List of selected publications: BOOKS and CHAPTERS in BOOKS B1 DOLEZALÍK V., VERMOUZEK C., DOHNAL M., VAŠEK V., KLEMEŠ J.: Simulation of complex chemical engineering systems. Library of Scientific Works of Technical University of Brno, Vol. B - 19, Brno 1972, 91 ps. (in Czech) B2 KLEMEŠ J., VAŠEK V.: Simulation Programming System SIPRO. Library of Scientific Works of Technical University of Brno, Vol. B - 41, Brno 1974, 267 ps. (in Czech) B3 LUTCHA J., KLEMEŠ J., VAŠEK V., DOHNAL M., JÍCHA J.: Application of Simulation Programming System SIPRO on Chemical Process Design. In: Modellierung und Optimierung Verfahrenstechnischer Systeme "Grundlagen der Verfahrenstechnik und Chemischen Technologie", Band 6, Akademie- Verlag, Berlin 1978, pp. 53-97. B4 OSTROVSKI G.M., KLEMEŠ J., BEREZINSKI T.A.: Optimum synthesis of heat-exchanging systems. Surveys of COMECON - Present Problems of Chemistry and Chemical Industry, Vol. 1(172), NIITECHIM, Moscow 1985, 52 ps. (in Russian) B5 KRUS A., KLEMEŠ J.: System Analysis of Reliability and Strategy of Optimum Maintenance in Chemical Industry. Surveys of COMECON - Present Problems of Chemistry and Chemical Industry, Vol. 6(225), NIITECHIM, Moscow 1988, 60 ps. (in Russian) B6 KLEMEŠ J: Thermal Design and Optimisation of Heat Exchanger Networks. In: Advanced Heat Exchangers, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, VKI-LS 1995-06, 1 Vol. Brussels 1995. B7 FRIEDLER F, KLEMEŠ J: 2nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’99. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Veszprem, 1999, 382 ps B8 SMITH R, KLEMEŠ J, TOVAZHNYANSKY L. L., KAPUSTENKO P.A., ULIEV L.M: Foundations of Heat Processes Integration (Osnovy Intergatsii Teplovykh Processov). NTU “KhPI” Kharkiv. ITE Library 2000. 456 ps (in Russian) B9 KLEMEŠ J (Ed): Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES’01. AIDIC 2001, Florence, Italy, 509 ps. B10 KLEMEŠ J (Ed): Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES’05. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 7, AIDIC 2005, Giardini Naxos, Italy, 510 ps B11 PERRY S J and KLEMEŠ J: Electronic (e-lecture, virtual) lecture and Integration of e-learning into the curricula. In: E-learning in Process and Chemical Engineering – A Practical Overview (ed G Wozny). Fortschrift – Berichte VDI, Reihe 3 Verfahrenstechnik, Nr 828, VDI Verlag GmbH, Dűsseldorf 2005, 112 – 136 ps. B12 KLEMEŠ J, COCKERILL, T, BULATOV I., SHACKLEY, S, GOUGH, C: Engineering Feasibility of carbon dioxide capture and storage. Chapter in: C. Cough, S. Shackley (ed) Carbon Capture and its Storage: An Integrated Assessment, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2006, ps 43-82. B13 KLEMEŠ J, PERRY S. J.: Process optimisation to minimise energy use. Chapter. In: K Waldron (ed) Waste management and co-product recovery in food processing, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2007, pp 59 89 B14 KLEMEŠ J, PERRY S. J.: Process optimisation to minimise water use and wastage. Chapters. In: K Waldron (ed) Waste management and co-product recovery in food processing, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2007, pp 90 – 118. B15 KLEMEŠ J (ed): Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES’07. Chemical Engineering Transaction, Volume 12, 2007, AIDIC, Milano, Volume 1 – 394 ps, Volume 2 – 744 ps. B16 KLEMEŠ J, SMITH R., KIM J.-K. (eds): Handbook of water and energy management in food processing. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England, 2008. ISBN 1 84569 195 4, 1029 ps Page 1/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 B17 KLEMEŠ J., PERRY S J: Methods to minimise energy use in food processing. In: Handbook of water and energy management in food processing. Edited by J Klemeš, R Smith and J.-K. Kim. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England, 2008. ISBN 1 84569 195 4; pp 136 - 199. B18 URBANIEC K., KLEMEŠ J.: Water and Energy Management in the Sugar Industry. In: Handbook of water and energy management in food processing. Edited by J Klemeš, R Smith and J.-K. Kim. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England, 2008. ISBN 1 84569 195 4; pp 863 - 884. B19 VARBANOV P. KLEMEŠ J, BULATOV I. (eds): Energy for Sustainable Future. UoP University Library Archives, University Publisher, UoP Press 2008/50, Veszprém 2008, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-9696-38-9, 310 ps B20 DOVI V G, KLEMEŠ J, MESHALKIN V P, KOIFMAN O I, RYBKIN V V GRINEVICH V I: High Energy Chemistry Techniques Application for Environmental Protection (in Russian), Teaching book, Khimija, 2008, ISBN 978-598109-068-4, 244 ps. B21 KLEMEŠ J, PERRY S. J.: Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction. Chapter in: Process Systems Engineering: Vol. 5, Energy Systems Engineering, Edited by E Pistikopoulos, M Georgiadis, and E S. Kikkinides, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-527-31694-6, pp 203 – 254. B22 KLEMEŠ J J, VARBANOV P, LAM H L. Water Footprint, water recycling and Food Industry Supply Chain. Chapter. In: K Waldron (ed) Waste management and co-product recovery in food processing Vol 2, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2009, ISBN: 978 1 84569 391 6, pp 134 – 168 B23 KLEMEŠ J, MESHALKIN V.P: Teaching textbook for MSc in “Application of Pinch-Analysis Methods for Development of Energy Efficient Integrated Chemical Engineering Systems”, RCHTU, Moscow 2009, 197 ps (in Russian) B24 DOVI V., MESCHALKIN V.P., KLEMEŠ J., VARBANOV P.S., BUTUSOV O.B., PANARIN V.M., Computer-Aided Environmental Protection Management Decision Making System, Naukovye Tekhnologii, Moscow 2009, ISBN/UDK 657.1.011.56:002(07) BBK, 299 ps (in Russian) B25 Klemeš J (Ed), 12th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’09. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 18, 995 ps. B26 Klemeš J, Lam H.L., Foo D.C.Y. Water Recycling and recovery in food and drink industry, In: K Waldron, G.K.Moates, C.B.Faulds, Total Food, Sustainability of the Agri-Foot Chain, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2010, pp 186 – 195. B27 Klemeš J, Friedler F, Bulatov I., Varbanov P.: Sustainability in the Process industry – Integration and Optimization. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2010, 362 ps. B28 Klemeš J J Lam H L, Varbanov P S, 13th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2010, 2010, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 21, 1495 ps B29 VARBANOV P S, KLEMEŠ J J, Small and micro combined heat and power (CHP) systems for the food and beverage processing. Chapter. In: R. Beith (ed). Small and micro combined heat and power (CHP) systems: Advanced design, performance, materials and applications. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2011, ISBN: 978 1 84569 795 2, pp. 395 – 426. B30 Klemeš J J, Lam H L, Varbanov P S (eds), 14th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’11, 2011, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 25, 1096 ps. B31 Klemeš J J, Lam H L, Foo D.C.Y: Water Integration for Recycling and Recovery in Process Industry. In: Security of Industrial Water Supply and Management, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 2011, 1-12, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1805-0_1 B32 Varbanov PS Klemeš JJ, Lam HL (eds) , 15th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2012, 2012, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 29, 1644 ps. Page 2/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 B33 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., (2013) Waste-to-Energy Technologies, in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, A.-H. ElShaarawi and W. Piegorsch (eds), John Wiley & Sons Ltd: Chichester, UK. DOI: 10.1002/9780470057339.vnn116. Published online 1/15/2013. B34 Klemeš J.J. (ed) (2013) Handbook of Process Integration, Woodhead/Elsevier, Cambridge, U., REVIEWS and EDITORIALS: E1 Klemeš, J., Friedler F, Editorial, Applied Thermal Engineering, 20(15-16), 1335 (2000). [IF = 0.330] E2 Friedler, F., J. Klemes, Editorial, Waste Management, 20(8), vii (2000). [IF = 0.395] E3 Klemeš, J, Editorial, Applied Thermal Engineering, 21(13-14), 1281 – 1282 (2001). [IF = 0.476] E4 Klemeš, J, Pierucci S, Editorial, Applied Thermal Engineering, 22(22), 885 – 887 (2002). [IF = 0.493] E5 Klemeš, J , Stehlík, P., PRES Conference – Challenges in Complex Process Heat Transfer. Heat Transfer Engineering, 23 (6): 1-2, 2002. [IF = 0.847] E6 Klemeš, J, “Editorial”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling - International Journal of Sustainable Resource Management and Environmental Efficiency, 37 (3), February 2003, 173-174. [IF=0.618] E7 Klemeš, J, Stehlík, P., Recent novel heat integration developments: improved operation, multi-period utilities systems, batch process scheduling, pressure consideration, retrofit, cost factors, energy price forecast and industrial case studies. Applied Thermal Engineering 23 (2003) 1723-1728. [IF = 0.675] E8 Klemeš, J , Huisingh D, Advances in Cleaner Production Technologies - Special Issue PRES’01. Journal of Cleaner Production, 12 (2004), 105 – 109. [IF = 0.688.] E9 Klemeš, J, Huisingh D, Making progress toward sustainability by using cleaner production technologies, improved design and economically sound operation of production facilities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13 (2005), 451-454. [IF = 0.832] E10 Klemeš, J., Friedler F, Recent novel developments in heat integration—total site, trigeneration, utility systems and cost-effective decarbonisation. Case studies waste thermal processing, pulp and paper and fuel cells. Applied Thermal Engineering, 25 (2005) 953 – 960. [IF = 0.777] E11 Cabezas H, Klemeš J and Worrell E, Sustainability and renewable resources, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 44, Issue 3, June 2005, Pages 197-200. [IF = 0.786] E12 Klemeš, J and Stehlík, P., Selected Papers from the PRES 2003 Conference, Heat Transfer Engineering, 26, No. 5 (2005), pp 1-3. [IF = 0.495] E13 Klemeš, J and Stehlík, P., Recent advances on heat, chemical and process integration, multiobjective and structural optimisation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26, 13, (2006), 1339-1344. [IF = 0.841] E14 Klemeš, J, Friedler F., Lior N., PRES conferences: Energy efficiency and environmental protection. Energy, 31 (2006) 2059-2061. [IF = 0.935] E15 Klemeš, J, Pierucci S, Advanced combustion, cooling and refrigeration, waste gas treatment, heat integrated separation and case studies. Applied Thermal Engineering 27, 7 (2007) 1133–1137. [IF = 0.868] E16 Klemeš, J and Stehlik P., Heat integration, energy management, CO2 capture and heat transfer enhancement. Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2627–263.[IF = 0.868] E17 Klemeš, J, Pierucci S and E. Worrell, Sustainable processes thorough LCA, process integration and optimal design. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 50 (2), April 2007, 115-121.[IF = 1.270] E18 Klemeš, J, Huisingh D, Economic use of renewable resources, LCA, cleaner batch processes and minimising emissions and wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16 (2008) 159 – 163. [IF= 1.073] Page 3/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 E19 Stehlík P., Klemeš, J, Achievements in Applied Heat Transfer – PRES 2006. Heat Transfer Engineering, 29(6): 503-505, 2008. E20 Klemeš, J., Bulatov I., Towards cleaner technologies minimising the environmental impact. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 10(2), 2008, 107-110. E21 Klemeš, J, Friedler F., PRES 2006—Energy resources and management: Heat integration, heat pumps, emissions and waste to energy. ENERGY, 33 (6) 2008, 837-841. [IF = 1.172] E22 Klemeš, J, Pierucci S., Emission Reduction by Process Intensification, Integration, P-Graphs, Micro CHP, Heat Pumps and Advanced Case studies. Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (16) 2008, 2005-2010 doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2008.06.010.[IF = 0.868] E23 Klemeš, J, Pierucci S., PRES 2007: Carbon footprint and emission minimisation, integration and management of energy sources, industrial application and case studies. Energy, 33 (10) 2008, 1477-1479 [IF = 1.172] E24 Bulatov I., Klemeš, J., 10th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction: PRES’07. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 11 (1) 2008, 1-6. E25 Dovì V, G., Friedler F., Huisingh D., Klemeš J. J., Cleaner energy for sustainable future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17 (10) 2009, 889-895 [IF = 1.073] E26 Bulatov I., Klemeš, J., Clean technologies: design aspects. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2010, 12(2), 87-90, doi 10.1007/s10098-009-0248-x. [IF=1.120] E27 Klemeš, J, Friedler F., Advances in Process Integration, Energy Saving and Emissions Reduction. Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (1) 2010, 1-5, doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.07.012. [IF = 1.823] E28 Klemeš, J, Lam, L H, Heat Integration, Energy Efficiency, Saving and Security. Energy, 34 (10), 2009, 16691673 doi:10.1016/ [IF= 2.952] E29 Klemeš, J J, Stehlík, P, Worrell E, Waste treatment to improve recycling and minimise environmental impact, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2010, 54 (5), 267 – 270, doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2009.11.005 [IF=1.969] E30 Klemeš, J, Stehlik P.: Heat Transfer in Industrial Applications — PRES 2008, Heat Transfer Engineering, 31(9): 707-710, 2010, doi:10.1080/01457630903500809 [IF=0.932] E29 Klemeš, J J, Varbanov P S, Pierucci S, Huisingh D, Minimising Emissions and Energy Wastage by Improved Industrial Processes, and Integration of Renewable Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, 18 (9), 2010, 843-847 [IF = 2.425] E30 Klemeš, J J, Varbanov P S, Pierucci S, Process Integration for Energy and Water Saving, Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Environmental Impact, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(16), 2265-2269 . [IF = 1.823] E31 E33 Klemeš, J.J., Bulatov, I. Editorial Special Issue, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2010, 12:585–586 [IF=1.120] E34 Klemeš, J J, Lam, L H, Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Energy, 2011, 36 (8) 4586-4587 doi:10.1016/ [IF= 3.487] E34 Klemeš, J J, Varbanov P S, Design and operation of efficient energy systems: Biorefineries, waste to energy, enhanced heat transfer and fuel cell applications. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31, doi:10.1016/S13594311(11)00291-2 . [IF = 2.064] E35 Klemeš, J.J., Bulatov, I. Editorial, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2011, DOI 10.1007/s10098-0110397-6 [IF = 1.753] E36 Bulatov, I., Klemeš, J.J. Clean fuel technologies and clean and reliable energy: a summary, (2011), Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 13 (4) 543-546, DOI: 10.1007/s10098-011-0400-2 [IF = 1.753] E37 Klemeš, J J, Varbanov P S, Special Issue Editorial, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, (2012) doi: 10.1007/s10098-012-0483-4. [IF = 1.872] Page 4/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 E38 Klemeš, J J, Varbanov P S, Heat Integration including Heat Exchangers, Combined Heat and Power, Heat Pumps, Separation Processes and Process Control, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 32, doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.03.044. [IF = 2.217] E39 Klemeš J J, Pistikopoulos E. N., Georgiadis M. C., Lund H., 2012, Energy Systems Engineering, Energy, 10.1016/ [IF = 3.487 in 2011] E40 Klemeš J J, Varbanov P S, 2012 Special Issue Editorial, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 14 (3) 369-370. [IF = 1.872] E41 Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Pierucci, S. Process sustainability and operability via integration, energy saving and pollution reduction (2012) Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 46 (6), pp. 621-626. [IF=0.256 in 2011]] E42 Duić, N., Guzović, Z., Kafarov, V., Klemeš, J.J., Mathiessen, B.V., Yan, J. Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems (2013) Applied Energy, 101, pp. 3-5. [IF = 4.781] E43 Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Kapustenko, P., New developments in heat integration and intensification, including total site, waste-to-energy, supply chains and fundamental concepts, (2013), Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.05.003 [IF = 2.217] E44 Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Process Intensification and Integration: an assessment, (2013) Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, DOI: 10.1007/s10098-013-0641-3, [IF = 1.872] E45 Klemeš, J.J. Industry-academia partnership, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10098-013-0698-z, [IF=1.827 in 2012] Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, REFERENCED JOURNALS J1. DOHNAL M., KLEMEŠ J: Flowsheeting simulation of chemical- technological systems by means of programming system SIPRO 70. Chemický prumysl, Vol.21, No.7, 1971, pp. 345-351. (in Czech) J2. VERMOUZEK C., VAŠEK V., KLEMEŠ J: Influence of selection of a mathematical model to the simulation of chemical processes calculation. Chemicky prumysl, Vol.22, No.11, 1972, pp. 535-537. (in Czech) J3. KLEMEŠ J., DOHNAL M., VAŠEK V.: Study of Integrated Use of Simulation Algorithm in Optimisation of Chemical Processes. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, Vol.38, No.12, 1973, pp. 3544-3552. J4. DOHNAL M., KLEMEŠ J.: An Objective Function as a Part of the Optimisation Algorithm Using Flowsheeting Simulation System. Chemický prumysl, Vol.24, No.1, 1974, pp. 21-23. (in Czech) J5. VAŠEK V., KLEMEŠ J., VERMOUZEK C., DOHNAL M.: Study of the Convenience of the Simultaneous and the Sequential Approach for Simulation of Some Typical Chemical Processes. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, Vol.39, No.10, 1974, pp. 2772-2782. J6. KLEMEŠ J., KLEMSA J.: Remark on algorithm 450 [E4] Rosenbrock Function Minimisation. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 17, No.10, 1974, pp. 590-591. J7. VAŠEK V., DOHNAL M., KLEMEŠ J.: A Computer Modelling of Complex Chemical Technological Systems. Azerbaidzanski Khimicheski Journal, No.4, 1975, pp. 28-33. (in Russian) J8. LUTCHA J., KLEMEŠ J., KLEMSA J., VAŠEK V., DOHNAL M., VERMOUZEK C: D I S - Design Integrated System. Computer Aided Design, Vol.7, No.4, 1975 pp. 229-236. J9. KLEMEŠ J.: Chemical Process Simulation Programs - Present State and Future Development of Flowsheeting. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, Vol.42, No.2, 1977, pp. 426-445. [IF = 0.700] J10. KLEMEŠ J., LUTCHA J., VAŠEK V.: Resent Extension and Development of Design Integrated System - D I S. Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol.3, No.4, 1979, pp. 357-361. [IF = 0.085] J11. VAŠEK V., LUTCHA J., KLEMEŠ J.: Steady State Simulation Methods for Design Mode. Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol. 3, p. 395, 1979. [IF = 0.085] Page 5/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 J12. KLEMEŠ J., VAŠEK V., LUTCHA J.: An contribution to development of programming systems for modelling of chemical processes - mutually interchangeable modules. Chemický prumysl, Vol.30, No.3, 1980, pp. 105-110. (in Czech) J13. KLEMEŠ J., KRUS A., DOCEKAL J., VANEK J.: An Availability Analysis of Pressure Reforming Station. PLYN (Paliva), Vol. 63, No.2, 1983, pp. 34-41. (in Czech) J14. JELÍNEK J., KLEMEŠ J., PIERUCCI S., RANZI E.: T - Method for Calculation of Rectification Columns - Ist part Description of the algorithm. Chemický prumysl, Vol.33, No.5, 1983, pp. 225-229. (in Czech) J15. JELÍNEK J., KLEMEŠ J., PIERUCCI S., RANZI E.: T - Method for Calculation of Rectification Columns - IInd part Flowrate correction by means of T - accelerator. Chemický prumysl, Vol.33, No.6, 1983, pp. 281-287. (in Czech) J16. VAŠEK V., KLEMEŠ J.: Simulation programming system SIPRO - version for desk-top computer COMPUCORP 625 in BASIC language. Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol.7, No.3, 1983, pp. 175-182. [IF = 0.390] J17. VAŠEK V., SVOBODA K., KLEMEŠ J.: Balancing-simulation calculations of a steam reforming process. Chemický prumysl, Vol.33, No.7, 1983, pp. 367-376. (in Czech) J18. KLEMEŠ J., KRUS A., KVARDA J., KALCEV I.: Availability analysis of vinylchloride production. Chemický prumysl, Vol.33, No.8, 1983, pp. 387-392. (in Czech) J19. KLEMEŠ J., KRUS A.: Computer-Aided Availability Analysis of Chemical Plants. Computers in Industry, Vol.6, No.4, 1985, pp. 265-272. [IF = 0.841] J20. KRUS A., KLEMEŠ J., CERMÁK F., KUCERA E., KVARDA J.: Rationalisation of preventive maintenance of chemical production plants. Technika v chemii, No.87, 1986, pp. 32-43. (in Czech) J21. KLEMEŠ J., PTÁCNÍK R.: Computer - Aided Synthesis of Heat Exchange Network. Journal of Heat Recovery Systems, Vol.5, No. 5, 1985, pp. 425-435. [IF= 0.2] J22. KLEMEŠ J., PTÁCNÍK R.: Synthesis of Heat Exchange Networks Composed of Multipass Heat Exchangers I. Technika v chemii, No.90, 1987, pp. 19-32. (in Czech) J23. PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J.: Synthesis of Heat Exchange Networks Composed of Multipass Heat Exchangers II. Technika v chemii, No.91, 1987, pp. 35-48. (in Czech) J24. VAŠEK V., KLEMEŠ J.: Application of Mathematical Modelling for Evaluation and Further Development of Heat Exchange Systems. COMECON Information Bulletin for Chemical Industry, No.5, 1983, pp.225-229. (in Russian) J25. KLEMEŠ J., ZEJDA J., PTÁCNÍK R.: Possibilities of Expert Systems Application for Chemical Engineering Problems Solving. Chemický prumysl, Vol.37, No 2, 1987, pp. 60-65. (in Czech) J26. PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J.: Synthesis of Optimum Structure of Heat Exchange Networks. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, Vol. XXI., No.4, 1987, pp. 488-499. (in Russian) J27. PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J.: Design of flexible heat exchange networks. Chemický prumysl, Vol.37, No.11, 1987, pp. 561-566. (in Czech) J28. PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J.: An Application of Mathematical Methods in Heat-Exchange Network Synthesis. Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol.12, No. 2/3, 1988, pp. 231-235. [IF = 0.81] J29. KLEMEŠ J., JELÍNEK J., VAŠEK V.: Computer programs for scientific calculations. Chemický prumysl, vol.38, No.5, 1988, pp. 268-271. (in Czech) J30. KLEMEŠ J., KOCH I., ZEJDA J., GREGOR P.: Basic steps for creating CAD/CAM systems - part I. Technika v chemii, No.96, 1988, pp. 8-16. (in Czech) J31. KLEMEŠ J., KOCH I., ZEJDA J., GREGOR P.: Basic steps for creating CAD/CAM systems - part II. Technika v chemii, No.97, B1989. (in Czech) Page 6/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 J32. KLEMEŠ J., PONTON J. W.: Use of Neural Networks in Chemical Engineering. Chemický prumysl, Vol. 42/67, No.1-2, 1992. (in Czech) J33. KLEMEŠ J., PONTON J. W.: An Analysis of the Efficiency of Neural Nets Aplication for Simulation of Distillation Processes. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. Vol.26, No.3, pp 412-424, 1992. (In Russian, English translation published by Plenum Publishing Corp, NY) J34. PONTON J. W., KLEMEŠ J.: Alternatives to Neural Networks for Inferential Measurement. Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol 17, No 10, pp 991-1000, 1993. [IF = 0.592] J35. STATJUKHA G, TKACHUK A, ZHU X X, KLEMEŠ J: An Expert System for the Filter Equipment Selection in Closed-Energy Water Treatment Schemes. ECOS'95, Volume 1, pp 334 - 338. J36. NIKULSHIN V R, ANDREEV L P, PALAGIN A A, KLEMES J, KOKOSSIS C A: Generalised Algorithm for Determination of Exergy Losses in Energy-Intensive Systems. Proceedings of Odessa State Politechnical University, No 1, 1996, pp 62 - 63. (in Russian) J37. NIKULSHIN V R, VEGENEROVICH M G, PALAGIN A A, KLEMES J, KOKOSSIS C A: Generalised Algorithm for Determination of Degree of Thermodynamic Perfection in Energy-Intensive Systems. Proceedings of Odessa State Politechnical University, No 1, 1996, pp 63 - 64. (in Russian) J38. NIKULSHIN V R, ANDREEV L P, VEGENERIVICH M G, KLEMES J, KOKOSSIS C A: Generalised Algorithm for Determination of Exergy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Systems. Proceedings of Odessa State Politechnical University, No 1, 1996, pp 64 - 65. (in Russian) J39. KLEMEŠ J, DHOLE V R, RAISSI K, PERRY S J and PUIGJANER L: Targeting and Design Methodology for Reduction of Fuel, Power and CO 2 on Total Sites. Applied Thermal Engineering (published from 1980 to 1995 as Heat Recovery Systems and CHP), 17, 1997, Nos 8-10, pp 993 - 1003. [IF = 0.438] J40. HUFENDIEK K, KLEMEŠ J: Integration a brewery by pinch analysis. Gospodarka Paliwami i Energią, 45, 1997, No 9, pp 22-25. (in Polish) J41. BOHÁCEK S, CRIPPS H C, HALLAS P, JANCIAK D, KLEMEŠ J, PLANETA D: Total Site analysis for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction in Pulp and Paper Industry. Gospodarka Paliwami i Energią, 45, 1997, No 9, pp 22-25 (in Polish) J42. BURIANEC Z, MARIK K, KLEMES J: HENCODES - Hocserelohalozat iranyitas-tervezeset segito szakertoi rendszer (HENCODES- An Expert System for Designing the Control of Heat-Exchangers Networks). Magyar Kemikusok Lapja, 54(1) 22-29, 1999 (in Hungarian). J43. KLEMES, YU. T. KOSTENKO, L. L. TOVAZHNYANSKII, P. A. KAPUSTENKO, L. M. UL’EV, A. YU. PEREVERTAILENKO AND B. D. ZULIN: The Pinch Design Method for Energy-Saving Oil-Refining Plants. Vol. 33, No. 4, 1999. In Russian, a simultaneous English language translation of the journal is available from Nauka / Interperiodica (Russia). Distributed world-wide by Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, pp 379 – 390. ISSN 0040-5795. [IF = 0.0011] J44. HASSAN M, KLEMEŠ J, PLESU V: Process Integration Analysis & Retrofit Suggestions for A FCC Plant. INTEGRIROVANNYE TEHNOLOGII I ENERGOSBEREGENIE (Integrated Technologies and Energy Saving). No 2, 1999, pp 10 – 30, ISBN-5-7763-2106-9 (in Russian). J45. KLEMEŠ J, NENOV N, KIMENOV P, MINTCHEV M: Heat Integration in Food Industry. INTEGRIROVANNYE TEHNOLOGII I ENERGOSBEREGENIE (Integrated Technologies and Energy Saving). No 4, 1999, pp 9 – 26, ISBN-5-7763-2106-9 (in Russian). J46. ZHU X X, ZANFIR M, KLEMEŠ J: Heat Transfer Enhancement for Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit. Heat Transfer Engineering, No 2, 21, 2000, pp 7 - 18, ISSN 0145-7632. [IF = 0.393] J47. VARBANOV P, KLEMEŠ J: Rules for Paths Construction for HENs Debottlenecking. Applied Thermal Engineering, 20, 2000, No 15 - 16, pp 1409 – 1420. [IF = 0.33] J48. URBANIEC K, ZALEWSKI P, KLEMEŠ J: “Application of Process Integration Methods to Retrofit Design for Polish Sugar Factories”. Sugar Industry, Volume 125(5), pp 244-247, April 2000. [IF = 0.276] Page 7/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 J49. GRABOWSKI M, KLEMEŠ J, URBANIEC K, VACCARI G, ZHU X X : “Minimum energy consumption in sugar production by cooling crystallisation of concentrated raw juice”. Applied Thermal Engineering 21, pp 13191329, 2001. [IF = 0.476] J50. AL-RIYAMI B A, KLEMEŠ J and S PERRY: “Heat integration retrofit analysis of a heat exchanger network of a fluid catalytic cracking plant”. Applied Thermal Engineering 