1 The evolution of Batesian mimicry is affected by model profitability and the availability of alternative 2 prey. 3 Running title: The evolution of Batesian mimicry. 4 Key words: Imperfect Batesian mimicry, predator, selection, aposematism, colour patterns, 5 computer games. 6 Submission type: Article 7 Submitted elements: Manuscript including eight figures and no tables, plus a supplementary file 8 including two figures 9 10 11 12 13 14 Abstract 15 Palatable, undefended Batesian mimics gain protection from predation because of their close 16 resemblance to defended and/or unpalatable models. The existence of inaccurate (“imperfect”) 17 mimics is puzzling: why has selection by predators not favoured ever more perfect mimicry? 18 Theoretical work predicts that selection for mimetic accuracy will be reduced if either a) the model 19 species that the mimic resembles is particularly noxious or aversive, or b) there is an abundance of 20 alternative prey. Using experiments in which humans foraged for computer-generated prey, we 21 tested these predictions. As predicted, we found that increased abundance of alternative prey leads 22 to reduced attacks on mimics, slowing down the evolution of mimicry, and that inaccurate mimics 23 are better protected in the presence of more unprofitable models. However, in contrast to 24 predictions, volunteers did not learn to avoid unprofitable models less well as the abundance of 25 alternative prey increased, in spite of a decreased frequency of encounters. Also, the presence of 26 particularly unprofitable models caused an unexpected initial acceleration in the evolution of 27 mimicry. Nevertheless, the results broadly support the hypotheses that the evolution of Batesian 28 mimicry is influenced by the presence of alternative prey, and by the costs to predators of attacking 29 unprofitable prey. 30 31 32 33 Introduction 34 Palatable, undefended Batesian mimics, which gain protection from predation by close resemblance 35 of noxious or aversive model species, provide a potent and intuitive example of the consequences of 36 evolution by natural selection (Bates 1862; Ruxton et al. 2004). However, the existence of relatively 37 inaccurate Batesian mimics, whose approximate resemblance to a putative model appears to be 38 relatively ineffective in fooling predators, is an enduring puzzle in evolutionary biology (Cuthill 2014; 39 Edmunds 2000; Gilbert 2005; Sherratt 2002). Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain such 40 “imperfect” mimicry, and exploration of those hypotheses has provided insights into the 41 fundamental processes which determine the evolution of phenotypes. Here, we test two of these 42 hypotheses: 1) relatively imperfect mimics are likely to persist if the cost to the predator of 43 mistakenly attacking a model is very high (Duncan and Sheppard 1965; Edmunds 2000; Sherratt 44 2002), and 2) relatively imperfect mimics are protected if predators have ready access to abundant 45 alternative palatable prey which bear no resemblance to the model (Carpenter and Ford 1933). 46 Predator behaviour, and its consequences for the evolution of Batesian mimicry, can be modelled 47 using the principles of signal detection theory (see Getty 1985; Greenwood 1986), and by making the 48 assumption that predators will adopt a threshold level of similarity between a potential prey item 49 and a model which is known to be noxious, beyond which attacks will not be made (Sherratt 2002). 50 For optimally foraging predators, this threshold occurs when similarity to the model is sufficient that 51 the risk of mistakenly attacking a model outweighs the potential benefits of consuming a palatable 52 mimic. Modelling suggests that the similarity threshold adopted by predators will be influenced by 53 their internal state (in particular, hunger) (Sherratt 2003) and by the costs associated with attacking 54 the defended or unpalatable model species (Sherratt 2002). Specifically, it is predicted that hungry 55 predators will be more willing to risk attacking prey which resemble a noxious model species 56 relatively closely, because of the threat of starvation (Sherratt 2003). One factor determining hunger 57 is the availability of alternative, easily-distinguished (and thus risk-free), palatable prey. When such 58 prey are plentiful, hunger levels will be low, and the need to risk attacks on prey resembling an 59 aversive model is reduced (Kokko et al. 2003). Hence, selection for mimetic accuracy in palatable 60 Batesian mimics is predicted to be relaxed when alternative prey are readily available (Sherratt 61 2003). Similarly, as the cost of mistakenly attacking a defended species increases (e.g. when models 62 are more heavily defended), or the probability of paying the cost increases (e.g. when the relative 63 abundance of models is high), the similarity threshold adopted by optimally foraging predators is 64 expected to favour relatively less accurate mimics, and selection on mimetic accuracy will be relaxed 65 (Sherratt 2002). 66 There is clear empirical evidence that an increase in model abundance increases the protection 67 afforded to its Batesian mimics (Brower 1960; Mostler 1935). Moreover, experiments with humans 68 and birds have shown that an increase in model relative abundance reduces attacks on imperfect 69 Batesian mimics (Lindstrom et al. 1997; McGuire et al. 2006). This effect appears to have 70 evolutionary consequences: the phenotype of the scarlet king snake (Lampropeltis elapsoides) was 71 shown to be more variable in a region of high model abundance than in a region where the model 72 was relatively rare (Harper and Pfennig 2007). There is also evidence that the relative palatability or 73 profitability of the model affects the survival of different mimetic phenotypes. It has been noted that 74 highly defended wasp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) models seem to support Batesian mimics 75 (hoverflies) with a greater range of mimetic quality than bumblebees, which are considered less 76 costly to attack (Gilbert 2005). Some experiments with birds (but not all - see Lindstrom et al. 1997) 77 show that increasing the cost of attacking the model decreases the level of mimetic accuracy needed 78 to gain protection from predation (Alcock 1970; Goodale and Sneddon 1977), although there is no 79 direct evidence of the evolutionary consequences of this effect. 80 Empirical studies support the idea that a predator’s hunger state influences the probability that it 81 will attack a potentially costly prey item (Barnett et al. 2007; Gelperin 1968; Sandre et al. 2010). 82 Similarly, predators have been shown to be more likely to attack defended prey when alternatives 83 are harder to find (Carle and Rowe 2014). There is also evidence from experiments with captive birds 84 that the presence of palatable alternative prey reduces the frequency of attacks on imperfect 85 Batesian mimics, implying that when alternative prey are rare there may be increased selection for 86 more accurate mimicry (Lindstrom et al. 2004). 