PHS# 72190
LCDR Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP, USPHS
One Indian Hill, Winterhaven, CA 92283
Phone: (760) 572-4142
Jan, 2014
 Leadership: Chief Pharmacist; West AZ COA President; PharmPAC lead for Facebook Group
 PHS: AM 2012; CIT; 2012; CIT: 2011; UC: 2013; HAZ: 2012; ISOHAR: 2012; ISOHAR: 2009; CCTR: 2009
 Presentations: Over twelve formal presentations given since 2009, all outside of the usual scope of duty
 Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) 2009
 Master of Public Health and Master of Business Administration 2018 (exp)
 Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (FASCP)
 National Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (NCPS) in Anticoagulation and Immunization
 Certified Medication Therapy Management Instructor and Specialist as certified by the American
Pharmacists Association (APhA) and American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)
 Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Anticoagulation, Immunization, Medication Therapy Management and
Tobacco Cessation
 Billets/Assignments/Collateral Duties show continuous training, growth and diversification: Staff Pharmacist
(O-3 billet), Senior Pharmacist (O-4 billet), Geographical move to Senior Pharmacist (O-4 billet), Advanced
Clinical Pharmacist (O-5 billet); Acting Chief Pharmacist (O-5 billet); Chief Pharmacist (O-5 billet)
 Completed Basic Officer Training Courses
 Indian Health Service (IHS):
o Chief Pharmacist, 2013 to present, Fort Yuma
Service Unit, AZ; O-5 Billet
o Advanced Clinical Pharmacist, 2012-2013,
Colorado River Service Unit, AZ; O-5 Billet
o Senior Pharmacist, 2011-2012, Colorado River
Service Unit, AZ; O-4 Billet
o Senior Pharmacist, 2010-2011, San Carlos
Service Unit, AZ; O-4 Billet
o Staff Pharmacist, 2009-2010, San Carlos
Service Unit, AZ; O-3 Billet
 Regular Corps: Assimilated March 23, 2010
 Current Collateral Duties – Pharmacy Informaticist for all Inpatient and Outpatient Departments
maintaining 1,500 drug files and 1,000 quick orders, Designated Narcotic Officer responsible for all
controlled prescriptions from over 160,000 prescriptions processed yearly, Preceptor of Pharmacy Clinical
Rotations which focuses on mentoring, developing, and supervising more than twenty Doctorate of
Pharmacy candidates yearly from five different colleges of pharmacy, CRSU Anticoagulation Program
Manager and CRSU Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Program Manager leading to decreased morbidity and
mortality in the native population and supervising 5 other pharmacists in these clinics.
 Reported to the Incident Command in San Carlos, AZ after the severe winter storm, January 18-22, 2010
 Basic Ready status and serve on Tier III Roster
 Completed all FEMA and Basic Officer Training Course
 Professional Organizations: Treasurer of Fort Yuma Arizona Commissioned Officer Association, Prior
President of the Western Arizona Commissioned Officer Association, Prior Treasurer of the Western
Arizona Commissioned Officers Association, Prior Secretary of the Saguaro Commissioned Officers
Association, Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacist (ASCP), American Pharmacists
Association (APhA), Junior Officers Advisory Group, Reserve Officer’s Association (ROA) lifetime member
 CCTR/BOTC - 2009
 Volunteer as a leader for the Boy Scouts of America
 Basic Qualified since 2009
 Deployment role: Pharmacist
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
PHS # 72190
December, 2012
Indian Health Service, Fort Yuma Service Unit (FYSU)
One Indian Hill, Winterhaven, CA 92283
Phone: (760) 572-4142
Doctorate of Pharmacy
Mercer University, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Atlanta, GA
Master of Public Health
Benedictine University, Moser College of Adult and Professional Studies, Lisle, IL
2018 (exp)
Master of Public Administration
Benedictine University, Moser College of Adult and Professional Studies, Lisle, IL
2018 (exp)
Indian Health Service
Fort Yuma Service Unit
Chief Pharmacist (O5 Billet)
Aug 2013 - Present
Responsible and accountable for all pharmacy operations for the Fort Yuma Service Unit with a
user population over 8,000 patients, over 85,000 prescriptions per year.