21 (2001) pp 1449-1487. [IF = 0.476] J51. GRABOWSKI M, KLEMEŠ J, URBANIEC K, VACCARI G and WERNIK J: “Energy and water use in a sugar manufacturing process based on cooling crystallization of concentrated raw juice. (Energie- und Wasserbedarf bei der Zuckererzeugung mittels Kühlungskristallisation von eingedidicktem Rohsaft)”, Zukerindisurie 127 (2002), Nr.8, 604 – 609. [IF = 0.375] J52. THEVENDIRARAJ S., KLEMEŠ J., PAZ D., ASO G., CARDENAS G. J.: “Water and Wastewater Minimisation on a Citrus Plant”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling - International Journal of Sustainable Resource Management and Environmental Efficiency. Volume 37, Issue 3, February 2003, 227 – 250. [IF = 0.618] J53. TAAL M, BULATOV I, KLEMEŠ J, STEHLIK P: “Cost Estimation and Energy Price Forecast for Economic Evaluation of Retrofit Projects”. Applied Thermal Engineering 23(2003) 1819 – 1835. [IF = 0.675] J54. GRABOWSKI, M.; KLEMES, J.; URBANIEC, K.; VACCARI, G.; WERNIK, J.: Energy and water use in a sugar manufacturing process based on cooling crystallization of concentrated raw juice. Indian Sugar 52 (11): 901-910 2003 J55. VACCARI G., TAMBURINI E., SGUALDINO G., URBANIEC K. and KLEMEŠ J: Overview of the environmental problems in beet sugar processing: possible solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13 (2005), 499 – 507 [IF = 0.668] J56. VARBANOV P, PERRY S, KLEMEŠ J and SMITH R: “Synthesis of industrial utility systems: cost-effective de-carbonisation”. Applied Thermal Engineering 25 (2005) 985 – 1001. [IF = 0.777] J57. MASUROH N A, LI B, KLEMEŠ J: “Life Cycle Analysis of a Solar Thermal System with Thermochemical Storage Process”. Renewable Energy, 31, 4, 2006, 537-548. [IF = 0.85] J58. VARBANOV P, KLEMEŠ J, SHAH RAMESH K., SHIHN HARMANJEET: “Power Cycle Integration and Efficiency Increase of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems” (Research Paper), Transactions of the ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, No 3, 2006, Paper No. FC-05-1079, 375-383. [IF = 0.607] J59. KLEMEŠ J.; BULATOV I., COCKERIL T: Techno-Economic Modelling and Cost Functions of CO2 Capture Processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2007, 31, 2007, 445-455. [IF = 1.404] J60. KUHN V., KLEMEŠ J., BULATOV I., MicroCHP: Overview of Selected Technologies, Products and Field Test Results. Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (16) 2039-2048 (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng. 2008.02.003. [IF = 0.868] J61. PERRY S., KLEMEŠ J., BULATOV I.: Integrating Waste and Renewable Energy to reduce the Carbon Footprint of Locally Integrated Energy Sectors. Energy, 33 (10) 1489-1497 (2008), doi: 10.1016/ [IF = 1.172] J62. VARBANOV P, KLEMEŠ J: Analysis and integration of fuel cell combined cycles for development of lowcarbon energy technologies. Energy, 33 (10) 1508-1517 (2008) doi:10.1016/ [IF = 1.172] J63. KLEMEŠ J., BULATOV I, KOPPEJAN J.: Novel energy saving technologies evaluation tool. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 33 (3), 751-758 (2009), doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2008.07.005. [IF = 1.238] J64. SIKOS L., KLEMEŠ J.: RAMS contribution to efficient waste minimisation and management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17 (10) 932-939 (2009). [IF= 1.073] J65. DE BENEDETTO L., KLEMEŠ J.: The Environmental Performance Strategy Map: an Integrated LCA approach to support the Strategic Decision Making Process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17, 10, 2009, 900-906. [IF= 1.073] Page 8/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 J66. SIKOS L., KLEMEŠ J.: Reliability, availability and maintenance optimisation of heat exchanger networks. Applied Thermal Engineering, 30, 2010, 63-69, doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2009.02.013. [IF = 1.823] J67. PAVLAS M., STEHLÍK P., ORAL J., KLEMEŠ J., KIM J.-K., FIRTH B., Heat Integrated Heat Pumping for Biomass Gasification Processing. Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (1) 2010, 30-35. [IF = 1.823] J68. DE BENEDETTO L. AND KLEMEŠ J.: The Environmental Bill of Materials and Technology Routing: an integrated LCA approach. Clean Technology and Environmental Policy, 2010, 12(2), 191-196, doi: 10.1007/s10098-009-0247-y.[IF=1.120] J69. LAM H. L., VARBANOV P, KLEMEŠ J.: Minimising Carbon Footprint of Regional Biomass Supply Chains. Resources, Conservation & Recycling (2010), 54(5), 303-309, doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2009.03.009 [IF = 1.969] J70. VARBANOV P., KLEMEŠ J.: Total Sites Integrating Renewables with Extended Heat Transfer and Recovery. Heat Transfer Engineering, 31(9), 2010, 733 – 741, doi: 10.1080/01457630903500858 [IF=0.932] J71. LAM H. L., VARBANOV P, KLEMEŠ J.: Optimisation of Regional Energy Supply Chain Utilising Renewables: P-Graph Approach. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2010, 34(5), 782-792, doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2009.11.020. [IF= 2.072] J72. SIKOS L., KLEMEŠ J.: Evaluation and assessment of reliability and availability software for securing an uninterrupted energy supply, Clean Technology and Environmental Policy, 2010, 12(2), 137-146, DOI: 10.1007/s10098-009-0243-2 [IF=1.120] J73. ČUČEK, L., LAM, H.L., KLEMEŠ, J.J., VARBANOV, P.S., KRAVANJA, Z., 2010. Synthesis of regional networks for the supply of energy and bioproducts. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 12 (6), pp. 635-645. DOI 10.1007/s10098-010-0312-6. [IF=1.120] J74. KLEMEŠ, J.J. Environmental policy decision-making support tools and pollution reduction technologies: a summary (2010) Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 12 (6), 587-589 [IF=1.120] J75. LAM, H.L., VARBANOV, P.S. and KLEMEŠ, J.J., Regional renewable energy and resource planning. Applied Energy, 88 (2) 2011, 545-550 doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.05.019. [IF=3.915] J76. VARBANOV, P.S. and KLEMEŠ, J.J., FRIEDLER F., Cell-Based Dynamic Heat Exchanger Models-Direct Determination of the Cell Number and Size, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 35(5), 943-948, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2011.01.033. [IF= 2.320] J77. VASIČKANINOVÁ A, BAKOŠOVÁ M, MÉSZÁROS A, KLEMEŠ J.J.. Neural network predictive control of a heat exchanger, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2011.01.026 [IF= 2.064] J78. LAM H. L., KLEMEŠ J. J., KRAVANJA Z., VARBANOV P., Software Tools Overview: Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, DOI:10.1002/apj.469 [IF=0.758] J79. LAM H. L., KLEMEŠ J. J., KRAVANJA Z. Model-size reduction techniques for large-scale biomass production and supply networks, Energy, 2011, doi:10.1016/ .[IF=3.487] J80. ALWI, S.R.W., MANAN, Z.A., KLEMEŠ, J. J., Recent advances in resource conservation and planning - a review. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, DOI: 10.1002/apj.587 [IF=0.758] J81. SAW, S.Y., LEE, L., LIM, M.H., FOO, D.C.Y., CHEW, I.M.L., TAN, R.R. and KLEMEŠ, J.J., 2011. An extended graphical targeting technique for direct reuse/recycle in concentration and property-based resource conservation networks. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 13(2), 347-357, DOI: 10.1007/s10098010-0305-5. [IF=1.753] J82. VARBANOV, P.S., KLEMEŠ, J.J. Integration and management of renewables into Total Sites with variable supply and demand (2011) Computers and Chemical Engineering, 35 (9), pp. 1815-1826 [IF=2.320] J83. FODOR, Z., KLEMEŠ, J.J. Waste as alternative fuel - Minimising emissions and effluents by advanced design, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, .(2012), doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2011.09.004 [IF = 1.050]. Page 9/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 J84. ZHANG W, KLEMEŠ, J.J., KIM J-K, Design and optimisation of dual-mode heat pump systems using natural fluids, Applied Thermal Engineering (2012) doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2011.12.014 [IF = 2.064] J85. VARBANOV P.S. FODOR Z, KLEMEŠ, J.J, Total Site targeting with process specific minimum temperature difference (∆Tmin), Energy (2012), 1, 20-28, doi:10.1016/ [IF=3.487] J86. NEMET A, VARBANOV P.S, KRAVANJA, Z, KLEMEŠ, J.J,, Methodology for maximising the use of renewables with variable availability, Energy (2012), 44 (1) 29-37, doi:10.1016/ [IF=3.487] J87. ČUČEK L, KLEMEŠ, J.J, KRAVANJA Z., Carbon and Nitrogen Trade-offs in Biomass Energy Production, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2012) doi: 10.1007/s10098-012-0468-3 [IF=1.827] J88. KLEMEŠ, J.J, KRAVANJA, Z, VARBANOV P.S. LAM H. L., Advanced multimedia engineering education in energy, process integration and optimisation. Appl Energy (2013), 101, 33-40, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.01.039 [IF = 4.871] J89. ČUČEK L, VARBANOV P.S, KLEMEŠ, J.J, KRAVANJA Z., Total FPs (footprints)-based MCO (multi-criteria optimisation) of regional biomass energy supply chains, Energy (2012), doi:10.1016/ [IF=3.487] J90. ZHANG N., SMITH R., BULATOV I., KLEMEŠ J.J, Sustaining High Energy Efficiency in Existing Processes with Advanced Process Integration Technology, Appl Energy (2013), 101, 26-33, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.02.037. [IF = 4.871]] J91. LIEW PY., WAN ALWI SR, VARBANOV P.S, MANAN ZA, KLEMEŠ JJ, A Numerical Technique for Total Site Sensitivity Analysis, doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.02.026, Applied Thermal Engineering (2012) 40, 397408 [IF=2.064] J92. ČUČEK L, KLEMEŠ, J.J, KRAVANJA Z., A Review of Footprint Analysis Tools for Monitoring Impacts on Sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, (2012), 34, 9-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.02.036 [IF 3.398] J93. KLEMEŠ, J.J, Industrial Water Recycle/Reuse, 2012, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.coche.2012.03.010 J94. KLEMEŠ, J J, VARBANOV P S, Efficient and Clean Production of Fuels and Biofuels – A Summary, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s10098-012-0484-3 [IF = 1.827] J95. NEMET A, KLEMEŠ J J, KRAVANJA Z, Minimisation of a heat exchanger networks’ cost over its entire lifetime, Energy (2012) 10.1016/ [IF=3.651] J96. ČUČEK L., KLEMEŠ J. J., KRAVANJA Z., 2012, Carbon and nitrogen trade-offs in biomass energy production, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 14(3), 389-397 [IF=1.827] J97. NEMET A, KLEMEŠ JJ, KRAVANJA Z, 2012, Integration of Solar Thermal Energy into Processes with Heat Demand, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 14, Number 3 (2012), 453-463, DOI: 10.1007/s10098-012-0457-6, [IF=1.827] J98. KLEMEŠ J.J., VARBANOV P.S, 2012, Heat integration including heat exchangers, combined heat and power, heat pumps, separation processes and process control, Applied Thermal Engineering, 43, 1-6 DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.03.044 [IF=2.064] J99. KLEMEŠ J.J., VARBANOV P.S., HUISINGH D., 2012, Recent cleaner production advances in process monitoring and optimisation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 34, 1-8, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.04.026, [IF 3.398] J100. KLEMEŠ J.J., Environmental policy decision-making support tools and pollution reduction technologies: a summary, 2012, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 12 (6) 587-589, 10.1007/s10098-010-0327-z, [IF=1.827] J101. WAN ALWI S R, MOHAMMAD ROZALI N.E., ABDUL-MANAN Z, KLEMEŠ J.J., A process integration targeting method for hybrid power systems, Energy, 44 (1) 2012, 6-10 [IF=3.651] Page 10/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 J102. BAKOŠOVÁ M., MÉSZÁROS A., KLEMEŠ J.J., ORAVEC J., Robust and optimal control approach for exothermic reactor stabilization (2012) Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 46 (6), pp. 740-746. [IF=0.306] J103. TAN R.R., LAM H.L., KASIVISVANATHAN H., NG D.K.S., FOO D.C.Y., KAMAL M., HALLALE N., KLEMEŠ J.J. An algebraic approach to identifying bottlenecks in linear process models of multifunctional energy systems, 2012, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 46 (6), pp. 642-650. [IF= 0.306] J104. BOLDYRYEV S.A., GAREV A.O., KLEMEŠ J.J., TOVAZHNYANSKY L.L., KAPUSTENKO P.O., PEREVERTAYLENKO O.Y., ARSENYEVA O.P., Heat integration of ammonia refrigeration cycle into buildings heating systems in buildings, 2013, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 47 (1), pp. 3946. [IF=0.306] J105. WAN ALWI S.R., Ong S.T., ROZALI N.E.M., MANAN Z.A., KLEMEŠ J.J., New graphical tools for process changes via load shifting for hybrid power systems based on Power Pinch Analysis, 2013, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 15 (3) , pp. 459-472. [IF=1.827] J106. MOHAMMAD ROZALI N.E., WAN ALWI S.R., ABDUL MANAN Z., KLEMEŠ, J.J., HASSAN M.Y., Process integration of hybrid power systems with energy losses considerations, 2013, Energy, 55 , pp. 38-45 [IF=3.487]. J107. LIEW P.Y., WAN ALWI S.R., VARBANOV P.S., MANAN Z.A., KLEMEŠ J.J., Centralised utility system planning for a Total Site Heat Integration network (2013) Computers and Chemical Engineering, 57 , pp. 104-111. [IF=2.320]. J108. FOO D.C.Y., TAN R.R., LAM H.L., ABDUL AZIZ M.K., KLEMEŠ J.J., Robust models for the synthesis of flexible palm oil-based regional bioenergy supply chain (2013) Energy, 55 , pp. 68-73, [IF= 3.651] J109. LAM H.L., KLEMEŠ J.J., VARBANOV P.S., KRAVANJA Z., P-graph synthesis of open-structure biomass networks (2013) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (1), pp. 172-180. [IF=2.206] J110. CHEW K.H., KLEMEŠ J.J., WAN ALWI S.R., ABDUL MANAN Z., Industrial implementation issues of Total Site Heat Integration, (2013) Applied Thermal Engineering, 61 (1) , pp. 17-25. [IF=2.064] J111. MOHAMMAD ROZALI N.E., WAN ALWI S.R., ABDUL MANAN Z, KLEMEŠ J.J, HASSAN M.Y., Process integration techniques for optimal design of hybrid power systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 61 (1) , pp. 26-35. [IF=2.064] J112. HO W.S., HASHIM H., LIM J.S., KLEMEŠ J.J., Combined design and load shifting for distributed energy system, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 15 (3) , pp. 433-444. [IF=1.827] J113. NEMET A., KRAVANJA Z. KLEMEŠ J.J., Optimising entire lifetime economy of heat exchanger networks, (2013) Energy, 57 , pp. 222-235. [IF=3.851]. J114. ČUČEK L., KLEMEŠ J.J., VARBANOV P.S., KRAVANJA Z., Dealing with High-Dimensionality of Criteria in Multiobjective Optimization of Biomass Energy Supply Chains, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, (2013) doi:10.1021/ie302599c [IF=2.206] J115. RIAZ A. ZAHEDI G. KLEMEŠ J.J., A Review of Cleaner Production Methods for the Manufacture of Methanol, 2013, Journal of Cleaner Production, 57 (15) 19-37,. [IF 3.398] J116. KLEMEŠ J.J., VARBANOV P.S., Process Intensification and Integration: an assessment, 2013, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 15 (3), 417-422.