WATER MONITORING DATA EXPLANATORY NOTES (DATA EXTRACTS) V3.0 November 2014 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data About this Document Document File Name Water Monitoring Data – Explanatory Notes (Data Extracts) Date of Issue 27/11/2014 Current Version 3.0 Document Status Revised Email water.data@dse.vic.gov.au Revision History Version 3.0 Date Status Version Notes 27/11/2014 Revised New site, field water quality and water level formatting. New construction file added. Separate Codes file added. V3.0 2.2 12/02/2014 Revised Codes updated 2.0 05/08/2013 For review Published version 1.0 24/07/2013 For review Initial version Page 2 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data Table of Contents 1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Disclaimer and Copyright .............................................................................................................. 5 4. Data Extracts ................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 State wide groundwater data ......................................................................................................... 6 4.1.1 Site (NEW FORMAT – November 2014).................................................................................... 6 4.1.2 Construction (NEW – November 2014) ...................................................................................... 6 4.1.3 Water levels (NEW FORMAT – November 2014) ...................................................................... 7 4.1.4 Field Water Quality (NEW FORMAT – November 2014) ........................................................... 7 4.1.5 Laboratory Water quality ............................................................................................................ 8 4.1.6 Driller logs .................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1.7 Geology logs .............................................................................................................................. 9 4.1.8 Lithology logs ............................................................................................................................. 9 5. Lab water quality codes ............................................................................................................... 10 6. Quality Codes ................................................................................................................................ 18 7. Bore Construction ........................................................................................................................ 21 8. Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 22 V3.0 Page 3 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide important information relating to data extracts that are available through the Department’s Water Monitoring Data Portal If you have queries regarding the information contained in this document please contact the Department at water.data@dse.vic.gov.au 2. Introduction The Department’s Water Monitoring Data Portal provides access to a range of data extracts reflecting data collected through Victoria surface water and groundwater monitoring networks. Data extracts are available at the following URL http://data.water.vic.gov.au/monitoring.htm V3.0 Page 4 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 3. Disclaimer and Copyright The following disclaimer and copyright statements apply to data extracts accessed through the Department’s Water Monitoring Data Portal. Disclaimer The content of this Victorian Government web site is provided for information purposes only. No claim is made as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content of the website. In no event will the State of Victoria, its agents, instrumentalities and employees be liable for the accuracy of the information contained on this web site nor its use or reliance placed on it. The information on the web site is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. Information published by the Victorian Government is considered to be true and correct at the time of publication. Changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of this information and the Victorian Government gives no assurance of any information or advice contained. The information contained in the web site is not to be displayed except in full screen format. No liability is accepted for any information that may appear in other format. No responsibility is taken for any information that may appear on any linked web sites. This web site provides links to other web sites. These external information sources are