Supervise 5 employees (1 Commissioned Corps pharmacists, 2 Civil Service pharmacists, & 2
pharmacy technicians).
Responsible for updating Pharmacy Policy and Procedures Manual ensuring compliance with
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) accreditation standards and
federal regulations.
Chairman of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee for the Fort Yuma Service Unit.
 Duties include reviewing new formulary medication requests, resolve drug availability
issues, report medication deletions, and report meeting minutes to the Medical Executive
Serve on local FYSU Pain Committee, Infection Control and Quality Assurance Committee.
Oversaw the initiation of two pharmacy based clinics; Anticoagulation and Immunization
Collateral Duties while in Position:
Pharmacy Informaticist
 Maintain 1500 drug files and at least 1,000 quick orders
 Provide information to administration concerning updates, training, and implementation of
Electronic Health Record (EHR), RPMS Pharmacy Package, and any other related clinical
 Serve as liaison between departments concerning processes in EHR and information flow
 Train clinical staff in the daily operation and integration of the clinical packages
 Responsible for the customization of the clinical applications relating to the EHR
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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Indian Health Service
Colorado River Service Unit
Acting Chief Pharmacist (O5 Billet), Parker Service Unit
April 2013 – Aug 2013
Responsible and accountable for all pharmacy operations for the Colorado River Service Unit
(Parker Indian Hospital, Peach Springs Health Center, Chemehuevi Health Center, Supai Health
Center, Sherman Health Center and Moapa Health Center) with a user population over 24,000
patients, over 150,000 outpatient visits and 350 inpatient admissions annually, filling over
167,000 prescriptions per year.
Supervise 9 employees (3 Commissioned Corps pharmacists, 3 Civil Service pharmacists, & 3
pharmacy technicians).
Responsible for updating Pharmacy Policy and Procedures Manual ensuring compliance with
Joint Commission (JCAHO) accreditation standards and federal regulations.
Chairman of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee for the Colorado River Service Unit.
Serve on local CRSU Public Relations Committee and Quality Assurance Committee.
Collateral Duties while in Position:
Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee Chairman
 Duties include reviewing new formulary medication requests, resolve drug availability issues,
report medication deletions, and report meeting minutes to the Medical Executive Committee.
Indian Health Service
Colorado River Service Unit
Advanced Clinical Pharmacist (O5 Billet), Parker Service Unit
Feb 2012 – April 2013
Supervise 3 technicians, and multiple students
Responsible for managing inpatient needs with regards to medication orders, computer
maintenance, and pharmacokinetic dosing
Provider and clinical trainer in Anticoagulation, Medication Therapy Management, and Tobacco
Collateral Duties while in Position:
Pharmacy Informaticist
 Maintain 1500 drug files and at least 1,000 quick orders
 Provide information to administration concerning updates, training, and implementation of
Electronic Health Record (EHR), RPMS Pharmacy Package, Pyxis, and any other related
clinical programs
 Serve as liaison between departments concerning processes in EHR and information flow
 Train clinical staff in the daily operation and integration of the clinical packages
 Responsible for the customization of the clinical applications relating to the EHR
 Recreated Moapa Health Clinic drug files and quick orders for over 500 drugs
Narcotic Officer
 Responsible for all controlled substances at the Parker Indian Health Center, including:
inventory, weekly and monthly reconciliation, chart audits, department audits, and all
aspects related to the organization of information
Clinical Pharmacy Rotation Preceptor
 Preceptor of over twenty students from three different colleges of pharmacy during their
PharmD rotations
 Provide instruction for the students participating in Anticoagulation, Immunization, and
Tobacco Cessation Therapy