[IF = 1.872] J117. KLEMEŠ J.J., VARBANOV P.S., KRAVANJA Z., Recent Developments in Process Integration, 2013, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91 (10) , pp. 2037-2053. [IF = 1.927] J118. KLEMEŠ J.J., KRAVANJA Z., Forty years of Heat Integration: Pinch Analysis (PA) and Mathematical Programming (MP), 2013, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.coche.2013.10.003 Page 11/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 J119. HO W.S., KHOR C.S., HASHIM H., MACCHIETTO S., KLEMEŠ J.J., SAHPPA: a novel power pinch analysis approach for the design of off-grid hybrid energy systems, 2013, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, DOI: 10.1007/s10098-013-0700-9 [IF=1.827 in 2012] Articles in SCOPUS and Thompson Reuters ISI A1 Fodor Z., Klemeš J.J., Municipal Solid Waste as Alternative Fuel – Minimising Emissions and Effluents. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 25, 2011, 31-38, DOI: 10.3303/CET1125006 . A2 Bakosova M., Meszaros A., Klemeš J.J., Oravec J., Comparison of Robust and Optimal Approach to Stabilization of CSTRs. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 25, 2011, 99-104, DOI:10.3303/CET1125017 . A3 Nemet A., Varbanov P., Klemeš J.J., Waste-to-energy Technologies Performance Evaluation Techniques. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 25, 2011, 513-520, DOI:10.3303/CET1125086 . A4 Cucek L., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P., Kravanja Z., Life Cycle Assessment and Multi-criteria Optimization of Regional Biomass and Bioenergy Supply Chains. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 25, 2011, 575-580, DOI:10.3303/CET1125096 . A5 Nemet A., Klemeš J.J., Optimising the Temperature of Heat Storage to Serve Processes with Varying Supply and Demand - Captured Solar Energy Curve. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 25, 2011, 605610, DOI:10.3303/CET1125101 . A6 Cucek L., Klemeš J.J., Kravanja Z., Overview of Footprints and Relations Between Carbon and Nitrogen Footprints. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 25, 2011, 923-928, DOI:10.3303/CET1125154 . A7 Kouramas K., Varbanov P. S., Georgiadis M. C., Klemeš J.J., 2011. Pistikopoulos E. N., Explicit/MultiParametric Model Predictive Control of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29(A), 773-777. A8 Nemet A., Klemeš J. J., Varbanov P. S., 2011. Methodology for Maximising the Use of Renewables with Variable Availability. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29(B), 1944-1948. A9 Fodor Z., Krajnik P., Varbanov P. S., Klemeš J. J., 2011. Improving Energy Efficiency of a Dyes Intermediates Synthesis Plant. A Developing Country Specific Case Study. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29(B), 1964-1968. A10 Foo D.C.Y., Tan R. R., Lam H. L., Kamal M., Klemeš J. J., 2011. Synthesis of Flexible Palm Oil-Based Regional Energy Supply Chain. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29(B), 2014-2018. A11 Wan Alwi S R, Liew P Y, Varbanov P S, Manan Z A, Klemeš J J, 2012, A numerical tool for integrating renewable energy into Total Sites with variable supply and demand, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 30, 1348-1351 A12 Nemet A., Varbanov P.S., Kapustenko P., Durgutovic A., Klemeš J.J., 2012, Capital Cost Targeting of Total Site Heat Recovery, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 26, 231-236. DOI:10.3303/CET1226039 A13 Čuček L, Klemeš J J, Varbanov P S, Kravanja Z, 2012, Correlations among Footprints within Biomass Energy Supply-Chains, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 1397 - 1402 A14 Čuček L, Klemeš J J, Kravanja Z, 2012, Accessing Direct and Indirect Effects within a LCA Based Multiobjective Synthesis of Bioproducts Supply Chains, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 10651070. A15 Liew P.Y, Alwi S R W, Varbanov P.S., Manan Z A, Klemeš J J,, A Numerical Analysis for Total Site Sensitivity, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 560 - 565 Page 12/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 A16 Varbanov P S, Lam, H.L., Friedler F., Klemeš J J,, 2012, Energy Generation and Carbon Footprint of Waste to Energy, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 1402-1407 A17 Klemeš JJ, Varbanov PS., Heat Integration and Renewables – Recent Developments and Achievements, Global Journal of Technology and Optimization, Transaction on Energy, Protection and Planning, ISSN: 22298711 Online Publication <> IR-S18 /GJTO, Vol 3, June 2012. A18 Nemet, A., Hegyháti, M., Klemeš, J.J., Friedler, F. Increasing solar energy utilisation by rescheduling operations with heat and electricity demand (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 1483-1488. A19 Čuček, L., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z. Potential of total site process integration for balancing and decreasing the key environmental footprints (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 61-66. A20 Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Atkins, M., Walmsley, M. Total site methodology as a tool for planning and strategic decisions (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 115-120. A21 Boldyryev, S.A., Kapustenko, P.O., Tovazhnyansky, L.L., Garev, A.O., Perevertaylenko, O.Y., Khavin, G.L., Arsenyeva, O.P., Klemeš, J.J. Ammonia refrigeration cycle integration in buildings heating system (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 1453-1458. A22 Čuček, L., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Kravanja, Z. Reducing the dimensionality of criteria in multiobjective optimisation of biomass energy supply chains (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 1231-1236. A23 Nemet, A., Boldyryev, S., Varbanov, P.S., Kapustenko, P., Klemeš, J.J. Capital cost targeting of total site heat recovery (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 1447-1452. A24 Rozali, N.E.M., Alwi, S.R.W., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J. Design of hybrid power systems with energy losses (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 121-126. A25 Fodor, Z., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, M.R.W., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, T.G. Total site targeting with stream specific minimum temperature difference (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 409-414. A26 Prasara-A, J., Čuček, L., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J. Environmental and economic performances of different technologies for power generation from rice husks (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 751-756. A27 Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z. Optimising a plant economic and environmental performance over a full lifetime (2012) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, pp. 1435-1440. A28 Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S. Integration of energy and resource flows (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 34 , pp. 7-12 A29 Ng, W.P.Q., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Hegyháti, M., Bertók, B., Heckl, I.,Lam, H.L. Waste to energy for small cities: Economics versus carbon footprint, Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 889-894 A30 Boldyryev, S., Varbanov, P.S., Nemet, A.,Kapustenko, P., Klemeš, J.J. Targeting minimum heat transfer area for heat recovery on total sites (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 79-84 A31 Liew, P.Y., Alwi, S.R.W., Klemeš, J.J.,Varbanov, P.S., Manan, Z.A. Total site heat integration with, seasonal energy availability (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 19-24 A32 Čuček, L., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.,Kravanja, Z. Multi-objective regional total site integration (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 97-102 A33 Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2013, Life span production plant optimisation under varying economic conditions (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 103-108 A34 Chew, K.H., Alwi, S.R.W., Klemeš, J.J.,Manan, Z.A. Process modification potentials for total site heat integration (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 175-180 Page 13/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 A35 Kostevšek, A., Cizelj, L., Petek, J.,Čuček, L., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.,Pivec, A. Use of renewables in rural municipalities' integrated energy systems (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 895-900 A36 Karlopoulos, E., Grammelis, P.,Christidou, M., Chovan, T., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J. Estimation of the potential for low cost solid fuels of selected areas in Hungary and Greece (2013) Chemical Engineering Transactions 35 , pp. 619-624 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS CP1 DOHNAL M., JÍCHA J., KLEMEŠ J., LUTCHA J., VAŠEK V., VERMOUZEK C.: Design Integrated System - D I S. In: Symposium proceedings "2nd Symposium on the Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering", Ústí nad Labem 1973, pp. S 175-S 195. CP2 KLEMEŠ J., VAŠEK V., DOHNAL M.: Chemical Process Optimisation Using Simulation Programming System SIPRO. In: Symposium proceedings "2nd Symposium on the Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering", Ústí nad Labem 1973, pp. S 24-S 40. CP3 KLEMEŠ J., VAŠEK V.: Methods for Optimising Complex Chemical Processes. In: Symposium proceedings "2nd Symposium on the Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering", Ústí nad Labem 1973, pp. O 84-O 102. CP4 VAŠEK V., KLEMSA J., DOHNAL M., KLEMEŠ J., LUTCHA J: Methods of Chemical Plant Balance Simulation Problem Solving. In: Proceedings of "7th European Symposium - Computer Application in Process Development", Erlangen 1974, pp. 234-246. CP5 DOHNAL M., ULMANOVÁ M., KLEMEŠ J., LUTCHA J: Parameter error analysis in simulated chemical process. In: Proceedings of the Symposium "Computers in the Design and Erection of Chemical Plants", Karlovy Vary 1975, Vol.1, pp.423-432. CP6 LUTCHA J., KLEMEŠ J., JELÍNEK J., VAŠEK V., VERMOUZEK C.: Integrated Computer Aided Design of Crude Oil Distillation Unit. In: Proceedings of the Symposium "Computers in the Design and Erection of Chemical Plants", Karlovy Vary 1975, Vol.2, pp. 511-522. CP7 KLEMEŠ J., VAŠEK V.: Methods for Optimising Complex Chemical Processes. In: Symposium proceedings "2nd Symposium on the Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering", Ústí nad Labem 1973, pp. O 84-O 102. CP8 KLEMEŠ J., LUTCHA J., VAŠEK V.: A Contribution on Development of Flowsheeting Computer Systems' Interchangeable Modules. In: Proceedings of 5th symposium "Computers in Chemical Engineering", Vysoké Tatry 1977, Vol.2, pp. 431-438. CP9 LUTCHA J., JELÍNEK J., KLEMEŠ J.: Pre-Heat Train Optimisation in Crude Oil Distillation Unit. In: EFCE Working Party on Distillation, Absorption and Extraction "Energy Saving in Separation Processes", Stockton, UK, Sept. 1977. CP10 KLEMEŠ J., LUTCHA J.: Man-Computer Communication in the Development of a Chemical Process Flowsheet. In: Proceedings of a International Congress "Contribution of Computers to the Development of Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chemistry", Paris 1978, Societe de chemie industrielle, Sect. E 5, pp. 17-25. CP11 KLEMEŠ J., LUTCHA J., VAŠEK V.: Recent Extension and Development of Design Integrated System - D I S. In: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering, Montreux 1979, Vol.1, pp. 597-612. CP12 VAŠEK V., LUTCHA J., KLEMEŠ J.: Steady State Simulation Methods for Design Mode. In: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering, Montreux 1979, Vol.1, pp. 628-642. CP13 VAŠEK V., LUTCHA J., KLEMEŠ J.: Rozwój zintegrovaneho systemu automatycznego projekrowania “DIS”. Aparatura Chemiczna dla Nowoczecnych Technologii – inap’80, Warszawa, 1980, II, 16 – 31. (in Polish) CP14 KLEMEŠ J., KRUS A., VAŠEK V., JANEGA J.: Availability Analysis of Ammonia Production. In: Proceedings of symposium "Production reliability of equipment and plants in chemical industry", DUSLO Šala 1983, pp. 34-43. (In Czech) Page 14/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP15 KLEMEŠ J., VAŠEK V.: Application of a flowsheeting program in an interactive synthesis of heat exchanger networks. In: 3-eme Congres international "Informatique et Genie Chimique", Vol.I, Paris 1983, P 82, pp. 1-6. CP16 VAŠEK V., KLEMEŠ J.: A study of efficient solving of controlled simulation problem by a sequentional flowsheeting package. In: 3-eme Congress international "Informatique et Genie Chimique", Vol.I, Paris 1983, P 95, pp. 1-6. CP17 CERMÁK F., POZIVIL J., JANKOVEC J., PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J.: Utilisation of heat from the waste water in the chemical plant and an example of industrial application. 