Policies and Procedures Manual Version: 7.0 Version: 7.0 Table of Contents 1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 7 Administrative Policies and Procedures ............................................................................ 8 2 Code of Ethics.............................................................................................................. 8 3 ACCESS and EQUITY ..................................................................................................... 8 3.1 OUR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY POLICY ............................................................................8 3.2 POLICY OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................9 3.3 WHAT IS UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION?....................................................................9 3.4 SEXUAL HARASSMENT ............................................................................................. 11 3.5 HARASSMENT .......................................................................................................... 11 3.6 VICTIMISATION ........................................................................................................ 11 3.7 VILIFICATION............................................................................................................ 11 3.8 RACISM .................................................................................................................... 11 3.9 BULLYING ................................................................................................................. 12 3.10 INTERNAL CUSTOMER SERVICE BEHAVIOUR POLICY .............................................. 12 3.11 RELEVANT LEGISLATION .......................................................................................... 12 3.12 WHAT IS THE “COMPLAINT HANDLING SYSTEM”?.................................................. 13 3.13 CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY IN THE COMPLAINT HANDLING SYSTEM ....................... 13 4 Procedural fairness .................................................................................................... 13 5 Protection of student fees paid in advance................................................................. 13 5.1 Domestic Students................................................................................................... 13 5.2 International Students............................................................................................. 14 6 Under 18 Students Policy for Domestic Students ........................................................ 15 6.1 Child Protection Act 1999 ........................................................................................ 15 6.2 Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 ............ 15 6.3 Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 ............................................................................. 16 6.4 Queensland Acts Interpretation Act 1954 ............................................................... 16 6.6 Parental responsibilities .......................................................................................... 17 6.7 Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 .................................... 17 6.8 New South Wales .................................................................................................... 18 7 PRIVACY POLICY ........................................................................................................ 19 8 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY ................................................................. 20 8.1 Mission Statement................................................................................................... 20 8.2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES ............................................................................ 20 9 TRAINING ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................... 22 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY ..................................................................................... 23 10.1 Envirotech staff and the hierarchy of positions ...................................................... 23 10.2 Professional development ....................................................................................... 23 10.3 Internal Audits ......................................................................................................... 24 RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 2 of 97 Version: 7.0 10.4 Collection and Analysis of Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys .................................. 24 10.5 Development of Client Satisfaction Survey and Feedback Tools ............................ 25 10.6 Data access and Contact Details.............................................................................. 26 10.7 Quality Administration ............................................................................................ 27 10.8 Continuous Improvement ....................................................................................... 27 11 Staff Recruitment ...................................................................................................... 28 11.1 Scope and purpose .................................................................................................. 28 11.2 Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 28 11.3 Staff recruitment ..................................................................................................... 28 11.4 Selection criteria ...................................................................................................... 29 11.5 Working under supervision roles and responsibilities ............................................ 30 11.6 Validation of qualification ....................................................................................... 30 11.7 Validation of work experience ................................................................................ 31 11.8 Validation for working with children- Employment Screening ............................... 31 11.9 Staff induction ......................................................................................................... 32 11.10 Trial period .......................................................................................................... 32 12 Staff Interactions with Students and Customers ......................................................... 32 13 Retention of Student Data, Results and assessment records ....................................... 32 13.1 Financial records...................................................................................................... 32 13.2 Academic Record Keeping ....................................................................................... 33 13.3 Certificates and Statements of attainment: ............................................................ 33 13.4 Storage: ................................................................................................................... 33 13.5 RTO Manager and SharePoint Cloud Data Backup and Recovery ........................... 33 14 Ethical Marketing and Advertising ............................................................................. 34 15 Education Agents ...................................................................................................... 34 15.1 Procedures for accepting and monitoring agents ................................................... 36 16 Statement of Capability ............................................................................................. 38 17 Change of Ownership, Management, Location or Provider Default ............................. 38 RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 3 of 97 Version: 7.0 Students’ Enrolment Policies and Procedures.................................................................. 40 18 Student engagement before enrolment ..................................................................... 40 1. Pre-Enrolment Information ......................................................................................... 40 2. Lodgement of Enrolment Form and supporting evidence/Information ..................... 40 3. Letter of Offer - Formalisation of enrolment by written agreement .......................... 40 4. Induction...................................................................................................................... 40 18.1 18.1.1 Pre-Enrolment Information ..................................................................................... 40 The requirements for acceptance into a course ................................. 40 18.1.2 Qualification / course content and duration, modes of study and assessment methods 41 18.1.3 Campus locations and a general description of facilities, equipment, and learning and library resources available to students ............................................ 41 18.1.4 Details of any arrangements with another registered provider, person or business to provide the course or part of the course if such exist. .................. 41 18.1.5 Course-related fees including advice on the potential for fees to change during the student’s course and applicable refund policies ............................... 41 18.1.6 Grounds on which student’s enrolment may be deferred, suspended or cancelled 41 18.1.7 a description of the ESOS framework made available electronically by DIICCSRTE, and ................................................................................................................ 41 18.1.8 relevant information on living in Australia, including: ..................... 41 18.2 Lodgement of Enrolment Form and supporting evidence/Information ................. 41 18.3 Letter of Offer & Payment - Formalisation of enrolment by written agreement ... 42 18.4 Induction.................................................................................................................. 43 19 Students Contractual Obligations ............................................................................... 44 20 Language and Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)................................................................ 46 20.1 Definition: ................................................................................................................ 46 20.2 Policy ....................................................................................................................... 46 20.3 Quality manager’s responsibility ............................................................................. 47 20.4 Referral .................................................................................................................... 47 20.5 Reasonable adjustment ........................................................................................... 47 20.6 LL&N indicators ....................................................................................................... 47 21 International students previously enrolled in relevant Courses Policy ......................... 50 RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 4 of 97 Version: 7.0 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................... 50 22 Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation of Enrolment Policy..................................... 51 22.1 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................ 51 22.2 Student Request for enrolment Deferral, Suspension or Cancellation ................... 51 22.3 Envirotech Initiated enrolment Suspension or Cancellation................................... 52 22.4 Outcomes – Deferral, Suspension or Cancellation .................................................. 52 22.5 Assessing, Approving & Recording of Deferral, Suspension or Cancellation Procedures 53 22.6 Procedures............................................................................................................... 54 22.7 Notify students of intention to report..................................................................... 55 22.8 Content and delivery of the notice of intention to report ...................................... 55 23 Notices will refer to the student by name rather than a generic “Dear student” and will include the address to which the notice will be sent. Postage must be made by registered post to ensure that Envirotech can track to whom and where the notice was sent. ................................... 55 24 Inform the student that he or she is able to access Envirotech’s complaints and appeals process as per Standard 8 (Complaints and appeals) and that the student has 20 working days in which to do so.............................................................................................................................. 55 25 International Students Transfer Policy ....................................................................... 56 25.2 Request for a Letter of Release ............................................................................... 56 25.3 Refusal to release .................................................................................................... 58 25.4 Transferal Procedure ............................................................................................... 58 26 Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL ............................................................................ 58 26.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 59 26.2 Principles underlying RPL ........................................................................................ 60 26.3 RPL shall: .................................................................................................................. 60 26.4 Policy ....................................................................................................................... 61 26.5 RPL Process & Procedure......................................................................................... 62 27 Credit Transfer – (Recognition of Training completed with other RTOs)....................... 65 26.6 Policy ....................................................................................................................... 65 26.7 Evidence Required for Credit Transfer: ................................................................... 66 26.8 Procedures:.............................................................................................................. 66 26.10 Appeals mechanism:............................................................................................ 67 26.11 For Overseas Students ......................................................................................... 67 26.12 Administration ..................................................................................................... 67 RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 5 of 97 Version: 7.0 27 Students’ Services and Support .................................................................................. 68 28 Program Induction..................................................................................................... 71 28.1 Induction Briefing .................................................................................................... 71 29 Student Academic Course Progress Monitoring – DIICCSRTE -DIAC Course Progress Policy and Procedures for CRICOS Providers of VET Courses- for International Students .............. 72 29.1 Study Intervals ......................................................................................................... 72 29.2 Student at risk ......................................................................................................... 72 29.3 Course progress procedures.................................................................................... 74 29.4 The First Warning Letter .......................................................................................... 76 29.5 The Second Warning Letter ..................................................................................... 76 29.6 The third Warning Letter ......................................................................................... 76 29.7 Intention to Report letter ........................................................................................ 76 29.8 Envirotech Intervention Strategy ............................................................................ 77 29.9 Time Frame and Fees .............................................................................................. 77 29.10 Appeals on intention to report ............................................................................ 78 30 Student Attendance Monitoring ................................................................................ 79 30.1 Procedures............................................................................................................... 80 31 Completion within the Expected Duration of Study .................................................... 81 31.1 EXTENDING THE EXPECTED DURATION OF STUDY .................................................. 81 32 Flexible Delivery Policy .............................................................................................. 82 33 Students access to records / Issue of Certificates and Statements of Attainment ......... 82 33.1 Students Access to their records ............................................................................. 82 33.2 Issue of Qualifications or Statement of Attainment ............................................... 82 34 Refund Policy ............................................................................................................ 83 34.1 Full Refund of Tuition Fees Paid will apply: ............................................................. 83 34.2 Partial refund of Tuition Fees Paid .......................................................................... 83 34.3 No refunds of Tuition Fees Paid if: .......................................................................... 83 34.4 PROCESSING OF REFUNDS....................................................................................... 84 35 STUDENTS CONCERNS, COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS POLICY (Grievance Resolution) .... 85 35.1 STUDENTS CONCERNS, COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS POLICY .................................. 85 35.2 Appeals after Complaints ........................................................................................ 88 36 Appeals Procedures ................................................................................................... 89 36.1 Procedures............................................................................................................... 89 37 Dispute Resolution .................................................................................................... 91 38 CRITICAL INCIDENTS POLICY ....................................................................................... 91 38.1 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................ 92 RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 6 of 97 Version: 7.0 1 BACKGROUND “Envirotech” refers to Envirotech Institute of Education Pty Ltd, ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust, a registered training organisation under ASQA and CRICOS. Envirotech is obligated to comply with the AQF guidelines, the ASQA quality assurance framework, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (“the ESOS Act”) which impose certain obligations and requirements on education providers in relation to overseas students and agents, including the standards set out in the National Code established under the ESOS Act (“National Code”) and all other relevant states or governing bodies obligations. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 7 of 97 Version: 7.0 Administrative Policies and Procedures 2 Code of Ethics Envirotech is bounded by the requirements of the ESOS Act 2000 and the SNR standards in all of its operations and interactions as depicted in the National Code 2007 and the NVR Standards. 3 ACCESS and EQUITY Envirotech approach to Access and Equity is fundamental to all of its operations. It sets the scene for fair and equal treatment of all individuals regardless of gender, race, creed or individual attributes. Envirotech’s commitment to the principles of access and equity in vocational education and training gives practical expression to ASQA’s goal of improving the knowledge, skills and quality of life for Australians, having regard to the particular needs of target groups. In keeping with this commitment Envirotech will strive to ensure that its training and assessment programs are relevant, fair and inclusive. Envirotech will achieve this by ensuring that all prospective students are well informed of the options that are available to meet their individual training needs. Envirotech will implement fair educational programs and geographic resource allocation practices, to maximize the participation of all target groups. Culturally inclusive literacy and numeracy training will be provided, when needed, to meet individual, community and industry needs. Envirotech is firmly committed to providing equal employment opportunities and educational outcomes for all staff and students. We recognise that these achievements are dependent on the elimination of sexual harassment from the working and learning environment. Envirotech management recognises its legal responsibility and would like to emphasis its commitment to take all reasonable steps to ensure that none of the staff or students are subject to sexual harassment. 3.1 OUR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY POLICY Envirotech is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Envirotech has corporate policies in accordance with government legislation, which ensure that employees and contractors are not discriminated against. All employees and contractors are made aware of their obligations under the relevant Commonwealth and State Anti-Discrimination legislation. Envirotech is committed to preventing any unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation or vilification in its workplaces. It is also committed to preventing bullying. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 8 of 97 Version: 7.0 Each workplace participant is required to ensure that they do not unlawfully discriminate, harass, victimise, vilify or bully any other workplace participant. For the purposes of this policy, a workplace participant is: Any employees of Envirotech (including non-permanent ones); Any contractors to Envirotech; Any applicant for a job with Envirotech; A failure to comply with this Equal Opportunity Policy may result in disciplinary action which can include dismissal of Envirotech. It is the responsibility of Envirotech management and staff members to treat all workplace participants and equipment with courtesy and respect and in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Policy. All workplace participants should be treated with respect and fairness. Envirotech values and respects the diversity of its workforce. The Company believes that diversity creates a competitive advantage and enhances employee participation. 3.2 POLICY OBJECTIVES The objectives of this Equal Opportunity Policy are: Ensure a work environment free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation and vilification for all workplace participants; Ensure that bullying does not occur; Provide a procedure for dealing with complaints of discrimination, harassment, victimisation, vilification or bullying if they occur; Provide information to all workplace participants in relation to their rights and responsibilities concerning discrimination, harassment, victimisation and vilification in the workplace; and Ensure that employment is based on the principle of merit and that employees are not treated less favourably due to an irrelevant characteristic during the course of employment. The policy aims to prevent discrimination, harassment, victimisation and vilification in the workplace. This can occur: 3.3 During recruitment; In the course of employment at any location; In the termination of employment; and At work related functions (e.g. Staff Christmas party); WHAT IS UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION? Any practice that makes a distinction between individuals or groups, resulting in disadvantage of some and advantage of others is regarded as discrimination. Federal, State and Territory legislation prohibits both direct and indirect discrimination on various grounds. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 9 of 97 Version: 7.0 Direct discrimination occurs when a person, or group of people, receives less favourable treatment than others on the basis of: Personal attributes including: Age, Race or Sex Personal characteristics, particularly a person/s with one of the above mentioned attributes Indirect discrimination is defined as the imposition of a condition on a person, or a group of people, which, on face value appears not to be discriminatory, but however has an adverse effect on a particular group of people. A person indirectly discriminates against another person or group when: They are required to comply with a particular condition which a substantially higher amount of people cannot comply The condition is not reasonable having regard to all circumstances Envirotech adheres to Federal, State and Territory legislation, which prohibits discrimination in employment on the following grounds: Sex Creed Mental, intellectual or psychiatric impairment Physical impairment, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (D.D.A.) Pregnancy or potential pregnancy Race, nationality or ethnic origin Marital status Family responsibilities and status as a parent or carer Disability Age Sexuality/sexual orientation Transgender or gender identity Trade union activity Religion and/or political opinion Medical record Irrelevant criminal record Physical features Breast feeding in the work place Lawful sexual activity And/or association with a person/s who has any of the above characteristics. Discrimination on any of these grounds is prohibited in all areas of employment. A workplace participant who discriminates against another may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 10 of 97 Version: 7.0 3.4 SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual Harassment is defined as any uninvited, unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature involving written, visual or physical affront against another person. Sexual harassment may include: Requests for sexual favours; Leering, unwanted physical contact, wolf-whistles, obscene gestures and/or noises; Persistent requests for a social "date"; Sending or displaying to other workplace participants pornographic pictures or jokes by email; Comments or questions about a person's sex life; Offensive posters, pictures and/or graffiti; Sexual jokes, sexually suggestive telephone calls; Sexual harassment is not behaviour which is based on mutual attraction, friendship and respect. If the interaction is consensual, welcome and reciprocated it is not sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is prohibited at Envirotech by the Federal Sex Discrimination Act, 1984, and the AntiDiscrimination Act, 1991 (Qld). Students or employees who consider that Envirotech’s Sexual Harassment Policy has been breached are encouraged to follow the Grievance Policy guidelines until the matter is satisfactorily resolved. 3.5 HARASSMENT Whilst there is no single, universally accepted definition of sexual harassment, for the purpose of this policy, harassment is defined as any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour, which makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated or offended. Harassment can take many different forms and may include physical contact, verbal comments, jokes, propositions, the display of offensive material, offensive correspondence or other behaviour, which creates a hostile environment. Examples of sexual harassment include: 3.6 VICTIMISATION Victimisation is the term used to describe any paybacks, retribution or intimidation associated with a discrimination or harassment complaint. Victimisation refers not only to intimidation of complainants or potential complaints, but also to the alleged harasser or discriminator, witnesses, supporters and those resolving or investigating any complaints. 3.7 VILIFICATION Vilification is a public act which incites, encourages or urges others to hate, have serious contempt for, or severely ridicule, a person or group of people because they are (or thought to be) members of a particular group. Acceptable forms of lawful free speech will not include any form of vilification. Any workplace participant that vilifies another workplace participant will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 3.8 RACISM Envirotech is firmly committed to providing a working, teaching and learning environment that is free from racism. Racism not only denies a person’s fundamental human right to respect, it reduces their opportunity to gain a fair share of society’s valued resources such as education and employment. Envirotech recognises that the achievement of equal employment opportunities and equal educational outcomes is dependent on the provision of a discrimination and harassment free environment. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 11 of 97 Version: 7.0 Envirotech recognises the community’s racial and ethnic diversity. Envirotech expresses unconditional rejection of racist behaviour and its commitment to eliminate racism in its organisational structure through the provision of training programs that are equitable, accessible and culturally inclusive. 