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Geological Sciences
Spring 2015 – Classroom and times: CSL 422, MW 1.00 – 3.20 PM (lecture + lab)
Instructor: Isabelle SacramentoGrilo, Dept. of Geological Sciences
Office and Phone: GMCS 228-G, (619) 594-5607
Office Hours: M 3.30-4.30; TTH 1–2.30; MW during lab time; F 1.30-2.30; or by appointment/availability
Web: Geology Dept website:
Prerequisite: GEOL 104
TA: Denise Engberg
This syllabus serves as a binding contract between student and instructor. By enrolling in this course you are
agreeing to all terms of this syllabus. The instructor shall retain the right to change/adjust the course design.
Process and Inquiry? What’s this course about? What are the course goals?
1. To develop a basic understanding of the most essential natural and physical processes that make up
the Earth system, and to understand the history and ongoing evolution of the interactions between the
solid earth, oceans and hydrosphere, atmosphere and life.
These include:
• The structure and large-scale movement of the Earth’s interior, and its effects on the surface of the Earth,
including earthquakes and plate tectonics, study of sedimentary environments
• Geologic time and the scientific approach to the construction of the geologic time scale
• The Earth/Sun and Earth/Moon system and the cause of seasons and phases of the moon
• Interactions of the oceans and atmosphere to produce weather; understanding seasonality and climate
• Human impacts on the surface of the earth globally and in the San Diego region
2. To build confidence and familiarity with scientific inquiry, analysis, and quantification.
Most of the learning in this class (and in your future classrooms as teachers) will happen in an active,
inquiry-based setting, with you and your groups working together to uncover and understand scientific ideas
through investigation. This includes the development of your math and other quantitative skills (such as
measurement, graphing, and simple computations), as well as general abilities to develop and test hypotheses.
Nature of Science: To help you practice and develop an understanding of how knowledge is developed
within a scientific community; that doing science involves using evidence and creative thinking, that knowledge is
established through collaboration and consensus, and that science knowledge can change over time.
NGSS: You will become acquainted with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS, 2013) and apply
them to every lab activity. The CSU system has initiated a project aimed at fostering excellence in the preparation
of future elementary teachers in science. The goal of the project is to enhance your knowledge, confidence, and
excitement about the teaching of science. Furthermore, in doing this, we’ll enhance undergraduate coursework
and practicum experiences. The complete NGSS file is found here.
3. To convey the ability to independently research and critically evaluate publicly available Earth and
environmental science information. You will learn how to synthesize that material to analyze a local issue
and form a teachable unit from your information.
As you are eventually faced with the job of teaching this material to your pupils, it is important that you
learn how to sift through available information and get a solid grasp of complex issues facing many communities
today, and to understand how Earth Science is relevant to your lives and the lives of most kids and their parents.
This course fulfils a Science requirement of the Liberal Studies major.
This course is designed to be discovery-oriented (directed constructivism). The typical class will have a
short lecture/discussion period followed by a lab/activity period for the remainder of the class. This is also
followed by a discussion period to analyze as a group what we learnt in the activity. There will be many variations
in this, and I encourage you to be flexible.
You will be researching a problem in class like a geoscientist would. You will be solving problems with
your team mates and reaching conclusions before I actually talk about those conclusions.
Please note, that unlike other lab courses, you are not allowed to leave immediately after the activity as
there will be short discussions and wrap-up of the main ideas learnt.
Fieldtrip - this course includes a mandatory field trip on a Saturday morning. It is very important that you
block this time out of your schedule now. It is mandatory, and there are no make-up trips or substitute activities.
Because of time constraints, it is also critical that you arrive on time to the field trip. Transportation is available in
SDSU vans, but students often use their own vehicles. Directions are given later in the semester. You must sign a
waiver of liability prior to joining the fieldtrip. Please read the syllabus appendix regarding this fieldtrip (given prior
to the fieldtrip).
graded on your attendance in many different ways.
Work in this class will often be done in groups. Some of the assignments may last more than one class
period, meaning that continuity in groups is important. For your own understanding, it is also important that you
be present for each lecture/activity. You will rotate groups half way through the semester.
You will be primarily responsible for your own learning in this class. By engaging in meaningful
discussions with your group members, by actively participating in whole class discussions, and by actively
performing the experiments, you will develop with your classmates a set of ideas. Similar to the way in which
scientists develop ideas, your ideas will be based on evidence gathered from the experiments you do. At
appropriate times, you will be able to compare your ideas with those developed by scientists. It is expected that,
except for some special jargon, the ideas you develop with the class should be quite similar to the scientists’
Because you will play such an important role in your own learning then, and especially the learning of your
classmates, you are expected to come to class on time every class period and participate throughout the
period. Class will begin sharply at the scheduled time. We will meet in other classrooms several times during the
semester, so please be on time or you’ll miss those labs.