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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Anticoagulation Program Manager
 Coordinate and manage 5 pharmacists in this clinic, assuring safe and appropriate care for
our patients
 Coordinated all activities with referring providers, laboratory, and other pharmacist
CRSU Cardiovascular Risk Reduction and Disease Prevention Program Manager
 Allows for all patients eligible for service to be treated for hyperlipidemia
 Coordinated all activities with referring providers, laboratory, and other pharmacist
Other Duties:
 Team member of local Information Management/ Electronic Health Record (EHR) which is
responsible for the service units entire medical records and documentations
 Acting Administrative Officer and Acting Chief Pharmacist and duties pertaining to those
Awards for Work Performance in this Billet:
PHS: AM (2012)
Indian Health Service
Colorado River Service Unit
Senior Pharmacist (O4 Billet), Parker Service Unit
June 2011 – Feb 2012
Supervise 2 technicians, and multiple students
Responsible for providing pharmacy services for two outreach clinics (Sherman Indian High
School and the Chemehuevi Tribe)
Responsible for managing inpatient needs with regards to medication orders, computer
maintenance, and pharmacokinetic dosing
Provider and clinical trainer in Anticoagulation, Immunizations, Medication Therapy
Management, and Tobacco Cessation
Prescribe appropriate anticoagulation pharmacotherapy under existing protocols in
conjunctions with facility physicians
Integral team member in the organizing, planning, and education for the 2011 CRSU
Pharmacist Immunization Influenza Clinic at multiple sites including: Chemehuevi, Peach
Springs, Parker and Supai
Collateral Duties while in Position:
Designated Narcotic Officer since June 2011
 Responsible for all controlled substances at the Parker Indian Health Center, including:
inventory, weekly and monthly reconciliation, chart audits, department audits, and all
aspects related to the organization of information
 Co-authored a presentation for correct monthly narcotics monitoring to be used nationally
Anticoagulation Program Manager
 Coordinate and manage 5 officers in this clinic, assuring safe and appropriate care for our
 Allows for all patients eligible for service to be treated for anticoagulation for a variety of
disease states
 Coordinated all activities with referring providers, laboratory, and other pharmacist
Awards for Work Performance in this Billet:
PHS: CIT (2012), ISOHAR (2012), HAZ (2012)
Indian Health Service
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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San Carlos Service Unit
Senior Pharmacist (O4 Billet)
June 2010 – June 2011
Receive, process, and dispense medication orders for the outpatient pharmacy using RPMS
and EHR.
Supervise 3 pharmacy technicians.
Provide pharmacokinetic drug services for antibiotic drug therapies when requested.
Provide San Carlos Service Unit Pharmacy Anticoagulation and Tobacco Cessation
information as needed.
On call every four weeks, including weekends to provide inpatient support, review
emergency room charts and clinical services.
Screen drug orders and charts, fill outpatient prescriptions and refill medication orders,
and provide patient counseling.
Develop drug utilization evaluations for Medical Staff and Pharmacy and Therapeutic
Committee, and Pain Committee meetings.
Respond to drug information questions from providers
Additional Projects and Accomplishments
 Pain Management Chair
o Provide charts for committee reviews, monitor Arizona Controlled Substance Database
for misuse
 Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee member
o Duties as secretary including taking minutes, preparing topics for discussion and DUE
 On Call Pharmacist
o Provide clinical pharmacy knowledge to Emergency Department physicians and nurses
o Answer call 24 hours a day for seven days
o Review all charts within a 24 hour period including weekends and holidays
Awards for Work Performance in this Billet:
PHS: CIT (2011)
Indian Health Service
San Carlos Service Unit
Staff Pharmacist (O3 Billet)
June 2009 – June 2010
Receive, process, and dispense medication orders for the outpatient pharmacy using RPMS
and EHR.
Supervise 3 pharmacy technicians.