3.9 BULLYING Workplace participants are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect. Envirotech values individual differences and expects cooperation of all workplace participants. Bullying is inappropriate behaviour aimed to demean and humiliate workplace participants, either as individuals or as a group. Examples of bullying behaviour include: Manipulation; Intimidation; Belittling remarks; Persistent criticisms, nit picking or fault finding; Verbal and/or physical abuse; Isolation from colleagues; Withholding information; and/or Setting unrealistic targets. Although any form of bullying may not be specifically in breach of anti-discrimination laws, a workplace participant who bullies a fellow workplace participant may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 3.10 INTERNAL CUSTOMER SERVICE BEHAVIOUR POLICY All members of Envirotech have the right to be treated with respect, be free from sexual and racial harassment and rude or impolite behaviour. It is the responsibility of all employees to represent Envirotech in a positive light in all circumstances and maintain the confidentiality agreement as prescribed in the contract of employment; It is important to maintain a respectful rapport with all external clients, agencies and competitors; Envirotech has the right to expect that work be completed within a timeframe, and to the required standard; and The Employee has the right to expect to be treated fairly at all times by the employer and to be paid on time. 3.11 RELEVANT LEGISLATION Envirotech and its workplace participants are subject to the following pieces of legislation applying to harassment, discrimination and equal opportunity in the workplace: RTO# 31871 Document1 Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 Equal Opportunity Act 1995 (Vic) CRICOS# 03094J Anti- Discrimination Act 1997 Spent Criminal Records Act 1991 (NSW) Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) Public Service Act 2008 (QLD) Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 (QLD) Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (QLD) Defamation Act 1889 (QLD) Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 12 of 97 Version: 7.0 3.12 WHAT IS THE “COMPLAINT HANDLING SYSTEM”? This Policy is in place, with procedures to be followed if a workplace participant feels the need to make a formal or informal complaint of discrimination, harassment, victimisation, vilification, and/or bullying. Envirotech will carry out the complaint handling process as quickly as possible given the individual circumstances of the complaint. Envirotech will act accordingly on each substantiated complaint. 3.13 CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY IN THE COMPLAINT HANDLING SYSTEM A conflict often arises when an individual feels the need to make a complaint about somebody, without the person the complaint refers to knowing about it. However, it is difficult for an employer to take action against an alleged discriminator/harasser unless the complainant puts forward all the details in full, so that the employer can assist in the resolution of the original complaint. Envirotech is dedicated to giving workplace participants the opportunity to discuss any issues impartially and confidentially. Envirotech also has legal obligations outside anti-discrimination laws to ensure a safe workplace and a safe system of work. In order to balance these competing considerations, Envirotech will, as far as possible, respect a wish for confidentiality. Envirotech may, for instance, not take specific action against the alleged discriminator/harasser because the substance of the allegations cannot be established and procedural fairness cannot be afforded. In these types of situations Envirotech would only be able to take general preventative action and monitor the situation. However, there will be times when this may not be possible and due to the nature of the complaint, Envirotech may be required to act on the information provided. 4 Procedural fairness 1. Procedural fairness refers to a decision-making process that is free from bias, that includes only relevant considerations and where the decision-maker hears from affected parties before a decision is made. 2. Staff members who make decisions that may adversely affect the rights or interests of others shall be treated with procedural fairness wherever reasonably possible. Where any conflict of interests arises, Envirotech staff must report this to Envirotech management immediately and no later than within 3 working days. 5 5.1 Protection of student fees paid in advance Domestic Students In order to protect domestic students fees paid in advance, Envirotech limits the amount of fees collected prior to commencement of study and sets the maximum amount of fees able to be collected in advance from domestic students to no more than $1000 for tuition or other services yet to be delivered to the student. The student is reliable for the payment of course components only when they are commenced. This threshold applies to each course and qualification delivered to domestic and international students who study at Envirotech, including all training, assessment and other services that Envirotech has agreed to provide to the student. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 13 of 97 Version: 7.0 5.2 International Students Envirotech protects all fees paid by international students through the Tuition Protection Service (TPS). Additionally, Envirotech has the following two payment options in place in order to further reduce the risks associated with the collection of international students’ Pre-paid Tuition Fees: Courses which are less than 24 weeks Envirotech will collect a deposit of $1000 or more. A direct debit service of weekly or fortnightly payments will be implemented for the collection of the remaining fees. Envirotech in some cases will collect the entire course tuition fees in advance. Courses which are longer than 24 weeks Envirotech will collect up to 50% of the total tuition fees in advance; the remaining tuition fees will be collected two weeks prior to the commencement of the following study period. If an International student voluntarily pays tuition fees after commencement but earlier than two weeks before the start of the second study period, Envirotech is not required to return the fees and would not be considered in breach of the TPS requirement. In this case, the student will have to complete the ‘Payment in Advance Consent’ form. Since its establishment, Envirotech has been operating and maintaining a separate designated Trust account for students’ pre-paid and on-going tuition fees. This account is monitored regularly to ensure students’ payments will not be transferred before each student’s commencement. This bank account offers transparency of all students’ related deposits and withdrawals. Envirotech will report all students’ payment via PRISMS to its national regulator. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 14 of 97 Version: 7.0 6 Under 18 Students Policy for Domestic Students Envirotech Institute of Education is approved to enrol domestic students under the age of 18. Under 18 domestic students enrolled with Envirotech, will be living in the care of an adult, parent or guardian. We recognise the relevant Queensland legislation regarding children being: 6.1 Child Protection Act 1999 The purpose of this Act is to protect children from harm and the risk of harm (ss. 4 and 10). The Act provides for authorised officers of the Department of Child Safety and Queensland Police to investigate and protect children facing harm. ‘Harm’ includes harm caused by 'sexual abuse or exploitation.' Queensland Criminal Code 1889 The Queensland Criminal Code includes offences of: unlawful sodomy involving persons under 18 (s. 208) attempted sodomy (s. 209) indecent treatment of children under 16 (s. 210) carnal knowledge with a child under 16 (s. 215) procuring a young person etc. for carnal knowledge (s. 217) taking a child for immoral purposes (s. 219) incest (s. 222) maintaining sexual relationship with a child (s. 229B) rape (s. 349) attempt to commit rape (s. 350) assault with intent to commit rape (s. 351) sexual assaults (s. 352). As provisions relating to offences of a sexual nature committed against children are designed to protect children from sexual exploitation, it cannot be said that a child has 'consented' to the sexual act in question — consent is not a defence. Many of these offences carry maximum penalties of 14 years or life imprisonment. 6.2 Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 This Act establishes the commission for children and young people to promote and protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of children in Queensland (s. 5 and 15). Functions of the commission are broad; they include: receive, seek to resolve, monitor and investigate complaints about services provided to certain children by service providers (s. 15[a]) assist making sure that only suitable people are employed and operate businesses where they have regular contact with children, the Commission conducts criminal-history checks for people seeking to work in certain child-related employment or operate certain child-related businesses (ss. 15[l] and [m]). RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 15 of 97 Version: 7.0 6.3 Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 The CMC has prevention (s.23), research (s.52) and investigation (s. 25) functions in respect of 'major crime'. It is irrelevant whether the offence is committed in Queensland or elsewhere if the offender or the child is residing in Queensland. Evidence (Protection of Children) Amendment Bill 2003 The Act includes amendments to the Criminal Code and a number of other Acts including the Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002. 6.4 Queensland Acts Interpretation Act 1954 Unless otherwise specified, a reference to ‘child’ in Queensland legislation is a reference to an individual under 18 years. This definition applies to the references to children in the Crime and Misconduct Act regarding the CMC's paedophilia jurisdiction. All staff involved in educating students under the age of 18 will be inducted on this policy. All contracts/agreements relating to students under the age of 18 will require student AND guardian/parent signatures. Envirotech is aware of the five steps to follow to establish a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT): 1. Step 1: Choose the right apprenticeship or traineeship 2. Step 2: Talk to the school 3. Step 3: Find an employer 4. Step 4: Training partners 5. Step 5: Get started Envirotech will inform prospective apprentices, trainees and their parent/guardian that students can only receive one government contribution for a User Choice funded qualification at any single point in time. For example, a student is not funded to undertake two school-based traineeships at the same time. Envirotech will inform all prospective students and their parent/guardian undergoing a SCHOOLBASED APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEESHIPS (SATs) that they are entitled to only be funded twice under the User Choice program to ensure their choice of course/qualification is chosen carefully. Envirotech is aware that students must make informed decisions about what qualifications they undertake as it will affect their access to further funding under the User Choice program. All school based students will be required to complete an ATF-023 Education, Training and Employment Schedule for School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs) http://www.apprenticeshipsinfo.qld.gov.au/resources/pdf/forms/etes.pdf signed by both the student and their parent/guardian. Students and their parent/guardian will be advised of the Privacy Notice as per Education, Training and Employment Schedule for School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs) form and it will state the following: The ASQA is collecting the information on this form in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) to manage the administration of a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship. Where personal details are provided, such as address, different from the details already held by DET, this information will be used to update the students personal details in DET’s DELTA database. The information will be accessed by authorised employees or contractors within DET. Your information will not be given to any other person/s or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required by law. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 16 of 97 Version: 7.0 6.6 Parental responsibilities Parents have an important role to play in enabling young people to successfully make the transition from student to employee: legislation requires that school-based apprentices and trainees aged under 18 and who are under the care of a parent or legal guardian at the date of signing their training contract, must include their parent’s or guardian's details and signature on the contract in cases where the parent or guardian is a party to the training contract, the parent/guardian must ensure that the school-based apprentice or trainee upholds all of the responsibilities attached to the contract the parent or guardian automatically ceases to be a legal party to the training contract once the school-based apprentice or trainee turns 18. 6.7 Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 If a young person wishes to enrol with Envirotech and they are not enrolled in a school, turned 15 on or after 1 January 2006, and has not yet completed Year 10 Envirotech acknowledges the obligation under the VETE 2000 Act to report as documented below. 6.7.1 Reporting The law requires learning providers to report the participation of any young person who has been registered with the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA). Information such as enrolments, results and other information including new or amended contact details should be reported. This applies to all providers regardless of whether they receive public funding or the courses are being paid for by the students. Provider reported activities will often be crucial to young people gaining their Queensland Certificate of Education. Timely and accurate reporting by providers throughout the year is essential. Critical cut off dates for non-school RTO reporting should be used for all non-school providers reporting and can be found on the senior certification calendar on the QSA website. Data reported after this date will not appear on the statement of results for the young person for that year. VET providers may report the student’s (15-17 year olds) participation information directly to the Department of Education and Training. As Envirotech is a Registered Training Organisation our staff is not required to hold a Blue Card as confirmed by the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian. Blue card information - 1800 113 611 or (07) 3211 6999. http://www.ccypcg.qld.gov.au/bluecard/index.html email - bluecard@ccypcg.qld.gov.au Apprenticeships/traineeships information -telephone 1800 210 210. Envirotech will ensure that we comply with each individual State and Territory requirement should we enrol students under 18. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 17 of 97 Version: 7.0 6.8 New South Wales Prior to enrolling students under the age of 18, Envirotech will ensure we abide by all relevant New South Wales legislation. http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/ Under the "Keep Them Safe: a Shared Approach to Child Wellbeing", all Envirotech employees are required, by law and by this policy, to report children and young people suspected to be at risk of significant harm to Community Services within the NSW Department of Human Services . http://www.community.nsw.gov.au/DOCSWR/_assets/main/LIB100040/KEEP_THEM_SAFE.PDF 6.8.1 Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 Children and young persons to whom this Act applies The functions conferred or imposed by this Act and the regulations may be exercised in respect of children and young persons: a) who reside in New South Wales, or b) who do not reside in New South Wales, but who are present in New South Wales, or c) who are subject to an event or circumstances occurring in New South Wales that gives or give rise to a report. Principles governing work of the Commission The following principles are to govern the work of the Commission: a) the safety, welfare and well-being of children are of the utmost importance, b) the views of children are to be given serious consideration and taken into account, c) a co-operative relationship between children and their families, and between children and their community, is important for the safety, welfare and well-being of children. Under NSW law any person/s who has been convicted of a serious sex offence, the murder of a child or a child-related personal violence offence under the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 is prohibited from working in child-related employment. Under the Regulation (Commission for Children and Young People Regulation 1999) Envirotech will ensure, if required, all staff apply for a Child-related employment certificate. A ‘prohibited person’ is someone who has been found guilty of committing a serious sexual offence. Envirotech will prevent a ‘prohibited person’ from gaining employment as part of its employment screening processes. Envirotech staff understand that upon enrolment of international students under the age of 18, there will be additional policies and procedures required. This will be delegated to a contracted welfare organisation. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 18 of 97 Version: 7.0 7 PRIVACY POLICY Envirotech collects personal information solely for the purpose of operating as a Registered Training Organisation under ASQA (NVR Standards). The requirements of the registering authority may mean the release of student and/ or employees personal information for the purposes of external audits. Under the National Privacy Principles students can access their personal information and may request amendments of information that is incorrect or not up to date. Students who request access to their personal data will be given opportunities to review all their details. This service will be free of charge, through Envirotech Student Portal. While students are undertaking their training program, there will be times when Envirotech and/or its Training Consultant, Business Development Consultant or Administration Officer may need to discuss student related situations with others. Envirotech ensures that it respects the privacy of students, prospective students and employers by implementing the National Privacy Principles. The National Privacy Principles (NPPs) in the Privacy Act (Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000) sets out how private sector organisations should collect, use, keep secure and disclose personal information. The principles give individuals the right to know what information an organisation holds about them and the right to amend that information if it is incorrect or out of date. Envirotech operates in conjunction with the National Privacy Principles and only collects the personal information that is necessary for the conduct of the business, in order to the use of information solely for a specific purpose it intended for. Envirotech permit student’s access to all their information. Students, clients, agents and employer information is stored and used appropriately and access is limited only to those who have a legal reason to access the information, or whom the student has given permission to do so. Student information will not be provided to anyone else unless Envirotech have the permission from the student or are specifically allowed or required to provide the information by law. During the pre-enrolment and the induction process, students are given Envirotech consent to release information to specified third parties. For example upon request, student information will be given to the following bodies (but not limited to): DIAC Department of Immigration and Citizenship CRICOS Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students through PRISMS ASQA Australian Skills Quality Authority ETTE Employment Training & Tertiary Education STA State Training Authorities TPS Tuition Protection Service Apprentice Centres Employers where the student is a Trainee/Apprentice or when approved by the students All information obtained will be treated as “commercial in confidence” whether it is marked as so or not. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 19 of 97 Version: 7.0 8 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY Envirotech has in place policies and procedures to ensure that staff, students, visitors and guests are provided with a safe environment in accordance with the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011. 8.1 Mission Statement Envirotech strives, through a process of continuous improvement, to completely integrate health and safety into all facets of its operations and activities. Envirotech promotes a proactive health and safety management philosophy based on effective communication and consultation, the systematic identification, assessment and control of hazards and the encouragement of innovation. 8.2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES 8.2.1 Purpose Providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment is a leadership responsibility. Envirotech’s workplace health and safety is the responsibility of everyone. 8.2.2 Responsibilities Members of Management Members of Management are held accountable for their performance in managing occupational health and safety in areas under their control. They must also ensure that adequate provision is made to enable occupational health and safety standards to meet policy objectives. It is Envirotech’s policy that in the allocation of resources, a high priority should be given to items with significant workplace health and safety implications. Occupational health and safety issues must be included in staff meeting agendas at regular intervals. While the Chief Executive has the final responsibility for the workplace health and safety of staff at Envirotech, all management are responsible for planning, implementing and maintaining workplace health and safety standards and apply it practically in all areas and activities under their control. This responsibility includes the need to look out for the welfare of, and to provide a healthy and safe environment for their staff, visitors and contractors and to ensure that the standards and practices adopted are in line with statutory requirements and the provisions of Envirotech policy. In particular, it is their role to: be a model and give example of workplace health and safety standards and awareness; Familiarise themselves with the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 and in particular to those sections relating to employer responsibilities; Establish Workplace Health and Safety Representative Appoint appropriate safety officers and adequate numbers of emergency personnel and ensure that they receive adequate training; Deal with health and safety issues raised by WHS representatives; Ensure that workplace health and safety issues appears on the agenda of management meetings at regular intervals, at a frequency consistent with the number of hazards and degree of risk; Arrange workplace health and safety rules to be developed, documented and issued to all staff, and where appropriate, visitors and contractors; RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 20 of 97 Version: 7.0 Ensure that all staff, visitors and contractors receive a safety induction including emergency procedures, and instruction and training necessary allowing them to perform a safe work and with the full awareness of hazards Ensure that adequate emergency equipment is provided and properly maintained, and that regular training in the use of the equipment is carried out. Ensure that the workplace health and safety implications of all new work, equipment and building alterations are fully assessed at the purchasing or planning stage; Ensure that adequate and thorough records are maintained in relation to all of the above; Indicate safety compliance as part of Envirotech’s staff performance appraisal. Individual While responsibility for workplace health and safety at Envirotech is a prime function of all levels of management, each worker has an overriding moral and legal responsibility for ensuring health and safety Worker is any person who undertakes work, in any capacity, in or as part of Envirotech). Workers must: take reasonable care of own health and safety take reasonable care that conduct does not adversely affect others comply, so far as she/he is reasonably able with instruction, policies and procedures Taking action to avoid, eliminate or minimise hazards of which he or she is aware; Making proper use of all safety devices and equipment; Not wilfully placing at risk the health and safety of any person/s at the workplace; Seeking information or advice where necessary before carrying out new or unfamiliar work; Consuming or storing food and drink in the areas that are designated; Being familiar with emergency and evacuation procedures and the location of, and if appropriately trained, in the use of, emergency equipment. Erect relevant signage informing students, employees and visitors of any safety issues Completing forms (such as a Hazard Report Form or Incident Report) and tracking incident conclusions to prevent and decrease future incidents from occurring. Safety Officers The WHS officer has a duty to exercise due diligence duties under s.27 of the WHS Act. Envirotech will contract annually (or on as needs basis) a safety advisor with appropriate skills, knowledge and experience to assist the WHS officer to meet their due diligence duties under the WHS Act. The duty to exercise due diligence always remain with the WHS officer and will not be delegated to a safety advisor. This duty requires officer to be proactive in ensuring Envirotech complies with its work health and safety duties. In demonstrating due diligence, the officer will need to show that he/she has taken reasonable steps to: Acquire and update their knowledge of health and safety matters. WHS officer must hold a first aid license. Understand the operations being carried out by Envirotech, and the hazards and risks associated with the operation of Envirotech Ensure that Envirotech has, and uses, appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise health and safety risks arising from work being done Ensure appropriate processes are in place to receive and respond promptly to information regarding incidents, hazards and risks RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 21 of 97 Version: 7.0 Carrying out the role involves: Identifying hazards and making recommendations to eliminate or reduce risks associated with those hazards; Providing advice on local WHS matters and obtaining advice on areas outside their OHS expertise; Bringing to the attention of staff any WHS hazards associated with their work; Bringing to the attention of Management unresolved WHS matters; Investigating and reporting on all incidents, injuries and WHS issues and notifying management and if necessary, the authorities of incidents and hazards in line with reporting requirements; Assisting with the promotion of WHS awareness. Review and maintain first aid kit 9 TRAINING ENVIRONMENT Envirotech is committed to undertaking the following: Complying with all laws relevant to the operation of a registered training organisation, including workplace health and safety and fire safety regulations; Ensuring the premises is of adequate size and has adequate heating, ventilation, cooling, lighting, water; and Ensuring that all training facilities, equipment and other resource materials are adequate for the Scope of Registration and are maintained in good order and repair. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 22 of 97 Version: 7.0 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY Envirotech aims to ensure and provide high quality Education and services to its clients and employees. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the creation of effective management and business operations. The quality assurance process at Envirotech is designed to consistently improve all fields of operation, to meet business and client needs and to systematically ensure Envirotech’s growth through the provision of continuous improvement and strive to meet the highest standards in the Education industry. 10.1 Envirotech staff and the hierarchy of positions All staff working at Envirotech is highly qualified and carefully selected. Through its recruitment procedures, Envirotech ensures all trainers and admin staff members have a high standard of skills including but not limited to: Communication skills Interpersonal relations and team work Understanding of different students’ needs and background (and knowledge of international students) Computer and technology skills Development of processes and Educational materials Analysing abilities Good behaviour and complying with legislation, regulations and employment screening The above refers to all Envirotech staff including management positions, for both casual and full time employees. From time to time, Envirotech may employ external specialists, trainers or consultants to further sustain quality assurance and processes, or for the purpose of up-skilling staff and internal training or auditing. Envirotech employees will operate under the supervision of management and are obligated to report to a higher position (Quality Manager/ HR Manager/Office Manager) regarding their performance or other relevant matters. 10.2 Professional development Under the requirements of the NVR, professional development must be undertaken by staff. All staff undergoes an annual performance appraisal using the staff appraisal form, with the relevant manager/supervisor. Training that has been considered as useful to both the staff member and management shall be agreed upon. All Envirotech staff will be encouraged to participate in professional development activities to up- skill themselves. Trainer/assessors must maintain current VET experience and professional development in their Education area and the VET sector. This is to comply with the NVR standard 15.4 and to be able to continue teaching at Envirotech. Training and Professional Development may be delivered at each staff meeting, using Envirotech’s in-house resources, or be scheduled externally. Records of the professional development activities completed are recorded on the Staff CPD register. All certificates received and statements of attendance are to be retained in each of the staff’s individual file. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 23 of 97 Version: 7.0 The requirements of NSW State Training Services as listed on the website must also be circulated and formally acknowledged by each of the Trainers. It is the responsibility of the Quality Manager to send one of Envirotech staff to at least one CPD conducted by STS annually. 10.3 Internal Audits Envirotech conducts an internal audit in every term break, to ensure compliance with the NVR standards, the national code and/or any other relevant legislation. The audit scope will depend on the type of audit and will be conducted using an audit checklist, based on the requirements of the NVR and the performance agreements associated with State Government Funded Training and the DIISTRE (based on the National Code and NVR). The audit scope may include but is not limited to: Student files and records Administration processes and filing systems Training and assessment materials Financial records Marketing materials Management systems, reports and registers Before conducting an internal audit, all staff will be informed to ensure data is available and accessible. Where it is seen that policies and procedures are not being adhered to, the Chief Executive will take appropriate action to ensure those policies and procedures are followed in future time. If there are any policies and procedures that are missing or are no longer appropriate to Envirotech operations, the audit report recommendations are referred to the Quality Assurance consultant for review. 