Thursday Seminar Descriptions

8:40-9:00 Praise and Worship with Dave McArthur and BCS Staff
9:00 to
10:15 to
10:45 to
11:35 to
1:00 to
Keynote: Engaging the Minds of our Students, Tim Barnett
R J Boshart
Visit Exhibits in Foyer and Gym/Complimentary Refreshments in Gym
POI’s for all delegates. Please follow the schedule to find
where your grade/subject meets.
LUNCH and Visit Exhibits in Gym and Foyer
(Staying on site? Rooms available to eat lunch—202, 204, 206)
How to Teach your Students to Trust the Bible, Tim Barnett. One of the most
foundational questions that must be asked by any Christian is this: can the Bible be
trusted? Most Christians believe the Bible is true, but do not know why they
believe it. Answering the why is much more difficult. To do this we are going to
tackle two separate questions. First, do we have accurate copies of the originals?
Second, do the original New Testament documents describe what really happened?, Part I of II, Brett Ullman. This is an unapologetic, straight-forward
talk on the nature of sex in this era of modern media. Addressing such issues as
STDs, pregnancy, porn, sexting, singleness and grace, Brett Ullman tackles the
often awkward and uncomfortable topic of sex in a direct, Biblical fashion linking
current topics and trends with Biblical examples and principles. As fellow
educators, let's ask the tough questions together as we look to connect our ancient
faith with our modern world.
Construct, Code, Customize, Jordan Ellis & Jason Biech. Design and technology
principles put into practice through budget-friendly innovation tools, allowing even
our youngest students to create STEAM skills and critical thinking abilities through
engineering, coding, and problem solving.
Supporting the Language Needs of Students with Characteristics of Autism
Spectrum Disorder- A Speech-Language Pathologist’s Perspective, Jill
Petherick, M.Sc., SLP (C). Participants will learn about the unique language needs
of students with characteristics of ASD and strategies for supporting learning in the
Children of Divorce, Shawna MacKellar, M.Ed., OACCPP. Psychometrist.
This seminar is designed to help equip teachers of all ages to better understand and
support their students during such a tumultuous time. The emotional and physical
impact of divorce on children will be reviewed, as well as how learning is often
The Nimbus Math Classroom, Scott Newbury. The online Nimbus Math material
provides teachers with a set of teaching tools for grades 8-12. Using a series of
short, yet effective videos for each lesson, online questions (complete with
solutions) and a powerful assessment and tracking system, teachers can spend more
one-on-one time with students in order to address weaknesses and improve
learning. This programme replaces the need for a textbook and fully complies with
the Ontario curriculum!
School Leadership: Collisions, Disruptions, and Diffusions, Part I, Dr. Steve
Sider. Those in formal leadership roles, or considering this for the future, will have
the opportunity to consider current research and practice in school leadership.
Using an inquiry-based and collaborative learning approach, participants will
engage in topics related to school climate, parent engagement, instructional
leadership, and action research.
Creative Expressions, Yvette Martin. Using various art-forms can help students
increase confidence, express more effectively and have a better understanding of
themselves and their relationships to others.
R J Boshart
Room 301
Jr/Sr High
Room 302
Room 303
Room 304
Room 305
Gr. 8-12
Room 306
Room 311
Gr. 1-3
1:00 to
Two Fun Ways to Assess with Technology—Socrative and Kahoot, Ryan
Tindale. What if there was a program out there that could mark 25 quizzes in 15
seconds, and then neatly lay the marks on an Excel spreadsheet? Not only does this
save time, but your students will suddenly enjoy doing quizzes! You'll learn how to
use Kahoot, which has been called Playstation for Education, and Socrative. If
you're up for it, bring a cell phone, tablet, or laptop and you can try them both with
me. Grades 1-12 & handouts shared.
Math Journaling in the Primary Grades, Laura McCourt. Math Journals are a
tool to support "Math Talk" in the classroom and the connection between home and
school. Math Journals have two purposes: They help students to visualize math in
different ways as they build deeper understanding, and have an opportunity to
display their thinking clearly using a combination of numbers, words or pictures.
They help educators to understand student thinking and assess student progress.
This seminar will focus on how to begin the journaling process and how to assess
student journals. Samples of Home Math Journals and In-Class Math Journals will
be provided and explained in this unique approach to numeracy.
