 6 Handout and link of PowerPoint provided Sharing of facts learned and application of assistive technology R EFLECTION Overall I felt the lesson went well. However, I was disappointed with myself that my clips were put in wrong and did not play. Although it didn’t completely ruin my presentation I felt that they were important graphics to aide in understanding of the content I was trying to convey. I wish that I had been able to present during class the first week. I had prepped for the presentation and felt more confident about the material. Although I did revisit it prior to the presentation, I felt somewhat disconnected from it and felt that the audience was too seeing as we were moving on to another topic. If I were to do this presentation again I would have reviewed the PowerPoint from a computer other than the one I designed it on. I would also have made myself note cards, 1 for each slide, that had reminders and indicators of where I had put my links. Based on instructional design principles using Gange’s 9 Events & UDL 7