87 In summary then, there is reasonable empirical support for the assumptions made about predator 88 behaviour by theoretical studies of the effect of model profitability and the abundance of alternative 89 prey on the persistence of imperfect mimicry. By contrast, model predictions about the long-term 90 effects of this behaviour for the evolution of Batesian mimicry remain largely untested. No study to 91 date has considered how alternative prey affect selection on mimics with different levels of 92 accuracy, or investigated the evolutionary consequences of such selection. Similarly, no study has 93 examined empirically the dynamic evolutionary consequences for mimics of variation in the costs for 94 the predator associated with attacking the model. The shortage of empirical evidence is in part be 95 because experimental tests of hypotheses relating to evolutionary processes in real organisms are 96 logistically difficult. Studies of mimicry typically give a “snap-shot” of selection pressures at one 97 particular time, and discuss the possible evolutionary consequences. However, several studies have 98 exploited computer games to measure the long-term effects of selection pressures generated by real 99 predators (normally humans) on digital “prey” in an artificial environment (McGuire et al. 2006; 100 Sherratt and Beatty 2003; Sherratt et al. 2004). Such studies have great potential to bridge the gap 101 between modelling and experimentation. 102 In the present study, we ran a series of experiments looking at the effects of human foraging 103 behaviour on the survival (within-generation) and evolution (across generations) of computer- 104 generated model and mimic “prey”. Our aim was to test the following specific theoretical 105 predictions: 1) relatively inaccurate mimics will be attacked less often when their model is less 106 profitable or more aversive from the predator’s perspective; 2) in such situations, selection for 107 mimetic accuracy will be relaxed, and the evolution of increased accuracy will be slower, and will be 108 balanced sooner by other evolutionary forces; 3) a predator is less likely to learn to avoid defended 109 model phenotypes when alternative palatable prey are abundant; 4) relatively inaccurate mimics are 110 better protected from predation when alternative prey are abundant; 5) mimetic accuracy evolves 111 more slowly, and reaches a less accurate end-point, when alternative prey are abundant. 112 113 114 Methods 115 The computer game 116 A computer game was written using action script in Adobe® Flash® CS4 Professional, and mounted 117 on a website (www.predatorbehaviour.com). Running the game on-line allowed larger sample sizes 118 of participants than would otherwise be possible, although it also meant that we could not control 119 certain external influences (computer screen type, player motivation, distractions etc.). Players 120 foraged for randomly-positioned digital prey (coloured squares, 13 x 13 mm on a 17 inch screen) on 121 a white background. Prey were initially hidden beneath white squares of the same dimensions, with 122 a narrow black border. Players uncovered hidden prey by clicking on a white square, and could then 123 decide whether to attack the prey (click on it with their mouse) or not. They were encouraged to 124 forage optimally by awarding points (equivalent to “fitness”) when prey were attacked. Mimics were 125 always worth more than their models, in order to simulate the natural situation in which it benefits a 126 predator to learn to avoid the signals of an unprofitable prey species. At the onset of each game, 127 players were further motivated by a high scores table, displaying the twelve highest scores, and a 128 message encouraging them to maximise their score. 129 When prey were attacked, four events were triggered: 1) the prey disappeared from the screen; 2) a 130 sound file played; 3) the points awarded for the attack appeared in a short-lived graphical “bubble”; 131 and 4) the player’s score, which appeared at the bottom of the screen, was adjusted appropriately. 132 Attacks on palatable mimics and alternative prey produced a high-pitched “boing” sound, whilst 133 attacks on unprofitable models generated a succession of notes with reducing pitch. The sounds 134 were included to make the game more engaging, and to reinforce the stimulus of the score awarded 135 for that attack. If the player chose to ignore a particular prey item and continued foraging by clicking 136 on another white square, the previously uncovered prey was covered by a grey square of the same 137 dimensions and became permanently unavailable. Prey encounters were thus sequential rather than 138 simultaneous, and each player only encountered a prey individual once, which we considered to 139 reflect a natural foraging situation such as when birds hunt for insect prey. 140 Players were able to use the colour of the prey to determine whether to attack them. Mimic 141 phenotypes could be close enough to those of the models to be indistinguishable, or far enough 142 away to be clearly different, allowing a full range of mimetic accuracies to be simulated. The 143 phenotype of the prey was determined by two quantitative genetic loci (θ and φ) with values which 144 corresponded to longitudinal (between –π and +π radians) and latitudinal (between –π/2 and +π/2 145 radians) positions on a sphere in three-dimensional computer (RGB) colour space. A spherical 146 phenotypic space was chosen to prevent the inhibition of evolutionary movement by fixed 147 boundaries, as would occur on a flat two-dimensional plane (e.g. McGuire et al, 2006). The fact that 148 the prey could differ in two phenotypic dimensions made greater variability in phenotypic colour 149 possible than would be possible in a one-dimensional space (as in Franks & Noble, 2004; McGuire et 150 al, 2006). This made the game more challenging and more interesting for the human players, helping 151 to retain their interest. In reality we would expect real mimetic/aposematic patterns to be highly 152 multi-dimensional in most cases. 153 The position of each prey individual on the surface of the colour sphere, and hence its phenotype, 154 was determined using standard spherical geometry. In particular the Haversine equations (Smith, 155 2007) was used to compute new phenotypes for mimic offspring, given parental θ and φ, a mutation 156 distance, and a bearing along which to travel: 157 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝑅) = ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜑2 − 𝜑1) + cos(𝜑1) cos(𝜑2) ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛 (∆𝜆) 158 and 159 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃) = sin ² (2 ) = 1 − cos (2 ), 160 where d is the distance between two points, R is the radius of the sphere, φ1 is the latitude of point 161 1, φ2 is the latitude of point 2 and ∆λ is the longitudinal separation between points 1 and 2. The 162 Haversine equation was also used to compute the distance between any two points on the surface 𝑑 𝜃 𝜃 Eqn 1 Eqn 2 163 of the sphere, which provided a measure of mimetic accuracy. In all experiments, the radius R of the 164 colour sphere was set at 125 RGB units, giving a wide range of possible phenotypes across the colour 165 spectrum that can be displayed by a standard computer monitor. 