32nd National Congress CHISA, Vysoké Tatry 1985 (in Czech) CP18 KRUS A., KLEMEŠ J.: Mathematical Methods of Chemical Plant Preventive Maintenance Planning. In: Conference on Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering - MATCHEM'86, Vol. II/2, Balatonfüred 1986, pp. 251-261. CP19 PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J.: An Application on Mathematical Optimisation methods in Heat Exchange Network Synthesis. In: Conference on Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering - MATCHEM'86, Vol. II/2, Balatonfüred 1986, pp. 353-366. CP20 PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J., HAVÍR L.: Checking the design of crude oil splitting unit's heat-exchange network. Proceedings of 13th National Congress OSCHI, Štiavnické Bane 1986, pp. 187-193. (in Czech) CP21 KLEMEŠ J.: Synthesis of process flowsheets - a comprehensive review. 35th National Congress CHISA, Karlovy Vary 1986, lecture A 3.05. (in Czech) CP22 PTÁCNÍK R., KLEMEŠ J.: An Improved Approach to Synthesis of Multipass Heat Exchanger Networks. In: Proceedings of XIIIth Congress "The Use of Computer in Chemical Engineering EFCE", Giardini Naxos (Italy), 1987, pp.705-710. CP23 KLEMEŠ J., KRUS A.: Strategy of Development of Expert Systems for Prompt Solution of Failure. In: Proceedings of XIIIth Congress "The Use of Computer in Chemical Engineering EFCE", Giardini Naxos (Italy), 1987, pp.552-557. CP24 KLEMEŠ J., KRUS A.: An Expert System Application for Optimum Strategy of Preventive Maintenance Planning. In: Proceedings of ICED'88 - International Conference on Engineering Design, Budapest. Edition GTE Heurista 1988, Zürich, pp.215-221. CP25 KLEMEŠ J., PONTON J. W.: Alternatives to Neural Nets. In: Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Process System Engineering - PSE 91, Montebello, Québec, Canada 1991, Volume IV "New Frontiers", pp IV.3.1IV.3.12. CP26 KLEMEŠ J.: The Role of Process Integration in Energy Saving and Environmental Protection. Proceedings of European Conference on Energy and the Environment, Antwerp, May 1994. CP27 KLEMEŠ, J, RAISSI, K, PETELA E A: Pinch Analysis Experience in Oil Refining and Petrochemicals. 3rd International Conference Petrochemistry Oil APROCHEM ‘94, Litvinov, Czech Republic, pp 305-316, 1994. In: CP28 KLEMEŠ, J (editor), LINNHOFF, B, DHOLE, V R, RAISSI, K, PERRY, S J, RABL, A, PUIGJANER, L, ESPUÑA, A, CUXART, J, COROMINAS, J, GRAU, G, SENAR F, FONT, J, MARTINEZ, E, PROKOPAKIS, G J, LYGEROS, A, STEPHANAKIS, A, YELL, M, PETELA, E A, GRUHN, G, ROSENKRANZ, J, BOHÁCEK, S, GERULOVÁ, M: Targeting and Design Methodology for Reduction of Fuel, Power, Water and CO 2 on Total Sites. Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar No 40, Combined Energy and Water Management in Industry, Thessaloniki, 1994. CP29 KLEMEŠ J, RAISSI K, PETELA E A: Pinch Analysis Energy Saving Experience in the Petrochemical Industry. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Working Party on the Chemical Industry, Workshop on the rational use of energy and raw material in the petrochemical industry, Sinaia (Romania), 17 21 October 1994 CP30 KLEMEŠ, J (editor), LINNHOFF, B, DHOLE, V R, RAISSI, K, PERRY, S J, RABL, A, PUIGJANER, L, ESPUÑA, A, CUXART, J, COROMINAS, J, GRAU, G, SENAR F, FONT, J, MARTINEZ, E, PROKOPAKIS, G J, LYGEROS, A, STEPHANAKIS, A, YELL, M, PETELA, E A, GRUHN, G, ROSENKRANZ, J, BOHÁCEK, S, Page 15/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 GERULOVÁ, M: Targeting and Design Methodology for Reduction of Fuel, Power, Water and CO 2 on Total Sites. Proceedings of the European Seminar Energy Efficiency in Industry, Brussels, 1995. CP31 PUIGJANER L (editor), KLEMEŠ J, SENAR F, KALITVENTZEFF G, PROKOPAKIS G, LYGEROS A, DHOLE V R, FONYO Z, MESZAROS I : Project Integration with Combined Heat and Power. Proceedings of the European Seminar Energy Efficiency in Industry, Brussels, 1995. CP32 KLEMEŠ J, KOKOSSIS A C, TOVAZHNYANSKI L L, KAPUSTENKO P A, ULIEV L M, PEREVERTAILENKO A YU, ZHULIN D B: Application of the Pinch Analysis to the Problem of Energy Conservation in Ukraine: Crude Oil Distillation Study. IIIrd Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, May 20-24, 1995, Minsk, Belarus, Section 11, Keynote Lecture. CP33 BOHÁCEK S, CRIPPS H C, HALLAS P, JANCIAK D, KLEMEŠ J, PLANETA D: Total Site analysis for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction in Pulp and Paper Industry. 12th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA '96, Prague, September 1996, lecture H6.4. CP34 HUFENDIEK K, KLEMEŠ J: Integration a brewery by pinch analysis. 12th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA '96, Prague, September 1996, lecture H6.3. CP35 KLEMEŠ J: Complex Distillation Columns. Seminar on Rational Use of Energy in Industry. Organised by the University of Liege in collaboration with the European Commission of the European Union, Liege, 25 - 26 November 1996. CP36 KLEMEŠ J: Water Pinch: Simultaneous energy and water use minimisation. Seminar on Rational Use of Energy in Industry. Organised by the University of Liege in collaboration with the European Commission of the European Union, Liege, 25 - 26 November 1996. CP37 KLEMEŠ J: Examples of successful process integration projects in industry. PHARE/TEMPUS Seminar at Plock Branch of Warsaw University, Poland, 11 - 12 September 1997. CP38 KLEMES J, ZHU F X X, PLESU V, IANCU P, TÃTÃRANU G: Pinch Analysis and Retrofit Suggestions for FCC Plan. National Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference, 10-th edition, vol. I (p218-223), Bucharest, 16-18 October 1997 CP39 KLEMES J, PLESU V, BUMBAC G, IANCU P, TÃTÃRANU G: Simulation of gas separation plant from a hydrocarbon pyrolysis plant. National Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference, 10-th edition, vol. I (p224-229), Bucharest, 16-18 October 1997 CP40 KLEMEŠ J: Experience from Co-ordinating and Contracting EU Projects. 9th HEXAG Meeting "Linking with Europe", ETSU, Harwell, February 1998. CP41 ZHU X. X., ZANFIR M., KLEMEŠ J.: Heat Transfer Enhancement for Heat Exchange Network Retrofit. 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA'98 / 1 st Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution reduction PRES'98, Prague, August 1998, lecture F4.4. CP42 HASSAN M., KLEMEŠ J., PLESU V.: Process integration analysis & retrofit suggestions for a FCC plant. 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA'98 / 1 st Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution reduction - PRES'98, Prague, August 1998, lecture F7.4. CP43 KLEMEŠ J., URBANIEC K., VACCARI G., MANTOVANI G., BUBNIK Z., LENTINI A., KADLEC P., PLACEK I: Minimisation of energy and water use in sugar production by clean technology based on cooling crystallisation of concentrated raw juice - SUCLEAN. 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA'98 / 1st Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution reduction PRES'98, Prague, August 1998, lecture F6.1. CP44 MARÍK K., KLEMEŠ J., JAKEŠ B.: Design Tool for Flexible and Energy Efficient HENs. 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA'98 / 1st Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES'98, Prague, August 1998, lecture F5.2. Page 16/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP45 KLEMEŠ J., KIMENOV G., NENOV N.: Application of pinch-technology in food industry. 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA'98 / 1st Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution reduction PRES'98, Prague, August 1998, lecture F6.6. CP46 V. PLESU, J. KLEMEŠ, M. GEORGESCU: Applications of Process Integration in Romanian Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry. 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA'98 / 1st Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution reduction PRES'98, Prague, August 1998, lecture F6.7. CP47 URBANIEC K, ZALEWSKI P, KLEMES J: Application of process integration methods to retrofit design for Polish sugar factories. 21st General Assembly of “Commission Internationale Technique de Sucrerie”, May 1999, Antwerp. CP48 KLEMES J, URBANIEC K, VACCARI G, MANTOVANI G, BUBNIK Z, LENTINI A, KADLEC P, PLACEK I: Project SUCLEAN – research on minimisation of energy and water use in sugar production by cooling crystallisation of concentrated raw juice. 21st General Assembly of “Commission Internationale Technique de Sucrerie”, May 1999, Antwerp. CP49 KLEMES J, URBANIEC K, ZALEWSKI P: Retrofit Design for Polish Sugar Factories using Process Integration Methods. Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’99 (Ed. F Friedler and J Klemes), Budapest, June 1999, pp 377 - 382 CP50 VARBANOV P S, KLEMES J: Rules for Paths Construction for HENs Debottlenecking. Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’99 (Ed. F Friedler and J Klemes), Budapest, June 1999, pp CP51 KLEMES J and BULATOV I.: “Integration of Technical Information with Economic and Business Data in Process Industries Applications”. Proceedings of PRES'01 Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Florence, May, 20-23, 2001 CP52 THEVENDIRARAJ S, KLEMEŠ J, PAZ D, ASO G, CARDENAS G J: “Water and Wastewater Minimisation on a Citrus Plant”. Proceedings of PRES'01 Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Florence, May, 20-23, 2001 CP53 GRABOWSKI M, KLEMES J, URBANIEC K, VACCARI G and WERNIK J: “Characteristics of Energy and Water Use in a Novel Sugar Manufacturing Process”. Proceedings of PRES'01 Conference on Process integration, Modelling, and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Florence, May, 20-23, 2001 CP54 DE LAS FUENTES L., SANDERS B., KLEMEŠ J.: Awarenet: Agro-Food wastes Minimisation and Reduction. PRES / CHISA 2002 Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Prague, September 2002, Lecture H4.4, [1328] CP55 GRABOWSKI M, KLEMES J, URBANIEC K, VACCARI G and WERNIK J: “Characteristics of Energy and Water Use in a Novel Sugar Manufacturing Process”. AIDIC Conference Series, Vol.5, 113-116, Milano, 2002. CP56 VACCARI G., TAMBURINI E., SGUALDINO G., URBANIEC K., KLEMEŠ J.: Overview of the environmental problems in beet sugar processing: possible solutions. PRES 2002/ CHISA 2002 Conference on process Integration, Modelling, and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Prague, September 2002. Lecture H4.3 [543] CP57 TAAL M, KLEMEŠ J, MARTINAK P and STEHLIK P: Cost Estimation Procedures for Process Industry Equipment. PRES 2002/ CHISA 2002 Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Prague, September 2002. Lecture I5.4 [131] CP58 AZMI A. S., KLEMEŠ J., NGATIRIN S.: HEN Optimisation for Crude Oil Distillation Unit. PRES 2002 / CHISA 2002 Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Prague, September 2002. P5.57 [477] Page 17/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP59 DE LAS FUENTES L, SANDERS B, KLEMEŠ J,: Awarenet: Agro-Food wastes Minimisation and Reduction. 7th European Conference Biosolids and Organic Residuals - CIWEM Conference, Wakefield UK, 20th November 2002 CP60 MASRUROH N. A., LI B. and KLEMEŠ J.: Life Cycle Analysis of a Solar Thermal System with Thermochemical Storage Process. Proceedings of European Symposium on Computer Aided Design ESCAPE 13, (ed A Kraslawski and I Turnunen), Lappeenranta, Finland, June 2003. Elsevier Science BV, pp 221 – 226. CP61 BO L., PEREZ F. P., KLEMEŠ J.: Reduction and Dispersion Control of Atmospheric Emissions in Oil Distillation Unit through Heat Integration. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 3, 2003 (ed S Pierrucci), AIDIC Servizi S.r.l. ICheaP-6, Pisa, Italy, pp 703 – 708. CP62 VARBANOV P.S., SMITH R., PERRY S., KLEMES J.: Evaluating the Design of Industrial Utility Systems for Cost-Effective Decarbonisation. 6th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’03, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. [00077] CP63 KLEMES J., LI B., TSAHALIS J., MESHALKIN V.P., SHUVALEV V.V., KAPUSTENKO P., KOVATS N.: Development of Heuristic-Numerical Procedure of Decision-Making for Atmospheric Pollution Reduction. 6th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’03, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. [00458] CP64 LI B., KLEMES J.: Cut Down The Cost of CO2 Capture Through Process Integration. 6th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’03, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada [00226]. CP65 LI B., KLEMES J., SHACKLEY S.J.: Technical and Economical Modelling of CO 2 Capture. 6th Conference on Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES’03, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada [00079]. CP66 FUENTES, L. DE LAS; SANDERS, B.; KLEMES, J.; URBANIEC, K., European project AWARENET: agrofood wastes minimisation and reduction network. CITS Proceedings, Madrid 2003. Proceedings of the 22nd General Assembly of the International Commission for Sugar Technology, Madrid, Spain, 18-21 May 2003. 371-380 CP67 KLEMEŠ J., LI B., BULATOV I.: Techno-economic modelling and cost functions of CO 2 capture processes. 