outside our control. It is the responsibility of users to make their own decision about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information found. The Victorian Government does not necessarily endorse any company or organisation linked to from this site. There is no warranty that the site will be free of infections by viruses or any other manifesting, contaminating or destructive properties Copyright Data, including all its components (images, audio, video, text) accessed through the Water Monitoring Data Portal is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical or graphic) without the prior written permission of the State of Victoria. All requests and enquiries should be directed to the Customer Service Centre, phone 136 186 or email customer.service@dse.vic.gov.au V3.0 Page 5 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) Data Extracts 4. 4.1 State wide groundwater data The groundwater state wide data extracts consists of a set of eight files: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. site (location, depth and use) construction water level field water quality laboratory water quality driller logs geology logs lithology logs Codes The structure of each file is detailed below. 4.1.1 Site (NEW FORMAT – November 2014) The uses have now been concatenated into one field so the sites are not duplicated. Code descriptions can be found in the file “codes.zip”. 4.1.2 Construction (NEW – November 2014) This new construction file combines data from various tables to describe: - Drilling method (drilling technique eg. down hole hammer) Innerlining (casing and screen details eg. PVC or Stainless Steel) Outer lining (eg. gravel) Code descriptions can be found in the file “codes.zip”. V3.0 Page 6 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 4.1.3 Water levels (NEW FORMAT – November 2014) This table now displays the water levels in a pivot table format. Each of the three levels are displayed side by side for the same date and time. Code descriptions can be found in the file “codes.zip”. 4.1.4 Field Water Quality (NEW FORMAT – November 2014) Similarly to the new water level format, the field water quality data is now displayed in a pivot table format. Each of the measurements taken on the same date and time are displayed side by side V3.0 Page 7 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 4.1.5 Laboratory Water quality 4.1.6 Driller logs V3.0 Page 8 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 4.1.7 Geology logs 4.1.8 Lithology logs 4.1.9 Codes (NEW – November 2014) This new file contains descriptions for all codes found in the above files, except the lab water quality codes, which can be found on the next page. V3.0 Page 9 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 5. Lab water quality codes This section describes the lab water quality codes that you will find in the data extracts file “GW lab WQ data.zip” All other codes found in the extracts can be found in the separate file called “Codes.zip” on the data extracts web page. 9886 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane UNIT OF MEASURE ug/L 9870 1,1,1-trichloroethane ug/L 9893 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane ug/L 9881 1,1,2-trichloroethane ug/L 9866 1,1-dichloroethane ug/L 9863 1,1-dichloroethene ug/L 9910 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene ug/L 9894 1,2,3-trichloropropane ug/L 9908 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene ug/L 9900 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene ug/L 9907 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L 9884 1,2-dibromoethane ug/L 9905 1,2-dichlorobenzene ug/L 9874 1,2-dichloroethane ug/L 9876 1,2-dichloropropane ug/L 9898 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene ug/L 9902 1,3-dichlorobenzene ug/L 9904 1,4-dichlorobenzene ug/L 9867 2,2-dichloropropoane ug/L 9896 2-chlorotoluene ug/L 9912 4-bromoflourobenzene ug/L 9897 4-chlorotoluene ug/L 9903 4-isopropyltoluene ug/L 9704 Ag (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9705 Al (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9685 Al- sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9800 Aldrin (ug/L) ug/L 9641 Aluminium, as Al (direct) mg/L 9643 Aluminium, as AL (filt direct) mg/L 9644 Aluminium, as Al (graphite AA) mg/L 9646 Aluminium, as Al (solvent) mg/L 9642 Aluminium, as Al (USN) mg/L 9645 Aluminium,as AL(filt graphite) mg/L 9490 Ammonia - Inorganic ug/L 9541 Ammonia, as N mg/L CODE DESCRIPTION V3.0 Page 10 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 9687 Antimony, as Sb mg/L 9647 Arsenic, as As