166 We conducted four separate experiments. Experiments 1 and 3 measured attack frequencies on 167 different prey types in various ecological scenarios in the absence of evolution. Experiments 2 and 4 168 explored the evolution of mimetic phenotypes resulting from the predator selection observed in the 169 other two experiments. The game was separated into “generations” in which the predator was 170 forced to attack a particular number of prey (k). In the non-evolving games, genotypes and 171 corresponding phenotypes (positions on the colour sphere) for each mimic were randomly chosen at 172 the start of each generation. In the evolving games, each generation of prey represented the 173 “offspring” of the previous generation. In these games, the first generation of prey phenotypes was 174 randomly distributed, and subsequently φ and θ for each individual mimic were determined by 175 “parent” loci, subject to a small mutation. Every surviving mimic from the previous generation (i.e. 176 those that were not “eaten” by the players) reproduced asexually. Every generation had the same 177 number of mimics (Dmim). Once all surviving mimics had produced one offspring in the next 178 generation, the remaining mimetic phenotypes were determined by randomly selecting a surviving 179 parent to produce another offspring. Thus, a single game tracked the evolution of the mimetic 180 phenotypes from the first generation, and no successful phenotype was lost in subsequent 181 generations unless preyed upon. 182 Offspring phenotypes mutated from the parental phenotype by travelling a small distance, randomly 183 drawn from a normal distribution with a mean of zero, along a randomly-generated bearing 184 (between zero and 2π radians) on the surface of the colour sphere. The mutation rate (µ) was set by 185 the standard deviation of the normal distribution. In all games µ was 20 units on a standard 186 computer RGB scale, which was approximately 10 % of the average phenotypic distance between 187 two randomly chosen mimics within the population in the first generation. Mutations were thus 188 small but perceptible to the trained eye. 189 Model phenotypes were selected at random at the start of every game, but all models in each game 190 were identical. Model abundance (Dmod) was fixed for the whole game. In all experiments, to simplify 191 interpretation of the results, and to make it easy for the players to learn which prey were 192 unprofitable, the model’s phenotype was constant across generations. This probably approximately 193 reflects what happens in nature: it has long been assumed that the model phenotype will evolve at a 194 slower rate than that of the mimic owing to the disadvantage of mutations in the warning pattern 195 which could render the model’s signals unfamiliar to a predator (Nur, 1970). The game set-up also 196 assumed that the predator outlives the prey and therefore carries any leaned behaviour across 197 several generations of prey. This assumption reflects the fact that predators (often vertebrates) 198 would normally live longer than their prey (often invertebrates), although this is not always the case. 199 In contrast, other investigations using humans foraging for virtual prey have assumed that predator 200 and prey have similar life expectancies (McGuire et al, 2006). 201 Palatable but non-mimetic “alternative prey”, where present, were also uniform and constant in 202 abundance (Dalt) and appearance, but were very distinct from models and mimics (open black circles, 203 13 mm in diameter on a 17 inch screen). They were always profitable, with an attack yielding the 204 same score as that for attacking a mimic. Other studies involving alternative prey often assume they 205 are cryptic (e.g. Kokko et al, 2003; Lindström et al, 2004). However, because we were not specifically 206 interested in the trade-off between searching for cryptic prey and attacking potentially unprofitable 207 prey, we chose a phenotype for alternative prey that was just as conspicuous as those of the models 208 and mimics. 209 Players attacked k = 7 prey per generation. Once this limit was reached, the screen refreshed and 210 the next generation of prey appeared, again initially hidden behind white squares. A generation 211 counter was displayed at the bottom of the screen. Each game ran for a predetermined number of 212 generations (g) before it ended. Apart from the prey, all other aspects of the foraging environment 213 were kept as neutral as possible, using colours from the grey scale. Before starting the game, players 214 were told how many generations the game would run for, how many prey they had to eat per 215 generation, and the maximum possible score. They were asked their sex, whether they had played 216 before and whether they had their sound turned on, and their IP address was recorded. In the 217 analysis, data from players who said they had played before, or whose IP address had been logged 218 previously, were discarded. Volunteers were solicited by emailing undergraduate students at the 219 University of Nottingham, but the website was accessible to anyone with internet access. 220 Participants were anonymous; names were not recorded and IP addresses were discarded after 221 removal of duplicates. Players were made aware of the general purpose (biological research) of the 222 game prior to choosing whether to participate, and could stop playing at any time during a game. 223 Experiment 1: The effect of model profitability on mimic survival 224 The first experiment tested the effect of the relative cost of attacking the model species on the 225 survival of mimics of varying accuracy. From 2nd to 25th November 2010, visitors to the website 226 foraged on a mixture of non-evolving profitable mimics of varying phenotypes (Dmim = 30 per 227 generation) and less profitable models (Dmod = 15) for g = 10 generations. The score awarded for 228 attacking a mimic (Bmim) was always 10 points, whilst the score awarded for attacking a model (Bmod) 229 was chosen randomly for each player from a range of scores (8, 5, 2, 0, -5, -10, -15 or -20 points). 230 Thus, whilst models sometimes gave a positive score, they were always less profitable than mimics. 231 Given the constraint on the number of prey that could be consumed per generation (k = 7), the 232 highest score was therefore only attainable by avoiding all attacks on models. In total 175 naïve 233 players took part, and 160 control games (with random computer-generated attacks on prey) were 234 conducted (20 for each model score treatment). 235 Experiment 2: The effect of model profitability on the evolution of mimicry 236 The second experiment explored the consequences of the selection measured in Experiment 1 for 237 the evolution of mimic phenotypes in the presence of models which vary in profitability. From 25th 238 March and the 7th April 2011, visitors to the website foraged on a mixture of evolving profitable 239 mimics of varying phenotypes (Dmim = 30 per generation) and non-evolving, less profitable models 240 (Dmod = 15). Pilot data suggested that more generations (g = 15) were required than in Experiment 1 241 in order to observe the effects of selection on mimic evolution. The score awarded for attacking a 242 mimic (Bmim) was always 10 points, whilst the score awarded for attacking a model (Bmod) was chosen 243 randomly for each player from a range of scores (8, 6, 4, 2, or 0 points). Possible model scores were 244 chosen based on preliminary results from Experiment 1, which suggested that the effect on predator 245 behaviour of increasing the cost of attacking the model beyond Bmod = 0 was minimal. In total 316 246 naïve players took part and 350 control games were conducted (70 for each model score treatment). 