7th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2004, Praha, The Czech Republic, Lecture H2.6 [1437] CP68 PERRY S., KLEMEŠ J.: Experiences and future developments in e-learning and e-teaching of engineering education. 7th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2004, Praha, The Czech Republic, Keynote lecture F3.4 [1469] CP69 BADIERITAKI P., RETSINA T., DORASAMY S., KLEMEŠ J., PERRY S., ORAL J., HAJEK J.: EPPIC: A competitive European pulp and paper industry - an EC GROW-200-1.B co-funded thematic network. 7th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2004, Praha, The Czech Republic, P5.127 [1753] CP70 KLEMEŠ J., BULATOV I., TSAHALIS J., MESHALKIN V., SHUVAEV V., KAPUSTENKO P. O., FRIEDLER F.: Recommendations on environmentally safe performance of a processing plant on the basis of analysis of pollution concentration distribution fields. 7th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2004, Praha, The Czech Republic, P.5.105 [1427] CP71 Perry S, Klemeš J: Open and Distributed learning contributes to Safety and Environmental Protection. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 5, 2004, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., 169 – 174. ISBN 88900775-5-7 CP72 Jansen P, Koppejan J, Hetland J, Klemeš J, Phuengphaeng T, Pipio A and Perry S: EMINENT accelerates market introduction of promising early stage technologies for transport and energy. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 5, 2004, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., 187 – 192. ISBN 88900775-5-7 CP73 Jansen P, Koppejan J, Hetland J, Klemeš J, Phuengphaeng T, Pipio A and Perry S.: EMINENT accelerates market introduction of promising early stage technologies for transport and energy. Key Note Lecture Page 18/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 PIN4 [137]. 54th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, CSChE 2004, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 2004. CP74 Perry S, Klemeš J: Quality Assurance for Open and Distributed Learning in Process Integration. Key Note Lecture PIN4 [138]. 54th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, CSChE 2004, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 2004. CP75 Klemeš J: Experience from participating / contracting / coordinating EC projects. International Workshop “Academic Education for Industrial Process Development”, 18-19th November 2004, Veszprem, Hungary CP76 Klemeš J., Phuengphaeng T., Bulatov I., Jansen P., Koppejan J.: Novel Energy Saving Technologies Evaluation Tool. Proceedings of Heat Transfer in Components and Systems for Sustainable Energy Technologies - Heat SET 2005, April 2005, Grenoble, France, pp.663-668, CP77 Donnelly N, Klemeš J, Perry S J: Impact of Economic Criteria and Cost Uncertainty on Heat Exchanger Network Design and Retrofit. #124, Proceedings of 8th Conference on Process Integration, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES'05 9; ed J Klemeš, May 2005, Giardini Naxos, Italy, pp.127132 CP78 Perry S J, Klemeš J: The use of computer assisted problem based learning in achieving teaching outcomes in engineering education. #38 Proceedings of 8th Conference on Process Integration, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES'05, May 2005, Giardini Naxos, Italy, pp. 399404 CP79 Klemeš J., Bulatov I., Jansen P., Koppejan J.: Novel Energy Saving Technologies Assessment by EMINENT Evaluation Tool. #147, Proceedings of 8th Conference on Process Integration, Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES'05, May 2005, Giardini Naxos, Italy, pp. 163-168 CP80 Klemeš J., Bulatov I., Cockerill T.: Techno-Economic Modelling and Cost Functions of CO2 Capture Processes. MS-142, Proceedings of European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – 15 (ESCAPE 15) – ed L. Puigjaner, A. Espuna, 29 May - 1 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain, pp 295-300. CP81 Seferlidis P, Dalaoti N, Kenig E Y, Huepen B, Klemeš J., at al: Modelling and Optimisation of Industrial Absorption Processes (OPT-ABSO). Proceedings of European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – 15 (ESCAPE 15) – ed L .Puigjaner, A. Espuna, 29 May - 1 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain, pp CP82 Klemeš J., Zhang N., Bulatov I., Jansen P., Koppejan J.: Novel Energy Saving Technologies Assessment by EMINENT Evaluation Tool. PRES’05, Giardini Naxos, ed Jiri Klemeš, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 7, 2005, 163 - 167 CP83 Klemeš J., Bulatov I., Hetland J., Jansen P., Koppejan J.: Contribution to market introduction of promising early stage hydrogen technologies – an application of EMINENT software tool. H2www@Sicily, Palermo, ed Sauro Pierucci, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 8, 2005, 251-256, CP84 Klemeš J., Bulatov I., Seferlis P., Koltsva E., Kapustenko P., Zhekyev M.: Waste Minimisation and Utilisation in Phosphoric Acid Industry. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 9, 2006, ed Simberto Senni Buratti, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., Milan, ISBN 88-901915-1-1, 263 – 268. CP85 Klemeš J., Jansen P. J., Koppejan J., Bulatov I.: Novel energy saving technologies evaluation tool. G1.03, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2006, 27-31 August 2006, Prague - Czech Republic p.977-978 CP86 Klemeš J., Seferlis P., Bulatov I., Kapustenko P. A., Soboleva I. V., Koltsova E. M.: Development of sustainable processes for waste utilisation in phosphoric acid industry. H8.03, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2006, 27-31 August 2006, Prague - Czech Republic, p.1154 CP87 Bulatov I., Alakangas E., Vesterinen P., Lensu T., Smith R., Klemeš J.: Efficient trading of biomass fuels and analysis of fuel supply chains and business models for market actors by networking. P5.127, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2006, 27-31 August 2006, Prague - Czech Republic, p.1383-1384 Page 19/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP88 Klemeš J., Bulatov I., Seferlis P., Koltsva E., Kapustanko P., Zhekeyev M.: Waste Minimisation and Utilisation in Phosphoric Acid Industry. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 9, 2006, ed Simberto Senni Buratti, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., Milan, ISBN 88-901915-1-1, 263 – 268. CP89 Gough, C.; Shackley, S.; Holloway, S.; Bentham, M.; Bulatov, I.; McLachlan, C.; Klemes, J.; Purdy, R.W.; Cockerill, T.: An integrated assessment of carbon dioxide capture and storage in the UK. In: 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, 2006. Trondheim, Norway, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, CP90 Klemeš J., Perry S., Bulatov I.: The Feasibility of Micro Renewable Energies in Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Energy Use in Buildings. Proceedings of WellBeing Indoors Clima 2007 Conference, 10-14 June Helsinki, Finland, 2007, p.303 CP91 Kuhn V., Klemeš J, Bulatov I., Micro-CHP: Overview of Technologies, Products and Field Test Results. Proceedings of WellBeing Indoors Clima 2007 Conference, 10-14 June Helsinki, Finland, 2007, p.302 CP92 Klemeš J., Perry S., Bulatov I.: Towards sustainable energy systems – role and achievements of heat integration. Proceedings of WellBeing Indoors Clima 2007 Conference, 10-14 June Helsinki, Finland, 2007, p.294 CP93 Weinling Z, Kim J-K, Klemeš J.: Design of Heat Pumps Systems using Natural Fluids. Proceedings of WellBeing Indoors Clima 2007 Conference, 10-14 June Helsinki, Finland, 2007, p 296 CP94 Varbanov P., Klemeš J., Friedler F.: Integration of Fuel Cells into Combined Power Cycles. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol 24, 2007,1089-1094 CP95 Klemeš J., Bulatov I., Koppejan J., Friedler F.: Hetland, Novel Energy Saving Technologies Evaluation Tool. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol 24, 2007, 1035-1040 CP96 Kuhn V., Klemeš J., Bulatov I.: Micro-CHP: Overview of Selected Technologies, Products and Field Test Results. PRES’07, Ischia, ed. Jiri Klemes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 12, 2007, 587-592 CP97 Perry S., Bulatov I., Klemeš J.: The potential of the EMINENT tool in the screening and evaluation of emerging technologies for CO2 reduction related to buildings. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 12, 2007, 709-714 CP98 Perry S., Klemeš J., Bulatov I.: Integrating renewable energy sources into energy systems for the reduction of carbon footprints of buildings and building complexes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 12, 2007, 593-598 CP99 Varbanov P., Klemeš J., Friedler F.: Critical Analysis of Fuel Cell Combined Cycles for Development of Low-Carbon Energy Technologies. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 12, 2007 CP100 Seferlis, P., Klemeš J., Bulatov I., Kapustenko P., Puigjaner L., Bojarski A.,. Suleymanov R, Koltsova E.: Information System for Phosphorus-Containing Compounds Production. Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, 16-20 September 2007, 2456 CP101 Friedler F, Varbanov P., Klemeš J.: P-Graph Methodology for Cost-Effective Reduction of Carbon Emissions involving Fuel Cell Combined Cycles. Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, 16-20 September 2007, 3449 CP102 Dudekova M, Klemeš J., Stehlik P.: Analysis to intensify the energy utilization in incineration plant. Special Symposium - EPIC-1: European Process Intensification Conference – 1, Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, 16-20 September 2007, 1376 CP103 Zheng D., Smith R., Kim J-K., Kwapinski W., Klemeš J., Perry S.: Design of Flexible Utility Systems. Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, 16-20 September 2007, 1238 CP104 Bertok B., Friedler F., Klemeš J, Fan L.T.: P-Graph Framework: An Alternative to MILP for Formulating and Solving Management Decision Support Systems. 5th Int. Conference on Computation Management Science, Imperial College London, 26-28 March 2008, UK, OPT2.2. -12 Page 20/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP105 De Benedetto L, Klemeš J: Life Cycle Assessment as an Environmental Assessment Tool in Municipal Solid Waste Management. ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, ed P Varbanov, J Klemeš and I Bulatov, UoP University Library Archives, University Publisher, UoP Press 2008/50, Veszprém 2008 , Hungary, ISBN 978-963-9696-38-9, 215 – 228 CP106 Perry S, Klemeš J, Bulatov I: The Integration of Waste and Renewable Energy Sources for Heating and Cooling Demands in Locally Integrated Energy Sectors. ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, ed P Varbanov, J Klemeš and I Bulatov, UoP University Library Archives, University Publisher, UoP Press 2008/50, Veszprém 2008, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-9696-38-9, 1-10 CP107 Lam HL, Varbanov P, Klemeš J: Development of a Graphical Analysis Method for Renewable Energy Supply Chain. ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, ed P Varbanov, J Klemeš and I Bulatov, UoP University Library Archives, University Publisher, UoP Press 2008/50, Veszprém 2008, Hungary, ISBN 978963-9696-38-9, 209 - 218 CP108 Sikos L, Klemeš J: Reliability and maintenance software in energy generation and saving. ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, ed P Varbanov, J Klemeš and I Bulatov, UoP University Library Archives, University Publisher, UoP Press 2008/50, Veszprém 2008, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-9696-38-9, 267 – 276 CP109 De Benedetto L, Klemeš J: LCA as environmental assessment tool in waste to energy, and contribution to occupational health and safety. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 13, 2008, 343 – 350 CP110 Lam, H.L., Klemeš, J., Varbanov, P.: CO2 Emissions Reduction via a graphical Analysis Method for Renewable Energy Supply Chains. Oral at IFORS 2008, July 13-18, 2008, Sandton, South Africa. CP111 Friedler, F., Varbanov, P., Klemeš J.: Integration of Fuel Cells into Combined Power Cycles. Oral at IFORS 2008, July 13-18, 2008, Sandton, South Africa. CP112 Lam H.L. Klemeš, J., Varbanov, P.: An efficient planning and implementation of regional renewable energy supply chain. Oral at the PRES 2008 / CHISA 2008 conference, August 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic. CP113 Klemeš J.,Varbanov P.: Total sites for combined utilisation of renewables and fossil fuels via improved energy conversion technologies. Oral at the PRES 2008 / CHISA 2008 conference, August 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic. CP114 Klemeš J., De Benedetto L.: Integrated Life Cycle Approaches in municipal solid waste management. Oral at the PRES 2008 / CHISA 2008 conference, August 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic. CP115 Klemeš J., Sikos L.: Availability and reliability issues of municipal waste management. Poster at the PRES 2008 / CHISA 2008 conference, August 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic. CP116 Ogorodnikova T., Klemeš J., Bessarabov A., Bulatov I.: Development of an analytical quality control system of high-purity phosphoric acid on the CALS concept basis. Poster at the PRES 2008 / CHISA 2008 conference, August 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic. CP117 Klemeš J., Kim J.