10.4 Collection and Analysis of Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys To ensure systematic collection and analysis of all Envirotech stakeholders, including students, employers, trainers, employees and agents, Envirotech will conduct feedback surveys at the end of every term throughout the calendar year. Through this, Envirotech will ensure that it is actively reconfirming the accuracy of stakeholders contact details quarterly per year in compliance with the ESOS Act 2000. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 24 of 97 Version: 7.0 10.5 Development of Client Satisfaction Survey and Feedback Tools Envirotech uses the Quality Indicator feedback to collect data from learners and employers at the completion of each enrolment. Additionally forms have been developed as feedback tools to receive and provide a further two sided feedback communication: Online Students Course Evaluation Form Online student portal where student can send Envirotech feedback at any specific time Trainer Feedback Form Trainer evaluation report Form Online Agent Feedback Form Stakeholders receive a feedback request via email in the end of each term. Envirotech encourages stakeholders to complete and provide feedback for continuous improvement. Personal follow-up with students and stakeholders may be conducted where a survey report presented lack of satisfaction. The surveys and feedback tools are stored electronically and their content and statistics are being reviewed during each term break for continuous improvement according to the NVR requirements as follows: 1. The Quality Manager is assigned to develop and monitor feedback tools and systematically analyse client feedbacks and concerns for program suitability and necessary operational improvements. 2. Envirotech’s Office Administrator is responsible for the distribution of electronic questionnaires on the last week of the term. This includes the 3 questionnaires: Student, agent and employer. 3. Upon the return of these survey forms, and along each term break, the quality manager compiles and analyses all stakeholders’ responses. Qualitative and quantitative data is prepared and analysed, together with a report proposing and policy reviews, areas of change, and/or possible improvements. 4. Improvements will be registered in the “01 Opportunities for Improvements (OFI) Register” until implemented and transferred to the “02 Continuance Improvements Register”, when that improvements are in place. 5. Improvements and data are to be discussed and consulted with Envirotech staff, Management and CEO prior to implementation. Only then it will be executed as soon as practical and according to a priority list. 6. Unsolicited feedback received by any member of staff is to be referred to Quality Manager who will compile a list of any such feedback. 7. Envirotech staff scans and saves the feedback forms to the appropriate folder and places on file the original copy of all evaluation surveys and ensures they are readily available for audit and/or review purposes. 8. The Office Manager or Quality Manager modifies and/or adapts any policies or procedures on the recommendation of the Chief Executor or nominated representative/s, ensuring they comply with the NVR Standards, National Code and Envirotech Policies and Procedures. The Chief Executives will advise all students, trainer/assessors of any/all changes to policy and procedures. Feedback which indicates discrimination, anti-equal opportunity practices shall be acted upon by the Chief Executive immediately RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 25 of 97 Version: 7.0 Feedback shall be maintained in a secure database and hard copies kept in an appropriate and secure Feedback Folder specific to the particular group’s feedback Trainer/Assessors feedback 1. Trainer/Assessors will complete a satisfaction survey every quarter on the beginning of each term break, prior to their performance appraisal - Trainer Feedback (Form 240) 2. Trainer/Assessors will be evaluated twice per year - Trainer evaluation report (Form 241) 10.6 Data access and Contact Details Academic and training data access Academic and training data will be accessible and available for trainers and admin staff at all times. This includes all courses materials, relevant software, supporting documents or books, relevant websites and accounts (such as the Lynda website). This also includes Envirotech’s e-learning platform, registers and any other data resources which are relevant for the delivery of a course. Students’ data access Students will be able to access their records at all times through Edupoint Student Portal. In the portal students are able to look at their academic progress and academic results and to update their contact details. Data records and contact details Staff All Envirotech staff will keep a current photo ID and CV on Envirotech records. This must be updated every six months or as soon as practical, if any changes occurred. CV must contain the current details and address of each of Envirotech’s staff. Maintenance and safe backup of records, and the record keeping system, qualifications issued, RPL applications, grievances, evidence of quality practices is the responsibility of the Quality Manager. Students Students must ensure that Envirotech is kept up to date with any change of contact details or address. This can be done through a notice to one of Envirotech’s admin staff or through the Edupoint Student Portal. Envirotech will actively ensure students are notified and reminded to update their contact details. Envirotech will email each student a reminder notice, in conjunction to the feedback request on a quarterly basis, on the last week of each term. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 26 of 97 Version: 7.0 10.7 Quality Administration The maintenance of the Scope of Registration including obtaining copyright clearances and ensuring courses are current; Advise the current State or Territory registering body that Envirotech has commenced/expanded operations in any other State or Territory within 21 days of commencing/expanding the interstate operations and/or within 3 months of ceasing delivery and/or assessment in the State or Territory of current registration; Apply for DIICCSRTE approval to deliver in new sites when delivering to international students; Apply to the State or Territory registering body for any extension to scope of registration; Organise and continuously maintain all necessary insurance to cover employees, students and visitors on Envirotech’s campus and to cover all campus equipment and equity; Maintain Professional Indemnity Insurance to cover all its professional operations; Maintain TPS cover for all student fees paid in advance; Submit all required applications to the authorised bodies (ASQA, STS, etc.) such as Quality Indicators, Competency completion and Internal reviews, according to the Quality Calendar and the published requirements; Maintain all registers up to date and follow the Quality Calendar reviews; Ensure Envirotech’s scope is up to date at all times both in TGA, CRICOS and on all marketing material. 10.8 Continuous Improvement The Quality Manager and Chief Executive will ensure that all staff attends to continuous professional development (CPD) activities which are relevant to their position regularly and that the outcomes of these activities are registered in the - 04 CPD Staff training register and implemented or passed to other staff as required. Each academic staff must participate in at least 6 professional development activities throughout the year and maintain current industry knowledge. The quality manager will attend different professional development activities to maintain knowledge in different areas, including compliance, training and assessment, funding compliance (e.g. STS NSW, User Choice etc.). The Chief Executive and Quality Manager will conduct an internal audit of Envirotech compliance under the NVR Standards and the National Code and any government funding agreements annually or otherwise will engage the services of an appropriate consultant to conduct such internal audits as required. This internal audit process must be conducted at least one per year. The Chief Executive will analyse the internal audit outcomes and all/any non-conforming processes with the NVR Standards and government funding agreements and will devise a strategy and time frame to correct any/all non-conforming processes found. The Chief Executive and/or Quality Manager will collect and analyse stakeholder, client feedback, and satisfaction data on the services provided by Envirotech. Any recommendations will be implemented to improve Envirotech services and systems. Envirotech has an industry committee member assigned for each of its academic streams. Each committee member will review Envirotech’s training and assessment strategies, assessment tools and records and give advice regarding ongoing academic matters associated with their profession and experience in the field. Envirotech is also committed to consulting with the relevant skills industry regarding any matters of concern in relation to training package requirements. Envirotech has a Quality Assurance committee, comprising of all managers and academic staff. This committee meets at least once every month and considers all information received from clients and RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 27 of 97 Version: 7.0 stakeholders and reviews its policies and procedures and any necessary actions are suggested in the light of the information received and their personal experience as part of the RTO. The committee will make all efforts to continuously identify any opportunities for improvements and record these on an ongoing basis in the appropriate register - 01 Opportunities for Improvements (OFI). The following registers will be kept for the purpose of continuous improvements: Opportunities For Improvements (OFI) Register Continuance Improvements Register CPD Staff training Register Meeting Minutes Register In addition, the committee will adheres to the yearly scheduled quality management dates, as listed in the Quality Calendars. The Calendars specify dates for industry consultation, internal quality assurance monitoring and improvements activities by which ideas and suggestions in the “01 Opportunities For Improvements (OFI) Register” are implemented and transferred to the “02 Continuance Improvements Register” 11 Staff Recruitment 11.1 Scope and purpose This procedure covers all aspects of the recruitment process followed by Envirotech Institute of Education in acquiring new temporary, contract or permanent staff, including advertising, selection criteria, interviewing and engaging. Envirotech is an EEO employer. We adhere to a policy of making employment decisions without regard to race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age or disability. We provide opportunity for employment with Envirotech that solely depends on qualifications, experience and competency. 11.2 Responsibilities The CEO is responsible for the identification of resources needed, and function as an advising manager to the recruitment and selection process. The CEO is responsible for providing a safe work environment and this includes the office, training and assessment locations. All staff is required to support our safe work practices and to assist in promoting safety as a requirement of day-to-day operations. Work Cover legislation requires all personnel to strive for workplace safety. They must advise any colleague they see that is working unsafely of the correct way things must be done. 11.3 Staff recruitment All candidates interested in applying for positions as a Trainer/assessor at Envirotech will be sent the required documentation specified in the recruitment checklist. All completed forms are returned to the CEO or delegated manager for processing. The applicants are collated, listed and then sent to RTO Manager for short listing. Suitable candidates will be contacted to arrange a face to face interview The CEO and Quality Manager assess each candidate interview and documents; will ensure the validity of the submitted documents, skills level and experience of the applicant. This will be done through a staff consultation regarding the candidate and reference checks. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 28 of 97 Version: 7.0 When a new Trainer/assessor commences the delivery of training or conducts assessment, their competencies are mapped for each vocational area, against the competencies required within the training package, using the Complaints HR tables. If an appointment is to proceed, the RTO Manager will contact the candidates advising them they are successful and detailing commencement details. The following documents are to be created and made available within the RTO computer system for each of the trainers/assessors: Photo ID Current CV HR table matrix – signed by trainer/assessor assessor qualifications – verified by RTO Manager vocational qualifications– verified by RTO Manager professional development activities – verified and/or signed by trainer/assessor previous Education References Staff Induction Checklist Satisfactory Working with Children Check (if participating in government funded courses in NSW) Employment contract These records are kept current with updated copies provided as required. Upon appointment, the new staff member is inducted and gets access to these policies and procedures and other documents as listed on the Staff Induction Checklist. A signed copy of the completed Staff Induction Checklist is to be sent to Quality Manager and attached to the Trainer/assessor’s personal file. The Senior Management team must also have the following records retained on AVNET (a) (b) Copy of verified qualifications; and Evidence of Educational experience 11.4 Selection criteria Academic staff must have the qualifications and meet the requirements listed in the NVR requirements, relevant training package and course TAS. This includes the general requirements of: TAE 40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or equivalent; Vocational qualifications to at least the level being trained and assessed; Current VET experience If a person does not have all of the assessment competencies or the vocational competencies, senior and qualified assessor may work together with a less experienced assessor to conduct assessments. Training may also be delivered by a person who is under the direct supervision of a person who has the required competencies. The holder of the qualifications must sign off on the assessment tools at the time of marking as evidence of supervision The Trainer/assessor must be able to comply with all the requirements listed within the position description. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 29 of 97 Version: 7.0 Admin staff must have a qualification which supports their role and responsibilities/ relevant experience and preferable, have high computer skills. When admin staff do not hold a qualification or do not have sufficient computer and administration skills to the level the position requires. Envirotech still would like to hire this person; the employee will sign a traineeship with Envirotech to develop the required skills. 11.5 Working under supervision roles and responsibilities The roles and responsibilities below define the relationship between the supervising trainer/assessor and supervised trainer/assessor with industry experience and who does not hold the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Supervision A trainer who has enrolled in TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and holds the current required qualifications and experience of the industry they will be training in, may conduct training under the supervision of an experienced and qualified trainer/assessor. The supervising trainer/assessor must have a minimum of 2 years recent training and assessment experience. Responsibilities of the supervised trainer: • complete the TAE40110 within twelve (12) months of enrolment • maintain records of communication with supervisor to demonstrate supervision and feedback received • maintain records to demonstrate actions taken following feedback received • before forwarding assessment evidence to supervising trainer/assessor, review assessment evidence submitted by participants and request any additional evidence that may be required • at minimum, provide monthly documentation which clearly demonstrates communication, supervision and action taken in response to feedback received • once assessments are moderated advise participant/s of assessment result and any additional evidence that may be required • participate in professional development as requested • at minimum, provide monthly documentation which clearly demonstrates communication, feedback and support • request assistance from the supervising trainer in the event of difficulties, disputes or conflict • make relevant personnel within the organisation aware of any issues, conflict of interest or other concerns as soon as is possible Responsibilities of the supervising trainer: • posses current knowledge of the units of competency and/or qualification being trained and assessed • review all training and assessment material before use by the supervised trainer • attend and observe face to face training conducted by the supervised trainer of one day session fulltime training (5 days) or prorata for part time for the duration of course being delivered • provide supervised trainer with feedback, support and advice following the observation and record feedback and notes regarding observation • provide clear and consistent instructions to the supervised trainer when necessary and record all communication • provide guidance and support to the supervised trainer • moderate submitted assessments after initial assessment by supervised trainer and determine assessment result • provide feedback to supervised trainer regarding assessment moderation • assist supervised trainer in providing feedback regarding units which have not yet been successfully completed, if required. 11.6 Validation of qualification The RTO Manager must determine whether qualifications have been issued by another bona fides RTO and whether they were issued to the applicant. The qualifications must be presented in the form of the original issued certificate and transcripts. Where there are concerns, the RTO Manager contacts the qualification issuer for endorsement, quoting the certificate number and asking for confirmation of the recipient. Each copy of the qualifications is certified by the RTO Manager. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 30 of 97 Version: 7.0 11.7 Validation of work experience The applicant must have their vocational experience listed on a current resume. The RTO Manager conducts all the necessary phone calls and contacts with the referees that can confirm the accuracy of the information provided on the resume submitted by the applicant. In addition, the RTO Manager determines whether the applicant has the required skills as listed on the vocational competencies form by discussion with the referees if any concerns are raised. Auditable records of the discussions shall be made on the resume, with, as a minimum: (a) (b) (c) Name of the referee; Date and time of contact; Paraphrasing of the referees’ comments. The formal validation of the resume is acknowledged with a signature and date of the RTO Manager. Where the reference is inconclusive, the RTO Manager may conduct a practical assessment of the applicant and where borderline, the RTO Manager may sit in on classes conducted by the applicant, should appointment proceed. 11.8 Validation for working with children- Employment Screening Envirotech acknowledges the importance of staff in the performance of education delivery and therefore will invest resources in the screening process and later the training and induction of such staff. Members of the Envirotech Institute of Education that are involved in training or assessing of students in NSW must hold a valid approval from NSW Government to declare they are not guilty of any offence. Each applicant involved in interstate delivery is to complete the declaration listed at https://check.kids.nsw.gov.au/background-check-consent.php Envirotech Management will complete the Employer background check form available on https://check.kids.nsw.gov.au/background-check-request.php The questionnaire is to be submitted to the NSW DET The letter of Confirmation is sent to Envirotech Institute of Education and filed in the trainers relevant staff file’ The RTO manager will then need to decide whether it is appropriate to offer the applicant employment. In most cases such persons with any criminal history of any kind will not be accepted for employment. In any case all applicants seeking work at Envirotech must declare they are not a ‘prohibited person’ to gain employment Trainers and assessor who are unacceptable trainers under the Act will be removed from employment at Envirotech Institute of Education. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 31 of 97 Version: 7.0 11.9 Staff induction All members of staff undergo induction training on first joining Envirotech, delivered by the RTO Manager or another designated member of staff. Staff will be issued with the documents as listed on the Staff Induction Checklist and given access to the relevant documentation. Evidence of induction training for all staff is a signed copy of the Staff Induction Checklist 11.10 Trial period Staff members who join Envirotech as employees, especially trainers and assessors will be hired for a trial period of 3 months where their skills, knowledge and human relations will be assessed. When an employee not to have the suitable for the position at Envirotech, the RTO Manager will contact the employee for the termination of the contract immediately, providing explanation regarding the areas which didn’t met the criteria for personal future improvement. 12 Staff Interactions with Students and Customers Envirotech Institute of Education staff members are required to: be responsive to all reasonable requests of students and interested parties in relation to their treatment at Envirotech Training avoid or take steps to resolve any conflict of interest that arises between their private relationship with a student or interested party, and the impartial performance of their work duties Identify record and act on any identified opportunities to improve their personal standards or the standards of Envirotech as an RTO through informal feedback given by students. Be alerted to any difficulties that students may face during their study engagement at Envirotech and bring these to the attention of the Chief Executive or Quality Manager / Student Counsellor. 13 Retention of Student Data, Results and assessment records This policy complies with the ASQA NVR standards for retention of student’s results and assessment records and the definitions in that policy applies here. Envirotech will keep complete and accurate records of the attendance and progress of students, as well as financial records that reflect all payments, including charges and the balance due, and will provide copies of these records upon either department or student’s request. Records are kept for the following periods: 13.1 Financial records These records are kept for a period of at least 7 years. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 32 of 97 Version: 7.0 In the case of an employer providing financial support for training, Envirotech will make the individual student records available to the student for a period of 7 years from the date of graduation or termination. After that time records will be archived and a minimal cost of retrieval will apply. 13.2 Academic Record Keeping Envirotech will maintain 100% of all students results for each unit of competency undertaken at Envirotech and all the data required for the re-issue of Statement of Attainments and qualifications for a period of 30 years from the date of cessation of student enrolment at Envirotech. The actual assessment items for each student will be kept for a period of 24 months from the later of: • the completion of the course; or • issuance of the qualification; or • student’s termination of the training program Retrieval of records will be available for a period of 30 years from the date of enrolment. Envirotech will maintain the electronic master copies of all its assessment tools plan records including associated benchmarks for a period of at least 7 years following the last date of use. Strict version control mechanisms are in place to maintain all relevant information for the issue date of the documents and dates where documents were changed and the nature of the changes for this entire period. 13.3 Certificates and Statements of attainment: Envirotech will keep an electronic copy of the Certificates and Statements of Attainment both on the Envirotech SharePoint Cloud Platform and RTO Manager Cloud management software (which can be populated into a certificate using the standard template). Both these methods will assure that students have access to Certificates and Statements of Attainment within a very simple and efficient manner. Envirotech is serviced by these 2 cloud platforms with unlimited backups for every change that occurs on the platforms. Envirotech is committed to complying with the Retention of Students Results and Assessment Records policies of the Queensland Government – Department of Training and Education. 13.4 Storage: Envirotech stores all students’ assessment as Soft copies which are kept on the SharePoint online platform , including all copies of students’ assessments, assignments, result records, attendance records and any personal matters relating to the students. In addition Envirotech uses the RTO data management software: RTO Manager, which is a database tool for all student, agent, staff, courses and campus details. This package has extensive backup procedures which are part of the paid service, please refer to the Envirotech offer from RTO Manager: 13.5 RTO Manager and SharePoint Cloud Data Backup and Recovery The SharePoint and RTO Manager portals are Cloud database is backed up and allows for unlimited version control and backups. Envirotech holds a “Student Portal licence” with RTO Manager, which creates a web portal that lets students view their results, attendance and personal details online. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 33 of 97 Version: 7.0 14 Ethical Marketing and Advertising Envirotech will ensure that marketing of its education and training services is professional, accurate and maintains the integrity and reputation of the industry. All marketing materials must be approved by the CEO prior to publishing them publicly. Envirotech will at all times: (a) clearly identify the registered provider’s name and CRICOS number in written marketing and other material for students, including electronic form, and (b) not give false or misleading information or advice in relation to: i. Claims of association between providers ii. The employment outcomes associated with a course iii. Automatic acceptance into another course iv. Possible migration outcomes, or v. Any other claims relating to the registered provider, its course 15 Education Agents Agents, who collect prepaid tuition fees from international students, do so, on Envirotech’s behalf and in that case, from a legal aspect, the acts of an agent are the acts of Envirotech. A gents must comply with the ESOS requirements relating to the collection of prepaid fees which come into effect on 1 July 2012. Envirotech Institute of Education engages only with education agents who, by their continuing performance demonstrate an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Australian international education industry and relevant mandating legislation. Envirotech will enter into a written agreement with each education agent it engages, to formally represent it and will not engage education agents who demonstrate by their dealings any evidence of dishonesty or lack of integrity. Upon enquiry from a new agent, Envirotech requires the completion of an - Agent Questionnaire (Form 502) and only enters into agreement with agents who can show understanding of the mandating legislation and demonstrate integrity in their operations. Envirotech enters into a written agreement/contract with all education agents with which it deals through an Agent Contract (Form 501). The agreement specifies the responsibilities of both parties and specifies compliance with the requirements of the national code and ESOS Act. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 34 of 97 Version: 7.0 Envirotech defines 3 levels of commission remuneration levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels, each carrying different levels of commission payments which are listed in schedule 1 of the contract with the agent. Upon signing the Agreement, Envirotech will send the new agent an Agent Welcome (Letter 503) which lists the event stream which leads to the most efficient student enrolment. Envirotech will publish the name of the new agent on the Envirotech’s website and will maintain its logo and details there as evidence of the approved agreement between the agent and Envirotech. The agreement with the new agent will be effective from the date it is signed by both parties and has a duration of one (1) year or as defined in schedule 1 of the agent contract. The contract includes the option for a renewal thereafter under no obligations. It is the responsibility of the agent to follow up on agreement renewal. The decision for a short term contract with agents was initiated by Envirotech management as a way to have an initial trial period for the operation of agents. Envirotech will review and assess the operation of all its agents once per year and agreements will be reaffirmed for all agents who maintain high professional standards. Envirotech will not accept students from an education agent or enter into an agreement with an education agent if it knows or reasonably suspects the education agent to be, or is acting dishonestly as mentioned in clause 5 below. Envirotech monitors the activities of education agents with which it has current involvements through meetings with the agents, interviews with agent’s students, review of agent’s websites, verify with agents referees and takes whatever actions required to ensure ongoing compliance with requirements of the national code and the ESOS act and relevant regulations. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 35 of 97 Version: 7.0 15.1 Procedures for accepting and monitoring agents 1. Envirotech maintains an Agent Register (‘08 Agents Register’) were all documentation sent to agents and potential agents is recorded. For every potential new agent Envirotech staff must complete the following steps (only on successful completion of one stem the following step can take place): 2. Complete an agent questionnaire in order to be assessed for agency agreement and the signing of a contract with Envirotech. The agent questionnaire requires agents to list their past and current business activities, client services, compliance and understanding with relevant legislation and any compliance matters prior to signing an agency agreement and enrolling students at Envirotech. 3. Envirotech will conduct reference calls with the referees listed by the agent. Envirotech will enter into agreement with agents who can demonstrate compliance and professional practices in the industry after performing the mentioned quality assurance checks. Envirotech will not accept students, enter into an agreement, and terminate any existing agreement with an education agent if it knows or reasonably suspects the education agent engaged: (a) Is, or had previously been engaged in, dishonest practices, including the deliberate attempt to recruit a student through transfer between registered providers which is done for the sole purpose of financial benefit to the agent. (b) facilitating the enrolment of a student who the education agent believes will not comply with the conditions of his or her student visa (c) using Provider Registration and International Students Management System (PRISMS) to create Confirmations of Enrolment for other than a bona fide student, or (d) Providing immigration advice where not authorised under the Migration Act 1958 to do so. This paragraph does not apply where an individual employee or sub-contractor of the education agent was responsible for the conduct set out in Standard 4.3 of the National Coder 2007 and the education agent has terminated the relationship with that individual employee or subcontractor. 4. Add the new agent’s details to the Envirotech website and will include the Agents: logo, registration numbers if such exist, main contact person and name of legal entity. 5. Email the agent with a welcome letter listing the preferred steps for enrolment of new students at Envirotech and up to date and accurate marketing materials. 6. Monitoring of agents and re-assessing of the agent performances through: a. Receiving and analysing quarterly sent online feedback questionnaires to catch any updating details, this information will be than transferred the PRISMS b. Regular face-to-face meetings with the agent onshore or offshore; c. Telephone/ teleconference meetings; d. Regular reports from The agent; e. Surveys of students recruited by the agent; f. RTO# 31871 Document1 Surveys from parents of students recruited by the agent; CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 36 of 97 Version: 7.0 g. Performance benchmarks included in agreements; h. Spot checks by Envirotech, for example, observing The agent or its representatives at work at education fairs; i. communications with the agent’s students; j. communication with the agent and its office staff; k. view of agent’s activities and websites; and l. any other activities of the agent to establish if a renewal of the agreement is viable. 7. Take immediate corrective and preventative action upon becoming aware of the agent being: I. Negligent, careless or incompetent; or II. Engaged in false, misleading or unethical advertising and recruitment practices. Preventative action could include, but not limited to: I. Training sessions for the agent ensuring that the agent has all the material they need to represent Envirotech accurately and professionally. II. Providing additional information/ material or targeted training. III. Termination of the agreement with the education agent. 8. If for any reason Envirotech decided to terminate the agreement with the agent prior to or at the end of the contract term, Envirotech will remove the agent’s details from the Envirotech website. 9. Ensure that agents have access to up-to-date and accurate marketing information from the Envirotech’s website and in addition, Envirotech will keep updating its agents when new marketing material is developed, via email and or post. 10. Ensure that all agents’ details are currently updated via quarterly feedback and data surveys. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 37 of 97 Version: 7.0 16 Statement of Capability Envirotech, as a Registered Training Provider under NVR, complies with all human and physical resource requirements of the NVR standards, the National Code and in the Assessment Guidelines of national training packages for which the institute holds delivery and assessment scope. Envirotech has qualified and experienced staff, educational and physical resources, facilities, and the learning materials necessary to meet and exceed these NVR requirements for its approved scope of delivery. Envirotech has access to all required equipment and facilities in sufficient numbers for effective training of its specified maximum student numbers. Academic staff satisfies the NVR human resource requirements for delivery and assessment of all units and qualifications for which they have responsibilities. This assurance is maintained on a continuing basis. Staff compliance with NVR human resource requirements is recorded, maintained and is up to date in individuals’ personnel files. Education Resources relevant to Envirotech’s educational services have been audited against its delivery scope using NVR standards. An inventory of educational resources and equipment is maintained. 17 Change of Ownership, Management, Location or Provider Default Envirotech will notify the department of any changes that may affect the operations of the business as soon as practicable and within 20 working days of the change taking place. Envirotech is committed to notify the department of legal changes to its entity in advance. In the unlikely event that the ownership or management of Envirotech Institute of Education should change hands or will be in default, the following actions will take place: 1. ASQA and the Secretary (or delegate) and TPS Director: 2. within 3 business days of provider default and of the outcome of the default within 7 days of Envirotech’s obligation period to provide details of alternative course or refund. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. with at least 10 days and up to 28 days notice to authorities of the changes to ownership or management taking place. Envirotech will notify students in writing within 7 days: ·of an alternative place at the Envirotech’s expense, that is accepted by student in writing , or; ·refund the student any unused portion of the prepaid fees Any change of ownership which may lead to change of the legal entity registered with ASQA and DIICCSRTE at least 10 days prior to change taking place, and The new legal entity will be made aware that it is a mandatory requirement to obtain a new CRICOS and provider registration. Additionally, in compliance with Standard 15 of the National Code for CRICOS registration, in this unlikely event, or if a high managerial agent should change, Envirotech will provide the designated authority advice of mooted or intended changes as soon as is practically possible, but in any case no later than 10 days prior the change taking place. Should such a change occur in a high managerial agent, Envirotech will provide information to the designated authority to demonstrate that the new incumbent passes the ‘fit and proper’ test. Envirotech undertakes to provide details to the designated authority of any refunds made or offered, and the students’ response, where such refunds are offered in relation to a change in Envirotech’s legal entity. In the event that Envirotech ceases operation, all records of student achievement of awards (Certificates or Statements of Attainment issued) dating from the school became registered, for all training covered by the registration, will be sent to the ASQA on computer disc. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 38 of 97 Version: 7.0 Envirotech recognises and endorses the requirements of National Code Standard 14.3 and in the event of a move being considered will comply with the requirements of this standard. In the event that Envirotech will relocate from its current campus location, Envirotech will advise all staff, students, DET as soon as possible but within 20 working days RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 39 of 97 Version: 7.0 Students’ Enrolment Policies and Procedures 18 Student engagement before enrolment The enrolment process at Envirotech comprises four (4) main stages: 1. Pre-Enrolment Information 2. Lodgement of Enrolment Form and supporting evidence/Information 3. Letter of Offer - Formalisation of enrolment by written agreement 4. Induction 18.1 Pre-Enrolment Information Pre enrolment and course Information is delivered to potential students in either hard copy or reference to electronic information. Envirotech will provide the following pre-enrolment information via the student handbook and website for potential students: 18.1.1 The requirements for acceptance into a course , including the minimum level of English language proficiency, educational qualifications or work experience required and whether course credit may be applicable: I. English language proficiency : Envirotech assesses that students have English language proficiency and a basic numeracy level that is appropriate for the course for which enrolment is sought before making an offer to the students. Students whose first language is not English and do not have evidence of their level of English proficiency must accomplish an English Placement Test. This is to ensure that their language skills satisfy the basic course requirements prior to a letter of offer being issued by Envirotech. II. Literacy and Numeracy: Students are required to present through the placement test that they have basic numeracy and literacy abilities. In certain situations, and especially where there is a diagnosed study disorder, Envirotech will accept students even if they are identified as lacking in strength in a specific area, as long as they are commit to strengthen their LLN through extra activities and tutoring sessions were appropriate. III. Educational qualifications and work experience: Currently none of the Envirotech courses have any other qualifications or experience requirements. Envirotech’s Diploma and Certificate IV level courses require students to have an intermediate computer skills and knowledge. IV. Under 18 years old Students: Envirotech accepts under 18 students according to the ‘Under 18 Policies and Procedures for QLD and NSW residence only. V. Computers: Students are required to have their own computer for participation in the course. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 40 of 97 Version: 7.0 18.1.2 Qualification / course content and duration, modes of study and assessment methods 18.1.3 Campus locations and a general description of facilities, equipment, and learning and library resources available to students 18.1.4 Details of any arrangements with another registered provider, person o r business to provide the course or part of the course if such exist. 18.1.5 Course-related fees including advice on the potential for fees to change during the student’s course and applicable refund policies 18.1.6 Grounds on which student’s enrolment may be deferred, suspended or cancelled 18.1.7 a description of the ESOS framework made available electronically by DIICCSRTE, and 18.1.8 relevant information on living in Australia, including: I. Indicative costs of living II. Accommodation options, and III. Schooling obligations and options for school-aged dependants of intending students, including that school fees may be incurred. 18.2 Lodgement of Enrolment Form and supporting evidence/Information 1. Completing Envirotech online enrolment Application From Students and Agents complete and lodge Envirotech online enrolment application form and provides (either directly or through the Education Agent) all required information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Signed and dated Enrolment Form Copy of passport data page Copy of any extension pages in the passport Copy of Australian Visa (if applicable) Certified copies of all transcripts (if any) 6. Certified copies of all certificates (if any) 7. English placement test or Certified copy of proof of English proficiency * 8. Documented evidence of any disability or impairment * Students who’s English is not their first language and do not have Evidence of their English level proficiency in the form of secondary or tertiary studies conducted in English or a certificate of English proficiency obtained in the last 24 months (e.g. IELTS or TOEFL) will be sent an English Placement Test which will be evaluated to assess their suitability to their nominated course of study. Validation of students’ enrolment procedures: 1. Front office enrolment officer forward the English placement test to the English department coordinator. 2. The English department coordinator will assess the student’s English language proficiency placement test to ensure that these are appropriate for the course enrolled. 3. Front office enrolment officer forward any qualifications or evidence of work experience to the student registrar to ensure the appropriateness of the enrolment sought or if CT / RPL applicable. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 41 of 97 Version: 7.0 4. Student registrar advise the Front office of any issues or matters or if any RPL or CT is awarded. 5. Front office must complete the student enrolment checklist to ensure all enrolment steps have been completed 6. Front office must communicate directly with the student or with their agents if any gaps or issues are identified with the enrolment sought. SRTO – for domestic funded students only Envirotech receives an SRTO (Supervising Registered Training Organisation) agreement to proceed with a funded student’s enrolment. 18.3 Letter of Offer & Payment - Formalisation of enrolment by written agreement A Letter of Offer (LoF) is the formal contract between the student and Envirotech. Students are required to return to Envirotech the signed offer to represent their acceptance to the offer agreement. Envirotech responds to an online enrolment application through the Education Agent or directly to student, (depending on how the individual applied) with a letter of conditional acceptance - Offer which includes all of the requirements and conditions associated with the acceptance of the enrolment. The student signs the - offer letter and returns it to Envirotech. Any required amount of money as listed in the letter of offer must be paid at this stage. The Letter of Offer is the binding contract between the student and Envirotech. By signing this contract the student agrees to Envirotech’s terms and conditions, including the services, fees payable and information in relation to refunds of course money and study periods. Envirotech agrees to provide education and services to the student. Offer students a program of study - letter of Offer content The signed contract must be received concurrently with or prior to accepting course money from the student. The offer letter will be valid for 28 days and will: 1. Identify the course or courses in which the student is to be enrolled, course study periods, associated fees and any conditions on his or her enrolment 2. Provide an itemised list of course money payable by the student 3. Provide information in relation to refunds of course money including amounts that may or may not be repaid to the student (including any course money collected by education agents on behalf of the registered provider) and processes to claim refund. 4. A plain English explanation of what happens in the event of a course not being delivered, 5. Set out the circumstances in which personal information about the student may be shared between Envirotech and the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager. This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student of a student visa condition, 6. Advise the student of his or her obligation to notify the registered provider of a change of address while enrolled in the course and confidentiality policy. 7. Include a statement that “This agreement and the availability of complaints and appeals processes do not remove the students’ right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws”. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 42 of 97 Version: 7.0 Enrolment Formalisation: 18.3.1 Payment Fees: The Letter of Offer will state the amount payable to commence study at Envirotech and the optional payment methods. At this stage the agreed tuition, service and Overseas Health Cover (for international students) fees are paid. The transaction record should be provided to Envirotech via email or in hard copy. If a payment for a course is received before receiving the accepted written agreement, the Enrolment officer must immediately contact the student or agent to inform them that the payment cannot be processed (and the enrolment cannot progress) until the Envirotech’s enrolment officer receives the accepted written agreement. 18.3.2 OSHC – International students only OSHC for international students will be arranged by Envirotech if this service was requested in the offer. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure renewing their heath cover or arranging the health cover if they chose not to receive this service from Envirotech. 18.3.3 COE (Confirmation of Enrolment) – for international students only Envirotech issues a confirm ation of enrolment (for international students this document is called COE). The COE is essential for a student visa application with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). Students from some countries will first be required to lodge a Pre -Visa Assessment. If this is the case the application for the Pre -Visa Assessment can be made with the COE or Envirotech signed letter of offer. 18.3.4 Visa Application for International Students – for international students only Students should contact the nearest Australian Immigration Office, Consulate or Embassy, as VISA requirements and procedures vary from one country to the next. 18.4 Induction 18.4.1 Welcome email Three (3) weeks, or as soon as practical before commencing study, Envirotech staff will email the students a welcome email with all relevant information including: Start date and contact hours What students should bring with them for the first day Induction videos Instruction of how to get to the campus Direct debit online form The terms and conditions of enrolment. 18.4.2 Induction/ orientation day Prior to starting a course at Envirotech students are offered an induction day to: RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 43 of 97 Version: 7.0 Explain the academic progress processes at Envirotech and monitoring course progression for international students. Familiarisation with the structure of their course and the process of assessment. Review and explain the email containing instructions on how to use the student portal. Instruct on the campus facilities and WHS (restrooms, parking, evacuations and emergencies situations, lounge room, kitchen facilities, students’ services, etc.). Installation of relevant software on students computers as applicable Receive OSHC membership card for International students Receive a concession student card. 19 Students Contractual Obligations 1. By accepting place on an Envirotech course, a student enters into a contract as specified in the offer with Envirotech for the length of the program (for international students, as shown in the student’s CoE). 2. Fees are not expected to rise by more than 10% in any one year. 3. All fees, charges and accounts are payable at times specified in the Offer Letter Schedule of Fees. Unless Envirotech decides otherwise, students will not be permitted to commence any course or any term until such fees and charges are paid in accordance to the schedule. On course commencement day the student owe Envirotech the entire course fees as indicated on the agreement offer. In the case of student leaving the course earlier than the course end date, the student is still obligated to complete the payment of the entire course fee schedule as detailed in the agreement offer. Students who did not complete their payment will not be awarded a Statement of Attainment or course certification. 4. Students who are absent from Envirotech are still required to pay fees due, unless students are granted deferment/ suspension from the course that they are currently studying for a period of more than 28 days. In this case students are not liable to pay fees for the deferment period. Note: Students who are granted deferment/suspension for any period should be aware that the consequences of such deferment will, in most cases, result in lengthened time to complete the course. 5. Envirotech reserves the right to withhold academic results, certificates, services or materials when course fees are not paid in accordance to the Offer Letter schedule of fees. Envirotech may also take further action to recover the amount of outstanding tuition fees by placing the matter in the hands of a debt collection agency. 6. All applicable refunds are in accordance with the Envirotech Refund Policy. 7. International students must keep Envirotech and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), informed immediately that they change their residential or postal address, and provide their current phone number. 8. By accepting a student place at Envirotech, a student agrees to abide by the requirements of the National Code of Ethics as specified in the ESOS Act 2000, the NVR standards and Envirotech policies and procedures 9. Students must have their OSHC current at all times during their entire stay in Australia. At least 15 days before the expiry, students are required to renew their health insurance, either by payment to the institute or directly to the nearest Medibank office. If student already hold an OSHC, they must inform Envirotech of their policy number, the insurer details and the covered period. 10. Envirotech reserves the right to cancel or defer any course and to alter timetables and class locations without prior notice. If Envirotech is at default from the cancelation, termination or deferral of any RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 44 of 97 Version: 7.0 course, and is unable to offer a suitable alternative course, fees will be refunded in full, or the student transferred to another institution as appropriate and accepted by both parties. 11. Envirotech reserves the right in every case at its discretion, and for any reason, to alter or not to offer any course prior to its scheduled commencement, any fees paid in advance will be refunded in full. 12. Envirotech will notify the TPS within 3 days of any provider default, and within 7 days of the result of the default. 13. Envirotech prefers that any request made by any student must be in writing and signed and dated by the student. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 45 of 97 Version: 7.0 20 Language and Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) 20.1 Definition: 20.2 Policy All students must have a minimum LLN level in order to be successful in course requirements. International students whose first language is not English must provide evidence that their English language proficiency is equal or higher to an Overall Band Score of 5.5 in an IELTS or Envirotech English and numeracy placement test. All students must declare in their enrolment form if they have any study disorders. In some cases, especially where there is a diagnosed study disorder in specific areas, such as writing, Envirotech will apply other measures of assessments to ensure that potential students are able to enter into the course and academically progress. In such cases Envirotech will require the student to attend extra training and tutoring sessions as required and will apply reasonable adjustment in its assessment methods to accommodate for the students’ needs. Envirotech Responsibilities Prior commencing studying at Envirotech, students are required to complete an enrolment form (Form 100) and inform Envirotech of any LLN difficulties they may have. Also, with the enrolment form students are required to perform Language, literacy and numeracy assessment (Placement Test) which was developed by Envirotech for this purpose. Each student must comply with the Envirotech entry requirements of LLN to be able to participate in the courses Envirotech provides. Students who may have minor LLN difficulties are going to be either referred to external RTO / Tutor or assisted through Envirotech’s staff to develop their LLN abilities. On the first day at Envirotech the students will do a full induction which contains a welcome interview with one of the Envirotech staff, preferably the student registrar. In the interview the students will complete with the assistance of Envirotech staff, the - learner needs profile questionnaire (Form 110) to confirm and clarify the student LLN needs and if any reasonable adjustment are needed. Trainer’s responsibility Students will have varying degrees of capacity in the ability to read, write, speak well and carry out mathematical functions. Learners who have difficulty in any of these areas may have difficulty participating fully in the learning and assessment program. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 46 of 97 Version: 7.0 It is the trainer/assessor’s responsibility when a new student joins a program to watch for any sign which might indicate a language, literacy or numeracy difficulty and if such appear: 1. Run the relevant Indicator test with a learner if there is a possibility of difficulty LLN Indicator ll&lll (Form 401) LLN Indicator IV (Form 402) LLN Indicator Dip & AD DIP (Form 403) 2. Notify Envirotech Quality manager if the Indicator test reveals strong possibility of difficulty 3. File the LL&N Indicator test and results with the student academic records Limits of responsibility It is acknowledged that the trainer/assessor is not a trained language and literacy specialist. The Indicator test simply provides some data that can be used to make a recommendation to management. 20.3 Quality manager’s responsibility Following the trainer/ assessor evaluation, if any difficulty in relation to a student LLN was identified, the trainer/ assessor will meet the quality manager to discuss the student needs and create an intervention plan for the student. Once the intervention plan is created and ready to use, the quality manager and the trainer/ assessor will meet the student and discuss the mentioned difficulty, the outcomes of this difficulties and the recommendation of Envirotech to the student, which indicated in the intervention strategy. The student will have to return a written answer to Envirotech staff within 14 days with his/her acceptance or non-acceptance to the provided plan. 20.4 Referral It is Envirotech responsibility to refer a student to language and literacy specialists if there is a significant problem. In some instances the student may have to defer/suspend study in a unit or course. 20.5 Reasonable adjustment There may be instances where the trainer/assessor should make adjustment to student and/or assessment methods and processes because a learner has difficulty with reading, writing or mathematical calculations. Envirotech achieves this through the use of the “smart pen” which enables recording of student results against specific questions and streamlining their voice into text files and audio files which will be stored on the student’s folder for the relevant unit of competency on the Envirotech server. 20.6 LL&N indicators There are three different indicator forms used for: 1. AQF level ll & lll students, 2. AQF level lV learners and 3. AQF Diploma level students. The diagnostic requirements are decided on the basis of the tasks the person must reasonably be able to perform as part of their work routine associated with the qualification/course. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 47 of 97 Version: 7.0 Diagnostic questions To identify the tasks that the student must perform as part of their work routine, and also as part of their training and assessment, ask these questions: What does the student have to listen and say? What does the student have to read and write? What diagrams, plans, maps, pictures/ symbols does the student have to interpret? What mathematical concepts does the student need to understand and use? Signs of poor reading ability Look for these signs of difficulty with reading. Such students: avoid reading tasks avoid reading aloud to others ask for clarification of the task orally avoid reading manuals, instructions or technical information prefer hands-on tasks rely on being shown how to do tasks do not appear to know what is going on when instructions are given in writing are distracted easily from the reading task lack computer skills work very slowly through the reading task mouth words (sub-vocalise) do not pick up the written work language and jargon easily ask often for clarification of reading material are absent on theory test days 'lose' notes and written information Signs of poor writing ability Look for these signs of difficulty with writing. Such students: prefer to deal with tasks orally avoid starting tasks involving writing avoid writing for the group in group activities participate well orally but withdraw from writing tasks prefer to work in groups with a competent writer avoid answering the phone in case they need to write down a message remember messages rather than writing them down put off tasks to do later or at home need more time than most to complete written tasks need more attempts to get the task right write the minimum possible for each written task write illegibly and/or messily copy work slowly often looking at source material letter by letter ask for help frequently ask for spelling of common words ask for more copies of performs copy from others write only in block letters write in dot points and abbreviate excessively when writing should be more formal RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 48 of 97 Version: 7.0 become frustrated with writing tasks turn off from writing tasks easily leave written tasks unfinished avoid letting others see their written work prefer to word-process all work rather than write by hand avoid reading what they have written to others Signs of poor speaking and listening abilities Look for these signs of difficulty with speaking and listening. Such students: do not contribute or lead discussions rely on other people to do the work avoid participation in team work and oral presentations do not carry out instructions need instructions to be repeated don't use appropriate body language or gestures don't identify the difficulties of a task persevere with tasks rather than asking for help are unable to organise tasks deny doing a task so they don't have to talk about it become abusive or angry when listening and speaking make fun of others are absent on days when they have to give oral presentations Signs of poor numeracy Look for these signs of difficulty with numeracy. These students: avoid tasks involving mathematical calculations and processes won't calculate without a calculator or cash register do not estimate sizes or quantities get confused and easily distracted when counting can't read large numbers are overly rigid in following outlines, methods and steps follow 'rules' without understanding why can't explain the process used don't contribute to discussion on problem-solving avoid putting answers down until teacher works them out on the board constantly say 'This is stupid' and 'I hate maths' copy from others rather than working things out themselves write numbers illegibly and/or messily make fun of other people and/or their work are absent on test days get angry when faced with tasks involving mathematical concepts and processes are easily distracted and distracts others from the numeracy task Envirotech staff is available to assist their students in any possible way and encourages students to approach the management and academic staff to inform us of any difficulties relating to language, literacy and numeracy they may experience. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 49 of 97 Version: 7.0 21 International students previously enrolled in relevant Courses Policy DEFINITIONS: Envirotech will not accept transfers unless the student presents a compliant letter of release from the previous provider. For students who studied with their previous provider over 6 months in their principle course of study, a letter of release is not mandatory; nevertheless, Envirotech will contact the previous provider to ascertain the nature of the release if such a release letter is not provided. Students who have been enrolled with another registered provider but did not complete the relevant course must provide a letter of release from the previous provider unless they completed over 6 months of their principle course of study. If the student is unable to present Envirotech with a letter of release, an enrolment request must have an accompanied written statement and must present compelling and compassionate circumstance and allow Envirotech to communicate with the student’s previous RTO. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 50 of 97 Version: 7.0 22 Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation of Enrolment Policy 22.1 DEFINITIONS 22.2 Student Request for enrolment Deferral, Suspension or Cancellation Suspension of enrolment is not necessarily a result of misbehaviour as such action may also be initiated by the student when an unforseen situation arises where they must temporarily attend to other matters. Student may request a temporary deferment or suspension of their enrolment on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances. Envirotech may also initiate suspension of a students’ enrolment as a result of misbehaviour of the student, or cancellation on the basis of academic progress failure, non payment or in cases where Envirotech is unable to make contact with the student for a period of three (3) weeks. Envirotech may grant permission for students to defer or temporarily suspend their studies in certain, limited circumstances relating to compelling and compassionate circumstances. Student seeking to defer their studies for any reason should complete the Student Deferral & Suspension Form (Form 102) obtainable from the Student Registrar or the website. However, in doing so, students need to be aware that any deferment, suspension or cancellation of enrolment may affect their student visa and evidence must be provided to sustain the request. It is very important that students continue to attend their classes until the decision on their request is made as they are still at this stage monitored for their academic progress. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 51 of 97 Version: 7.0 22.3 Envirotech Initiated enrolment Suspension or Cancellation In a case where Envirotech finds it necessary to initiate the suspension or cancellation of student’s enrolment, the institute will inform the student in writing of its intention and allow the student 20 working days to access the Envirotech internal complaints and appeals process, unless extenuating circumstances relating to the welfare of the student apply when this deadline may be extended. If students appeal the decision to suspend or cancel their studies, Envirotech will not inform DIICCSRTE of any change to enrolment status until the internal complaints and appeals process is completed. However, if the appeal is unsuccessful, the student withdrawals from the process or chooses not to appeal, Envirotech will inform DIAC and DIICCSRTE via PRISMS of the action taken, unless the student wishes to take the matter for external mediation. Envirotech may defer, suspend or terminate (cancel) students’ enrolment the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Early completion of the course None or late start of the course Transfer to another education provider None or late payment of course fees Misconduct or misbehaviour, including but not limited to: breach of discipline, bad language, harassment, aggressive and offensive behaviour, violation of Envirotech’s policies, their student visa conditions or Australian law. In minor misbehaviour events Envirotech will consult with the student regarding their behaviour and relevant adjustment as it is the goal of the institute not to suspend or terminate students’ enrolment. 6. Cessation of studies 7. Cheating and Plagiarism: Legations regarding cheating and plagiarism should be referred to the head teacher who will investigate the matter and advise the teaching staff. In all cases the student will be advised in writing and given twenty (20) days to show cause as to why a penalty should not be applied. Students who have allegations of cheating, (including plagiarism) proven, are liable to incur a penalty ranging from: exclusion from that assessment, requirement to repeat the assessment, the award of a fail result in the unit concerned to exclusion from the Institute. 8. A student who ceases attending a course or does not return from leave, and is not contactable by Envirotech for 14 days, has "inactively" advised Envirotech of his/her failure to continue studying. Under Section 19(1) of the ESOS Act, Envirotech will notify DIICCSRTE via PRISMS of termination of an accepted student's studies within 14 days of the event occurring, by completing a Student Course Variation. This does not require Envirotech to give the student access to the appeals process. 22.4 Outcomes – Deferral, Suspension or Cancellation Three (3) outcomes are possible under this policy: Deferral / Suspension 1. Envirotech notifies DIICCSRTE via PRISMS of action to defer or suspend without affecting the end date of the CoE. In this case there is no change in enrolment status on PRISMS although the notice of deferment or suspension will be provided to DIAC for future reference 2. Envirotech notifies DIICCSRTE of deferment or suspension that will affect the end date of the CoE. In these situations, Envirotech will cancel the original CoE through PRISMS and will be invited to create a new CoE with an appropriate end date. If Envirotech does not know when the student will return, it can delay creating the new CoE until the student has notified Envirotech of the intended date of return RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 52 of 97 Version: 7.0 Cancellation / Termination 3. Envirotech notifies through PRISMS that it wishes to terminate a student’s enrolment. Once this process is completed, the student’s CoE status will be listed as cancelled and the student will have to contact the DIAC to attend to his/her visa to prevent/attend visa cancellation and bridge of current visa conditions. Envirotech holds a commitment to: notify the Secretary and TPS Director and DIAC through the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) of provider defaults within 3 business days and student defaults within 5 business days, notify the Secretary and the TPS Director (via PRISMS) of the default outcome within 7 days of the provider obligation period 22.5 Assessing, Approving & Recording of Deferral, Suspension or Cancellation Procedures The following procedure applies when student request to defer, suspend or cancel their enrolment, as long as student has complied with course requirements and made all due payments to Envirotech: 22.5.1 ASSESSMENT 1. compassionate reasons exist and are generally outside of the control of the student and include but not limited to: I. serious illness or injury where medical certificate states unable to attend classes II. bereavement of close family members such as parents and grandparents (Death Certificate should be provided where possible) III. major political upheaval or natural disaster in home country requiring emergency travel which has impacted on student’s studies IV. a traumatic experience such as involvement in, or witnessing a serious accident or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime Impact on the student should be supported by evidence from police or a qualified psychologist etc. 2. where Envirotech was unable to offer a pre-requisite unit, or 3. student’s inability to commence study on course commencement date as a result of delays in receipt of student visa 4. In cases not covered above, Envirotech will use its professional judgement to assess each case on its merits. Copies of documents used in assessing a claim are to be kept in the student’s file Envirotech may choose to temporarily suspend a student’s enrolment if it considers the student’s behaviour unacceptable for an educational setting. If suspension is granted, regardless of the reason for the suspension, this period, as entered in PRISMS will not be included in attendance and academic progress monitoring calculations. Reason for possible action is reviewed and documented in student’s file. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 53 of 97 Version: 7.0 22.6 Procedures Envirotech will determine on the evidence, the appropriate course of action. This decision will be recorded in the student’s file and the student is to be informed of the decision and its implications in writing, including their right to appeal in accordance with the Envirotech Complaints and Appeals Policy, where the sanction is imposed by Envirotech. On completion of appeal processes, if the case still exists: 1. The student will be informed that a change of enrolment details may affect his or her student visa. Envirotech will then refer the student to the DIAC website and helpline (131881) for information on how the potential change to enrolment status may impact upon his or her visa 2. If Envirotech decides to initiate suspension or cancellation of a student’s enrolment, the institute will inform the student of his or her rights under the Envirotech Complaints and Appeals Policy which allows the student 20 working days to lodge his or her appeal. 3. Where a student chooses to access the Envirotech Appeals Process, the institute will maintain the student’s enrolment until the internal process is completed and has supported Envirotech’s intentions. This means that no change will be notified to DIICCSRTE via PRISMS during this process 4. A student may also choose to access an external appeals process as detailed in the Envirotech Complaints and Appeals Policy. However, Envirotech is not required to await the outcome of this process before notifying DIICCSRTE of the change to the student’s enrolment status 5. Extenuating circumstances relating to the welfare of the student may include: I. Medical concerns, severe depression or psychological issues leading to Envirotech concerns for his or her wellbeing II. Has engaged or threatens to engage in behaviour that is reasonably believed to endanger the student or others, or III. Is at risk of committing a criminal offence Any claim of extenuating circumstances must be supported by the appropriate evidence Envirotech may not continue to provide learning opportunities to the student during the 20 working days and appeals process or any subsequent period of appeal. The decision whether a student is excluded or not will depend on the individual circumstances and will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. RTO# 31871 Document1 Once any complaints and appeals processes are completed and the student default is confirmed Envirotech will notify the Secretary and TPS Director (via PRISMS) of student defaults within: 5 business days to notify of the student default 14 days to report cancellation of the student’s enrolment to DIAC (via PRISMS) (i.e. a section 19 report) 28 days to finalise the student default obligations as set out in the written agreement with the student and further 7 days to report the outcome of the student default (via PRISMS) CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 54 of 97 Version: 7.0 22.7 Notify students of intention to report If Envirotech wishes to cancel a student’s enrolment and the cancellation was not requested by the student, it must inform the student of its intention and allow the student 20 working days in which to access the complaints and appeals process. Before Envirotech reports a student it must first notify the student of the breach via a written notice/letter. This is referred to as giving the student a notice of - Intention to report Academic (Letter 154) or Intention to report - Other (Letter 154). 22.8 Content and delivery of the notice of intention to report The notice of intention to report will clearly identify the visa condition that was breached or otherwise the reason for which Envirotech wish to suspend or cancel the student’s enrolment (non payment etc). 23 Notices will refer to the student by name rather than a generic “Dear student” and will include the address to which the notice will be sent. Postage must be made by registered post to ensure that Envirotech can track to whom and where the notice was sent. 24 Inform the student that he or she is able to access Envirotech’s complaints and appeals process as per Standard 8 (Complaints and appeals) and that the student has 20 working days in which to do so. Registered Post: while registered mail is considered best practice it is not a requirement under the ESOS Act or National Code. Where a provider chooses to use this method the 20 working days should begin the day after the student signs the delivery slip. Other methods of sending/delivering the notice Hand Delivery: where a notice is hand delivered it is recommended that the commencement of the 20 working days start the day after delivery. Tips Checklist If the student has told you their new address, is this reflected in your systems so that the notice of intention reaches the student? Does your letter refer to the National Code 2007 requirements for reporting the student for unsatisfactory attendance or course progress? Is the wording in the notice clear so that a student knows their visa is at risk? Does it clearly tell the student they can appeal through your appeals process and that they have 20 working days in which to do so? Does the notice state the start of the 20 working days and allow for reasonable delivery times? Does the notice explain the next step if the student wants to appeal? RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 55 of 97 Version: 7.0 Have you arranged for an independent appeals body to hear complaints? After sending the notice/letter and not hearing from the student did you wait for the full 20 working days before reporting in PRISMS, not just 20 days? 25 International Students Transfer Policy DEFINITIONS: Envirotech must ensure that staff who interact directly with students are aware of the entire provider's ESOS and EOS obligations and the potential implications for students. Marketing, recruitment staff and agents must be aware of the limitations on transfer before completion of six months of a principal course. They should advise overseas students (or parent or guardian if the overseas student is under 18) of these limitations. This policy is to be made available to all staff and students 25.2 Request for a Letter of Release Students must lodge the request for letter of release in writing using Cancellation form 103 and supply additional relevant supporting documents. Envirotech will not issue a Release Letter (Letter 170) to a student unless they can provide an offer from the receiving provider confirming enrolment. Students must lodge the request for release in writing and once this has been received by Envirotech, an email receipt acknowledging that the request has been received will be produced. Envirotech recognises the rights of students, as consumers, to exercise choice in their education options in Australia. Envirotech supports this right of choice while acknowledging that students may need support in their transition to study in Australia. As a result, Envirotech undertakes to guide students’ decision making by outlining the range of factors that should be taken into account including the individual situation of the student concerned. The range of factors may include: The course which student wishes to transfer to: I. II. better meets the study capabilities of the student better meets the long term goals of the student, whether these relate to future work, education or personal aspirations III. better meets the student’s social needs-in order to gain access to greater support (may be through the services offered by another provider, commercial or non-for-profit services or through access to family, friends or a cultural support network) Student claims or can provide evidence that his or her reasonable expectations about the current course are not being met Envirotech will make efforts to address the matter personally with the student and apply any improvements to the pre-enrolment students information. Explanation why transfer can be shown to be detrimental to the student’s best interests Records of the requests, assessment and decision made will be retained on the student’s file. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 56 of 97 Version: 7.0 The Release Letter (Letter 170) will be issued at no cost and include advice to the student of the need to contact DIAC to seek advice on whether a new student visa is required. Envirotech commits to assess and reply to the student’s transfer request within 20 working days of receiving the written request on the appropriate form. The letter of release will include the following information: a) The student has demonstrated commitment to being a lawful genuine student in Australia (The student had satisfactory academic progress and attendance record or provided satisfactory evidence of compelling and compassionate nature for which these were not satisfactory). OR b) Compelling and compassionate reasons for the change of provider have been demonstrated in the written request (when student did not complete 6 months in their principle course of study). c) Paid all fees for the course. 25.2.1 Circumstances in which a transfer will be granted : Transfers of students within the first six months of their principal course will only be considered if: a. The transfer can be shown not to be detrimental to the student’s best interests. AND b. Envirotech is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for the transfer that relate to pressing and important personal factors. These factors may be related to family issues, finances, health or change of career intentions AND c. Student paid all tuition fees for the study period in which request is received. 25.2.2 Circumstances and grounds for refusing a student’s request : a. When transfer may be considered to the student's detriment, but which should be considered in light of the student's individual circumstances and a broader range of factors, include: I. if the transfer may jeopardise the student’s progression through a package of courses II. If the student has recently started studying the course and the full range of support services are yet to be provided or offered to the student and the student is willing to accommodate these; and III. If the student is trying to avoid being reported to DIAC for failure to meet the provider's attendance or academic progress requirements. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 57 of 97 Version: 7.0 b. When students failed to pay the tuition fee amount as set in their letter of offerEnvirotech holds the right to refuse to give a letter of release if a student has unpaid course fees for the current study period. The current study period is the study period in which the student applies for a letter of release. If this occurs during holiday time, the application for release is to be counted as being during the previous study period. However, Envirotech will not prevent a student transferring on the basis of unpaid fees for any subsequent study periods of the course that have not been delivered yet. Envirotech will give due consideration to the student’s best interests and educational objectives when assessing an application for release. While these investigations are conducted for the benefit of the student, Envirotech will issue a Release Letter (Letter 170) automatically to any student who requests one in writing, studied over 6 months in their principle course of study, progressed successfully in their course and provided that their fee payments are up to date, other requests will be assessed as a case by case. Envirotech, while recognizing the likely restricted time frame will also ensure that the student has a cooling off period where such an approach is considered appropriate 25.3 Refusal to release Where Envirotech does not grant a letter of release, students will be provided with written reasons for refusing the request and will be informed of their right to appeal Envirotech’s decision with Envirotech’s Complaints and appeals Policy including if there is any dispute about unpaid fees. Envirotech may pursue the student for unpaid fees, using appropriate means available under Australian law. 25.4 Transferal Procedure 1. A Student seeking to transfer needs to provide a compliant letter of offer from a new provider and a formal request in writing giving reasons for the request using Cancel Enrolment - Form 103. 2. Envirotech will provide a written receipt acknowledging that the request has been received. Students must continue to achieve academic progress in their course of study until the decision is made on their request. 3. The release application is checked for compliance with visa conditions and student advised appropriately. 4. If request is reasonable showing benefits for the student; and complies with visa conditions then the transfer is approved. 5. Envirotech provides Release Letter (Letter 170) including requirement to communicate with DIAC to seek advice on whether a new student visa is required OR provides a refusal to release letter. Envirotech will remind the student that if he or she has not maintained satisfactory attendance and/or course progress up to the time of the transfer, the process of reporting the student to the DIAC will continue, even though the student is no longer officially enrolled. 6. If the request is refused, students may appeal at this stage against Envirotech’s decision. Envirotech will then reassess its findings and decisions and steps 3 – 7 will be again executed. 7. Envirotech will record the request for a letter of release and its outcomes on the student’s file. 26 Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 58 of 97 Version: 7.0 RPL is the process of recognising, acknowledging and certifying an individual for skills and knowledge acquired through: Informal training/study Work experience/employment and/or Life experiences. RPL focuses on the learning outcomes of these experiences, not on how, when or where the learning occurred. This means that previously acquired skills and knowledge can be identified and assessed regardless of how they are achieved. 26.1 Purpose The objective of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in the Vocational Education and Training system is to ensure that individuals receive appropriate recognition for their current level of competence, whether it is gained through formal or informal training, work or life experiences. RPL can only be granted for vocational training competencies or learning outcomes in the course applicants are enrolled. The objectives of this RPL Policy is to: Increase the access of suitable skilled, experienced and informed individuals to employment and the Vocational Training System through recognition of existing skills, knowledge and experience Ensure that RPL is an integral component of the assessment of an individual’s eligibility for a qualification Ensure that Envirotech RPL policies are consistent with Standard 1 Australian Quality Training Framework (NVR) (The Registered Training Organisation provides quality training and assessment across all of its operations) Ensure that procedures for RPL incorporate a range of valid and reliable techniques, designed to identify and accurately assess competencies held. Promote non-traditional learning processes as valid pathways to competency and to recognised training outcomes. RPL Assessment processes The RPL assessment processes in Vocational Education and Training is the same as any other assessment, and must follow the guidelines specified in the National Assessment Principles of the Australian Recognition Framework. Each vocational training program has a number of learning outcomes or units of competencies. Applicants can apply for RPL in either an entire training program or in individual learning outcomes (units). RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 59 of 97 Version: 7.0 26.2 Principles underlying RPL RPL is based on a set of principles as follows: Commitment – Conviction on the part of the education and training provider of the worth of RPL is essential. This commitment is necessary to ensure that quality procedures will support the implementation of the model. It is essential that all Registered Training Organisations have a demonstrable commitment to recognising the prior learning of individuals. Access – Mechanisms and practices must enable all potential applicants to gain entry to the process. It is therefore important that the procedures themselves do not create unnecessary barriers, (e.g. by appearing to be bureaucratic or by being framed in jargon). Fairness – Processes utilised must be verifiable, credible and adjustable. All applicants must be confident that the RPL process and its outcomes are fair and must have the opportunity for a review and an appeal of assessment decisions. Openness – The way in which all decisions, criteria and processes are determined must be governed by these principles. All students in the process need to be able to contribute to the way decisions are made. Support – Potential applicants and personnel involved in implementing of the policy shall receive adequate support in order to maintain a quality RPL system. 26.3 RPL shall: Be available to all potential applicants Involve the collection and systematic analysis of relevant and sufficient evidence to make judgements Involve processes that are fair to all parties involved Involve the provision of adequate support to potential applicants Underpin assessment systems of competency based training. Focuses on identifying the endorsed industry/enterprise competency standards currently held by individuals as a result of formal and informal training, not how, when or where the learning occurred. RPL Evidence: A single piece of evidence may be relevant to one or more of the learning outcomes or competencies. Applications for RPL based on work/employment and/or life experiences may be supported by the following evidence: • • • • Copies of statements or articles pertaining to employment or community work; Outlines of any informal training programs that may have been undertaken; Relevant work samples, such as completed work products; References position descriptions and/ or duty statements community participation- sporting teams, and/or club membership Samples of work you have completed Work experience/industry placement records Qualifications and Certificates gained Magazine or newspaper articles about you Prizes, certificates or other forms of commendation RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 60 of 97 Version: 7.0 26.4 Policy Envirotech provides opportunities for all potential students to seek recognition of previously acquired skills and knowledge as they relate to the specific outcomes of a VET program or qualification within Envirotech’s scope of delivery and assessment. If students feel that they could meet the criteria for RPL and that they can gain a value from this progress, than, they should follow the procedures below for the completion of the RPL application form and process Credit RPL (Form 101). Trainers will discuss the entire RPL process with the applicants and will advise on their overall likelihood of achieving RPL. 26.4.1 Risk Management and Quality Assurance The quality of RPL decisions is influenced by the amount, level and integration of evidence collected; the degree of rigour employed; the number of assessments / assessors used; and the sophistication of the evidence analysis process. 