247 Experiment 3: The effect of alternative prey on mimic survival 248 The third experiment tested the effect of the availability of palatable alternative prey on the survival 249 of mimics of varying accuracy. From 13th to 20th January 2011, visitors to the website foraged on a 250 mixture of non-evolving profitable mimics of varying phenotypes (Dmim = 20 per generation; Bmim = 251 10), non-evolving, less profitable models (Dmod = 12; Bmod = 0) and non-evolving profitable (Balt = 10) 252 alternative prey for g = 10 generations. The abundance of alternative prey in the population (Dalt) 253 was chosen at random for each player from a range of values (0, 3, 6, 9, or 12 per generation). Thus, 254 the relative frequency and absolute abundance of the alternative prey varied simultaneously. The 255 numbers of alternative prey were chosen to range from zero to well above the upper limit on attacks 256 per generation (k = 7), meaning that a player could forage solely on alternative prey in some 257 treatments. In total 91 naïve players took part and 200 control games were conducted (40 for each 258 alternative prey treatment). 259 Experiment 4: The effect of alternative prey on the evolution of mimicry 260 The final experiment tested the effect of the availability of alternative prey on the evolution of 261 mimetic phenotypes. The experimental set-up and treatments were identical to those in Experiment 262 3, except that mimics were allowed to evolve over time (as in Experiment 2), and games lasted for g 263 = 15 generations. In total 72 naïve players took part between 12th and 30th April 2011, and 400 264 control games were conducted (80 for each alternative prey treatment). 265 Statistical Analysis 266 Attack probabilities and mimetic accuracy were analysed using Generalised Linear Mixed Effects 267 Models (GLMMs) in R Version 2.12.1 with the appropriate error structures (binomial or Gaussian, 268 respectively). Player was a random factor, and treatment, prey type, mimic accuracy (distance to the 269 model in colour-space) and generation, and relevant interactions, were fitted as fixed effects. Where 270 there was evidence of a nonlinear change in attack rates or mimic phenotypes over time, we 271 explored this change in one of two ways. In some cases, we discriminated between data from the 272 first four generations, during which players were learning to avoid unprofitable models, and later 273 generations, in which the effects of that learning process were typically fully realised. In other cases, 274 we fitted quadratic (and in one case cubic) terms to model the temporal trends. The choice of 275 modelling approach was determined by visual inspection of the data, and AIC scores from 276 preliminary analyses. In all cases, model terms were removed in a backwards step-wise manner from 277 a saturated model, and the effect of removal tested using likelihood ratio tests (Zuur et al. 2009). 278 Preliminary analysis revealed large, significant and predictable differences in key response variables 279 between the games played by humans and control games in all experiments. Observed patterns of 280 mortality and evolution in the prey were almost always clearly non-random in games with human 281 predators. Therefore, to simplify the presentation of the results, and to allow us to focus on the 282 most interesting main effects and interactions, most analyses presented below exclude control data, 283 except where human attacks on prey were not clearly distinguishable from random. The control data 284 are, however, plotted alongside the experimental data in figures for comparison. Finally, preliminary 285 analysis of data from Experiment 1 showed that once the score awarded to the player on attacking 286 the model (Bmod) reached zero, any further decrease in the score had little effect on the protection 287 received by mimics (see Figures S1 and S2). Thus, data from treatments where the model score was 288 zero or below were pooled for further analysis of this experiment. 289 290 Results 291 Experiment 1: The effect of model profitability on non-evolving mimics 292 Overall, models were attacked more often by players when they were less costly to attack (binomial 293 GLMM: LR = 26.547, df = 7, p < 0.001; see Figure 1). As the game progressed, the frequency of 294 attacks on the models decreased (LR = 131.43; df = 1, p < 0.001), an effect which was greater as the 295 cost of the model increased (interaction between Bmod and generation: LR = 16.232, df = 7, p = 296 0.023). This is presumably because the players learned to avoid the models more readily when the 297 model was more costly to attack. For the most unprofitable models, the learning phase seemed to 298 last for only about four generations, after which point attack rates on the model were stable. 299 Considering only the latter generations (5 – 10), after players had learned that models were costly, 300 the results of Experiment 1 clearly show the benefits of mimicry. The more the mimics resembled 301 the models, the less frequently they were attacked (LR = 366.76, df = 1, p < 0.001; Figure 2). There 302 was a significant negative main effect of model profitability (Bmod) on the probability that a mimic 303 was attacked (LR = 18.210, df = 7, p = 0.011), mirroring the increase in attack frequency on models 304 described above. Importantly, there was a significant interaction between model profitability and 305 mimetic accuracy: as the cost of attacking the model increased, less accurate mimics gained 306 relatively more protection from predation (LR = 19.087, df = 7, p = 0.001). Players which 307 encountered the least costly model attacked the mimics in a manner similar to the random pattern 308 seen in the control games. 309 Experiment 2: The effect of model profitability on evolving mimics 310 When mimics were allowed to evolve, players were also less likely to attack models as the 311 generations progressed (binomial GLMM: LR = 180.90, df = 1, p < 0.001; Figure 3). This effect was 312 less important in later generations: there was a significant positive quadratic effect of generation on 313 the probability of attacks on models (LR = 98.933, df = 1, p < 0.001). The more costly the models, the 314 less likely players were to attack them (LR = 10.229, df = 4, p = 0.037), the steeper the initial decline 315 in the attack frequencies on models across generations (interaction between Bmod and the linear 316 effect of generations: LR = 12.598, df = 4, p = 0.013), and the less marked the decline in later 317 generations (interaction between Bmod and the quadratic effect of generations: LR = 15.462, df = 4, p 318 = 0.004). This suggests that players learned to avoid models more rapidly when attacks on them 319 were more costly. 320 Overall, the mean mimic phenotype evolved closer to the model over the generations (Gaussian 321 GLMM: LR = 5.646, df = 1, p = 0.018; Figure 4), typically in a decelerating fashion (quadratic effect of 322 generation: LR = 6.197, df = 1, p = 0.013; cubic effect of generation: LR = 7.209, df = 1, p = 0.007). 323 Although there was no main effect of model profitability on mimic phenotype (LR = 2.046, df = 4, p = 324 0.727), the shape of the trend in the mean mimic phenotype over time varied subtly among 325 treatments: the effect of model score interacted significantly with the linear (LR = 68.816, df = 4, p < 326 0.001) and cubic effects (LR = 49.853, df = 4, p < 0.001) of generation, but not with the quadratic 327 effect of generation (LR = 5.691, df = 4, p = 0.223). When attacking the model was relatively costly 328 (Bmod = 0), mimics initially evolved rapidly towards the model, but then appeared to stop evolving in 329 later generations. In contrast, mimicry of less costly models (most notably when Bmod = 8) evolved 330 more slowly at first, but continued right throughout the 15 generations studied. 