- Students who miss more than 2 days of class will have 4 negative points added to their score.
- Being late two times will count as an absence. All this will be noted. Limited medical emergencies will be
excused only if explained in writing and accompanied by a note on letterhead from your doctor.
Unfortunately, before implementing this policy, students who attended class regularly and were always on time
suffered unduly from lack of consideration by those who were frequently absent or late.
Cheating and plagiarism – are not tolerated and they tend to be really easy to spot in written assignments and
tests, so don’t try it. All assignments must be the student’s original work. If you are caught, you will be given a
grade of F for that assignment and other serious measures may be taken.
You will be asked to submit your final paper through Turnitin, a Blackboard tool that helps to identify and instruct
about what is/is not considered original work.
Homework plagiarism – Please re-phrase or use your own thoughts and logic when answering HW questions
from the textbook. Taking text straight from the book means that you did not really learn the concept and,
therefore, do not understand the answer either. Copying answers from your group mates is also easy to spot and
not accepted.
Lab work – Any group work we do is also expected to be a collection of individual efforts, not the work of one
person copied many times over. Make sure to do your own work and make your own contributions. You will be a
more successful student and teacher in the long run!
Note: No mobile phone/pad/tablet handling of ANY kind during class time. No electronic device handling
permitted during class time. Doing any kind of work from other classes is not permitted during class time. Reading
magazines or newspapers is not permitted during class time. No exceptions!
Optional Textbook: “Foundations of Earth Science”, by Lutgens and Tarbuck 5th edition (or any other), Pearson
Ed. This textbook is on reserve, under GEOL 412, in the Library Reserve section.
- You must have a simple scientific calculator - Required on the second week of instruction.
Suggested other materials
- Small metric ruler; Colored pencils/markers and note paper for drawing diagrams, graphs, etc.
- You may need a 3-ring binder to hold and organize numerous hand-outs, data sheets and additional
materials we give you in class.
1. Lab Activities including NGSS Reflections
These are laboratory activities completely informal that include discussions and participation of everyone
in the class. The themes are physical and geological processes, after a brief Math review. They are worth from 5
to 15 points, depending on length, type, or difficulty level. Fieldtrips are included here.
There is no make-up of any labs, regardless of personal reason. These often require set-up.
NGSS in every lab – The CSU system is fostering excellence in the preparation of future science teachers.
You’ll be introduced to the NGSS – Next Generation Science Standards. As part of this goal, I’ll be implementing
a sequence of tasks for every lab, which will allow you to answer a question about concepts discussed in class in
a pre- and post-context, and subsequently write a reflection on your learning process after you do the day’s
activity, in other words, a discussion of how your ideas were revised after the lab, and, therefore, a contemplation
of your own learning process. Furthermore, you’ll also tie in each lab to the particular science standards that it
covers. (this list is posted in Bb). This reflection will be done at lab conclusion, on a sheet that you’ll turn in.
2. Homework
You will regularly have homework assignments or small reports (typically worth 5 points) based on certain
activities, readings, and lecture material. Typically you will have about 1 week to complete these homeworks.
They will be posted in Blackboard and announced in class. Please check the Bb section Assignments and make
sure you know and adhere to all due dates. You’ll have about 10 homeworks, with the first one due around the 3rd
week of class.
Homework is turned in at the beginning of class, so be sure that you’re on time. No late HW will be
accepted. Please do not plan on doing forgotten HW in class at class time. That is considered late (and very
easy to spot…).
Total points for all lab activities and fieldtrips, and all homework is 260 (30% of your grade).
3. Exams
We will have 2 lecture exams, each worth 100 points. These tests may include, among others,
calculations, interpretation of diagrams, drawing of diagrams, fill-in blanks, and short essays. Each test will
emphasize lecture and reading material from the current section only, and also test your ability to assemble ideas
presented in class in new ways (i.e. think independently and apply your knowledge).
Please note that your own notes in these handouts will be your best “textbook”, as most of the content in
this course is taught via activities and not lecture and exams will reflect this. Your exams are based very heavily
on the lab activities.
Total points for exams is 200 (50% of your grade).
NOTE: No Make-Up Tests Will Be Given, Except Under Unforeseen, Tragic, Extraordinary, And
Documentable Circumstances. A penalty of 30% will be added.
Final Project
In lieu of a final exam, we have a substantial final project consisting of a research paper, a lesson plan,
and a poster presentation about an environmental issue of your choice and within certain thematic limits. It will
also include completion of 2 Library tutorials as a prerequisite. Students who have taken this class often feel this
is the most rewarding portion of the course and find direct use for the work they complete in their portfolios and in
their future classrooms.
