UKTI Global Sports Entering the Supply Chain 27th March 2014 Manchester City Football Club Etihad Stadium Manan Shah Associate Director | IT and Communications Systems +44 20 7755 2271 2 Overcoming Challenges Becoming part of Supply chains Partnerships (how?) Entering the Market Which market? 3 Commercial Risks? Seeking Opportunities SIs/PC PMs Supply chains Introducer Local Assoc. Fixer T&C partnerships Entering the Market Commercial risks Money Global Country? Major Event 4 bonds Which market? UK Govt? We are a global provider of total design, engineering and business solutions Operations Consulting IT and Communications Systems Security, Resilience and Risk, 400 Technology and Business Consultants world wide. Staff located in London, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, UAE, Qatar, Berlin, Singapore & Sydney, Johannesburg 6