331 Experiment 3: The effect of alternative prey on non-evolving mimics 332 In the presence of alternative prey, as in Experiment 1, the frequency with which models were 333 attacked declined sharply in the first four generations (effect of generation in binomial GLMM for 334 first four generations: LR = 74.873, df = 1, p < 0.001; Figure 5), but stabilized thereafter (effect of 335 generation in generations 5 – 10: LR = 0.633, df = 1, p = 0.426). The abundance of alternative prey 336 present did not affect the frequency of attacks on models in either the learning period (LR = 0.088, 337 df = 1, p = 0.767) or in later generations (LR = 0.005, df = 1, p = 0.943). Furthermore there was no 338 effect of the abundance of alternative palatable prey on the rate that the players learned to avoid 339 the models: there was no significant interaction between generation and the number of alternative 340 prey either during the learning period (LR = 0.088, df = 1, p = 0.767) or later (LR = 0.428, df = 1, p = 341 0.513). 342 Alternative prey were generally less likely to be attacked than mimics in Experiment 3 (see Figure 5), 343 despite the fact that the two prey types were equally “palatable”, and in two treatments (Dalt = 9 and 344 12) players could forage exclusively on alternative prey. In fact, overall, players did not attack the 345 alternative prey any more or less than random: there was no difference in the attack rate on 346 alternative prey between experimental and control games, either in the first four generations 347 (binomial GLMM: LR = 0.406, df = 1, p = 0.524), or later (LR = 0.223, df = 1, p = 0.637). In the first four 348 generations, the probability that alternative prey were attacked increased somewhat (LR = 6.931, df 349 = 1, p = 0.008; Figure 5), as attacks on models became less frequent (see above), and then stabilised 350 in later generations (LR = 0.019, df = 1, p = 0.890). This trend in early generations was relatively 351 weak, and the interaction between generation and whether the data were from experimental or 352 control games was not significant, either early in games (LR = 1.658, df = 1, p = 0.199) or later (LR = 353 0.019, df = 1, p = 0.890). In the first four generations, there were no significant main effects of the 354 abundance of alternative prey on the probability that they were attacked, and no significant 355 interactions between treatment and the other fixed effects we considered (p < 0.05 in all cases). In 356 later generations, alternative prey were slightly less likely to be attacked when they were more 357 abundant (LR = 4.819, df = 1, p = 0.028), but this main effect of treatment did not interact with the 358 other effects considered (p < 0.05 in all cases). 359 To explore the effects of the abundance of alternative prey on the frequencies of attacks on mimics 360 with varying levels of accuracy, we analysed data from the last six generations, by which time players 361 had learned to avoid models. As expected, less accurate mimics were more likely to be attacked (LR 362 = 308.58, df = 1, p < 0.001; Figure 6). Overall, the probability that a mimic was attacked decreased 363 with increasing numbers of alternative prey (LR = 110.92, df = 1, p < 0.001). However, there was no 364 significant interaction between the distance from the model and the number of available alternative 365 prey (LR = 0.830, df = 1, p = 0.362); this contrasts with the theoretical prediction that the presence of 366 alternative prey should give less accurate mimics more protection. 367 Experiment 4: The effect of alternative prey on evolving mimics 368 In games with alternative prey in which mimics were allowed to evolve, the attack rate on the model 369 declined rapidly over the first four generations, as in the other experiments (binomial GLMM: LR = 370 51.086, df = 1, p < 0.001; Figure 7), before stabilising in later generations (LR = 1.265, df = 1, p = 371 0.261). The abundance of alternative prey had no overall effect on the probability that models were 372 attacked in the first four generations (LR = 2.9832, df = 1, p = 0.084), but experienced players 373 attacked fewer models when alternative prey were relatively abundant (LR = 7.595, df = 1, p = 374 0.006). There was no indication that the abundance of alternative prey affected the rate at which 375 players learned to avoid models: there was no significant interaction between treatment and 376 generation either early in the game (LR = 0.1466, df = 1, p = 0.702) or later (LR = 0.118, df = 1, p = 377 0.731). 378 In contrast to the equivalent non-evolving game (Experiment 3), alternative prey in Experiment 4 379 were generally more likely to be attacked by humans than mimics, especially in later generations 380 (Figure 7). During the first four generations, while players learned to avoid models, the frequency of 381 attacks on alternative prey increased (LR = 8.068, df = 1, p = 0.006), before stabilising in later 382 generations (LR = 0.114, df = 1, p = 0.736). The abundance of alternative prey did not have a 383 significant effect on the probability that they were attacked in either the first four generations (LR = 384 1.324, df = 1, p = 0.250), or later (LR = 2.980, df = 1, p = 0.084). Similarly, there was no significant 385 interaction between the effects of generation and the abundance of alternative prey on the 386 probability that they were attacked, either in the first four generations (LR = 0.106, df = 1, p = 0.745), 387 or later (LR = 1.914, df = 1, p = 0.167). 388 Under selection from human predators, mimics evolved towards the model in phenotypic space over 389 15 generations, in a decelerating fashion (Gaussian GLMM; linear effect of generation: LR = 161.56, 390 df = 1, p < 0.001; quadratic effect of generation: LR = 17.442, df = 1, p < 0.001; Figure 8). The 391 abundance of alternative prey had no overall effect on mean mimetic accuracy (LR = 1.987, df = 1, p 392 = 0.159). Importantly, however, mimics evolved towards the model more slowly when alternative 393 prey were more abundant: the interaction between linear effect of generation and the abundance of 394 alternative prey was significant (LR = 52.734, df = 1, p < 0.001). The deceleration in the evolution of 395 mimicry, as captured by a quadratic term in the model, was not significantly affected by the 396 abundance of alternative prey (LR = 2.918, df = 1, p = 0.088). Nevertheless, it is interesting to note 397 that when alternative prey were at their most abundant, the mean mimic phenotype was relatively 398 constant in the last four generations, implying that evolution of mimetic accuracy had halted in this 399 treatment. 