You will receive very detailed information about this assignment later in the semester. You will be
occupied with this project in the final 4 weeks of the semester. Total points for the complete project is 135
(20% of your grade).
Final Grade – breakdown of points:
2 Lab/Lecture Exams____________50%
All Lab Activities/Homework_____ 30%
1 final Project __________________20%
Total: 100%
Your final grade will be based on the following percentage scale:
A = 100 – 90%, B = 89.9 – 80%, C = 79.9 – 70%, D = 69.9 – 60%, F ≤ 59%
Grades within 2% of a boundary will receive + or .
[For ex, let’s say that your overall total = 87.5%, this would be a B; if your total = 88%, this would be a B+.
Similarly, a total of 81.5% would be a B-, and a total of 82.5 would be a B.]
Please note: No extra credit given to anyone at all. This is work not specified on a course syllabus.
Incomplete: The “Incomplete” grade is only for unforeseen, emergency, tragic, and justified reasons at the end of
the term, and only upon a contract stating conditions for completing coursework. It’s not given to students who
aren’t doing well and/or may be failing the course. It shall be the student's responsibility to bring pertinent
information to the instructor and to reach agreement on the means by which the remaining course requirements
shall be satisfied. A final grade shall be assigned when the work agreed upon has been completed. An incomplete
shall be made up within 1 calendar year immediately following the end of the term in which it was assigned, or it
will be counted as equivalent to an F.
“Show Me Geology” – is an outreach science education program for K-8 schools organized by the SDSU
Geology department, whereby students and teachers come here for half a day to learn. You have the opportunity
to earn points for this class if you participate in the activities. Schedule will be available after the first 2 weeks of
the term. Show Me Geology takes place only on Friday mornings and in our department facilities on average 6
times per semester.
Here pre-service and service teachers work side-by-side with geology major experts, and you, and gain valuable
experience working with children. Visit for more information on the program.
“Explore SDSU Open House” is an all-campus event featuring an information fair, academic program
workshops, tours and open houses, usually on a Saturday in March. The Geological Sciences department host its
Science Sampler on the same day usually.
This is an extension of the Show Me Geology program that our department conducts every semester, and we
need many volunteers, like you, to help with the activities. Details to follow.
Course Offering: GEOL 499 – see me at the end of the semester if you’re interested in signing up to be a
TA in this 1-unit course in the future. You would be a TA for the GEOL 412 course, which is highly
beneficial for you as a future teacher. You’ll also relate all the work done in this position to the NSGG, and
subsequently reflect on it in a research paper at the end of term. (Note that this is not a paid position.)
Note: No food or drink is allowed in the lab classroom at any time.
GEOL 412 - TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE (subject to change with notice)
Note that the following lecture and exam schedule is subject to change depending upon the progression of the
course. You will be notified online and in class. You are responsible for noting all changes and adhering to them.
Week 1
“Foundations of Earth Science”:
21 Jan Course Overview, Constructivism and Science Learning ………………………...Introd. Chapter
Week 2
26 Jan Math review – Scientific Notation; Area and Volume
28 Jan Math Review – Earth's Area, Volume, PlayDo Earth
Week 3
2 Feb Sink and Float: Earth's Materials and Density………………………..…………….Chapter 6
4 Feb Modes of Heat Transfer – Convection ………………………………………..……..Chapter 5
Week 4
9 Feb The basis of Plate Tectonics: Big World Puzzle/Boundaries …….……………….Chapter 5
11 Feb Seismic Eruption, Computer lab, GMCS GMCS 2nd floor ……….………………..Chapter 5, 6
Week 5
16 Feb The basics of Plate Tectonics: Seafloor Spreading……………….…….………....Chapter 5
18 Feb Seismology Introd – Earthquake Location and Magnitude………………………...Chapter 6
Week 6
23 Feb Faulting in California…………………………………………………..…….………....Chapter 6
25 Feb The Earthquake Machine (partly in Computer lab, GMCS 2nd floor)
Week 7
2 Mar The San Andreas Fault (partly in Computer lab, GMCS 2nd floor)
4 Mar EXAM 1
Week 8
9 Mar Recap of Exam 1 results. Sediment and Grain Size, rock lab, 1st floor ….…..…Chapter 2
11 Mar Sedimentation and Sedimentary Environments ………………………..……..…...Chapter 2
Week 9
16 Mar Intro to Fossils…..……...........................................................................................Chapter 8