Provide pharmacokinetic drug services for antibiotic drug therapies when requested.
Screen drug orders and charts, fill outpatient prescriptions and refill medication orders,
and provide patient counseling.
Respond to drug information questions from providers
Additional Projects and Accomplishments
 Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee member
o Duties as secretary including taking minutes, preparing topics for discussion and DUE
Awards for Work Performance in this Billet:
PHS: ISOHAR (2009), CCTR (2009)
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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Lifepoint Hospitals – Havasu Regional Medical Center
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Clinical Pharmacist
Supervision of six pharmacy technicians
Order Entry for 140 bed hospital and dispensary functions
Antibiotic monitoring and dosing to assure safety and effectiveness of treatment
Duties include Pharmacy Pharmacokinetic and TPN Service, Coumadin Counseling, IV to
PO Recommendations, Therapeutic Interchange, and Heparin dosing
Provided patient counseling, nurse and physician relations, and order entry skills training
Readiness status: Basic
Deployment Roles: Pharmacist
Severe Winter Storm, San Carlos Apache Reservation, AZ
January 18-22, 2010
Reported to the Incident Command in San Carlos, AZ after duty hours to
see what was needed. I distributed OTC medications to those displaced
from the flooding at the local high school.
Certified as Pharmacist Immunization Provider
Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT) Training Phase 1
Awards and Honors:
PHS Achievement Medal
Pain management services at San Carlos
PHS Citation
Sustained quality and exemplary performance of clinical duties at PIMC
PHS Citation
Antibiotic stewardship
PHS Unit Commendation
Participation in Pharmacist based Flu Clinic
PHS Hazardous Duty
8 unscheduled small aircraft flights
PHS Isolated Hardship (Parker, AZ)
Six months or more at an isolated hardship site
PHS Isolated Hardship (San Carlos, AZ)
Six months or more at an isolated hardship site
PHS Commissioned Corps Training Ribbon
Green Champions Honorable Mention
Organizing and continuation of Van Pool for local service unit
PHS Support Activities:
 PHS Recruitment booth at American Society of Health System Pharmacist (ASHP)
o Volunteer at recruitment booth and residency showcase booth
o Organized a meet and greet dinner for 30 officers
Dec 2012
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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Western Arizona Commissioned Officer’s Association
March 2012-April 2013
o President; Re-initiated regular meetings and public service efforts.
Regular participants at the Lake Havasu Breast Cancer Awareness
walk. Organized volunteers to participate at 2 different schools to
be judges at the science fairs.
PHS Recruitment booth at American Pharmacists Association (APhA)
March 2012
o Co-Lead, Logistics Officer
o Managed over twenty junior and senior officers in recruitment activities
PHS PharmPAC Finance Committee
o Designed and prepared USPHS bumper sticker
HHS Green Champions
o Honorable Mention for Vanpool that saved $650 annually and
decreased emissions by 66%
JOAG Membership Committee
o Regional Meet and Greet Lead
 Organize networking opportunities for Junior Officers
PHS PharmPAC Facebook Workgroup
o Member since November 2011
o Team Leader Starting November 2012
 Organize and manage 6 officers in performing duties
o Purpose: To raise awareness about Pharmacists in the PHS and to
focus attention on the professional career opportunities available
within the PHS. Integrating social media as part of the awareness
and recruitment campaign provides potential recruits, unawares, and
current officers an interactive venue to dialogue.