Engage. Monitor. Measure, Matej Perisa. Driven by instructional goals, Turning
Technologies offers complete, turnkey solutions to meet educator’s needs. Our
learning tools allow educators to manage and deliver content in ways that improve
learner success. Track student progress. Collect data. Immediately gather
results. Paperless attendance, self-paced testing and reporting. Hands on,
interactive workshop featuring pedagogical best practices for incorporating
response technology into new and existing lessons plans for formative and
summative assessment. Thank you to Turning Technologies Canada for
sponsoring this seminar. (Repeated tomorrow)
Hands-On Use of Educational Resource Materials for Special Needs, Matthew
Turton. Requested at last year’s conference, Matthew Turton, an Educational
Therapist with over 20,000 hours of experience working with children with
learning disabilities invites you to peek in his toolbox. Come get hands on
experience using many educational resources and the tricks to making them
effective. Come prepared to play, have fun and learn.
It’s ALL about the EYES and EARS, Diane Geerlinks. Your student has had
their eyes and ears tested and everything is ‘normal’, or is it? It’s one thing to have
20/20 vision and a normal hearing test. It’s a completely other thing to PROCESS
information, auditorily and visually. Difficulties in either one or both of these areas
can lead to frustration for the student and the teacher. In this workshop, we will
begin to unravel the essence of these issues and what we can do to help our student
on the road to success.
Problem Solving and Collaboration in the Math Classroom, Jeremy Kuikman.
How do I get my students to enjoy and succeed at mathematical problem solving?
How can I get my students to work together towards a common goal? These
questions will be examined as we look at how we can get our students to become
better collaborative problem solvers. Specific ideas and techniques will be
examined that will help students learn to not only solve math problems but to do so
with others. Last year many of these techniques helped students at Central Baptist
Academy to a first place finish at the ACSI Math Olympics.
Building Relationships with Youth, Dan Johnson and Tyler Oldrieve. In this
session we will walk through the foundational Biblical values/attitudes/principles
of building discipleship-focused relationships with young people including the key
points of: Character, Care, Availability, Purpose, Listening, Sensitivity, and
Patience. This session will re-inforce the Biblical principles of relationship so that
the educators can be more impactful in the lives of their students.
You and Your Students can Learn to Juggle! John Mark Deneau has taught
thousands of students and adults how to juggle. Juggling is a highly adaptable and
affordable activity for schools that powerfully fosters the development of hand-eye
coordination, self-esteem and key character qualities such as perseverance, goalsetting and creativity. It is also a fitness workout! Come--we will put on some
music and have great fun!
Room 312
Room 313
Gr. 1-3
Room 314
Room 203
Room 205
Room 207
Gr. 6-8
Room 211
Room 212
1:00 to
2:00 to
2:30 to
Basic Drawing and Cartooning for Novice Artists, Annette Cabral. This session
will provide you with worksheets, websites, videos and hands on experience to lead
your students through basic drawing and cartooning activities. Worksheets will
focus on geometric shapes, cartoon faces and expression. You will learn to draw
facial features based on gender, emotion and age. You will learn to use two and
three dimensional shapes to draw animals and other objects and in doing so be able
to pass on the knowledge and skills to your students. You will also learn various
shading techniques, identify them and practice them.
Room 213
(Art room)
Gr. 3-8
Visit Exhibits in Foyer and Gym—
Complementary Refreshments
Why Science Should Strength Students’ Faith, Tim Barnett. Our culture is being
bombarded by the idea that science has buried God and the Christian faith along
with Him. But is science and belief in God really incompatible? In this talk, Tim
starts by looking at the misconceptions of faith and contrasts that with faith as
taught by Jesus and the New Testament authors. Next, Tim exposes how
philosophical naturalism has been forced upon the methodology of science. As a
result, many scientists just exclude any possibility of supernatural conclusions
before they even look at the evidence. Finally, Tim walks through some of the best
scientific evidences for God's existence. This talk will strengthen your faith and
have you bowled over at God's wisdom, power, and creativity., Part II, Brett Ullman.
Construct, Code, Customize, Jordan Ellis & Jason Biech. Design and technology
principles put into practice through budget-friendly innovation tools, allowing our
elementary and junior high students to enhance their developing STEAM skills and
critical thinking abilities through engineering, coding, and problem solving.
Phonological Awareness and Phonics- Are they one and the Same and Why do
we Care? Jill Petherick. Participants will learn about the importance of
phonological awareness, how it relates to phonics, and tips for including both in
early literacy programs to support students with reading and writing. A special
focus on student’s with speech difficulties and how their skills in these two areas
can be impacted and supported will also be reviewed. Jill is a speech therapist.
Children and Mental Health, Shawna MacKellar. Supporting students who
present mental health challenges. A review of the common mental health
difficulties experienced by school aged children and adolescents, and how to
support these students in the school setting. Early signs and symptoms will be
reviewed as well as best practises for supporting older students with suspected or
confirmed mental health diagnoses, as well as those with comorbid learning
difficulties. Suitable for teachers of all grades and ages.
