STI for Harnessing Ocean Resources State of the Science GII, World Hunger Index, GCI, Global Water Index 4.1. Introduction The maritime area of 230,000 km2 belonging to Sri Lanka is about three times larger than the land area and its Exclusive Economic Zone is about 517,000 km2 which is approximately eight times larger the Island and holds many avenues, explored and unexplored, providing countless possibilities to further the economic prosperity of the country. Nevertheless; the country has a very narrow continental shelf with the width ranging from 9 to 45 km with an average depth of 66 m. It’s area is about 31,000 km2 which provides limited habitat for the coastal fishery. Ocean resources of Sri Lanka fall within the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) which has been considered as one of the most productive (>300 gCm 2Yr-1) ecosystem in the world oceans that consist of living and non-living resources including energy resources. Thus, it is important to conserve and sustainable use of Sri Lanka’s ocean and coastal resources for sustainable development, including through their contributions to poverty eradication, sustained economic growth, food security and creation of sustainable livelihoods and decent work, while at the same time protecting bio-diversity and the marine environment while addressing the impacts of climate change. Therefore, the future prosperity of the country may lies in the sea, and it is of paramount importance to formulate appropriate strategies, and develop technically appropriate manpower in the fisheries, ocean minerals, marine and maritime sectors. As per the above preamble; it is highly opportune to identify the ways and means that Sri Lanka can make the sustainable use of the ocean resources via fisheries and other biological resources, minerals, maritime transportation, sea petroleum/gas and power generation. Investments in the appropriate technologies and on skilled human resource are must for gaining the maximum benefits in most of the sectors. Also, there are large research gaps existing in an array of scientific and socio-economic aspects related to ocean resources. In order to increase and sustain the ocean resources’ contribution to economic growth, adequate attention has to be paid to the issues which hamper the increased utilization and sustainability of the resources. As of now, there is no comprehensive database on ocean resources in Sri Lanka, which is vital for effective policy formulation and sustainable utilization of it. Although there are regulations in place, they are not appropriately enforced to handle the unsustainable activities associated with most of the ocean resources especially in the coastal fisheries sector. Effective coordination among the institutions involved in managing ocean resources is also a key concern in this regard. Those remain areas where immediate policy attention is needed. Further, If an Ocean Policy has been formulated for Sri Lanka, it could have provided several recommendations and draw up a "comprehensive, integrated, ecosystem-based" framework for sustainably using the resources of oceans and coasts. 4.2 Potential and Opportunities for Wealth Creation from Ocean Resources through STI. The coastal and off shore resources of Sri Lanka which considered under ocean resources include coastal lands, ground water and surface water sources (lagoons and estuaries), mineral deposits, sand dunes, beaches & spits and other highly productive natural habitats which include coral reefs and wetlands (mangroves, sea grass beds, tidal flats/salt marshes) and deep sea areas including associate fauna. About a decade back, only the coastal region has contributed 40% of the national GDP (Saundranayagam et al. 1994). It could be more today, considering the economic development that had taken place within the coastal region since then, compared to the rest of the country. In particular, o Offshore/high-sea fishing provided 159,680 metric tons and Coastal sea provided 257,540 metric tons of fish during the year 2012 (Unstoppable Sri Lanka - 2020). (Fish production from the lagoons and estuaries also to be included) o Rich mineral resources such as ilmenite and monozaite bearing beach sands, silica sands, miocene limestone, kaolin, copper, magnetite and peat. o 62% of the industrial units and 70% of the tourist infrastructure facilities (National Report – BOBLAME) and bio diversity hot spots remain within the ocean territory. Deep Sea Fisheries: It is assumed that offshore and high sea fishery resources are under exploited by Sri Lanka; most probably due to high investment cost required and