400 401 402 403 404 Discussion 405 Our experiments demonstrate that humans can rapidly learn to avoid unprofitable artificial prey 406 (models), even when the costs associated with attacks on those prey are small. The resultant 407 selection favours the evolution of relatively accurate Batesian mimicry in more profitable prey, but 408 this process is influenced significantly by the exact magnitude of the costs associated with attacks on 409 models, and by the availability of alternative palatable non-mimetic prey. Broadly, these findings 410 support the predictions of theoretical work which has sought to understand the factors affecting the 411 evolution of relatively inaccurate or imperfect Batesian mimicry. Some of the details of our results, 412 however, suggest that not all the assumptions made in such theoretical work are entirely 413 appropriate. 414 Model profitability and the evolution of Batesian mimicry 415 Our experiments demonstrate that the higher the cost of attacking a model, the less accurate a 416 mimic needs to be to gain a degree of protection from predation. This intuitive finding supports the 417 predications of Signal Detection Theory (Sherratt 2002), and is consistent with other studies of the 418 effects of model palatability on the survival of different mimic phenotypes (Alcock 1970; Goodale 419 and Sneddon 1977). It is hypothesised that particularly well-defended model species can protect a 420 wider range of mimetic phenotypes from predation, because predators will generalise more widely 421 when the costs of mistakenly attacking a model are greater (Darst and Cummings 2006). Our results 422 suggest that this effect is not linear: after a certain point, further increases in model costliness have 423 a neutral effect predator behaviour (for more detail, see Figures S1 and S2). This suggests that, at 424 least in our study system, there is a threshold cost at which predator aversion is maximised. Such a 425 threshold could account for the fact that some studies have failed to find an effect of model 426 profitability on mimic survival (Lindstrom et al. 1997). It is reasonable to expect that the optimal 427 position of such a threshold would be contingent on predator motivation, and if so, we would expect 428 the effects of model profitability and the availability of alternative prey to interact. This could easily 429 be tested by extensions of the experiments we present in this paper. 430 It has been suggested that an increase in the cost associated with an attack on a model will decrease 431 the time needed for avoidance learning by a predator (e.g. Leimar et al. 1986). Our results support 432 this suggestion: players faced with the least profitable models reduced their attack rate on them 433 more rapidly than in other treatments. This is presumably explained by the fact that the incentive to 434 learn to avoid the model was small when the relative cost of accidently attacking a model prey item 435 was low. This in turn implies that learning is costly in its own right, as otherwise any incentive, no 436 matter how small, should be sufficient to promote learning. We did not impose an explicit cost on 437 learning – there was no time limit on games, for example – but players could have been using a rule 438 of thumb that may have evolved to suit a wide range of foraging situations. Interestingly, the results 439 from the evolving games (Experiment 2) imply that, given enough time, less costly models will be 440 avoided to the same extent as more costly models. This supports the theory that predators take 441 longer to learn to avoid a less costly model, but that they will eventually learn to avoid even weakly- 442 defended prey (Ihalainen et al. 2007). 443 Players clearly recognised mimetic inaccuracy. Once experienced, they selected prey according to 444 the phenotypic distance from the model, with more accurate mimics receiving the best protection. 445 As predicted, selection on mimetic accuracy was relaxed when models were relatively costly to 446 attack. This relaxed selection might be expected to slow the rate of evolution towards mimetic 447 perfection, but our data (Experiment 2) do not entirely support this idea: at least initially, the rate of 448 evolution of mimetic accuracy increased in presence of particularly costly models. This may be a 449 result of the increased pressure on the predator to learn to discriminate between the model and 450 palatable prey when the costs of mistaken identity are high. Alternatively, it could be a consequence 451 of an increase in the number of models attacked per generation when models were less costly; 452 because we limited the total number of attacks per generation, an increase in the proportion of 453 models in the predator’s “diet” led to a corresponding decrease in the proportion of mimics 454 attacked, which could in turn reduce selection on mimetic accuracy. 455 Following an initial rapid evolution of mimetic accuracy in the presence of the most costly models 456 (Bmod = 0 in Figure 4), the results suggest that eventually a very unprofitable model could support a 457 wider range of mimetic phenotypes than a less costly model (cf. Bmod = 2 to Bmod = 6 in Figure 4). It 458 has been argued that there may be a threshold level of accuracy at which predation reaches a 459 minimum, beyond which improvements are selectively neutral, and that this threshold may be 460 reached at lower levels of accuracy when models are particularly unprofitable (Sherratt 2002; Speed 461 and Ruxton 2010). Our results weakly support this supposition, but further investigation is required 462 in which prey are subject to longer periods of selection by predators than were investigated here. 463 Such investigations may need to utilise different study systems, or at least a different experimental 464 design, because in our experience the interest of human volunteers can only be maintained for so 465 long! 466 Alternative prey and the evolution of Batesian mimicry 467 In non-evolutionary games, the availability of alternative prey had modest effects on the protection 468 afforded to palatable but mimetic prey (Experiment 3). As predicted (e.g. Nonacs 1985; Sherratt 469 2003), the abundance of palatable alternative prey was negatively related to attack rates on mimics. 470 Interestingly, however, the availability of alternative prey did not affect the level of mimetic 471 accuracy required to gain protection. The propensity of players to distinguish between model and 472 mimics was consistent across treatments. This contrasts with Lindström et al. (2004), who found that 473 great tits (Parus major) learned to avoid artificial model prey faster in the presence of more 474 abundant alternative prey. 475 Lindström et al (2004) also found that the presence of alternative prey had no overall effect on the 476 proportion of models attacked, and this does accord with our results. It has been suggested that if 477 the frequency of alternative prey is particularly high, the predator may not encounter the model 478 often enough to establish avoidance behaviour (Kokko et al. 2003). For example, Rowland et al. 479 (2010) found that increasing the number of alternative palatable prey increased the relative 480 predation risk for defended prey species, perhaps because the longer time period between each 481 encounter with a model resulted in the predator taking longer to learn to avoid the costly prey. 482 Indeed Signal Detection Theory predicts that as the chances of incurring a cost decreases, the 483 predator should behave less cautiously, more readily attacking potentially defended prey (Sherratt 484 2002). Our results failed to support this prediction, suggesting that a player’s ability to learn to 485 associate the model’s phenotype with a cost was