26.4.2 Training and Assessment issues Wherever achievable, Envirotech’s learning strategies are multi-facetted and integrated to provide applicants with a structured skills development process in an appropriate context. Training delivery centres on the student’s application of relevant underpinning knowledge to relevant technical, customer service and task management skills. This also ensures that any prerequisite or co-requisite units are delivered and assessed concurrently within an integrated skills development strategy. RPL must also reflect this strategy. RPL Assessors RPL assessments are appropriately conducted by a qualified assessor, holding Certificate IV in training and assessment 26.4.3 Fees and Charges for RPL Services RPL is assessor-intensive in a one on one scenario rather than a group activity. As a result any fee depends on the amount of assessor time outlaid in evaluating evidence for individual units of competencies. The base line for charges for RPL services is the fee for training to achieve the particular outcome. However, where evidence of competence is obscure or difficult to judge in an accurate fashion, hence requiring additional assessor-time, equipment and/or facilities, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. RPL fees for individual units are based on assessors’ time incurred and are costed on a case by case basis according to the level of unit, the range of evidence that can be provided, the nature of equipment required and the additional assessor time required to fully demonstrate competency. The charge out rate for assessor staff is currently $140 per hour depending on requirements for facilities, equipment, subjects etc. It should also be noted that the cost of a failed RPL is not credited against course fees. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 61 of 97 Version: 7.0 26.4.4 Envirotech’s Responsibilities Envirotech will provide qualified RPL Assessors who shall be responsible for the RPL process by: 1. Advising intending applicants regarding the RPL process; 2. Assisting applicants with the preparation of their application; 3. Processing applications; 4. Interview Applicants (if required) 5. Providing RPL guidelines for Subject Matter Experts (if required) 6. Ensuring that the RPL process is followed in a fair, equitable and consistent manner. Envirotech will ensure that RPL evidence collection and assessment will: meet the requirements of the relevant training package or accredited course be conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence Validity means that the evidence relates to the unit competency, addresses essential skills and knowledge, dimensions of competency and employability skills. Reliability means that the assessment tool and process will produce consistent outcomes when applied by a range of assessors in a range of contexts. Fairness means that the assessment will not disadvantage any person and will take into account the characteristics of the person being assessed. Flexibility means that the assessment tool and process allows for assessment in a range of assessment contexts. meet workplace and, where relevant, regulatory requirements 26.5 RPL Process & Procedure When students consider that they are eligible for RPL, they should seek an interview with a trainer, to discuss the issue. The trainer will facilitate the student’s understanding of the costs and benefits of RPL and recommend that they review the documentation for the units of the qualification for which they seek RPL, as well as any units linked with them for delivery or assessment purposes. At this stage, applicants will be provided with access to Unit Specifications trough the relevant training package. If applicants still believe they can demonstrate or provide conclusive evidence that they: can meet all of the performance criteria with demonstrated current, relevant, appropriate level experience know and can apply all of the underpinning knowledge, and can demonstrate effective performance against all of the critical aspects of evidence can demonstrate a level of task management skills that meets the stated criteria and the level of qualification in which it is being undertaken If applicants are satisfied they can demonstrate all of the above, and that there is value to be gained for them, they should complete Envirotech Credit RPL Form” (Form 101) against the specified outcomes of the relevant unit(s) as documented in the training package. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 62 of 97 Version: 7.0 Applicants should examine every performance criteria, as well as the underpinning knowledge, the critical aspects of evidence, the task management requirements, as well as the generic requirements for competence at the relevant qualification level. Following the assessment of the applicants’ form, Envirotech will instruct applicants on the requirements and rules of evidence for each unit and guide the applicants through the process of evidence gathering and completion of theoretical and practical assessments required. Envirotech will appoint a staff member responsible for the management of RPL. The staff member will maintain the register for recording the applications forms and results of RPL assessments. RPL is assessed against the units of competency in a program based on the completion of one or a combination of the following: A. Review of Evidence including relevant D. Validated Workplace Logbooks Formal Qualifications. E. Skills/Challenge testing B. Interviews F. Written/Oral reviews C. Confirmation of Testimonials Results of RPL decisions are conveyed to students in writing. Upon the completion of successful RPL, applicants will be awarded with a certificate of nationally recognised qualification or statement of attainment. Any appeals regarding RPL may be made in accordance with Envirotech’s Appeals Process. The steps for RPL 1. Applicants request recognition at enrolment and appropriate qualification and competency is identified. 2. Applicants assess the relevant units from the training package to ensure suitability for the process. 3. Applicants complete the Credit RPL Form (Form 101) in detail, and attach all relevant evidence. 4. Training consultant will assess the RPL application, and advises applicants of evidence required; Applicants will be given access to the full curriculum so they can clearly identify the learning outcomes or competencies they have to apply; all learning outcomes or competencies must be addressed. 5. Applicants collect evidence to support their claim for RPL 6. Envirotech will then analyse applicants experience and qualifications against appropriate learning outcomes/competency statements by the Chief Executive or appointed assessor. 7. If claim matches learning outcomes/competencies then full recognition is granted and applicants will be informed in writing that their claim has been granted. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 63 of 97 Version: 7.0 8. If claim does not match learning outcomes/competencies then further evidence will be requested. Applicants may be invited to attend an interview with an RPL assessor and/or course expert and may be accompanied by their employer or other non-legal third party. Applicants may also be invited to undertake a ‘challenge’ assessment in order to complete the RPL process. 9. If further evidence is not recognised or supplied within a maximum of four (4) months (unless special circumstances exist) or gap training has been completed, then claim will be rejected, a letter of advice will be forwarded to applicants advising of the decision. 10. Applicants may appeal decision and follow the Concern, Complaint and appeal policy. Applicants will meet the cost of this further process. 11. After the RPL assessment is finished applicants will be notified of the outcome in writing within 20 working days from the final decision, i.e. Successful, Partially successful, Unsuccessful 12. Appeal details (if any) will be documented in the Corrective Action Record (Form 220) 13. Upon completion of above procedures, all documentation will be filed in the student's folder 14. Records of the names of students who have applied for RPL will be kept in the RPL register. RPL checklist for applicant To ensure an effective RPL process, students should: Obtain information about RPL. Read the relevant learning outcomes or competencies for the training programs Assess abilities/competencies, with guidance from trainer or assessor Reassure possessing the knowledge and skills of the learning outcomes or competencies in the training programs. Gather sufficient quality evidence to supports your application. Complete and submit the RPL Application Form and hand it with gathered evidence. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 64 of 97 Version: 7.0 27 Credit Transfer – (Recognition of Training completed with other RTOs) Credit transfer is the process by which students can have previously completed, but still current, training “credited” towards a course in which they enrol. Credit transfer exists at the unit of competency or qualification level. Credit transfer involves assessing a previously completed course or subject to see if it provides equivalent learning or competency outcomes to those required within the student’s current course of study. It is used when seeking credit for a course or subject already completed. Internally, when students complete more than one course at Envirotech, and there are correlated units between the courses, the student will be marked with Credit Transfer for the units they completed successfully and gained a competency result. Students who do not wish to receive credit towards the units they already completed with Envirotech, will be required to submit an appeal. 26.5.2 National recognition National recognition (previously referred to as mutual recognition) means that a student’s automatically have credit for units of competency that they have completed at any other registered training organisation in Australia. A statement of attainment from another registered training organisation that contributes to a qualification is reported as a form of credit transfer. 26.6 Policy Envirotech recognises AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other RTOs. Where the national course or unit codes are the same, the process of credit transfer applies. Should the unit code relate to an earlier version of a course or unit or a predecessor unit, credit transfer cannot be applied and an RPL process may need to be undertaken to ensure that all components of the current course or unit have been met to the required standard. The one exception here is units from the previous version of a training package that are shown in the mapping guide to be ‘equivalent’ to the current unit for which credit transfer is sought. In providing credit transfer, Envirotech has an obligation to its graduates to also recognise the need for students to be fully equipped with the most up to date aspects of this industry including techniques, procedures, technology and products. Should a student’s submission relate to an award made more than two years prior to their date of application, it is Envirotech’s policy to review evidence of how the individual has maintained currency in all aspects of the qualification in the intervening period. On the basis of these enquiries, Envirotech will counsel the student on the relative merits of RPL or credit transfer. Credit transfer is offered to candidates for all nationally endorsed qualifications. Applications for credit transfer are to be submitted using the Credit RPL Form (Form 101) and must be supported by the student’s transcript and qualification, if one exist, including clear evidence of the RTO’s national provider number and the course and other relevant national codes. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 65 of 97 Version: 7.0 It is often not in a student’s best interests to seek credit transfer for training that they completed more than two years ago, even if it has the same national code, unless they can demonstrate how they have kept current and retained necessary knowledge. The information on credit transfer must be included in pre-enrolment information for students, in training staff induction and should be an agenda item at bi-annual program meetings. 26.7 Evidence Required for Credit Transfer: All documentation for credit transfer process must be the original or certified copies of the formal documentation, e.g. Certificates, degrees. This evidence includes: Records of previous course/s of study, including certificates, results and current professional experience. 26.8 Procedures: 1. Candidate discusses credit transfer with the Student Registrar. 2. Application for Credit Transfer should be submitted in the first week of the course. In normal circumstances applications for exemptions will not be considered after this time. 3. Application - CREDIT RPL (Form 101) is given to the student for completion and evidence assembly. 4. Students seeking recognition for AQF qualifications and/or statements of attainment awarded by another recognised training organisation must present the original documents for copying or appropriately verified copies of original documents. The copies are to be kept on the individual student’s file. 5. The Student Registrar will assign a qualified trainer and assessor to assess an application for Credit Transfer. 6. The assessor must validate the AQF qualification and/or statement of attainment presented for recognition by contacting the issuing registered training organisation. 7. The relevant assessor, reviews evidence and if necessary invite the individual for further interview and negotiates a modified program and fee structure with the individual. 8. Verified copies of AQF qualifications and statements of attainment to be recognised are to be forwarded to the Student Registrar for filing and update on student records 9. Student Registrar must place all copies on the student Master File and update the student record on the Envirotech SMS. 10. CT will be shown on Student Portal as a final unit outcome 11. Non-verified claims for credit transfer are to be recorded on the individual trainee/student’s file, together with details of any requests for further information and/or counselling undertaken. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 66 of 97 Version: 7.0 26.10 Appeals mechanism: Applicants may appeal in writing in accordance with Academic Appeals Process against a decision not to grant credit transfer. 26.11 For Overseas Students Envirotech provides credit transfer (course credit) in accordance with the requirements of NVR Standards In the case of overseas students the above procedures apply for the determination of credit entitlements. However, in this case, determinations of credit need to be made prior to enrolment, wherever possible. If Envirotech grants a student course credit which leads to the shortening of the student’s course, Envirotech is required to: Where the credit is granted prior to student visa grant, indicate the actual net course duration (showing reductions resulting from course credit) in the confirmation of enrolment issues to that student for that course, or Where the credit is granted after the student visa grant, report the change of course duration via PRISMS under Section 19 of the ESOS Act 26.12 Administration • Envirotech administration staff is to ensure that all student information and marketing material contains advice that AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other registered training organisations will be recognised. • The administration staff is to ensure that the staff induction folder includes appropriate references and reinforces this policy during staff orientation/induction sessions. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 67 of 97 Version: 7.0 27 Students’ Services and Support Envirotech supports all its students and assist them in the adjustment of studying at Envirotech and additionally supports its International students with their new life environment and experience in Australia At Envirotech, we believe that this approach will lead to students achieving satisfactory progress and higher learning outcomes in their course of study. Envirotech supplies students with the relevant information in regard to students’ services and support within three points along the engagement period: 1. Pre- Enrolment I. Marketing Material- students have full access to Envirotech’s Student Handbook and website which both indicate the support and services available to students at Envirotech. II. Enrolment Form - students are required to inform Envirotech about the students’ services and support they would like to receive while studying with Envirotech. III. Letter of Offer- Students are required to declare what services they would like to engage with Envirotech. The letter of offer is Envirotech’s conformation to the student of the agreement to supply the chosen services in the Enrolment Form. IV. Communications with Envirotech’s staff- Students often call Envirotech or visit the campus to collect further information on the facilities, staff, available services and course information. 2. Enrolment Upon enrolment Envirotech’s student registrar sends its students a ‘welcome email’. This email contains the Envirotech Induction Presentation, which comprises information regarding available students support services, legal advice, emergency and health services, Envirotech facility and resources, complaint and appeal processes, student visa conditions, academic progress summery, Envirotech’s behaviour rules and course information. In addition and with accordance to Standard 6.1 of the National Code of Practice, Envirotech assists students to adjust to study and life in Australia trough the provision of appropriate orientation and induction program in the first day at Envirotech. Envirotech assist students to adjust to study and life in Australia, during the enrolment stage, in the following ways: a. Provides designated student contact and welfare counselling personnel details- All students will have access to guidance and welfare services by qualified social worker including confidential personal guidance to help resolve any personal issues which may be affecting their studies or achieving progression in course outcomes and requirements. Appointments can be made with administration. This service is provided by Envirotech at no cost. b. Provide Homestay accommodation referral information- Envirotech has arrangements with Home Stay Accommodation providers and families in the campus area to provide Home Stay to its students. Envirotech will conduct monthly follow-ups on Home Stay students, to ensure that they receive a safe and friendly home environment. Envirotech assists all its new students who require assistance with fining accommodation prior or after arrival to Australia with finding Homestay solutions or points of start to where to look for any type of accommodation. c. Internet accessibility- Wireless internet is available to students on the campus. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 68 of 97 Version: 7.0 d. e. f. • • • • Recognition of prior learning and course credit- please refer to RPL and Course Credit policies. Provide comprehensive induction/orientation- please refer to Program Induction policy. External welfare services- External counselling services are listed the Students Handbook and includes the websites: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ www.aihw.gov.au http://www.lifeline.org.au/goldcoast/lifeline_services - this is a free 24 hours open line. Students’ amenities- accessibility and availability of students’ basic amenities includes kitchen facility, coffee and tea station with free coffee and tea to all students at all time, clean and accessorised toilet rooms and shower and free drinking water. It is the responsibility of students using the student amenities area to ensure that the area is clean and tidy, all amenities are clean at all times and that all utensils are cleaned and returned to the storage provided by the end of each day. Transport- Envirotech located next to public transport and train station and is easy to access. English support- Envirotech is able to deliver English as a second language support session on request. These sessions will be delivered by qualified English as a second language trainer either at the campus or students home. This service will have an additional cost to students. Students cards- Envirotech issues for all students an official student cards which allows concessions for transport and various social activities. On the first day at Envirotech students will be asked to hand in 2 passport photos at the Envirotech office in order to issue them a student card. The student cards comprise students’ personal details and are therefore nontransferable. 3. On going basis- Envirotech has an open door policy which provides the opportunity for students to access services and advice from Envirotech staff. Envirotech staff encourages students to take advantage of services and provides students access to services that are designed to assist them meeting course requirements and maintaining their academic progress. The main ongoing services and support provided by Envirotech includes: a. Face to face contact with all trainers and assessors- If a student faces any issue with any study component, he or she should feel free to discuss their concerns with the trainer and should receive further support as required. b. Photocopying and printing facilities – incurs costs: 20 cents per page and 50 cents per colour page. c. Local knowledge and advice- Envirotech will provide information about the campus area and its nearby surroundings that may be useful for students and has the ability to advice as relevant on other matters pertaining to local information. General information relating to living in Australia exists in the Student Handbook and website. d. Library access and learning resources- Envirotech has available suplementary study materials which include: e. Video tapes and DVDs – relevant to course information, visual re-enforcement. f. Audiotapes – Students are encouraged to tape lectures for back-up study tools. g. Review sessions with relevant instructors. h. Tutorial sessions at no costs to students i. Full training days with trainer outside of school days, this service has an additional cost. j. Sample tests for homework. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 69 of 97 Version: 7.0 • The student library is a useful source of further information. The Envirotech Surf campus is conveniently located next to Burleigh public library which is accessible and open for students. k. Course program counselling and guidance- Envirotech has a program designed to assist students who have difficulties with their academic progress which, is called “Intervention Strategy”. Please refer to Students Academic Course Progress policy l. Language, Literacy & Numeracy support- please refer to Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) policy m. Phone and e-mail contact support- Envirotech provides support via phone or email; correspondences are recorded on Envirotech email accounts and/ or on Envirotech students’ management system- RTO Manager. n. Educational guidance and tutoring– Students experiencing difficulty with their studies and course progress are supported by Envirotech’s tutor which is available to all students during the Envirotech business hours at no cost. • Self-directed learning- Envirotech strongly encourages students to engage in self-directed learning activities in consideration that this is a major attribute in the workplace, including continuous improvement of knowledge and skills and development of new skills and knowledge. These are essential skill in any occupation and a very powerful personal tool. • Notice board- students’ notice board is provided in the classroom area. Student information relating to course calendar, course information and other notifications will be posted on the notice board. Students wishing to post their own notices must seek approval from the Envirotech office. • Conducting personal meetings with students- Envirotech conducts a personal meeting with a sample of students once a year in order to receive feedback from students regarding their satisfaction from the level of support, services and level of education. Envirotech is taking these meetings as an opportunity to improvement of its services and support for students. • Qualified Staff- Envirotech ensure at all times that its staff in general and the staff who interact directly with the students in particular, are aware of Envirotech obligations under the ESOS framework and potential implications for students arising from the exercise of these obligations by providing all its staff with appropriate induction. Homestay accommodation referral information • Welfare and guidance services by qualified social worker are provided to all students at no cost, including confidential personal guidance to help resolve any personal issues which may affect them. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 70 of 97 Version: 7.0 28 Program Induction Envirotech provides a comprehensive orientation program. As Envirotech implements rolling intakes, induction will usually be undertaken in small groups the week prior to course commencement. During the induction student are guided through information in the Student Handbook, students are introduced to their duties as students at Envirotech as well as important occupational health and safety matters and they are given information about life in Australia and the Gold Coast in particular. This personal approach enables the student registrar and relevant staff to confirm findings on students’ language abilities. Following the general induction and briefing of students on their day of arrival, individuals will be interviewed by the Student Registrar to ensure their understanding of the briefing and their requirements. The induction program covers important occupational health and safety components which is relating to each of the qualifications being studied at Envirotech. In addition to the general information students receiving within the induction period, each of the department at Envirotech has different induction and orientation program including different time frame. Each program has been designed to cover and introduce the students with the specific requirements, information and knowledge relevant to their course of study and future occupation. 28.1 Induction Briefing 1. Envirotech briefing & Students Handbook Course information Immigration and visa matters Training routines, attendance and progress requirements Academic requirements Orientation tour inside the Campus 2. Life in Australia and on the Gold Coast Australian culture Gold Coast geography Transport 3. Support Services Internal Envirotech student support services Student study groups Health and Emergency services Management and academic staff Institute geography Complaints and Appeals Relating to other students, cultural sensitivities, etc. Introduction to relevant staff like student registrar, trainer, etc. Accommodation issues Support and assistance Education Queensland Legal services Community Support agencies 4. Forms and declarations Envirotech staff will explain and instruct students with the following maters and will ensure the students sign of all necessary forms and declarations. Student handbook declaration Advertising Consent (Form 107) RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Authority to release information (Form 108) Training and Assessment Plan (Form 303) Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 71 of 97 Version: 7.0 29 Student Academic Course Progress Monitoring – DIICCSRTE -DIAC Course Progress Policy and Procedures for CRICOS Providers of VET Courses- for International Students In accordance with Standards 9.1, 10 and 11.2 of the National Code of Practice, Envirotech monitors, records and formally assesses course progress of all international students at the end of each study interval throughout the student’s enrolment and at the end of each study period. In accordance with the DIICCSRTE-DIAC course progress policy, section 3.2, while the duration may vary between courses, for the purposes of this policy, and in order to maintain consistent evaluation processes across courses of different duration, the study periods used for determining satisfactory academic progress are terms and half term study intervals (see figure 1) for all Envirotech courses. The definition of ‘First study period’ and ‘Second study period’ will be varied between students. This will depend on the students’ commencement and intake date and will be defined on their individual TAP (Training and Assessment Plan). e.i student who started their Certificate II in Business course on term 2, will have term 2 as the first study period (10 weeks) and term 3 as the second study period (remaining 8 weeks) and will be evaluate at the end of intervals 3, 4, 5 and at the end of their enrolment. Interval Interval 1 2 Interval 3 Interval 4 Interval 5 Interval 6 10 weeks term 4 Interval 7 3 weeks holiday 10 weeks term 3 3 weeks holiday 10 weeks term 2 3 weeks holiday 10 weeks term 1 3 weeks holiday 29.1 Study Intervals The Study Intervals define the academic progress evaluation dates. Each term consists of 2 equal study intervals. Student progress will be monitored at a minimum twice per term. Interval 8 Figure 1- Envirotech annual calendar of terms and study intervals 29.2 Student at risk On evaluation date, students who have incomplete units and did not gain competency for the units delivered under the specific evaluation interval, are defined as students at risk. Students who have successfully completed 50% or more of the course requirements, and are academically progress in the course, but are not competent in one unit or more that is assigned to the specific interval, will still be defined as students at risk. Courses with only one study period will have interval evaluations, where progress will be monitored and reported if it falls below 50% competency. In accordance with the DIICCSRTE-DIAC Course Progress Policy, Envirotech will report students to DIAC and DIICCSRTE via PRISMS if they either: RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 72 of 97 Version: 7.0 Fail their academic progress in 2 consecutive study periods or In the case of one study period, fail to achieve a minimum of 50% competency in their overall course duration requirements Students’ CoE and visa may be cancelled as a result. Envirotech will notify students via official letter if they become at risk to: Fail their academic progress Complete their course within the expected duration The short study intervals are to ensure students are in a position to complete the course by the end date as specified on the student’s CoE, and in accordance to Standard 9 and Envirotech policy - 'Completion within the expected duration'. Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress throughout their course. During induction, students are informed of all the visa conditions, course intervals, terms and study periods for the course they are enrolled in. Students are also provided with an individual ‘Training and Assessment Plan’ defining their course study periods, units of competency and evaluation dates. As part of the induction process, students sign a declaration of understanding the academic progress policy and procedures, and an acceptance and agreement to the training and assessment plan that has been designated to them, including the specific evaluation dates. In order to achieve satisfactory academic progress students are required to achieve competency at least 50% of the units delivered during the evaluated study interval. At a minimum, an intervention strategy will be activated in any study interval where: a student has failed to achieve at least 50% satisfactory course progress or a student became at risk as previously defined in this policy as ‘student at risk’ In order to be marked competent (successful) in each unit of competency, students must participate in and complete all practical and theoretical components assigned to each unit of competency, with a maximum of 3 attempts as specified in the 'Assessment Tool Plan and Record’ for the unit which was provided to the student during induction. Envirotech internal policies are designed to react quickly and positively to detect students’ academic shortcomings by activating an intervention strategy early, to assist students to progress and complete their course as expected. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 73 of 97 Version: 7.0 Envirotech monitors students and reacts to students’ progress at two different levels: 1. Informal Weekly monitoring by trainers, of individual students’ work, attendance and progress. Academic outcomes are discussed with students and recorded on the student management system and Course Academic Progress Register. This is for internal use in the management of student progress. Trainers are encouraged to contact students and informally notify them regarding any risk of achieving unsatisfactory academic progress in a specific unit. Trainers will request students on an ongoing basis to rectify any unsatisfactory components. 2. Formal Student’s academic progress will be evaluated at the end of each interval. Students who fail to achieve at least competency in 50% of the delivered units of the evaluated interval, will attract a formal warning letter and the activation of an intervention strategy. When a unit has been partially delivered up to the date of evaluation, this will be equivalent to a unit of competency in the50% satisfactory progress calculation. Trainers have the ability to judge student’s academic progress in a borderline status under the approval and review of the Quality Manager, i.e. students who studied two units of competency and is not yet competent in one of the units due to minor outstanding components might be spared from receiving a warning letter at this point of evaluation. 29.3 Course progress procedures 1. Students have a period of 1 week from the class delivery date to submit their weekly work for marking. 2. If a student fails to submit their work within a week, they will be charged a late fee of $50. Only in compelling or compassionate circumstances, and if approved by Envirotech Management and following trainers’ recommendations, this late fee may be waived. 3. An exception to this requirement applies for students whose last class falls in the last week of their enrolment period, as specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). In this case, students are required to submit their work for marking at the end of their last class session or maximum in the next following day. This is to ensure that students complete their course within the expected duration of study. 4. The trainer marks and monitors the students’ results of the requirements of the unit of competency in the academic register on a regular basis. Trainers will informally discuss students’ progress and RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 74 of 97 Version: 7.0 outstanding work along the study period in order to ensure that the student is notified of encouraged to complete missing or not satisfactory components. 5. The trainer and assessor will review students’ course progression according to the students’ TAP, and will sign the student of acknowledgment of course progression evaluation at the end of each study interval 6. In each interval evaluation date the Student Registrar will review the academic progress register and students’ results to identify the students who are not progressing in the course or who are at risk. 7. The list of students at risk and students who are not progressed will then be transferred to the Quality Manager for review and to issue the formal warning letters. 8. Letters will be sent through Envirotech Student Management System via email with a follow up of 2 telephone calls in order to be sure students have received the warning letter. A record of the correspondence will be recorded under the students’ folder. 9. Where the student is not contactable via these methods, the letters will be sent by registered post to their nominated postal address. When using this method the 20 working days for the appeal period will begin the day after the student signs the delivery slip. The written notice is issued by the Quality Manager on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer and will inform students of their appeal rights in accordance with the Envirotech Complaints and Appeals policy. Students have 20 working days in which to appeal. 10. Students who receive a first official warning letter must participate and comply with the ‘First intervention Strategy’ free of charge within a timeframe of 2 weeks. If students refuse to participate or ignore Envirotech warnings, a ‘Second Intervention Strategy’ will be activated and students will be charged with $200 fee. (See below definitions for each Intervention Strategy) 11. Students are able at all times to participate, free of charge, in tutoring assistance days, which take place every Friday. This must be pre-booked and approved on an individual basis with the Student Registrar and trainer in advance. 12. If students wish to appeal Envirotech’s decision, Envirotech will not report the student until the appeal process is concluded. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the student will then reported to DIAC via PRISMS. 13. If the appeal is successful and is not due to compelling or compassionate circumstances, Envirotech will revise its processes, policies and procedures to verify if any amendments in these are necessary. 14. In the second academic evaluation date for each student, students who will receive a second official warning letter, will have to attend the “First Intervention Strategy” again and same procedures will be applied (1-13). RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 75 of 97 Version: 7.0 29.4 The First Warning Letter Students who are not academically progressed (50% or less competency) at the end of a study interval will be sent a letter of (first) warning, advising them of their academic status, their risk of breaching their Envirotech Contract and student Visa conditions. Letters will be sent out electronically within one week of a study interval. Students not meeting satisfactory academic progress must attend the minimum 15 hours per week class tuition each week as an initial Intervention Strategy, unless they can provide a Doctors Certificate of a valid illness. The letter invites students to attend an interview with the Student Registrar to discuss any matters relevant to their academic progress and the implications of their failure to progress in their course. Any such issues, which may impact the students, are address if needed by further support. This will be documented under the student record under the subject ‘First Intervention Strategy’. 29.5 The Second Warning Letter Students who have not academically progressed at the end of the second study interval, will be sent a second warning letter, advising them again of their non-academic progress status, with the list of units they must complete and the risk of breaching their Envirotech Contract and student Visa conditions. The letter invites students to attend the all scheduled session of their course as an initial intervention strategy and to participate in an additional tutoring session, which will be scheduled with the student registrar. If no change in the academic progress status will be achieved within 2 weeks’ time, a second intervention strategy will be applied and students are advised that they will then be required to attend an intervention day with the additional cost of $150. 29.6 The third Warning Letter Students who are still not academically progressed at the third interval of their second study period, will be sent a third and last warning letter, advising them again of their non-academic progress status and the risk of breaching their Envirotech Contract and student Visa conditions. The letter will also advise them that they are in a very high risk of being reported to DIAC through the PRISMS as failing to achieve a satisfactorily academic progress. Same as for the second letter, students must contact the Student Registrar, attend all scheduled sessions and participate in an additional tutoring session in order to change their academic progress status to be satisfactory. Failing to do so will attract again an intensive intervention day as a ‘Second Intervention Strategy’. This will provide students the last opportunity to rectify their course progress. 29.7 Intention to Report letter Students who are not academically progressed at the end of the 4th study interval (second study period), will be sent an Intention to Report Letter as they have failed to reach 50% competency over two consecutive study periods. Envirotech will notify students its intention to report via email, followed by direct communication, SMS and a telephone call. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 76 of 97 Version: 7.0 29.8 Envirotech Intervention Strategy Students who do not demonstrate competency of at least 50% for that study interval (5 week period), will be identified as at risk and an intervention strategy will be activated in order to assist them to improve their academic progress. Envirotech runs two different types of intervention: 1. First Intervention Strategy: 100% class attendance Attendance on Tutoring Assistance days (pre-booked and scheduled with Student Registrar) This is an initial Intervention stage and is free of charge for students. This first initial stage will be available for students for 2 weeks from receiving each warning letter. 2. Second Intervention Strategy: One intensive Intervention day. This is a second stage of intervention which will include an intensive intervention day supported by several trainers of different levels. Ongoing evaluations of students’ performance and additional support staff are available on campus for both students who are academically or non-academically progressed in the course and include: Individual academic support Individual counselling Assistance with personal issues Extra study activities and support Evaluation and reflecting the suitability to meet course they are enrolled in 29.9 Time Frame and Fees Intervention strategies must be activated by the end of a study interval and no later than 4 weeks of starting the next study interval. If Envirotech identifies students at risk of not making satisfactory course progress before the evaluation date, Envirotech will encourage the students to accept the implementation of an intervention strategy to improve their academic progress as early as practicable. Intervention days will be held in the middle of each term and the first week of each term break for students who do not demonstrate satisfactory academic progress. The Student Register will be responsible to schedule and inform students to attend intervention days in accordance to their intervention strategies schedule and upon actual need. However, it is the students’ responsibility to participate in and cooperate with the activation of their intervention strategy. Students are required to pay late submission fees of $50 for assessment items submitted more than 14 days from the assessment due date.. RTO# 31871 Document1 Envirotech reserves the right to waive the additional fees for keen students and for compelling or compassionate circumstances. CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 77 of 97 Version: 7.0 29.10 Appeals on intention to report Envirotech will make every effort to identify any compelling or compassionate reasons at every stage and to provide appropriate support as necessary. This situation applies whether an appeal is lodged or not and regardless of any success an appeal may have. Students may appeal on the following grounds: I. II. III. Envirotech’s failure to record or calculate a student’s competency accurately, Compassionate or compelling circumstances affecting their progress, or Envirotech has not implemented its intervention strategy and other policies according to its documented policies and procedures that have been made available to the student. Where students’ appeal is successful, the outcomes may vary according to the findings of the appeals process. I. If the appeal shows that there was a calculation error and the student actually made satisfactory course progress (successfully completed at least 50% of the units of competency for that study period), Envirotech will not report the student and there is no requirement for any further intervention. II. If the appeal process shows that the student has not made satisfactory progress but there are compassionate or compelling reasons for the lack of progress, ongoing support will be provided to the student through Envirotech’s intervention strategy, and the student will not be reported to the authorities. III. If it is demonstrated that Envirotech has failed to implement an intervention strategy or any other part of this policy, the student will not be reported to the authorities and an intervention strategy will be created (if a strategy does not already exist) and implemented immediately. In such case Envirotech will review its policies and procedures and the implementation processes in order to identify opportunities for improvements and prevention of similar cases in the future. Where the student has chosen not to access the complaints and appeals processes within the 20 working day period, the student withdraws from the process, or, the process is completed and results in a decision supporting Envirotech’s finding (i.e. the student’s appeal was unsuccessful) Envirotech will be obligated to notify DIAC and the Secretary of DIISTRE through PRISMS as soon as practicable of the student not achieving satisfactory course progress. This will result in an automatic student visa cancellation process being initiated by the DIAC (Department of Immigration and Citizenship). RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 78 of 97 Version: 7.0 30 Student Attendance Monitoring Envirotech monitors attendance internality in order to reflect students’ ability to progress academically and to ensure that only '*genuine students' remain enrolled. Monitoring attendance will assist to recognise and identify, at an early stage, students who might be at risk of failing their academic progress due to lack of participation in class sessions and practical activities, as well as have a record of who are the students who participated in class delivery for quality and internal purposes. Attendance is monitored and recorded on the classes delivery/lecture days and is recorded in the Envirotech students management system. The system calculates students overall and present attendance rates, which Envirotech uses for internal monitoring and statistics. Students must notify the college prior to commence of their scheduled class if they will not be attending via email or phone. Attendance is also monitored to help determine if a student remains a ‘genuine student’. Please see Envirotech’s definition of a *genuine student. Also refer to Misconduct Policy. It is a DIAC condition of an international student visa to attend full-time study. Full-time study at Envirotech (excluding English courses) is deemed as 15 hours face to face classes + 5 hours by distance or online study. If Envirotech suspects a student is not a *genuine/bona fide student, we may cancel the student's enrolment, as allowed under Standard 13. Refer 'Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policy' and 'Misconduct Policy' for further details. Where a student is absent from classes and the absence is deemed to be due to illness or other approved reason, the student is required to provide a medical certificate or other evidence to the Student Registrar within seven (7) days. Failure to do this may result in further charges for any additional assessments or practical classes that may be required in order to achieve competency in the units affected from such absences. *Genuine /Bona Fide Student For a student to be considered a ‘genuine student’ they must fulfil Envirotech’s criteria in regards to attendance AND academic progress: Attendance Students must attend their mandatory weekly face-to-face classes (15 hours per week). Only in compelling or compassionate circumstances this attendance requirement will be waived. AND Academic progress RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 79 of 97 Version: 7.0 Students must be academically progressing according to Envirotech’s Student Academic Course Progress Monitoring policy. Students who do not fall under these definitions, are at risk of being reported to DIAC and DIICCSRTE. Relevant references: Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policy Academic Progress & Misconduct Policy 30.1 Procedures Envirotech may initiate suspension/cancellation of a students’ enrolment as a result of misbehaviour of the student including 'non genuine' students; failure of academic progress; non-payment of fees or in cases where Envirotech is unable to contact a student for a period of three (3) academic weeks. If a student is absent for 2 consecutive weeks (4 days) he or she will be sent an email, warning the student of the breach of his/her contract with Envirotech and that if he/she does not attend the following 3rd week (6 days), he/she is at risk of the enrolment being cancelled under misbehaviour (non- genuine student). In this instance students can appeal within 20 working days under the Complaints and Appeals Policy. On the 3rd week of absence (after 6 absence days) students will receive a second and last email notice regarding their requirements to contact Envirotech in regards to their absence. Failing to attend the 4th week, will attract the cancellation of their enrolment. In the situation where a student is absent for more than 2 consecutive weeks or more due to compelling and compassionate circumstances, Envirotech must be notified in writing and the student will receive a written waiver for the period required by the Student Registrar. Students who do not return from a break for a period of 3 weeks, have inactively advised they will not be continuing their studies. The enrolment will be cancelled as per National Code 13 and no access to a complaints or appeals process is necessary. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 80 of 97 Version: 7.0 31 Completion within the Expected Duration of Study In compliance with Standard 9 of the National Code Envirotech monitors students’ workload to ensure they complete their course within the duration specified in their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). This means that students must submit all course requirements, gaining a satisfactory outcome within a maximum of three attempts and on a weekly basis. This does not include the last week of their enrolment, where students will be required to submit assessments earlier than the CoE end date. Envirotech run academic progress report on a weekly basis in order to identify students at risk of not in a position to finish their course within duration 5 weeks before their course end date. Academic progress monitoring of each student ensures that the students are in a position to complete their course within the expected duration at all times. The regular monitoring of course progress is achieved through: Progress monitoring on a weekly basis Academic progress evaluation at 5 week intervals Implementation of intervention strategies for students at risk of not completing their course within the expected duration and who are not academically progressed. 31.1 EXTENDING THE EXPECTED DURATION OF STUDY Envirotech will only extend the duration of the student’s study in limited circumstances. Where it is clear that the student will not complete the course within the expected duration, as specified on the student’s CoE, as the result of: (a) Activation of an intervention strategy (b) Compassionate or compelling circumstances (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes), or (c) Where Envirotech was unable to offer a prerequisite unit, or (d) An approved deferment or suspension of study has been granted under Standard 13. In some limited circumstances, Envirotech may extend a student’s enrolment if the student presents genuine efforts to progress in his/her course of study while they were at risk (refer to ‘Student at Risk’). Whenever there is a variation in the student’s enrolment load, which may affect the student’s expected duration of study, in accordance with the reasons mentioned above, the variation and the underlying reasons are to be recorded on the student’s file. Envirotech will report the student via PRISMS and/or issue a new CoE whenever the student can only account for the variation(s) by extending his or her expected duration of study. Refer Academic Progress Monitoring policy and Flexible Delivery Policy RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 81 of 97 Version: 7.0 32 Flexible Delivery Policy Envirotech may allow international students to undertake no more than 25% of the students’ total course by distance and/or flexible learning. Envirotech will not enrol international students for the purpose of applying for a student visa in units which are exclusively delivered by online/distance or flexible mode. Flexible activities comprise research, reports, workplace related investigations or self-paced assignments, which reflect 25% of the unit workload. Students who demonstrate difficulties with the completion of the online/distance components will be given academic tutoring and support at Envirotech campus on the designated days upon request. 33 Students access to records / Issue of Certificates and Statements of Attainment 33.1 Students Access to their records All students are given timely access to current and accurate records of their course participation and progress through the Envirotech student management system, web portal and through contact with the Envirotech office. Students requesting a copy of their academic records will be given access to their them within 14 working days if they are not able to do so independently by using their personal Envirotech student management system web portal. 33.2 Issue of Qualifications or Statement of Attainment Envirotech will issue the Qualification or Statement of Attainment Certificates within 20 working days after both of the following matters are satisfied(a) Envirotech: (i) Is satisfied that the student completed all their course requirements and they attained the skills and knowledge required for its issue; or (ii) Recognises the student as having the skills and knowledge required for its issue through formal RPL processes; AND (b) The student has paid all fees payable by the student to Envirotech. If a statement of attainment/qualification has already been issued and students are requesting copies, these will be received within 20 working days with an additional fee of $50 per copy. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 82 of 97 Version: 7.0 34 Refund Policy All refund applications must be made in writing stating clearly the reason for the refund request. In different scenarios a different refund will apply. Payment for all Envirotech courses is required to be made at the time of enrolment in accordance with the schedule of payments included in the Envirotech Institute of Education enrolment letter of offer (Letter 150). Refund will be applied for tuition fees only. Enrolment, material and government fees will not be refunded at any circumstances. 34.1 Full Refund of Tuition Fees Paid will apply: 1. If Envirotech Institute of Education is unable to deliver the course or program to which the student has enrolled or it is found as a provider default: 1.1 All monies paid will be refunded within 14 days of receipt of a legitimate refund request or 14 days from discovering that Envirotech is not in a position to deliver the course (is in default). OR 1.2 Envirotech may offer an alternative course or part course either at Envirotech or with another provider registered on the CRICOS at the expense of Envirotech as a replacement. Where this is agreed by both parties in writing, Envirotech will not be liable for refund of the original course moneys. OR 1.3 For overseas students Envirotech will arrange for its Tuition Assurance Scheme to offer affected students a place in suitable alternative course(s). Envirotech will be relieved from its liability to provide a refund to the student if the offered placement of a suitable alternative course(s) is accepted by the student in writing. 2. If an overseas student has a visa application rejected: 2.1 Prepaid tuition fees will be refunded within 14 days of receipt of a written application for refund. 2.2 Enrolment (application) fee of $250 and Accommodation Placement fee are not refundable 2.3 Written proof of visa application rejection by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), must be included with the refund request 2.4 Overseas Student Health Cover will be refunded by the Institute or Health Fund (as applicable) within 28 days if a student cancels before the start of a course 34.2 Partial refund of Tuition Fees Paid A partial refund may be granted if written notice of cancellation is received by Envirotech before the commencement of a course as indicated on the first offer letter or COE, in which case the following applies: 1. If cancellation is made 28 days or more before the commencement of the package or a course, a refund of 75% paid tuition fees may be refunded. 2. If cancellation is made less than 28 days before the commencement of the package or a course, a refund of 50% paid tuition fees may be refunded. 3. In situations where a student has enrolled into a sequence of courses, the course commencement date for the purpose of section 2 will be the commencement date of the first course in the sequence. For example, if a student has enrolled into a Certificate III followed by a Diploma or another Certificate III the commencement date is considered to be the commencement date of the first qualification in the series. 34.3 No refunds of Tuition Fees Paid if: 1. Students terminate their enrolment after the course commencement date as indicated on the first offer letter or COE. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 83 of 97 Version: 7.0 2. Students take unauthorised leave during the course. 3. Students are excluded by Envirotech or has a visa cancelled by DIAC due to failure to meet course requirements such as unsatisfactory attendance, inappropriate behaviour or unsatisfactory academic performance. 4. Fraudulent or forged applications which lead to the enrolment being accepted. 5. Refund is sought for the first two weeks of prepaid Homestay or airport pickup fees, regardless of written notice period. 6. Refund is sought for public holidays in Australia or official closures of Envirotech Institute including for term breaks. 7. Student cancel their Overseas Student Health Cover after the course starts. Envirotech director has, in certain limited circumstances, the right to offer a student different refund, if such accepted by both parties. 34.4 PROCESSING OF REFUNDS 1. Applications for refunds will be assessed by and paid at the sole discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of Envirotech Institute of Education. 2. Any refunds applicable will only be paid to the individual who entered into a written agreement with the Institute, unless the student gives a written direction to the Envirotech to pay the refund to someone else. (Note – the legislation does not allow for a refund to be paid to an agent). 3. All refunds will be paid in the currency in which the initial payments were received and made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). In most cases, this will be Australian Dollars. 4. Refund will be paid no later than: 4 weeks under student default and 2 weeks under provider default and only after receiving the request for refund and all relevant supporting documentation 5. In case of Envirotech Institute of Education default, overseas students are protected by the provisions of the ESOS Act 2000 and the ESOS Regulation 2001. Please note that should a provide default and Envirotech is unable to refund student moneys, such refunds are covered by the ESOS Act 2000 and the ESOS Regulations 2001. In the case of provider default, students are protected by the Tuition protection ServiceE (TPS). All refund applications must be made in writing to the Envirotech management office on approved form “105 Refund Form”. This agreement and the availability of complaints and appeals processes does not remove the right to take action under the Australia’s consumer protection laws. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 84 of 97 Version: 7.0 35 STUDENTS CONCERNS, COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS POLICY (Grievance Resolution) 1. Envirotech ensures that all students will have access to a fair and equitable process for dealing with concerns, complaints and appeals (grievances) and will provide an avenue for students to appeal against any such decisions, which affect the students’ progress. 2. Every effort will be made by Envirotech to resolve students’ grievances. At the time of enrolment these concerns, complaints and appeals (Grievance Resolution) procedures will be outlined to students through the student handbook. 3. Any student experiencing grievance should first bring this to the attention of their trainer. If the issue has not been dealt with to their satisfaction, the next step is to lodge a - Complaint & Appeal (Form 115) in writing with any of the Envirotech’s staff. Process will begin within 10 working days of receiving the formal written lodgement of the complaint or appeal. 