Medication Self-Management Inter Tribal Counsel of Arizona (ITCA)
o Supervised multiple officers and students
o Presentation given to over 400 Native Americans
o Coordinate presentation given in three IHS areas (Tucson, Phoenix,
And Navajo)
IHS Southwest QUAD Moderator
2010, 2012
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Chair
Public Relations Committee Chair
Information Management Committee (EHR)
Awards Committee Chair/Member
Sherman Boarding School Recruitment Booth Lead
Pain Management Committee Chair (SCSU)
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (SCSU)
Professional Memberships and Activities:
National Commissioned Officers Association (COA)
Western Arizona Commissioned Officers Association President, Treasurer
Junior Officers Advisory Group (JOAG)
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP); Fellow (FASCP)
American Pharmacists Association (APhA)
Reserve Officer’s Association (ROA) Lifetime Member
Presentations and Publications:
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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“IHS Pharmacy Career” APhA-ASP Mercer Chapter, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA, October 2012
Featured on the cover of “The Consultant Pharmacist” an American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
monthly publication, October 2012
Public Service Announcement (PSA) for Tobacco Cessation. Featured in regularly running video clip shown
at Blue Water Movie Theater, Parker, AZ, October 2012
“Inpatient Pharmacy Workflow Processes & Daily Routine” EHR Pharmacy Informaticist Training, July 2012
“Use of Computer Generated Medication Administration Record (cgMAR)” EHR Pharmacy Informaticist
Training, July 2012
“Medication Management” Pharmacist Category Day, Commissioned Officer Foundation Annual Meeting,
Available on the COA/COF website at:, June 2012
“Pharmacology of Mental Health Medications” IHS Southwestern Regional Pharmacy CE Conference (the
Quad), April 2012
“Medication Self-Management”
 Yavapai-Apache Clarkdale Learning Center, Clarkdale, AZ, June 2012
 7th Annual Tribal Caregiver Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 2011
 Kaibab Paiute Tribe Lunch and Learn, Kaibab, AZ, August 2011
 Ak-Chin Indian Community, Maricopa, AZ, July 2011
 ITCA quarterly caregiver meeting, Moenkopi, AZ, June 2011
 ITCA quarterly caregiver meeting, Flagstaff, AZ, May 2011
 6th Annual Tribal Caregiver Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 2010
 San Carlos Apache Tribe Elder Fest, San Carlos, AZ, March 2010
 ITCA quarterly caregiver meeting San Carlos, AZ, November 2009
“Update on Pharmacology” 8th Annual Phoenix Area Behavioral Health Conference May, 2011
“Dealing with Problem Patients and Telephone Etiquette” IHS Southwestern Regional Pharmacy CE
Conference (the Quad), April 2011
“Pharmacist an Excellent Career Choice” San Carlos High School Job Fair, May 2010,
“Human Immunodeficiency Virus: a Manageable Disease” San Carlos High School, San Carlos, AZ, April
Pharmacy licensure in Arizona – S017336
Immunizing Pharmacist in Arizona – 2220
Preceptor licensure in Arizona – S017336
Certifications and Special Skills:
Clinical Applications Coordinator Training, Phoenix, AZ
Physical Assessment for the Pharmacist Clinician, New Mexico Board of Pharmacy
LT Thomas Scott Raisor, PharmD, NCPS, FASCP
Pharmacist, PHS # 72190
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Project Management Overview, HHS University
Point of Sale (POS) Pharmacy Billing
National Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (NCPS) in Anticoagulation
National Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (NCPS) in Immunization
EHR Pharmacy Informaticist Training
Train-the-Trainer Certificate for Medication Therapy Management–APhA/ASCP
Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacist (FASCP)
Completed Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT) Training Phase 1
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Medication Therapy Management Certification-APhA/ASCP
Certified Anticoagulation Specialist
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Certified Immunization Specialist
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Pharmacy Practice Training Program
Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist, IHS SW Regional CE Seminar
Basic Officer Training Course
FEMA National Incident Management Training Course (NIMS)
Community Service:
Boy Scouts of America
Cub Scoutmaster
Assistant Scout Master for troop in Lake Havasu City
Assistant Scout Master of San Carlos Apache tribe scout troop
Western Arizona Commissioned Officers Association
Lake Havasu City Fall Fun Fair
Havasu Community Health Foundation 12th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk
Science Fair Judge for Lake Havasu City Elementary Schools