Paris Community Hospital/Family Medical Center Hand Hygiene and Isolation Precautions Observation Form Department/Unit Observing: ______________________ Initials:___________ Date: ___________ Time of day: ____________AM/PM to ____________AM/PM Instructions: Complete the above section. You are asked to conduct 5 “Secret Shopper” observations. In the gray area, please identify the type of worker you are observing using the codes below. If “12 – Other” is used, please write in the type of worker. In the sections below worker type, mark Y, N, or N/A to answer whether the appropriate hand hygiene and/or isolation precautions (PPE-personal protective equipment) was used at that time. If a non-compliance is witnessed, please write the name of the person in the blank. Please return all completed forms to your manager. The observer’s name will remain anonymous. Health Care worker Type: 1 = Physician 7= Housekeeping Y = Yes 2 = CRNA/NP 8 = Maintenance N = No 3 = Nurse 9 = Dietary N/A = Not Applicable 4 = CNA/CMA 10 = Lab 5 = Respiratory 11 = Radiology 6 = Physical Therapy 12 = Other (Write In) Worker Type: Please enter worker type here. Upon Entering Room/ Before Patient Contact Gloves Appropriately Used Upon Exiting Room/ After Patient Contact If a patient is in Isolation Precautions, was appropriate PPE used Type of Isolation Precautions(Contact/Droplet/Airborne) Name of Person NonCompliant Other Observations noted: Chipped nail polish, Artificial nails, Lack of hand hygiene supplies, washing less than 15 seconds, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Isolation Precautions Contact Isolation Contact Isolation for C Diff Droplet Isolation Airborne Isolation Always Wear gloves when entering room and when touching patient’s intact skin, surfaces, or articles in close proximity Always wear gown when entering room and whenever anticipating that clothing will touch patient items or potentially contaminated environment Use patient-dedicated or single-use disposable shared equipment or clean and disinfect shared equipment between patients DO NOT USE FOAM OR OTHER HAND DISINFECTANT IN PLACE OF SOAP & WATER Always Wear gloves when entering room and when touching patient’s intact skin, surfaces, or articles in close proximity Always wear gown when entering room and whenever anticipating that clothing will touch patient items or potentially contaminated environment Use patient-dedicated or single-use disposable shared equipment or clean and disinfect shared equipment between patients Always wear an Mask when working within three feet of the patient Wear eye protection when performing procedures that could induce sneezing or coughing Always Wear gloves when entering room and when touching patient’s intact skin, surfaces, or articles in close proximity Always wear gown when entering room and whenever anticipating that clothing will touch patient items or potentially contaminated environment Use patient-dedicated or single-use disposable shared equipment or clean and disinfect shared equipment between patients Wear N95 respirator when entering room Keep door closed Always Wear gloves when entering room and when touching patient’s intact skin, surfaces, or articles in close proximity Always wear gown when entering room and whenever anticipating that clothing will touch patient items or potentially contaminated environment Use patient-dedicated or single-use disposable shared equipment or clean and disinfect shared equipment between patients Sign displayed on neon green background Sign displayed on brown background Sign displayed on neon orange background Sign displayed on blue background