technological gaps. Thus, there is a need to adopt sustainable programs that emphasize the development of offshore/high sea fishing industry. As mentioned in the Public investment strategy of the Government “Unstoppable Sri Lanka 2020”; it is planned to enhance the offshore/high se fish production by 354% as at 2012 production. For achieving this objective; national level responses in many areas are necessary but it may not sufficient. Regional and international collaborations are imperative particularly in conducting research, knowledge/technology transfer and capacity building in relation to infrastructure, equipment and human resource. Adhering and respecting to regional and international regulations also imperative to continue market collaborations for deep sea fishery resources. It also requires a strong institutional framework, which can be built upon existing institutions at regional level. Human resources especially in the areas of remote sensing and GIS application, oceanography and ocean engineering, oil and gas exploration, fish stock assessment, post-harvest practices and value addition, Biotechnology, new technologies in pollution monitoring to be enhanced within the country. Remote sensing is widely being used in diverse areas of the ocean such as mapping of mass movement of pollutants in the coastal and marine environments, mapping, predicting and providing early warnings of life-threatening events in the coastal and marine environment and most importantly searching and mapping of potential of fishing grounds. Sri Lanka lags behind in the use and application of remote sensing in the areas said the above while comparing to advanced fishing nations. Further to remote sensing, developing and using of Unman Underwater Vehicles (UUV) would be a desirable application on fishing operations, stock assessments, searching of underwater mineral resources, hydrographic surveys, scientific sampling and mapping, debris field mapping, security of fishing harbors and other commercial harbors. Improving and adopting into such sciences and technologies may support towards wealth creation of the country through utilizing unexploited ocean resources of Sri Lanka. Further, concerning the growth of offshore/high sea fishery sector, it is necessary to address technical development of sub sectors of fishery such as fleets, fishing methods and related technologies as illustrated in Figure 1. Technical Improvement of fishing fleets, fishing methods, fishing gears & post harvest handling practices & fishing harbours Advanced & collaborative research in association with scientist of regional & international Use of advanced technologies for searching fishing grounds (remote sensing/GIS) and enhancing technical knowledge of fishing crews Facilitating for exploring & sustainable harvesting of offshore / high sea fishery resources Figure 1: Required ST interventions for improving off Sea/high Sea fishing of Sri Lanka Coastal Fisheries: Indigenous knowledge of the traditional fishermen play vital role in costal sea fishing even at present. However, it has been observed that coastal fish production has not proportionately increased in line with the significant increase the numbers of mechanized costal fishing vessels since 2005. Further, as of now, there has been little or no bio-economic modeling carried out to compute the maximum sustainable yield levels (MSY) for important costal fish species around Sri Lanka. In addition, as mentioned in the Fisheries Outlook of National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), Sri Lanka does not have reliable data on the extent to which the country’s costal fishery resource is under the risk of over-exploitation. Still substantial data and research gaps exist and requisite to address for sustainable utilization of such resources for the economic development of the country. Mariculture: The potential for mariculture practices in Sri Lanka has been realized and it is seen as an alternative to meeting the widening gap in rising demand for seafood. In Sri Lanka, considerable mariculture practice is the prawn (Penaeus monodon) farming and it has been the most lucrative commercial aquaculture since it started in the mid-1980s. By the end of 1999, an estimated total of 1,300 prawn farms covering a coastal area of 4,500ha and 80 hatcheries with an annual capacity of 750 million post larvae had developed in the Northwestern province of Sri Lanka. The industry recorded its peak economic performances in 2000 by earning US$ 69.4 6,000 5,000 million worth of foreign exchange for the 4,000 total exported volume of 4,855 MT and 3,000 subsequently exporting