unaffected by the availability of alternative prey. 486 However it is possible that the number of available alternative prey was not high enough to reduce 487 the frequency of encountering the model sufficiently to produce the predicted effect. Further 488 empirical work should focus on the importance of rare encounters on predator behaviour towards 489 defended models and mimetic prey. 490 Despite the fact that in two of the treatments in Experiments 3 the players had the opportunity to 491 “feed” exclusively on alternative prey, in general the players still preferred to attack the Batesian 492 mimics. It is possible that this is a product of the frequency-dependent nature of predatory 493 responses (Huheey 1980): the coloured squares (models and potential mimics) always outnumbered 494 the palatable alternatives (open circles), and perhaps this encouraged players to focus their 495 attention on the former rather than the latter prey type. Furthermore, the average frequency of 496 attacks on models was never zero, even when players were experienced. Although predation 497 pressure on models was greatly reduced in generations five to ten, players continued to sample 498 models in spite of the availability of inaccurate mimics and distinctive, palatable alternative prey. 499 Similarly, Nonacs (1985) found that unpalatable dough balls were repeatedly bitten by chipmunks 500 (Eutamias quadrimaculatus), even when distinguishable, risk-free alternative food was readily 501 available. Perhaps occasional sampling of the most abundant prey type in the environment is 502 generally adaptive, even when previous experience suggests those prey are unprofitable, because it 503 allows predators to evaluate any changes in profitability; alternatively, it might simply occur because 504 predators forget. 505 The evolutionary consequence (Experiment 4) of the reduced predation on mimics in the presence 506 of abundant alternative prey was that mimic phenotypes moved more slowly in the direction of 507 mimetic perfection. This is consistent with the predictions of Signal Detection Theory (Sherratt 508 2003), and generally highlights the importance of considering the availability of alternative prey in 509 the evolution of Batesian mimicry. 510 Evolutionary dynamics produced some noticeable differences in predator behaviour, in comparison 511 with the non-evolutionary Experiment 3. In particular, the probability of alternative prey being 512 attacked increased in the early generations of Experiment 4, and was greater than expected if the 513 players were foraging at random. This suggests that there was more incentive for the players to 514 utilise the palatable alternatives when accurate mimicry was allowed to evolve, presumably because 515 mimics were increasingly hard to distinguish from the model. As the potential risk of attacking a 516 costly model increased, the pay-off for attacking a visually consistent, highly distinguishable 517 palatable alternative will have increased. It has previously been suggested that the accuracy of the 518 mean mimetic phenotype will have a large impact on the decisions of the predator and consequent 519 selection on the mimics (McGuire et al, 2006). Furthermore Signal Detection Theory predicts that as 520 the chances of making a mistake increase, the predator should adopt a more cautious foraging 521 response (Sherratt 2002). Our results are consistent with this prediction, and highlight the 522 importance of the dynamic interplay between predator behaviour and phenotypic evolution in 523 systems like this: static “snap shots” of predator behaviour from laboratory or field trials are clearly 524 constrained in the extent to which they can provide insights into the evolution of phenotypes when 525 there is feedback between the appearance of the phenotype and the nature of selection. 526 Increasing the number of alternative prey in Experiment 4 significantly reduced the overall 527 frequency of attacks on the model. This is consistent with a density-dependent “dilution” effect, 528 which was thought by Rowland et al (2010) to account for the fact that increasing the availability of 529 alternative prey reduced the probability that chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) would attack highly 530 defended models. Alternatively, decreased risk to aposematic prey in the presence of palatable 531 alternatives may result from the fact that the predators can afford to forage more cautiously when 532 they are less hungry (Sherratt 2003). 533 Sherratt (2003) suggested that a high frequency of alternative prey could allow less accurate 534 Batesian mimics to persist in the long term. After 15 generations of the evolving game, the mimetic 535 phenotypes were still evolving towards the model in phenotypic space, except perhaps when 536 alternative prey were at their most abundant (Figure 8). We would need to extent the duration of 537 our experiments to test Sherratt’s prediction properly, since at present it is not clear if the 538 abundance of alternative prey merely affects the rate at which evolution towards perfection 539 progresses, rather than the evolutionary end-point. 540 The design of Experiments 3 and 4 meant that as the abundance of alternative prey increased, so too 541 did the total prey density on screen. We cannot therefore rule out the possibility that the observed 542 effects of alternative prey availability resulted from a more general effect of prey density. Prey 543 density is known to influence the foraging behaviour of predators, for example by increasing the 544 time they spend foraging in a patch (Wellenreuther and Connell 2002), increasing the success rate of 545 attacks (Draulans 1987), or increasing the conspicuousness of the prey and the spatial error of 546 predator attacks (Ioannou et al. 2009). However most of these effects are unlikely to be important in 547 the present study. First, the players were unaware of the identity (model, mimic or alternative) of 548 each individual prey until they clicked upon the covering square. Second, the players were not 549 restricted by time or challenged by moving prey. Furthermore, the effect of prey density appears to 550 be particularly relevant when it can be contrasted with other experiences (Wellenreuther and 551 Connell 2002), but in our study each player only encountered prey at one particular density. Finally, 552 the players of our game had to attack a fixed number of prey per generation, and an effect of 553 density on the general incentive of players to attack prey was not therefore likely to be important. 554 Conclusion 555 We used computer games to simulate the evolution of Batesian mimicry under selection by human 556 “predators”. This approach helps to bridge the gap between theoretical predictions about the long- 557 term consequences of factors such as model profitability and the availability of alternative prey on 558 the evolution of mimicry, and short-term empirical work with real predators and prey. Human 559 volunteers are a good replacement for the rigid and perhaps oversimplified predation algorithms 560 used in simulation models, because they demonstrate similar behavioural and physiological 561 limitations and complexities to those seen in real predators in natural situations. Of course, the 562 degree of realism offered by evolutionary experiments in virtual environments is limited by the 563 algorithms used to predict the outcome of selection, but computer simulations like ours offer a 564 unique opportunity to study the importance of dynamic feedbacks between phenotypes and 565 behaviour which would not be possible in more naturalistic experiments. 