4. Nothing in this policy negates the right of a student to pursue other legal remedies 35.1 STUDENTS CONCERNS, COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS POLICY Envirotech Institute of Education maintains a supportive and fair environment, which allows students to lodge complaints or appeal their assessments and recognition decisions. Complaints and appeals are ideally resolved as amicably as possible using this formal appeal process. Envirotech will endeavour to always have a complaints and appeals process which is: Well publicised, explained and easily accessible Fair and with no costs to the students; handled in a manner that protects the privacy of relevant parties; transparent, equitable, objective and unbiased; comprehensive so that it effectively resolves a variety of complaints such as student dissatisfaction, assessment outcomes, poor service, fraud, misconduct etc.; implemented effectively and efficiently to ensure complaints and appeals are resolved within an acceptable timeframe; monitored, recorded and reported to the appropriate people; and an input or trigger point to our continuous improvement process Purpose This policy is to ensure that all Envirotech students have, and know that they have, a clear right to fair and equitable treatment in all of their dealings with Envirotech. Any expressed dissatisfaction is valuable feedback, and important learning opportunity and input to our continuous improvement process. Should a student perceive unfair or inappropriate treatment in their dealings with Envirotech, they should address the issue directly with their trainer. If the issue is not resolved in this manner, every student has the right to submit concerns in writing through the - Complaint and Appeal (Form 115). They will then undergo due process: the student will be invited to represent his or her case formally and will be invited to have a friend present at the meeting. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 85 of 97 Version: 7.0 Complaints include any perceived problems relating to student perceptions of any unreasonable treatment at the hands of Envirotech Institute of Education staff or other parties or students at Envirotech. In resolving a complaint, it is the responsibility of the student to initiate the procedure outlined in the procedures below within twenty (20) working days of the problem occurring. Only in special circumstances will incidents reported outside this timeframe be investigated. Envirotech will commence within ten (10) working days of the formal complaint and supporting information a thorough investigation of the complaint. All reasonable measures will be taken to finalise the process to the satisfaction of all parties as soon as practicable and preferably within no more than further twenty (20) working days. We ensure that: All prospective course participants will be provided with a copy of the Concerns, Complaint and Appeal (Grievance) Policy and Procedure summary outline, which is contained in the student handbook. *The student hand book has reference to the complete Policies and Procedures Manual, which is available to students at all time through the Envirotech’s office. All disputes or grievances will be handled professionally and confidentially in order to achieve a satisfactory resolution. All parties will have a clear understanding of the steps involved in the grievance procedure. Course participants will be provided with details and as efficiently as possible. All grievance complaints concerns and appeals and outcomes will be documented in writing. Envirotech will attempt to resolve any grievances fairly and equitably as soon as practicable and preferably no longer than twenty (20) working days. Initial investigations are to be undertaken by the individual’s trainer wherever he/she is not at the centre of the complaint; then procedures outlined below apply. If the trainer is the person at the centre of the complaint, then the Chief Executive will appoint another staff member to undertake the initial investigation. Where cases require to be referred beyond an initial investigation, they are to be provided to the Chief Executive in writing. If the issue still remains unresolved, Envirotech Institute of Education will provide the student with all the information necessary to place the matter in the hands of external independent mediator. The Overseas Students Ombudsman is the official external independent mediator. When students wish to lodge an external appeal or complain against Envirotech decision, they can contact the Overseas Students Ombudsman. The Overseas Students Ombudsman offers a free and independent service for overseas students who have a complaint or want to lodge an external appeal about a decision made by Envirotech. See the Overseas Students Ombudsman website www.oso.gov.au or phone 1300 362 072 for more information. The final result will be provided to the complainant in writing including reasons for the decision and will outline the results of the investigation and any action proposed to be undertaken as a result. Envirotech will maintain the enrolment of students who make a complaint against Envirotech, at least until the matter is resolved. In every case it is the Envirotech policy to resolve matters as quickly and as efficiently as possible to the satisfaction of all parties. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 86 of 97 Version: 7.0 Procedures Envirotech Institute of Education staff members are equipped to accept and act on verbal or written advice of a complaint at any time. Academic staff should be the first point of contact for a student with a concern. Complaints should be brought to the attention of Envirotech staff as soon as possible after they arise usually within twenty (20) working days. Student is to be advised to represent the concerns in writing outlining all relevant aspects of the complaint unless the complaint can be immediately resolved. Envirotech Institute of Education is generally not in a position to investigate complaints that are notified outside of this time frame, unless special circumstances prevail. It is the responsibility of all Envirotech’s staff to which a student expresses a concern; to ascertain if any particular staff member is at the centre of the complaint. If they are that person, they are to arrange for another staff member who has not been involved with the issue, to undertake its initial investigation. The responsible staff member will then: 1. Inform the student of their rights and if necessary, provide them with a copy of the Complaints Policy and Procedures. The staff member is also to ensure that the matter is represented in writing and provide that document to the Chief Executive. 2. Arrange an appointment for the Student Registrar / campus counsellor to interview the student in depth at the earliest possible time. The student may be accompanied by a friend or other support person if necessary. Student complaints are submitted to the Student Registrar who advocates on behalf of the student in resolving this complaint. The Student Registrar liaises with the Head Teacher who advocates on behalf of the organisation. Regardless of this, any complainant has the right to have their version of events heard in the resolution negotiation and have an independent advocate present. The Student Registrar records the details of a complaint onto a “Complaint and Appeal Form” (Form 115) and advises the Chief Executive Officer of the complaint being resolved as appropriate. The Student Registrar will: 1. Listen attentively and objectively to the student’s representation, clarifying as necessary during this process. 2. Identify and note the nature, sequence and any outcomes of the reported incident, allowing the student an opportunity to verbalise his or her concerns. This stage should also identify all actions of Envirotech staff involved in the matter. 3. Clarify the student’s purpose and the intended outcome of the complaint. It may be that this opportunity to verbalise might serve the intended purpose. No pressure is to be applied to the student to achieve this result. 4. Where a matter is resolved internally, the Student Registrar shall then determine whether some adjustment to the policies, procedures, culture or other aspect of Envirotech Institute of Education operations might require modification. This is achieved through input to the continuous improvement process. 5. The Student Registrar records the Student’s dispute outcomes on a Corrective Action Record Form (Form 220) and in the - 07 Complaint Register and puts written notification on the student’s file. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 87 of 97 Version: 7.0 6. In this stage, the Student Register will also meet with the complainant and thank them for their input. In this meeting the investigation process undertaken will be outlined and if Envirotech is found to be in error, outline changes to policies and procedures or other management approaches undertaken to ensure no repetition of the issue in the future. 7. The Student Registrar will close out the “Corrective Action Record Form” (Form 220) when the complaint has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties and if any changes are made to the Envirotech’s policies or procedures, this will be recorded on the - 02 Continuous Improvements register. Where the complaint is not resolved the Student Registrar will facilitate the student’s access to the Appeals after Complaint Policy below for passing the investigation to the Chief Executive Officer. 35.2 Appeals after Complaints Where a student is not happy with the outcome of a complaint the following appeal of complaint process is followed. 1. Discuss appeal of complaint with the Head Teacher. If this does not resolve the matter, or if the Head Teacher is an active respondent to the appeal of complaint, then put the appeal of complaint in writing using Complaints and Appeals Form (Form 115) and submitted to the Chief Executive Officer. 2. The Chief Executive Officer records the Student’s dispute on a Corrective Action Record Form (Form 220) and in the - 07 Complaint Register and puts written notification on the student’s file. 3. An appellant may deliver their own version of the appeal of complaint to the Chief Executive Officer and request a support person to be present. 4. The Chief Executive Officer should then consider the issues raised and attempt to resolve the appeal of complaint to the satisfaction of the appellant. All appeals of complaints that are found to be proven (i.e. against the Institute) must be acted upon through the continuous improvement process to make systematic changes to prevent the recurrence of this as a problem again. 5. If this does not resolve the matter, the appeal is referred to OSO (Overseas Students Ombudsman) as an independent mediator, Refer to the dispute resolution policy in this manual. The appellant may deliver their own version of the problem and request a support person be present. i. NOTE: The function of the OSO as an external independent mediator is to review the process of complaint resolution and resolve the dispute in a fair and legal way. All expenses attached to such appointment will be shared equally by the student and Envirotech. OSO CONTACT DETAILS: Email: ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.au Call: 1300 362 072* within Australia. Outside Australia call +61 2 6276 0111. Enquiries: 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, Australian Eastern Standard Time (Australian Eastern Daylight Time when daylight savings is in effect) Fax: 02 6276 0123 within Australia. Outside Australia +61 2 6276 0123. Postal: GPO Box 442 Canberra ACT 2601. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 88 of 97 Version: 7.0 6. The submission and the final outcome of the appeal of complaints is recorded and communicated to all parties in writing. The communication must contain the outcome of the appeal of complaint and the reasons for the decisions made. A copy of the communication is placed in the student file, staff files, 07 complaint register and the 02 continuous improvements register if any changes and improvements to the Envirotech’s systems have been made. 7. No further appeal mechanism exists beyond this point in the process. Please note the following important aspects: Envirotech may refer the student with any complaints that do not directly concern Envirotech Institute of Education but may affect students’ ability to achieve competency, to appropriate external support groups for assistance. Complaints cannot be anonymous because this is considered unfair as ongoing discussion cannot take place to resolve the issue between both parties. Information submitted to the instructor or any staff member is treated with respect and taken as an opportunity to improve the organisation’s practices and Management System. Privacy requirements and student/ individual rights are maintained. 36 Appeals Procedures Appeals refer to disputes involving assessment or program requirements. 36.1 Procedures 1. A student who believes that he or she has grounds for an appeal should voice it to Envirotech staff as soon as possible after being advised of the result and not more than twenty (20) working days after receiving the result. In the first instance the appeal should be lodged in writing on the - Complaint and Appeal (Form 115), with the assessor against whose decision the appeal is being made. 2. Where an appeal is lodged, the assessor will inform the student of his or her rights and entitlements and the process that they need to follow. This may include referring the student to their student handbook or to and to the Appeals Procedures 3. The assessor concerned will then review the assessment evidence and satisfy themselves that their initial decision was appropriate. If the assessor considers that an inappropriate decision has been made, then he or she has the authority to issue a revised assessment. Written advice of the revised assessment and the reason for it is to be recorded on the Appeals Register and provided to the Chief Executive within two (2) working days. 4. Where the assessor is satisfied that the assessment decision stands, he or she is to outline the evidence collection process and results to the student concerned. Where the student accepts the situation, no further action is required. 5. However, if he or she still contests the outcome, the evidence including the following information or documents is to be provided to another appropriately qualified assessor: (a) Past Student records; (c) Assessment tools and assessment data; and (b) Attendance registers; (d) Any other supporting document 6. The second assessor will review the materials and provide a judgement. Where the judgement overturns the original assessment decision, the Chief Executive is to be informed. The second assessor is to provide RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 89 of 97 Version: 7.0 the Chief Executive with the student’s written appeal and the assessor’s response. An appellant may deliver their own version of the appeal to secondary assessor and request a support person be present. 7. Where a second review of evidence upholds the original finding, the student is responsible for meeting the costs of the second assessor’s time at the rate of $85 per hour. 8. The Chief Executive will consider the written statement and the recommendations of the staff member and provide her decision to the student in writing. This response will include the Chief Executive’s reasons for reaching the decision she has. 9. Where the Chief Executive’s investigation reveals that the RTO’s evidence collection and evaluation processes have been in error, policies and procedures will be revisited to ensure that problem is not repeated. In addition, the student will be interviewed by the Chief Executive, thanked for the stance he or she has taken and advised of how their actions have benefited Envirotech’s operations. 10. If this does not resolve the matter, the appeal is referred to OSO as an independent mediator, refer to the dispute resolution policy in this manual. The appellant may deliver their own version of the problem and request a support person be present. NOTE: All expenses attached to such appointment will be shared equally by the student and Envirotech. 11. The submission and the final outcome of the appeal is recorded and communicated to all parties in writing. The communication must contain the outcome of the appeal and the reasons for the decisions made. A copy of the communication is placed in the student file. No further appeal mechanism exists beyond this point in the process. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 90 of 97 Version: 7.0 37 Dispute Resolution The Overseas Students Ombudsman (OSO) is the official independent mediator at Envirotech. If the student is not satisfied with the result or conduct of the internal complaint handling and appeals process, Envirotech will advise the student of his or her right to access the external appeals process at minimal or no cost. If the student chooses to access Envirotech’s complaints and appeals processes or the dispute resolution process, Envirotech will maintain the student’s enrolment while the complaints and appeals process is ongoing. If the internal or any external complaint handling or appeal process results in a decision that supports the student, Envirotech will immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative actions required and advise the student of the outcome. The dispute resolution process described in the policy does not prevent an overseas student from exercising the student’s rights to other legal remedies. The matter may be resolved by: 1. Granting the appeal, or 2. Rejecting the appeal, or 3. Referring the matter to an independent external trainer and/or assessor for resolution. 4. A written statement of the appeal outcome including reasons for the decision will be documented and provided. 38 CRITICAL INCIDENTS POLICY Envirotech staff understands the importance of meeting the obligations of its duty of care in providing the highest possible standard of health and safety for staff, students and visitors and other persons working at the Institute. We want to ensure that we are able to respond swiftly and effectively in the event of a critical incident and to ensure this is achieved all staff and contractors will receive training on the actions that need to be undertaken following a critical incident involving the Institute. These actions include the initial response to the incident, follow–up, records of the incident and actions taken, and improvements to procedures as a consequence. Envirotech management aims to be compliant with relevant legislation and standards so that exposure of persons to health and safety risks arising from critical incidents is avoided or minimized and physical and psychological trauma is reduced and maintain the confidentiality of our students. Any critical incident must be recorded on the Critical Incident Register, and all relevant evidence attached. If any follow up action is required, it will be done by the Student Registrar with the consultation of Envirotech social worker for incident finalisation. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 91 of 97 Version: 7.0 38.1 DEFINITIONS Critical Incident: is any traumatic event or threat of such (within or outside Australia) which causes extreme stress, fear or injury. Critical incidents may include (but are not limited to) events such as: Missing students; Severe verbal or psychological aggression; Death/ suicide, serious injury, violence or any threat of these; Widespread infection/ contamination or the threat of these; Natural disaster; Substantial damage to facilities; Deprivation of liberty and/ or civil unrest; Matters of high risk to personal safety; Issues such as domestic violence, sexual assault, drug or alcohol abuse; and Publicity with the potential to significantly damage/ disrupt the reputation or operations of The Envirotech Institute of Education. Note: Non-life threatening events could still qualify as critical incidents. Critical Incident Team (CIT) means the team that will be formed in the event of a critical incident to coordinate the management of the incident. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to detail the system in place for dealing with unexpected drastic events should such critical incident occur in association with employment or students training and/ or assessment through the Institute. Our critical incident procedure: (a) Outlines the responsibilities of those involved in with a critical incident; (b) Outlines the steps involved in responding to a critical incident; and (c) Provides a checklist of tasks to be performed as a result of a critical incident. It caters for critical incidents both on and off the campus and for critical incidents occurring in the student’s home country. Responsibilities The project and campus manager is the Emergency Warden and Safety Officer. In his absence either the Chief Executive, first aid officer or the senior teacher on duty will assume the responsibility. The Critical Incident Team (CIT) will consist of the Chief Executive Officer, Emergency Warden (project and campus manager), Head Teacher, first aid officer and Quality Manager. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 92 of 97 Version: 7.0 The Chief Executive Officer acts as the Head of the CIT and as such is responsible for liaising with emergency services, relevant regulatory authorities, DIICCSRTE, DIAC, DET media and for either compiling a written report of the incident or assigning it to other staff members. The Chief Executive Officer reviews any legal issues including advising family of process/access to assistance if needed. The Head Teacher or their delegate will liaise with the trainers/ assessors to ensure the appropriate handling of student data. The Safety Officer will: Communicate with students/Institute Community; In the event of a student death, refund student fees as appropriate; Organise formal counseling and stress management interventions required staff The Quality Manager / Counsellor is responsible for: Preparing letter of condolence to family/next of kin; Organizing pastoral assistance for family of victim if in Australia; Organizing formal counseling; Making arrangements for visits to/from family/next of kin including arrangements for meeting at the airport and hotel reservations; Hiring appropriate certified interpreters/translators (not students); Liaising with Doctors and Hospital Staff/Coroner/Funeral Director; Obtaining authorization from next of kin for disposal of personal effects and affairs (household and academic); Organizing insurance matters and OSHC/ambulance cover. Preparation for possible critical incidents All staff will receive critical incident training as part of their induction procedure. All students will be informed at their induction of the appropriate staff member to be contacted in case of an emergency. All members of the CIT team hold First Aid certificate and continuo to undergo first aid training with an appropriate registered provider on a yearly basis. Procedures to cope with an incident ONSHORE The following steps are to be followed in the event of critical incident occurring on the grounds of the Institute: RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 93 of 97 Version: 7.0 (a) The staff member on the scene of the incident, or the first one there, is to assess the situation whilst being mindful of their own safety. (b) The Emergency Officer is to be informed at once of any incident that is or is likely to become critical. Emergency Officer informs Chief Executive at earliest opportunity. (c) Emergency Officer or staff on site reviews the situation and interviews relevant people as necessary. (d) If appropriate, emergency services are contacted by dialing 000. (e) If evacuation of an area is indicated, it is ordered and all staff on duty takes responsibility for the safety of class groups in their charge, moving them to a place of safety and checking rolls to ensure no one is left behind. (f) Where Emergency Services are called in: Emergency Officer manages the scene until Emergency Services Response Team arrives and then hands over. All Envirotech personnel then provide assistance as directed by Site Commander. (g) Where Emergency Services are not required, Emergency Officer will identify all witnesses and compile information for a critical incident reports to be completed by all of them. (h) Where any other form of action is required, the staff on site will initiate it and the Chief Executive will assume command for all non-emergency issues and ensure that all legal aspects are appropriately dealt with. (i) All critical incidents such as fire, storm damage, flooding or any unlawful or inappropriate activity involving students or staff should be reported immediately to the Emergency Officer and Chief Executive, by the quickest means available. (j) As soon as possible, the first staff member on scene will prepare an initial incident report, using the Incident Report Form (Form 230) and add the relevant information to the “06 Incident Report Register”. (k) If the incident is critical, the most senior member of staff present on the campus is informed and, on arrival, assumes responsibility and informs the Critical Incident Team. (l) The Critical Incident Team will meet to review the situation and allocate tasks and responsibilities involved in responding to the incident. (m) Where students are involved, the Quality Manager (Counsellor) will provide assistance as required. Director records the incident details and outcomes and any identified follow up actions to be taken. Information is recorded and stored on students’ files, incident reports folders and register. (n) In line with our Continuous Improvement procedure, the Critical Incident Team will organise debriefing to evaluate response procedures and make recommendations for handling future critical incidents. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 94 of 97 Version: 7.0 PROCEDURES TO COPE WITH AN INCIDENT OFFSHORE The following steps are to be followed in the event of critical incident occurring outside Australia but having impact on Envirotech’s student (e.g. a critical incident in the student’s country of origin): (a) A critical incident is identified through any means (e.g. new report, letter, email) by any person associated with Envirotech Institute of Education (staff member, student, and stakeholder) and notified to the Institute. (b) Relevant information is provided to the Quality Manager (counsellor) who reviews student lists and identifies those who may be impacted (e.g. students from the local area in which the critical incident has occurred) (c) The Quality Manager contacts the affected students to determine what, if any assistance they require. (d) A Student Counselling Plan should be completed for each student requiring assistance or support. (e) The Quality Manager provides a written report of the incident and follow-up to the Chief Executive Officer within 5 working days. (f) Information is recorded on the student’s file, incident report folder and the register. Follow up Whenever an incident that is deemed critical occurs, a critical incident report is to be raised and reviewed at the next Continuous Improvement meeting for any necessary longer term measures that may be required. Actions arising are recorded in the continuous improvement strategy and copies of the report are to be included in the personal files of any individuals involved, the critical report folder and register. After the critical incident has occurred, then the Chief Executive Officer shall bring together all relevant staff members. These members shall be required to prepare a report of their impressions and the outcomes of the critical incident event. Any corrective action shall be conducted using the continuous improvement process and all discussions and reports shall be integrated into the “06 Incident Report Register” and submitted to the relevant combat agency if necessary. RECORD KEEPING - CRITICAL INCIDENTS ISSUE HISTORY 38.1.1 .9 Records of the critical incident advice, resolution procedure and debrief shall be retained for 10 years after the event. PROCEDURES TO COPE WITH FIRE While the approach to different critical incidents will vary, the following outline of procedure in case of fire provides a useful guide to requirements. In all cases, safety is the first consideration and appropriate emergency authorities should be contacted where required by the use of 000 emergency number. FIRE FIGHTING MUST ALWAYS BE SECONDARY TO A PERSON’S SAFETY. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 95 of 97 Version: 7.0 Circumstances will dictate if fire fighting or attempts to mitigate the impact of an incident should be attempted. While incidents such as small fires may be able to be dealt with quickly, the safe evacuation of all people is the primary concern. Evacuation is the No 1 priority where any incident is likely to threaten life or cause damage to property. Once that is underway, it is the responsibility of the on duty fire officer to ensure that the fire service is called without delay. This message, in the form of a notice is posted at Reception. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 96 of 97 Version: 7.0 IN CASE OF FIRE CALL THE FIRE SERVICE ON 000 ASK THE OPERATOR FOR “FIRE SERVICE” When the Fire Service answers, give details clearly: “FIRE at Envirotech Institute of Education” Address: 62 62-68 Goodwin Terrace Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 EVACUATION PROCEDURES All staff and students need to be aware of the evacuation procedure and to recognise the sound of the fire alarm. This alarm is demonstrated to all new staff and students and is the warning that the area must be evacuated. With the exception of a search for missing persons, no one must be allowed to re-enter a building until permission is given by a Fire Service Officer, or in the case of a practice drill, by the Fire Officer Disabled Students Teachers with disabled students in their groups will direct individual students to assist with the transport of the disabled student and ensure that they remain within the body of the group. It may also be necessary to provide some assistance and reassurance to students of unduly nervous disposition to ensure that they remain with the group and assist them in dealing with the situation. Assembly The place of assembly is at the Envirotech parking at the entrance to the park, a sign marking the place is present in a clear area of the car park. Each individual class and body of people should take stand in a compact group at the assemble point. Once groups are in their allocated positions, the teacher in charge of each group is to undertake a roll call or head count to ensure that all members who left the classroom arrived at the assembly point. At this stage the teacher should hand over attendance records to the Fire Officer. If anyone is missing an immediate search should be made by staff, as long as it is safe to do so. No place to which students can gain access should be overlooked. Until the arrival of the fire or other emergency services the Fire Officer is responsible for these decisions. Roll Call The Fire Service Officer in charge should be met on arrival and immediately informed whether or not all persons have been safely evacuated. RTO# 31871 Document1 CRICOS# 03094J Envirotech Institute of Education ATF Envirotech Institute of Education Trust © Envirotech Institute Of Education 2013 Page 97 of 97