of farmed P. 2,000 monodon accounts almost 15-30% of the 1,000 0 seafood export sector in each year. Moreover, shrimp farming has contributed towards the development of support Production MT Linear (Production MT) industries such as agricultural lime outlets, fiberglass manufacturers, feed outlets, machinery supply and repair facilities, hardware stores and laboratories while providing many rural livelihoods. However, nearly for two decades, P. monodon production of Sri Lanka was not increased in line with the time period (Figure 2) and also the industry does not reach up to the optimum production levels in relation to the land area (ecologically and economically worth) which utilized for constructing ponds. 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Figure 2: Anual Production of farmed P. Monodon Sri Lanka y = -18.758x + 3331 R² = 0.0079 Table 1: Export income from P. Monodon. Values in US $ Million. Year Value 2004 23.62 2005 17.66 2006 20.50 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 22.38 10.00 14.14 14.24 16.28 13.12 Percentage contribution to Total Export in 2013 2004 – 2013 Average growth 2013 19.46 0.18% - 3.63% 2% Though many constrains including diseases affect to the industry everywhere in the world; the major producing countries of Penaeus sp. including Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Philippines, China etc. still rely on the practice and contributing to the global market with considerable financial figures comparing to Sri Lanka. Not only viral diseases, but also some of the substantial constrains still affecting to the industry of Sri Lanka. Not applying of latest and advanced biological and engineering technologies into the sector, knowledge and information gap remains at the grassroot level farmers on latest technological developments, lack of governmet assistance on either science or technology and necessory infrastructure development, not practicing of best aquaculture management practices due to various reasons can be mentioned. Most of the other farming countries aim to address or manage the current challenges (as mentioned in the Figure 3) of shrimp farming industry via relevant sciences and advance technological solutions yet Sri Lanka need to adhere to incerese the production at least to make a cnotribution upto 2% of national expert earnings of the country. Technical Improvement of farms with assistance of aquaculture engineers, limnologists, renweable energy experts etc. Use of advanced technologies in hatchery Advanced & collaborative research in management, brood-stock development & association with scientist of regional & management, producing of SPF brooders international especially on feed, water and SPF or SPR - PLs with assistance of quality managment brooders and PLs pathologists, bio technologist, virologists, geneticist etc. Enhancing the shrimp production Sustainabley in Sri Lanka Figure 3: Vital ST interventions for improving off Sea/high Sea fishing of Sri Lanka Note* SPF = Specific pathogen free. SPR= Specific pathogen resistance, PLs= Post Larvae Inappropriate design and construction of farms, none of the facilities established for waste and waste water management, extremely high electricity/fuel cost, out dated aeration techniques and the quality of feed are the areas to be improved with assistance of relevant technical experts. Improved hatchery technologies, advance management of brood-stocks and Post Larvae (PLs), inappropriate responses for disease outbreaks also areas to be improved strongly. Introducing of new species under controlled conditions would be another strategy to adopt. Exporting of farmed prawns yet contributed only 1 - 2% of the national export earnings during each year (Table 1) which is quite possible to enhance further with appropriate sciences and technologies as mentioned in the Figure 2. Commercially important marine fin-fish species such as seabass (Lates sp.), grouper (Ephinephelus sp.) and milk fish (Chanos chanos) farming in Sri Lanka at minor scale yet and need more technical enhancement and investments for scaling up and commercializing. Pilot scale projects of Sri Lanka have proved that highly valuable species in the export market such as Mud crabs (Scylla serrata) and sea cucumber are also possible species to initiate commercial level farming while adhering to the sustainable practices. Main bottle neck for the above culture practices is timely availability of quality seeds within Sri Lanka. Hatchery technologies for Seabass (Lates sp.) are established and commercial level framing is initiated (though it further needs technical enhancement and