566 Overall, the results of our experiments are broadly consistent with theoretical predictions and 567 previous empirical evidence about the importance of model profitability and alternative prey, and 568 hence they help to confirm some assumptions about how and why Batesian mimicry evolves. 569 However, our data suggest patterns of feedback during the evolutionary process which may not 570 have been fully captured in previous studies of mimicry. We believe that further studies which 571 attempt to observe the evolutionary process in action will shed important light on the origins of 572 phenotypic traits which impact on predator selection, such as mimicry, aposematism and crypsis. 573 574 575 576 References 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 Alcock, J. 1970. Punishment levels and response of white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia-albicollis) to 3 kinds of artificial models and mimics. Animal Behaviour 18:733-&. Barnett, C. A., M. Bateson, and C. Rowe. 2007. State-dependent decision making: educated predators strategically trade off the costs and benefits of consuming aposematic prey. Behavioral Ecology 18:645-651. Bates, H. 1862. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley. Lepidoptera: Heliconidae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 23:495-566. Brower, J. 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The effect of model profitability (Bmod; values shown in panel headings), and similarity to 657 the model (distance in standard computer RBG colour space), on the probability of a mimic being 658 attacked by humans in games without evolution, compared with data from control simulations with 659 random predation. Data shown are pooled across generations, excluding the first four generations, 660 during which players were learning to identify models. 661 Figure 3. The effect of model profitability (Bmod; values shown in panel headings) on the probability 662 that models and mimics were attacked by humans over 15 generations in games with evolution, 663 compared with data from control simulations with random predation. 664 Figure 4. The effect of model profitability (Bmod; values shown in panel headings) on mean mimetic 665 accuracy over 15 generations in games with evolution, compared with data from control simulations 666 with random predation. Mimetic accuracy is expressed as mean distance to the model in standard 667 computer RBG colour space. 668 Figure 5. The effect of the number of available alternative palatable prey (Dalt; shown in panel 669 headings) on the probability that models, mimics and alternative prey were attacked by humans 670 over ten generations in games without evolution, compared with data from control simulations with 671 random predation. 672 Figure 6. The effect of the number of available alternative palatable prey (Dalt; shown in panel 673 headings) and similarity to the model (distance in standard computer RGB colour space) on the 674 probability of mimics with different levels of accuracy being attacked by humans in games without 675 evolution, compared with data from control simulations with random predation. Data shown are 676 pooled across generations, excluding the first four generations, during which players were learning 677 to identify models. 678 Figure 7. The effect of the number of available alternative palatable prey (Dalt; values shown in panel 679 headings) on the probability that models, mimics and alternative prey were attacked by humans 680 over 15 generations in games with evolution, compared with data from control simulations with 681 random predation. 682 Figure 8. The effect of the number of available alternative palatable prey (Dalt; values shown in panel 683 headings) on mean mimetic accuracy over 15 generations in games with evolution, compared with 684 data from control simulations with random predation. Mimetic accuracy is expressed as mean 685 distance to the model in standard computer RBG colour space. 686 <2 2 0.20 0.15 Proportion attacked 0.10 Species 0.05 Mimic Model 5 8 Treatment Control 0.20 Human 0.15 0.10 0.05 1 689 7 10 1 Generations 687 688 4 Figure 1 4 7 10 <2 2 0.3 0.2 Proportion attacked 0.1 0.0 Treatment 5 Control 8 0.3 Human 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 692 200 300 0 Distance 690 691 100 Figure 2 100 200 300 0 2 4 0.3 0.2 Proportion attacked 0.1 Species Mimic Model 6 8 Treatment 0.3 Control Human 0.2 0.1 4 695 12 4 8 12 Generations 693 694 8 Figure 3 0 2 4 200 Mean mimetic accuracy 180 160 Treatment 6 Control 8 Human 200 180 160 1 698 7 10 13 1 4 7 10 Generation 696 697 4 Figure 4 13 699 0 3 6 0.3 0.2 Proportion attacked 0.1 Treatment Control Human 0.0 9 12 Species Alternative Mimic Model 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 7 10 1 4 7 Generations 700 701 4 Figure 5 10 0 3 6 0.4 0.3 0.2 Proportion attacked 0.1 0.0 Treatment 9 12 Human 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 Distance 702 703 Control Figure 6 0 3 6 0.4 0.3 0.2 Treatment Proportion attacked 0.1 Control Human 0.0 9 12 Species Alternative Mimic 0.4 Model 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 704 705 4 7 10 13 1 4 7 10 Generation Figure 7 13 0 3 6 200 175 150 Distance 125 Treatment 9 Control 12 Human 200 175 150 125 1 706 707 708 4 7 10 13 1 4 7 10 Generation Figure 8 13 709 Online Appendix A 710 These two figures illustrate the threshold observed in the effect of model profitability on predator 711 behaviour in Experiment 1. The behaviour of volunteer towards different prey types was consistent 712 for all values of Bmod below 2. In the main manuscript, data were pooled where Bmod < 2 (see Figures 713 1 and 2 in the main manuscript). 714 Figure S1. The effect of model profitability (Bmod; values shown in panel headings) on the probability 715 that models and mimics were attacked by humans over ten generations in games without evolution, 716 compared with data from control simulations with random predation. All values of Bmod explored in 717 the experiment are shown (analysis and figures in main manuscript pool data where Bmod < 2). 718 Figure S2. The effect of model profitability (Bmod; values shown in panel headings), and similarity to 719 the model (distance in standard computer RBG colour space), on the probability of a mimic being 720 attacked by humans in games without evolution, compared with data from control simulations with 721 random predation. All values of Bmod explored in the experiment are shown (analysis and figures in 722 main manuscript pool data where Bmod < 2). Data shown are pooled across generations, excluding 723 the first four generations, during which players were learning to identify models. 724 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 2 0.20 0.15 0.10 Proportion attacked 0.05 Species 0.20 Mimic 0.15 Model Treatment 0.10 Control 0.05 Human 5 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 1 7 10 1 4 7 Generation 725 726 4 Figure S1 10 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Proportion attacked 0.3 0.2 Treatment Control Human 0.1 0.0 5 8 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 727 728 100 200 300 0 100 200 Distance Figure S2 300