18 Mar Geologic Time: Relative Dating
Week 10
23 Mar Faunal Succession and Correlation ……………………………….………………….Chapter 8
25 Mar Geologic Time: Radiometric Dating: Computer lab, GMCS 2nd floor ………………Chapter 8
Final Project Introduction
30 Mar – 3 April: Spring Break!
Week 11
6 Apr Walk through the Solar System…………………………………………….………….Chapter 15
8 Apr Mandatory Campus Field Trip – Library: Online research session with Marilyn Hall (LA 78)
Sat, 11 Apr – Mandatory Saturday morning Field Trip to Torrey Pines State Beach – 10am to 12pm
Week 12
13 Apr Seasons and Day Length – Seasonality and Climate…………………………........Chapter 11
15 Apr Heat Capacity and Climate... .……………………………………………….…….......Chapter 11
Week 13
20 Apr Temperature and Heat Flux – NASA exercise: Computer lab, GMCS 2nd floor …..Chapter 11
22 Apr Oceanography: Tsunami………………………………………………...……………...Chapter 6
Week 14
27 Apr Phases of the Moon
29 Apr EXAM 2
Week 15
4 May Recap of Exam 2 results and material learned. Project focusing time; Project consultations
6 May FINAL PAPER DUE, 1 PM – No late papers accepted at all. A 50% penalty per day will accrue if you
insist on turning in your paper after the due date and time. You will submit it through Turnitin in Bb and also email
it to me. This is the last day of classes.
Finals Week:
Friday, 8 May, 1300-1500 (Final Exam time) -– POSTERS DUE - Poster presentations and Evaluations. Final
times are set by the University. You must be present in class at this time.
Field Investigation of Environmental Change Through Time.
Saturday, 11 April 2015, 10AM-12PM
1. Directions: From SDSU take 8 West to 805 North to 5 North. Exit Carmel Valley Rd and go West (left) for 1.5
mile. Turn left on Camino del Mar, head south for 1 mile and veer off to the right to enter the parking lot. Please
wait at the south end of the parking lot, near the bathrooms.
2. Parking: Please tell the kiosk that you are in a fieldtrip for the GEOL 412 class from SDSU. You will have to pay
to park if you use their lots. There are 2 lots: north and south; the north lot is pay per hour, the south lot in the
weekend is $15 per vehicle. I strongly suggest that you carpool. Limited free parking is available along the road.
Additionally, I may be driving a departmental van and can take you if you need it.
3. Purpose of the trip: The purpose of this trip is to investigate past depositional environments and the
environmental changes that have taken place at this beach through geological time. This is accomplished by
making and recording observations from the rock outcrops rising from the beach level. The results of this
investigation should tie in with what has been learnt and discussed in class. This is a required, not optional,
4. Instructional outline of trip: We will all meet in the south side of the parking lot before we make our way to the
beach level. There will be a few stops where you and your team-mates will observe and describe what you see in
the outcrops. Most of the sections of the worksheet provided to you at the location will ask you to make one or
more hypotheses to explain observations. Make sure you identify what evidence you need to support or reject
each hypothesis, and look for that evidence at each stop. We will be at the beach level for the 2 hours duration of
the trip.
We will try to remain far from the foot of the cliff most of the time for landslide hazards. There will finally be a short
discussion of the investigation results, after which students are free to go.
5. Health and safety instructions: We will be walking on the sand so you must wear appropriate shoes. Water, hat
and sunscreen, and comfortable clothes are recommended. You must bring your notebook, clipboard, pencil, and
sediment card. The worksheet given may not be filled out in pen.
You must remain a reasonable distance away from the foot of the coastal cliff. This is an area of frequent
landslides/rockfalls and unstable cliffs. You are not allowed to climb on the coastal cliff. You are also not allowed
to go into the ocean during the time of the fieldtrip. Please also be aware that if the tide is high, there is a
possibility that you may get your feet wet. SDSU is not liable for your safety before and after the trip, or if you
don’t follow the procedures outlined here.
6. Class conduct: You must stay close to me, the instructor, or close to my TA at all times, and not wander off in
other directions and be distracted by class-unrelated conversations. Remember that this is still a regular lab, so
you must behave as if you were in the classroom. You also may not use your phone (one exception to this is
using it only to take photos of the rock outcrops).
You may not bring spouses, partners, parents, siblings, and children of students and of faculty if they’re not
enrolled in the university. Additionally, pets may not come either.
If you have special needs, you need to let me know in advance so we can prepare for it.
Note: Everyone must sign a waiver of liability prior to joining the fieldtrip on the scheduled day.
7. Emergency contact information:
SDSU public safety: (619)594-1991
Please tell a family member that you will be in this fieldtrip at this location and on this day.