expansion), but for all the other species mentioned above; hatchery technologies to be developed or transferred appropriately to Sri Lanka from the countries such technologies are already developed. Technical Improvement of hatchery technologies and establishing of hatcheries for Mud crab, Sea cucmber, Grouper, Millkfish etc. by aquaculture engineers, limnologists, aqua-culturists, bio-technologist etc Stratergic identification (considering monsoonal winds/rains, ocenographical parameters & reosurces users) & demarcting of suitable sites for farming by relavant Scientists (Oceanographers, aquaculture engineers, limnologists, aquaculturists, etc) Establishing of necessory legisilations for mariculture practices to support the industry & for making it sustainable by policy planners Facilitating for Sustainable Mariculture Practices in Sri Lanka Figure 4: Necessary ST interventions for establishing sustainable mariculture practices in Sri Lanka. Seaweeds: Extensive beds of seaweeds are found in Jaffna, Palk Strait, Gulf of Mannar, Pearl bank off Silawathurai and along the southwest and southern coast of Sri Lanka ( According to available published data, the macro algal flora/seaweeds comprised of 572 species along the costal belt of Sri Lanka. Seaweed, apart from being a food, is an important source of colloids or gels such as alginic acid (mainly for the textile industry), carrageenan (food industry), agar (Laboratory and food industry) and medically important elements as iodine, vitamins, minerals and many other unidentified anti-bacterial and antifungal properties. Economic use of brown algae is the production of alginic acid and most of the brown seaweeds found in Sri Lanka rich with alginic acids. During the 1960–70 several pilot scale operations were undertaken to examine the feasibility of extracting alginic acid from local seaweeds especially from Sargassum sp. Locally manufactured alginic acid was found to be of international standard. According to the first quantitative survey done by Durairatnam (1963) in the southwest coast; Sargassum species are found in large quantities. The survey revealed that some 800 tons of the seaweed could be harvested from the coast. Considering the entire coast Sargassum available areas of the country; the potential may higher than the estimated amount from southwest coast. In addition to Sargassum; several other species such as Laminaria sp., Macrocystis sp., Turbinaria sp., Fucus sp., and Ascophyllum sp. which are found in Sri Lanka are rich in alginates. Another two genera of red seaweed, Gelidium sp. and Gracilaria sp. account for most of the raw material used for the extraction of agar. Cultivation methods for Gracilaria sp. has been developed in warm sea waters in Asia and few attempts were made in Sri Lanka. According to the results, obviously, Gracilaria sp. also can be successfully grown in coastal waters of Sri Lanka with some seasonal variations, but still the supply of Gracilaria sp. comes mainly from the wild especially from Trincomalee, Mannar and Kalpitiya districts and directly exported without adding value. Gracilaria sp. has been exported from Sri Lanka since 1800s (Duraitarnam, 1933). Exports to England of dried bleached Gracilaria sp. was some 5,700 lbs in 1831 and 15,000 lbs in 1840 where it was sold at 09 d/lbs. During 1941 to 1944 it was estimated that 20,000 lbs of seaweed was exported to India annually. In 1950's Japan imports Gracilaria sp. from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has recently gained experience on farming of Carrageenans bearing edible red seaweeds such as Kappaphycus sp. Carrageenans are widely used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries of the entire world, for their strong binding to food proteins, gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Sri Lanka too imports many tones of carrageenan annually. Experiential level farming practices reveled that near shore areas in East, Northern and Northwestern coastal areas support for best growth performance of Kappaphycus sp. with some seasonal variations. Despite this, the full potential for Kappaphycus sp. cultivation in Sri Lanka has not yet recognized. Since vegetative cultivation is possible and farming techniques are plain, commercialized farming and value addition would assist to the GDP of the country. During the 60s and 70s decades, seaweed was a negligible item in most of the current farming countries [(i.e. Philippines, Indonesia, India, Africa (Tanzania), Oceania (Solomon Islands), and Latin America]. In Philippine, the development of seaweed farming in 1973 foreign revenues increased to almost