Teaching Math in a Blended Classroom, Scott Newbury. Do you wish you had
more time to spend with individual students to help them be successful? Do your
gifted students get bored with the pace of the regular classroom? The blended math
classroom combines online teaching material with one-on-one teacher support as a
method of improving student learning. Learn how to acquire and use the tools that
allow students to learn at a more individualized pace while giving the teacher more
time with each student.
School Leadership: Collisions, Disruptions, and Diffusions, Part III, Steve Sider.
Standing Stronger, Yvette Martin. Using Forum theatre techniques to aid students
to extract, explore and analyze difficult situations/problems as to find possible
solutions to bullying.
Bringing the World into Your Classroom with Skype, Ryan Tindale. I will walk
you through how to bring the world into your classroom. You'll be introduced to
the three main parts of the Skype Edu website, and I'll outline how to navigate each
one. I'll spend the second half sharing some of those calls to France, Brazil, and
South Africa where we met a penguin! Come get some new ideas on how to use
Skype for Missions, and we'll even try a Skype call to England.
RJ Boshart
Gr. 6-12
Room 301
Jr. & Sr.
Room 302
Gr. 5-8
Room 303
Room 304
Room 305
Room 306
Room 311
Gr. 7-12
Room 312
2:30 to
The Importance of Writing in Kindergarten, Laura McCourt. Designed for
Kindergarten teachers who want to foster writing in their Kindergarten classroom,
this seminar will discuss the must-haves in a comprehensive Kindergarten literacy
program: Guided and Shared Writing, Interactive Writing, Independent Writing in
Centres, and Guided and Shared Reading. Learn classroom-based ideas to engage
your students in developmentally appropriate emergent writing and reading
Class Dojo (App/Websites), Susie Hope and April Dekkema. Learn how the Class
Dojo app can create a positive learning environment both at school and at home.
Learn how you can share some of those special class moments with parents with
the click of a button, reinforce positive behaviours and send a quick message to all
parents in your class.
How Memory Works and How to Develop It, Matthew Turton. Memory is
perhaps our most important cognitive skill, critical for all forms of learning. Many
of your struggling learners will have problems with at least one of their memories.
Matthew invites you to come learn about six different types of memory, how they
impact learning and daily life and what parents and teachers can do to develop
these critical skills.
Teaching with the Brain in Mind, Diane Geerlinks. It seems that with each
passing year new research is being published about our amazing brains. After many
decades of research, we have recently witnessed the intersection of psychology,
neuroscience and pedagogy into educational neuroscience. This is cause for
celebration! It is exciting and challenging for us as educators, to use this knowledge
to guide our strategies, curriculum and interventions, particularly with our diverse
learners. In this workshop, we will discuss the impact of this neuroscience in our
Growing Leaders in Your Classroom, Monica Kay and William Raposo. Do you
have a heart to help young people discover their potential? To help them use their
gifts to make a difference in their community and beyond? Come and join members
of the LAUNCH team to discuss building a culture of "leadership growth" in and
around your classroom. Explore with us some practical tools on maximizing
opportunities, setting intentional goals, creating accountability and celebrating
together what God has done in and through your students.
Questions Teens are Asking, Dan Johnson and Tyler Oldrieve. The objective of
this session is to show the educators that the answers to all these ‘tough-butrelevant’ questions that teens have are found in the word of God and that the
teachers have a responsibility/opportunity to ‘pattern’ for young people where/how
to find these answers. We will answer directly from God’s word on questions that
teens are asking on topics such as morality, decision-making/choices, God’s will,
human sexuality, do’s and don’ts (cans and can’ts), AND challenge them to do so
The Zayed Future Energy Prize: Alternative Energy Education, Leslie
Donovan. This seminar will explore a Christian school community's experience of
competing for and winning the Zayed Future Energy Global High School Prize.
The $100000 US prize has allowed Munro Academy to derive more than 90% of its
energy needs from renewable resources. Competing for the Zayed Future Energy
Prize represents an opportunity for students to learn stewardship, science and math
concepts and entrepreneurship skills. (Repeated Friday)
Art Lessons Using the Masters, Annette Cabral. I will share art lessons that use
master artists as the inspiration and example for art projects. In doing so, students
learn about famous artists and try to emulate their work. Some examples include
the use of Henri Matisse for paper collage, Georgia O'Keefe for a pastel/water
colour flower, Georges Seurat for a pointillism logo, the group of seven for
landscape painting, Andy Warhol for a pop art portrait, and Pablo Picasso for a
pastel portrait. Participants will see student examples, power point presentations,
internet videos and other practical tools and information. I will share all my
resources and encourage you to bring your phone to take photos of student
examples to use in your classes.
See you tomorrow!
Room 313
Room 314
Room 203
Room 205
Room 207
Gr. 8-12
Room 211
Room 212
H.S. &
Room 213
Gr. 3-12