WEST MIDLANDS OFFICE Mr Gavin Greenhow Wychavon District Council Civic Centre Queen Elizabeth Drive Pershore Worcestershire WR10 1PT Direct Dial: 01216256856 Direct Fax: 01216256821 Our ref: P00392510 12 April 2014 Dear Mr Greenhow Notifications under Circular 01/2001, Circular 08/2009 & T&CP (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 PODEN FARM, MICKLETON ROAD, HONEYBOURNE, EVESHAM, WR11 7PS Application No W/14/00546/PN Thank you for your letter of 25 March 2014 notifying English Heritage of the above application. Summary This application for Planning Permission is within the scheduled ancient monument known as Deserted village of Poden, List Entry Number 1005288. The proposals are described as “reinstate historic stream and pond including new footbridge over, to alleviate flooding”. English Heritage has been involved in pre-application discussions and is not objecting to the principle of a flood alleviation channel, but retains some concerns about the impact of the proposals upon the scheduled ancient monument. English Heritage’s principle concerns are that the proposed channel is of significant depth affecting the monuments character and future character, and also that the historic pond location has not been fully assessed in advance of proposals. English Heritage recommends that further work is required prior to determination and favours a less intrusive grass swale option. The proposals will require scheduled monument consent. English Heritage Advice The proposed development is within the scheduled ancient monument known as Deserted village of Poden, List Entry Number 1005288. This is a medieval settlement site with documented pre-medieval origins. The monument is well-preserved with building platforms visible as archaeological earthworks. Deposits of archaeological THE AXIS 10 HOLLIDAY STREET BIRMINGHAM B1 1TG Telephone 0121 625 6820 Facsimile 0121 625 6821 www.english-heritage.org.uk English Heritage is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). All information held by the organisation will be accessible in response to an information request, unless one of the exemptions in the FOIA or EIR applies. WEST MIDLANDS OFFICE significance will be preserved beneath the ground surface. The applicant has had prior discussion with English Heritage regarding this proposal, which were originally commenced on site without the benefit of scheduled monument consent. The applicant aims to re-open a former watercourse on the site, which is visible as a shallow earthwork. Their intention is that this will alleviate occasional flooding of Poden Farm during extreme weather events. To help inform their current proposals the applicant has commissioned an archaeological evaluation of the historic watercourse and prepared a flood mitigation assessment for the site. These reports provide useful information to help guide the proposal. The reports are welcomed by English Heritage and have helped reduce our concerns over the proposals, which had the potential to cause substantial harm to the significance of the monument. However, the proposal will still affect the character of the scheduled monument and may still affect archaeological deposits of significance with the excavation of the former pond. Therefore, English Heritage retains concerns regarding the proposal and has expressed these prior to the applicant’s submission for planning. These concerns are set out below. The proposed works are a significant intervention into the scheduled monument. Although, the archaeological evaluation has indicated that the deposits filling the former watercourse are of low significance to the designated status of the monument the proposed works will result in a deep channel bisecting the site. A deep channel of this nature has the potential to erode at its edges through livestock using the open channel for water making potentially significant archaeology to either side vulnerable. In addition, although the applicant has indicated they would not fence out the channel, a new owner or change in grazing may result in a desire to fence the channel that would visually disrupt the site. English Heritage has expressed their preference for a shallow swale solution. A shallow swale would not need fencing and would remain as a grass covered feature during most of the year when not functioning as flood alleviation. English Heritage are of the view that the evidence presented does not fully support the scale of the proposal and are concerned that the scheme is over-engineered for the need. The flood mitigation report indicates that improvements to the existing watercourse to the south of Poden Farm would increase flow during flood events. Some additional flood alleviation to the north of Poden Farm would still be required, but it should be the minimum required to achieve the maximum flow through the culvert under the disused railway, which I understand is the principal limiting factor. Prior to application, this was discussed with the applicant. They have indicated that THE AXIS 10 HOLLIDAY STREET BIRMINGHAM B1 1TG Telephone 0121 625 6820 Facsimile 0121 625 6821 www.english-heritage.org.uk English Heritage is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). All information held by the organisation will be accessible in response to an information request, unless one of the exemptions in the FOIA or EIR applies. WEST MIDLANDS OFFICE improvement to the existing watercourse would not be permitted by the Environment Agency, but have not provided any evidence of this. The views of the Environment Agency should be sought regarding this scheme and the potential to reduce the impact on the monument through improvements to the existing watercourse must be explored. The proposal also includes the re-establishment of the pond at the east end of the proposed channel. This is the site of an historic pond. At the time of the archaeological evaluation, the applicant was seeking to place a channel through the site of the pond and was not seeking to restore the pond. Therefore the extent and depth of deposits filling the pond were not explored. The proposed restoration of the pond will therefore require further field evaluation to determine its former limits, depths of fill and identify any deposits of archaeological significance. This should be carried out prior to determination. Sections 128,129, 131 and 132 of the National Planning Policy Framework should be applied to the current proposal. English Heritage's view is that the current proposed scheme requires further justification and assessment in order to inform proposals. The proposal will have an impact on the character of the monument and has the potential to disturb significant archaeological information. A carefully, designed shallower swale following the historic watercourse may be acceptable. Recommendation English Heritage does not object to the proposal in principle. However, the current proposal has the potential to cause harm to the significance of the monument and we recommend that further work and justification is required before this application can be determined. We would recommend the following course of action: 1. That the views of the Environment Agency are sought in relation to the improvement of the watercourse to the south of Poden Farm. 2. That the option of a shallower grass swale option is fully explored as a potential solution to the flooding issues at the site. 3. That the area of the former pond is assessed through field evaluation to determine potential impact of the proposal and inform design. The proposal will require Scheduled Monument Consent. We would welcome the opportunity of advising further. Please consult us again if any additional information or amendments are submitted. If, notwithstanding our advice, you propose to approve the scheme in its present form, please advise us of the date of the committee and send us a copy of your report at the earliest opportunity. THE AXIS 10 HOLLIDAY STREET BIRMINGHAM B1 1TG Telephone 0121 625 6820 Facsimile 0121 625 6821 www.english-heritage.org.uk English Heritage is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). All information held by the organisation will be accessible in response to an information request, unless one of the exemptions in the FOIA or EIR applies. WEST MIDLANDS OFFICE Yours sincerely Neil Rimmington Assistant Inspector of Ancient Monuments E-mail: neil.rimmington@english-heritage.org.uk cc Mike Glyde - Worcestershire County Council Elaine Artherton - Wychavon District Council THE AXIS 10 HOLLIDAY STREET BIRMINGHAM B1 1TG Telephone 0121 625 6820 Facsimile 0121 625 6821 www.english-heritage.org.uk English Heritage is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). All information held by the organisation will be accessible in response to an information request, unless one of the exemptions in the FOIA or EIR applies.