fifty times. Since then what has been a minor sea products is now generating more than US$ 50 million for the country and now the third most important fishery export of the Philippines ( Indonesia is also striving to produce 10 million tons of seaweed per by 2015 (www. Marine-derived Peptides and Proteins: Biological activities and applications of marinederived proteins and peptides are valuable resource for researchers in Sri Lanka in marine biochemistry field as well as food industry, cosmetics and pharmaceutical fields. There have recently been significant advances worldwide in isolating functional ingredients from marine bio-resources and seafood by-products for use in these industries, but little has been published, creating a knowledge gap. Applications of Marine-derived Peptides and Proteins in the Food Industry will be useful not only to biomaterial scientists but also to the fishery industries, entrepreneurs and industrialists looking to add value to the flourishing industry of fish processing. Ocean Bio Diversity: Genetic, species and ecosystem diversity of the Ocean territory of Sri Lanka is not yet recognized or valued though such parameters have considerable economic value. Estuaries & lagoons, coral reefs, mangroves, sea grass beds and salt marshes with high ecosystem diversity as well as species diversity and function as vital breeding or nursery grounds for numerous species of fish, crustaceans and mollusks which are economical vital in the local as well as export markets. Genetic diversity within coastal habitats and even in the deep sea is believed to be high but this aspect has not been investigated yet. Even micro fauna (bacteria and fungus) may have medicinal or industrial value tough none of the research has done which is to be addressed through bio-technology. Salt: Among the unlimited resources of the ocean; Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is one of its prime commodities which can easily exploit with freely available energy sources (Solar & Wind) and raw material (Sea water). Necessary infra-structure and advanced technologies such as pure vacuum dried technology to be establish yet to produce salt up to export level. Electrolysis of sea water gives rise to a valuable chemical; NaOH and as byproducts hydrogen and chlorine which are economically valuable again. Sea water is also a commercial source of Magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, lithium metal or lithium compounds, bromine compounds, gypsum & potash fertilizer. It is compulsory to establish R&D works for extracting such valuable raw materials/chemicals from the oceans. Mineral Resources: Areas rich in heavy mineral sands have been identified in along the coastal belt of Sri Lanka. The utmost coastal mineral sand deposit locates in the East coast of Sri Lanka from Pulmudei to Kokkilai. As mentioned in the Arjuna’s Atlas of Sri Lanka; the deposit contains about 4,000,000 tonnes of mineral sands with an average composition of 70% ilmanite, 10% zircon and 8% rutile. Nature gifted another three deposits have been discovered along the stretches of beach from Mullaithivu to Nillavelli and Nayaru, Pudawaikattu and Thevikallu. These deposits have a proven reserve of about 3,000,000 tonnes of ilmanite, 6,000,000 of rutile and 4,000,000 tonnes of zircon. Above coastal mineral deposits could be the most valuable natural resource in Sri Lanka in terms of economic value. Yet, all most all coastal mineral resources are simply use in the domestic market or export as raw materials as it is exploited or partially processed (Table 1) while letting the country to lose a great amount of income. Table 1: Produces and annual production by Lanka Mineral Sands Ltd. ( Ilmenite Rutile Zircon Monazite Hi Titanium Ilmenite 90,000 tonnes 9,000 tonnes 5,500 tonnes 100 tonnes 4,000 tonnes It is vital to establish necessary R&D works through appropriate S&T at the national scale to extract titanium oxide from ilmanite and rutile which is an important white pigment and also in the manufacture light alloys and some other advanced materials. Positive initiatives are been taken by Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC) to extract Titanium from ilmanite mineral sand but its commercial application to be established yet. Ilmanite deposits are further found in the West coast and the beach for several miles north of the Kelani river (Herath, 2008), in Kaluthara and many other areas of the country where larger rivers meet the sea. However, a systematic scientific study to measure the radiation levels in beach sands and the volume of deposits in these areas has still not been