-K., Pavlas M., Firth B., Stehlík P., Oral J.: Heat-integrated heat pumping for improved energy management case study: biomass gasification in wood processing plant. PRES 2008 / CHISA 2008 conference, August 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic. CP118 Klemeš J., Firth B., Bulatov I.: Development of the information system for the production of phosphoruscontaining components. Poster at the PRES 2008 / CHISA 2008 conference, August 24-28, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic CP119 Klemeš J.: The Role of Process Integration in Energy Saving and Carbon Footprint Reduction (in Russian). All Russian Conference on Energy and Resources Saving, Kazan, Russian Federation, 16 – 18/09/2008 CP120 Klemeš J., Varbanov P.: Recent developments in optimal energy integration to minimise CO 2 emissions – renewables and heat recovery. CAPE Forum 2009, plenary lecture, Shannon, Ireland, 27–28 March 2009, Limerick Page 21/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP121 Sikos L., Klemeš J.: Efficient CAPE tools for optimising reliability issues of waste management, 2009, Shannon, Ireland, March 27-28, Limerick CP122 Klemeš J., Lam H.L., Foo D.C.Y.: Water recycling and recovery. Plenary lecture for TOTAL FOOD 2009, Session 5, 23/04/2009, Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich, United Kingdom CP123 Lam H.L., Varbanov P. S., Klemeš J.: Regional Resource Management Composite Curve. Chemical Engineering Transactions, May 10-13, 2009, Rome, Italy, Vol 18, pp 303-308. CP124 Varbanov P. S., Klemeš J.: Sustainable Carbon Footprint Reduction by Integrating Renewables Into Total Sites. First International Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering, AIChE 2009, August 9-12, Ohio, U.S., Session 9658, paper 146107. CP125 De Benedetto L., Klemeš J.: I. Case Study: The Environmental Performance Strategy Map: LCA Based Strategic Decision Making. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, WCCE-8, August 23-27, 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, lecture number LCM/ 45. CP126 Chew I.M.L., Foo D.C.I., Ng D.K.S., Tan R.R., Klemeš J.: El-Halwagi M.M, Flowrate Targeting for Inter-Plant Water Network. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, WCCE-8, August 23-27, 2009, Montreal, Quebec, (Canada), lecture number LCM/288, SUS3/733. CP127 Lam H., Varbanov P. S., Klemeš J., Friedler F.: Regional Biomass Energy Supply Chain Management Strategy: P-Graph Approach. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2009, lecture SUS3/734. pp. 525b CP128 De Benedetto L., Klemeš J.: The Environmental Performance Strategy Map: LCA Based Strategic Decision Making. II. Case Study, 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, WCCE-8, August 23-27, 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, lecture number SUS5/1540. CP129 Friedler F., Varbanov P., Klemeš J.: Advanced HENs Design for Multi-Period Operation using P-graph. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 18, 2009, pp 457-462. CP130 Sikos L., Klemeš J., Varbanov P., Lam H.L.: The Role of Structured Multimedia in Improving the Teaching Impact in Process Integration. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 18, 2009, pp 767-772. CP131 De Benedetto L., Klemeš J.: The Environmental Performance Strategy Map: LCA Based Strategic Decision Making. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 18, 2009, pp 427-432. CP132 Sikos L., Klemeš J.: Optimisation of Heat Exchanger Networks Maintenance. Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 18, 2009, pp 803-808. CP133 Bulatov I., Klemeš J.:Perry S.: A New Emerging Energy Technology - PELAMIS – Demonstration of the Assessment by EMINENT Tool, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 18, 2009, 105 – 110. CP134 Lam H.L., Varbanov P., Klemeš J.: Optimisation of Regional Energy Supply Chains Utilising Renewables: P-Graph Approach. 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE19, J. Jeżowski and J. Thullie (Editors), © 2009 Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-53433-0, pp.1003-1008. CP135 Sikos L., Klemeš J.: CAPE Contribution to Availability and Reliability of Waste to Energy. 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE19. J. Jeżowski and J. Thullie (Editors), © 2009 Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-53433-0, pp. 1251-1255. CP136 Klemeš J., Lam H.L., Sikos L., Varbanov P.: The role of structured multimedia to improve the PSE teaching impact. EURECHA SESSION at ESCAPE 19 – Krakow, June 16, 2009, room C. CP137 Klemeš J., Sikos L., Varbanov P.: Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) of hightemperature. Keynote Lecture, Seventh International Conference On Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: Science, Engineering and Technology, SES6 September 13-18, 2009, Heredia, Costa Rica CP138 Klemeš J., De Benedetto L.: Life Cycle Analysis and Supply Chain Analysis Integrated Approach with the Stress to Waste to Energy Issue - the Environmental Performance Strategy Map Approach to Support the Strategic Decision-making Process. Plenary Lecture, 4th International Scientific–Practical Conference, Page 22/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 Logistics and Economics of Resource- and Energy- Saving in Industries, September 21 – 23, 2009, Samara, Russian, pp 246-247, pp 122-123 CP139 Klemeš J, Lam H.L., Foo D.: Water Minimisation, Recycling and Recover- Implementation to the Process Industry. Proceedings of Slovenian Chemical Days, September 24, 2009, Maribor, Slovenia, p. 7 CP140 Stehlik P., Klemeš J.: Waste-to-Energy Centres and Their Role. eSCIT’09 conference, October 5-6, 2009, Veszprem, Hungary CP141 Varbanov P, Klemeš J, Fodor Z.: Integrating Renewable Energy Sources into Extended Total Sides. Keynote Lecture of Special Session: Integrating Waste and Renewable Energy to reduce the Carbon Footprint Locally Integrated Energy Sectors, SEDEWES 09, Dubrovnik, Proceedings 613 CP142 Lam H.L., Varbanov P., Klemeš J: Regional Renewable Energy and Resource Planning. Special Session: Integrating Waste and Renewable Energy to reduce the Carbon Footprint Locally Integrated Energy Sectors, SDEWES 09, Dubrovnik, Proceedings 565 CP143 Napper D, Bulatov I, Kim JK, Klemeš J: Sustainability in Food Sector: an Integrated Holistic Approach. Special Session: Integrating Waste and Renewable Energy to reduce the Carbon Footprint Locally Integrated Energy Sectors, SEDEWES 09, Dubrovnik, Proceedings 666 CP144 Klemeš J, De Benedetto L.: The Environmental Performance Strategy Map: LCA-based strategic decision making. Session I: Renewable energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE): international situation, The 2th International Symposium Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency ER2E09, Renewable Energy Development in the Eastern Region of Morocco: Potentials and Prospects, Oujda - Morocco, 26-27 October, 2009, pp 24. CP145 Klemeš J, Lam H.L., Sikos L., Varbanov P.: The role of structured media in improving the impact of education in energy efficiency and savings. Session VI: Training and Research & Development in RE and EE, The 2nd International Symposium Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency ER2E09, Renewable Energy Development in the Eastern Region of Morocco: Potentials and Prospects, Oujda - Morocco, 26-27 October, 2009, pp 25. CP146 Bessarabov A, Klemeš J, Kvasyuk A, Bulatov I.: CALS software tool for marketing research results of phosphoric industry waste utilisation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 19, 2010, pp 439 - 444 CP147 Varbanov P, Klemeš J, Fodor Z, Extended Total Sites with Multiple Energy Carriers, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 19, 2010, pp 49 – 54. CP148 Fodor Z., Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J., Total site targeting accounting for individual process heat transfer characteristics, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 2010, 49-54, DOI: 10.3303/CET1021009 CP149 Vasičkaninová A., Bakošová M., Mészáros A. and Klemeš J., Neural network predictive control of a heat exchanger, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 2010, 73-78 DOI: 10.3303/CET1021013 CP150 Konstantinidis D. A., Varbanov P.S. and Klemeš J.J., Multi -parametric control and optimisation of a small scale CHP, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 2010, 151-156 DOI: 10.3303/CET1021026 CP151 Lam H. L., Klemeš J.J., Friedler F., Kravanja Z. and Varbanov P.S., Software tools overview: process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 2010, 48 7-492 DOI: 10.3303/CET1021082 CP152 Lam H. L., Foo D. C. Y., Mustafar K. and Klemeš J., Synthesis of Regional Energy Supply Chain Based on Palm Oil Biomass, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 2010, 589-594, DOI: 10.3303/CET1021099. CP153 Bessarabov A., Klemeš J.J., Zhekeyev M., Kvasyuk A. and Kochetygov A., Computer analysis of waste utilization at the leading enterprises of phosphoric industry of Russia and Kazakhstan, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 2010, 805-810 DOI: 10.3303/CET1021135 CP154 Čuček L., Lam H. L., Klemeš J. J., Varbanov P.S. and Kravanja Z., Synthesis of networks for the production and supply of renewable energy from biomass. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 2010, 1189-1194 DOI: 10.3303/CET1021199 Page 23/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP155 Klemeš J., Varbanov P., 2010. Process Integration – Successful Implementation and Possible Pitfalls. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21, 1369-1374, DOI: 10.3303/CET1021229. CP156 Varbanov, P., Klemeš J., Friedler, F., 2010. Cell-based dynamic heat exchanger models - direct determination of the cell number and size. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 28(C), 439-444, DOI: 10.1016/S1570-7946(10)28074-4. CP157 Varbanov P., Klemeš J., Fodor Z., 2010, Operability and Challenges of Renewable Energy Utilisation, in Proc. of 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 14-17, pp. 325-332 CP158 Klemeš J., Varbanov. P., Process Integration for Sustainability, 2011, ICOSSE11 – 2nd International Congress for Sustainability Science and Engineering, Tuscon, Arizona, 9 – 13 January 2011, Tuscon, Arizona, US CP159 Klemeš JJ.., Kravanja, Z, Lam H.L. Varbanov P.S. The Role of Structured Multimedia Internet Based Teaching Programs in Sustainability Education, ICOSSE11 – 2nd International Congress for Sustainability Science and Engineering, Tuscon, Arizona, 9 – 13 January 2011, Tuscon, Arizona, US CP160 Klemeš J., Varbanov P., 2011, Heat Integration – History, recent Developments & Achievements, ICMSAO’11, Plenary lecture, 4th International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p 27 CP161 Kravanja Z., Klemeš J., Lam H.L. 2011, The Role of Computer aided Chemical Engineering Education in the European Bologna There-Cycle Study, Plenary lecture, 4th International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p 28 CP162 Klemeš J., Varbanov P., 2011, Heat Integration and Renewables – Recent Developments and Achievements, Keynote lecture, The 5th Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, le Meriden hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN 978-983-44483-4-9 CP163 Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J. J., Friedler F., 2011, Integration of fuel cells and renewables into efficient CHP systems, The 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems –ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4-7, 2011, pgs 1021-1033 CP164 Nemet A., Klemeš J. J., Kravanja Z., 2011, HEN design with minimal cost over an entire lifetime The 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems – ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4-7, 2011, pgs 1559-1575 CP165 Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J. J., 2011 Integration and management of renewables into total sites with variable supply and demand, The 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems – ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4-7, 2011, pgs 3808-3820 CP166 Klemeš J, Kravanja Z, Varbanov P, LAM H. L., 2011, Structured Multimedia Education in Energy and Water Use Optimisation, 6th Dubrovnik conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 25-29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Pg73 CP167 Varbanov P, Nemet A, Klemeš J, 2011, The Dynamic Total Site Heat Cascade for Integration and Management of Renewables with Variable Supply and Demand, 6th Dubrovnik conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 25-29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pg 74 CP168 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L., Kravanja Z., LCA and Environmental Footprints as an Assessment Tool, Slovenian Chemical Days, Portorož, Slovenia, September, 14-16, 2011, pg 4 CP169 Čuček L, Klemeš J.J., Kravanja Z, Overview of Environmental and Social Footprints and Application of Carbon and Nitrogen Footprints on Biomass Energy, Slovenian Chemical Days, Portorož, Slovenia, September, 14-16, 2011 pg 256 CP170 Lam H.L, Klemeš J.J, Kravanja Z., Model-size reduction techniques for large-scale biomass production and supply networks, Slovenian Chemical Days, Portorož, Slovenia, September, 14-16, pg. 262 CP171 Nemet A., Klemeš J.J., Kravanja Z., 2011, Minimisation of HEN cost for entire life time, Slovenian Chemical Days, Portorož, Slovenia, September, 14-16, pg. 272 Page 24/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP172 Čuček L., Klemeš J. J., Kravanja Z., 2011, Carbon and nitrogen footprints, Overview and biomass energy applications, Conference of Chemical Engineering, Veszprém, Hungary, April 27 th -29th, pg13 CP173 Fodor Z., Krajnik P, Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J., 2011, Improving energy efficiency of a developing country’s dyes synthesis plant. A specific case study. Conference of Chemical Engineering, Veszprém, Hungary, April 27th -29th pg. 45. CP174 Nemet A, Klemeš J. J., 2011, Determination of optimal temperature for solar capture and storageCaptured Solar Energy Curve and Minimal Capture Temperature Curve Conference of Chemical Engineering, Veszprém, Hungary, April 27th -29th, Pg. 52 CP175 Čuček L, Varbanov P S, Nemet A, Klemeš J J, Kravanja Z, Extending Potentials of Total Site Methodology for Energy Saving, Conference of Chemical Engineering 2012, Veszprém, 24-26 April 2012, pg 132 CP176 Nemet A, Varbanov PS, Klemeš J: Capital Cost Targeting of Total Site Heat Recovery, AIChE Spring Meeting, April 1-5, 2012 Houston, TX, United States, Lecture ID 119b. CP177 Nemet A, Klemeš JJ, Varbanov PS, Kravanja Z (2012) Integrating renewables with varying availability to processes with heat demand, Conference of Chemical Engineering 2012, Veszprém, 24-26 April 2012, p135 CP178 Varbanov PS, Nemet A, Klemeš JJ, 2012, Heat Exchanger Area Targeting by an Extended Total Site Methodology, Conference of Chemical Engineering 2012, Veszprém, 24-26 April 2012, p133 CP179 Nemet A, Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Kravanja Z, Maximising the Use of Renewables with Variable Availability, The 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems – ECOS 2012, June 26th-29th, 2012 CP180 Nemet A, Čuček L, Varbanov P S, Klemeš J J, Kravanja Z., The Potential of Total Site Process Integration and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1-7 July 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, SDEWES12-0555 CP181 Klemeš J.J, Varbanov P, Integration of Energy and Resource Flows, Plenary Lecture. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1-7 July 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia SDEWES12-0550 CP182 Nemet A , Klemeš J.J, Kravanja Z, Increasing economic potential for process heat recovery by optimising HEN designs over a full lifetime.7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1-7 July 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia,SDEWES12-0328 CP183 Nagy K, Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P, Principles for Sustainability in Modern State-building for Efficient Energy and Water Supply. 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1-7 July 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, SDEWES12-0248 CP184 Varbanov P, Klemeš J.J., Perry S, Improved Targeting of Industrial Total Sites Accounting for Different Heat Transfer Properties, 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1-7 July 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, SDEWES12-0247 CP185 Nemet A, Hegyháti M , Klemeš J.J., Friedler F, Rescheduling operations demands to increase solar energy utilisation, 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1-7 July 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia SDEWES12-0380 CP186 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P, Kravanja Z, Industry academia relationship. 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1-7 July 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, SDEWES12-0593 CP187 Nemet A., Varbanov P. S., Kapustenko P., Durgutovic A. , Klemes J. J., Capital Cost Targeting of Total Site Heat Recovery, CAPE Forum 2012, 26 – 28 March 2012, Veszprém, Hungary. INTHEAT-D6.1-02 CP188 Varbanov P.S., Kouramas K, Georgiadis M, Klemeš J.J., Pistikopoulos S.N. Explicit/Multi-Parametric Model Predictive Control of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, CAPE Forum 2012, 26 – 28 March 2012, Veszprém, Hungary. CAPE2012-035 Page 25/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP189 Prasara-A J, Čuček L., Varbanov P. S., Klemeš J. J., Comparison of Environmental and Economic Performances of Different Technologies for Converting Rice Husk into Energy. CAPE Forum 2012, 26 – 28 March 2012, Veszprém, Hungary, CAPE2012-013 CP190 Konstantinidis D, Friedler F, Varbanov P S, Klemes J J. Multi-parametric control and optimisation of a small scale CHP, CAPE Forum 2012, 26 – 28 March 2012, Veszprém, Hungary, DECADE-D12-02. CP191 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., From HENs to total sites to energy supply chain, Invited Lecture, 19 March 2013, International Process Integration Jubilee Conference 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden, Lecture 1/8 CP192 Čuček L, Klemeš J. J., Kravanja Z., A Novel Concept of Eco- and Total-Net Present Value Applied to the Sybthesis of Biogas Processes, Session: Solar energy, CO2 and energy storage, Abstract Nr: 252, 9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, World Forum, 21-25 April 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands. CP193 Klemeš J.J., Teaching Chemical Engineering in Asia, Invited Plenary lecture, 7 April 2013, BASF Board of Directors Forum on Process Technology, Ludwigshafen, Germany. CP194 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L., Varbanov P.S., Kravanja Z., Extending Total Site Integration to Regional Integration for Energy Saving and Footprints Reduction, Invited Key-Note Lecture, 9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, World Forum, 22 April 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands, Malyaisa CP195 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L, Kravanja Z., LCA and Environmental Footprints as an Assessment Tool for Cleaner production, Invited lecture for for the University Annual Senate Meeting of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, 12 March, 2014, Kharkiv, Ukraine. CP1 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Kapustenko P. Boldyrev S. Heat Integration Recent Developments: Learning the Lessons from Industrial Implementations, Invited Plenary lecture, 14 May 2013, 13th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Integrated technologies and Energy Saving, Kharkov, Ukraine. CP196 Klemeš J.J., Chemical Engineering Transaction: An overview – Past and Future Development, Opening Presentation ICheaP-11, 3 June 2013, 11th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Milano, Italy CP197 Klemeš J.J., Ecological Footprint for Sustainable Development, Invited lecture for Centre for Excellence for Green Technologies, 19 June 2013, University of Nottingham, Teaching Facility Chulan Tower, Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia CP198 Klemeš J.J., How to be an International Reviewer, Invited lecture for Centre for Excellence for Green Technologies, 19 June 2013, University of Nottingham, Teaching Facility Chulan Tower, Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia CP199 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L., LCA and Environmental Footprints as an Assessment Tool, Invited Workshop, 24th June 2013, 6th International Conference of Process Systems Engineering – PSE ASIA 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia CP200 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S, The Challenges of Process Integration in Energy, Water, Emissions and Waste Minimisation, Plenary lecture, 26th June 2013, 6th International Conference of Process Systems Engineering – PSE ASIA 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. CP201 Klemeš J.J., Coal Environmental Impact & Footprints, Invited lecture for Panel Session: Towards Clean Coal, 19 July 2013, ECOS 2013 (Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy), Guilin, China CP202 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L., Varbanov P.S., Kravanja Z., Environmental Impact Assessment Quantification By Selection of Footprints-Advances in Non-fossil Fuel Power Generation. Invited Lecture, 14 August 2013, ICOSSE '13 - 3rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering, Kingsgate Marriott, Cincinatti, OH, USA. Page 26/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP203 Kravanja Z., Čuček L., Klemeš J.J., Continental Biorefinery Supply Networks for the Production and Supply of Transportation Fuels - Advances in Alternative Transportation Energy and Storage. Keynote Lecture, 14 August 2013, ICOSSE '13 - 3rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering, Kingsgate Marriott, Cincinatti, OH, USA. CP204 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L., Varbanov P.S., Kravanja Z., Extending Total Site Integration to Regional Integration for Energy Saving and further Footprints Reduction, Plenary lecture, 11. September 2013. Slovenian Chemical Days 2013, Maribor, Slovenia CP205 Klemeš J.J., Issues to be dealt with for young and not yet experienced authors. Invited Panel Presentation 25 September 2013: How to write an archival paper that will be accepted in journals? 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES, Dubrovnik, Croatia CP206 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov V., From HENs to total sites to energy supply chain, 10 October 2013, New Energy Research Institute, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Changping, China CP207 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L, Kravanja Z., Extending Total Site Integration to Regional Integration for Energy Saving and Footprints Reduction, Invited lecture 11 October 2013, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China CP208 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L, Kravanja Z., Overview of Environmental and Social Footprints and Application of Carbon and Nitrogen Footprints on Biomass Energy, Invited Lecture 12 October 2013, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China CP209 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L, Varbanov V., Kravanja Z., Extending Total Site Integration to Regional Integration for Energy Saving and Footprints Reduction, 13 October 2013, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China CP210 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov V., Nemet A., Integration of Energy and Resource Flows, Invited Lecture, 14 October 2013, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China CP211 Klemeš J.J., Environmental Footprints Reduction by Total Site Integration with Enhanced Heat, Plenary Lecture, 20 October 2013, 2nd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT’2013), Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. CP212 Klemeš J.J., Varbanov V., Presentation of the Centre of Process Integration and Intensification, University of Pannonia, Invited lecture, 24 October 2013, 30th Process Integration Research Consortium Annual meeting, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. CP213 Klemeš J.J., How to be editor? From getting appointed to be an editor and effective editorial management. Invited lecture, 14 November 2013. Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT) Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia CP214 Klemeš J.J., Sharing of experience on successful collaboration. PROSPECT and UoP experience + Discussion. Invited lecture, 18 November 2013. Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT) Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. CP215 Klemeš J.J., How to organize a high impact and highly successful international conference? From bidding to event management. Invited lecture, 19 November 2013. Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT) Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia CP216 Klemeš J.J., How to Write a Book for an International Reputable Publisher? From selecting the suitable publisher to writing a book. Invited lecture, 25 November 2013. Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT) Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Page 27/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013 CP217 Klemeš J.J., Kravanja Z.: Role of Mathematics in Chemical Engineering Industrial Applications PGraphs, Process integration and Mathematical Programming, International Seminar on Mathematics in Industry 2013 (ISMI 2013) UTM-CIAM (UTM Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) in cooperation with OCIAM (Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Oxford University, UK) and MIMOS (The Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems - Malaysia's National R&D centre in ICT, 27 November 2013, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. CP218 Klemeš J.J., Eco-Footprint for Sustainable Future, Invited Lecture, 28th November 2013, Mission Oriented Research (Green Technology, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750, Tronoh, Perak. Ipoh Malaysia CP219 Klemeš J.J., How to be a good writer and good reviewer: A message from Editor, Invited Lecture, 28th November 2013, Mission Oriented Research (Green Technology, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750, Tronoh, Perak. Ipoh, Malaysia CP220 Klemeš J.J., Lam H.H. Development and Extension of Pinch Technology for Sustainable Future. Invited Lecture, 29th November 2013, Mission Oriented Research (Green Technology, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750, Tronoh, Perak. Ipoh, Malaysia CP221 Klemeš J.J., Getting Your Research Published, Journal Writing Workshop Invited Lecture, The Commission of Higher Education and De La Salle University, Philippine Higher Education Research Network Programme on Sustainability Studies. 10 December 2013, SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City, Manila, Philippines CP222 Klemeš J.J., Čuček L, Kravanja Z., LCA and Environmental Footprints as an Assessment Tool and Process Integration, Invited lecture for Centre of European Studies, De La Salle University, 11 december 2013, Manila, Philippines Prof Dr-Habil. Ing. Jiří J Klemeš, DSc, Dr. h. c et Dr. h. c. Veszprém, 15 December 2013 Session 9: Advances in Alternative Transportation Energy and Storage Chair: Jiri Klemes (University of Pannonia) Page 28/28 - Curriculum vitae of Klemeš Jiří For more information on Europass go to <> © European Union, 2004-2013 05042013