carried out (Mahawatte & Fernando, 2013). Such study in these areas is important to estimate the radiation exposure to the public and in locating previously unidentified mineral sand deposits and to evaluate economical use. Not only coastal stretch, Ocean bed around the country is rich with thick sedimentary Mesozoic deposits, which are sources of minerals mainly Manganese, Sulphides and Cobalt (Unstoppable Sri Lanka, 2020). But, discovering Ocean mineral resources is yet to expand, while harnessing the most advanced technologies. Accurate estimation of the resources is also extremely essential. The physical availability of ocean mineral resources alone does not guarantee its economic production. Advance technologies for adding value/processing of minerals yet to explore and establish in Sri Lanka. Energy sources: Ocean produces two types of energy: thermal energy from the sun's heat, and mechanical energy from the tides and waves. In addition, Sri Lanka is blessed with oceanbased energy source; ocean generated wind power which is not yet fully tapped. According to Elliott et al. (2003), it has been estimated that there is nearly 5000 km 2 of windy areas with good-to-excellent wind resource potential in Sri Lanka and the windy coastal areas are estimated to encompass 700 km2 with a potential installed capacity of 3500 MW. ( -14.03.2014). The worldwide resource of wave energy has been estimated to be greater than 2 TW (Cruz et al., 2008). Sri Lanka’s strategic geographical location can be used to generate wave energy as the country has been identified as retaining a huge potential for wave power. Technology for the wave energy is developed by the various countries in the world; thus transferring of the technology at least at the experimental scale would enhance interest on it and finally would benefit the country rather than depending on fossil fuel for generating electricity while considering fluctuating fossil fuel prices and the impact of global warming. Ocean thermal energy is also used for many applications including electricity generation in some countries. Warm water currents around the country especially at the eastern area may utilizable for power generation. The possible discovery of gas and oil resources in the Mannar Basin will open new avenues for economic activities which can have significant impacts on Sri Lanka. 4.2. National and International Targets National Targets Sectors Off shore/High seas fish production Coastal fish production shipping Per capita fish consumption 2012 159,680 257,540 2016 425,000 310,000 2020 725,000 375,000 4.3. Ocean based Industries in prioritized areas Exiting Ocean based Industries o o o o o o o Boat building and Ship building Commercial Ports (Colombo, Galle Shipping/maritime transportation Fishing Costal and Marine Aquaculture Tourism Mining Sectorial classification of industries based on ocean resources ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.3.2. Local Industries related to ocean resources and value of industries Industry Coastal Fishery Deep Sea Fishery Salt Mineral sand Boat building Shrimp Farming Value of the industry - 2013 4.3.3. Ocean Based Export Industries and Export Earning No Industry 1 2 3 4 5 Fish (frozen, chilled or fresh) Shrimp & other crustaceans Mineral sand Boat building Salt Export Earning – U. S. $ Mn. % Contribution to 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Exports in 2013 161.18 149.07 168.39 189.61 1.71% 30.98 36.18 29.21 44.12 0.4% 9.99 15.48 25.27 7.14 0.06% 58.53 149.25 56.59 82.00 0.74% 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.00% Total U. S. $ Mn. 3.45 Export Income (US$ Mn.) of Ocean Based Industries for One Decade Period from 2004 to 2013 Boat Building 123.09 481.83 Natural Salt Mineral Sands 1.32 120.67 729.73 87.33 43.5 171.45 463.46 Crabs Lobsters Prawns Fresh or chiiled fish Frozen Fish Other Edible Fish The heights export income; 72.973 US$ Mn. Per year ± 24.828 US$ Mn. (32.84% from the ocean based exports) is encounter by exporting of frozen fish especially by exporting Tuna species into Europe and Japan markets. Exporting of boats and fresh or chilled fish share the percentages of 21.68% and 20.85% respectively from the ocean based export earnings. Mineral sands which has immense potential to support to increase the county’s GDP still counts only 5.43% since exporting without processing up to the end products. Production of salt (NaCl) is another area that has considerable potential in Sri Lanka to increase though it is still representing only 0.06% (0.132 US$ Mn. Per year ± 0.22 US$ Mn.) from the ocean based export earnings. 4.4. R&D in Ocean Resources (in prioritized areas vs total available capacity for Ocean R&D in Sri Lanka). Gas Petroleum 4.4.1. Projects (completed, ongoing and new) – based on sectorial classification No Project and the Project Objective 1 Hikkaduwa Coastal Zone Management Project. Improving the environment and welfare of the people in Hikkaduwa through sustainable solid and liquid waste management systems and minimize marine Project duration & cost 2000-2004 Rs. 271 Mn. Funding Agency Status AUS AID Completed 2 4 5 6 7 8 pollution Hambantota Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (HICZMP) Phase II Promote sustainable use & development of the coastal resources. Lunawa Environment and Community Development Project. Rehabilitation & Improvement of existing canal and structures in drainage area of Lunawa Lagoon and Upgrading the living conditions of communities through provision of improved infrastructure at resettlement sites. Coastal Resources Management Project (CRMP) 1. Coastal Stabilization 2. Coastal Environment and resources management 3. Institutional Strengthen 4. Harbour development in three locations. Conservation of Bio diversity through integrated Collaborative Management in the Rekawa, Ussangoda and Kalamatiya Coastal Eco Systems. Ensure conservation & sustainable use of the Bio Diversity through development of collaborative management system. Institutional Strengthening of the Oil Spill Contingency Management Regional Technical Assistance for Coastal & Marine Resources Management & Poverty Reduction in South Asia. Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME)(GCP/RAS/236/GEF) Construction and Upgrading of Fishery Harbours and Anchorages Project Vessel Monitoring System 11 IUCN Exploration of oil and gas in Mannar basin 4.4.2. Technologies – technology levels 4.4.3. People – Nos, skills and expertise 4.4.4. Places 4.4.5. Provisions 4.4.6. Funds 2002-2004 NOK 10.7 Mn NORAD Completed 2002 JBIC Rs. 7900 Mn. Completed 2000-2005 US$ 80 Mn. ADB/Govt. of Netherlands Completed 2000-2005 US$ 750,000 UNDP Completed 2000-2003 Govt. of Norway ADB Completed 2001-2003 GEF, Ongoing FAO,NORAD, NOA, Sweden ? ? ? 4.4.7. Publications and patents 1. Herath M.M.J.W. (2008), Beach Mineral Sands in Sri Lanka. Occurrence, Global Trends and Current Issues. Geological Survey and Mines Bureau, Colombo. 2. Mahawatthe P. and Fernando K. N. R.Radio activity levels in beach sand from the west coast of Sri Lanka. J. Natn. Sci. Foundation 2013 41 (4)279-285. Table: Published articles on the fields of Fish Farming, Fish Stock Assessments, Marine Pollution, Ocean Minerals, Oceanography, Tuna Country Overall 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 >2014 China 2,267,937 307,623 344,626 396,541 414,055 446,028 355,452 3,612 Iceland 6,866 969 1,140 1,132 1,284 1,295 1,022 24 India 542,811 65,767 78,012 95,166 104,257 110,821 87,671 1,117 Japan 741,305 126,189 127,721 131,517 132,782 130,473 91,918 705 Norway 92,993 13,851 14,811 15,862 17,144 17,381 13,791 153 Philippines 8,711 1,127 1,284 1,548 1,634 1,749 1,346 23 South Africa 81,291 11,088 12,045 13,467 14,935 16,083 13,584 89 Sri Lanka 5,615 826 857 948 1,036 1,156 787 5 Taiwan 238,810 37,682 40,201 42,968 42,998 43,529 31,109 323 Thailand 62,950 8,487 9,941 10,769 12,016 12,088 9,546 103 UK 948,236 152,847 157,766 163,263 169,446 173,743 130,375 796 USA 3,357,903 547,863 571,619 590,444 600,424 597,903 447,255 2,395 © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. SciVal ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier Properties S.A., used under license. Date last updated 17-Nov-14, Date exported 22-Dec-14 Biological, biotechnological and the industrial applications of seaweeds available around Sri Lanka still to be evaluated. Considerable efforts on cultivation of selected species of seaweeds are currently being undertaken but there is a lack of methodological strategies in place to develop economically feasible farming practices. Novel compounds isolated from seaweeds are reviewed to provide an invaluable reference for anyone working in the field. novel drugs from these sources. This book aims to rectify this situation, providing an important review of recent advances and potential new applications for macroalgae. Focusing on the chemical and structural nature of seaweeds the book brings the potentially valuable bioactive nature to the fore. Novel compounds isolated from seaweeds are reviewed to provide an invaluable reference for anyone working in the field. Biotechnological use of macroalgae covering a wide range of product classes, from polysaccharides to terpenes and from enzymes to biofuels,