mg/L 9686 As - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9706 As (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9694 As Elut sed (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9820 Atrazine ug/L 9826 Azinphos methyl ug/L 9750 Azure-A Active Substances mg/L 9986 B (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9707 Ba (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9649 Barium, as Ba (direct) mg/L 9650 Barium, as Ba (USN) mg/L 9873 benzene ug/L 9521 Bicarbonate Alkalinity, CaCO3 mg/L 9537 Bicarbonate, as HCO3 mg/L 9502 Biochem. Ox. Demand,5day(filt) mg/L 9500 Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5day mg/L 9501 Biochemical Oxygen Demand,7day mg/L 9511 BOD5 - sediment(mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9648 Boron, as B mg/L 9522 Bromide, as Br mg/L 9892 bromobenzene ug/L 9869 bromochloromethane ug/L 9878 bromodichloromethane ug/L 9850 Bromoform (ug/l) ug/L 9860 bromomethane ug/L 9550 Ca - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9561 Ca (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9653 Cadmium, as Cd (ASV) mg/L 9652 Cadmium, as Cd (direct) mg/L 9654 Cadmium, as Cd (solvent) mg/L 9980 Cadmium, as Cd (USN) mg/L 9524 Calcium, as Ca mg/L 9622 CARBON 13 NULL 9623 CARBON 14 NULL 9751 Carbon Dioxide (agg.) mol/m3 mol/m3 9758 Carbon Dioxide (titr.) as CO2 mg/L 9752 Carbon Dioxide, as CO2 (calc.) mg/L 9753 Carbon Dioxide, as CO2(mol/m3) mol/m3 9871 carbon tetrachloride ug/L 9525 Carbonate Alkalinity, as CaCO3 mg/L 9532 Carbonate, as CO3 mg/L 9689 Cd - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg V3.0 Page 11 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 9708 Cd (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9754 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L 9755 Chemical Oxygen Demand (filt) mg/L 9527 Chloride, as Cl mg/L 9808 Chlorinated Pesticides(Screen) ug/L 9491 Chlorine - Inorganic ug/L 9624 CHLORINE 36 NULL 9528 Chlorine Demand mg/L 9529 Chlorine, free (field) mg/L 9981 Chlorine, total residual mg/L 9530 Chlorine,total residual(field) mg/L 9885 chlorobenzene ug/L 9827 Chlorodane ug/L 9861 chloroethane ug/L 9859 chloroethene ug/L 9851 Chloroform (ug/l) ug/L 9858 chloromethane ug/L 9503 Chlorophyll a, ug/l ug/L 9815 Chlorpyriphos (OP) ug/L 9992 Chromium (III+VI) mg/L 9658 Chromium, as Cr (ASV) mg/L 9656 Chromium, as Cr (direct) mg/L 9659 Chromium, as Cr (solvent) mg/L 9657 Chromium, as Cr (USN) mg/L 9868 cis-1,2-dichloroethene ug/L 9879 cis-1,3-dichloropropene ug/L 9551 CN - Sediment (mg/Kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9690 Co - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9709 Co (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9655 Cobalt, as Co (direct) mg/L 9757 Colour (filt), Pt/Co units Pt-Co 9756 Colour, Pt/Co units Pt-Co 2012 Conductivity (µS/cm) µS/cm @ 25°C 9660 Copper, as Copper (direct) mg/L 9662 Copper, as Cu (ASV) mg/L 9663 Copper, as Cu (solvent) mg/L 9661 Copper, as Cu (USN) mg/L 9691 Cr - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9710 Cr (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9692 Cu - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9711 Cu (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9492 Cyanide - Inorganic ug/L 9531 Cyanide, as CN mg/L V3.0 Page 12 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 9602 Daily Flow, cubic meters/day m3/d 9603 Daily flow, mega litres/day ML/d 9801 DDD (ug/L) ug/L 9802 DDE (ug/L) ug/L 9803 DDT (ug/L) ug/L 9991 Decomissioned NULL 9828 Demeton ug/L 9829 Demeton-S-methyl ug/L 9989 Desisopropylatrazine ug/L 9824 Desthylatrazine ug/L 9620 DEUTERIUM NULL 9830 Diazinon ug/L 9852 Dibromochloromethane (ug/l) ug/L 9877 dibromomethane ug/L 9853 Dichlorobromomethane (ug/l) ug/L 9857 dichlorodiflouromethane ug/L 9872 dichloropropene ug/L 9831 Dicofol ug/L 9804 Dieldrin (ug/L) ug/L 9832 Dimethoate ug/L 9505 Dissolved Organic Carbon mg/L 9760 Dissolved oxygen as DO(lab) mg/L 9759 Dissolved Salts (EC*0.6) mg/L 9565 DME Bromide mg/L 9569 DME Iodide ug/L 9990 DME Iodide mg/L 9567 DME Nitrate, as NO3 mg/L 9568 DME Silicate, as SIO3 mg/L 2013 Electrical Conductivity (ppm) ppm 9833 Endosulfan alpha ug/L 9834 Endosulfan beta ug/L 9818 Endrin ug/L 9507 Enterococcus, Orgs/100mL Orgs/100mL 9506 Escherichia coli, Orgs./100mL Orgs/100mL 9887 ethylbenzene ug/L 9508 Faecal Coliform, Orgs/100mL Orgs/100mL 9697 Fe - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9712 Fe (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9835 Fenitrothion ug/L 9601 Fluoride (field), as F mg/L 9533 Fluoride, as F mg/L 9536 Hardness, as CaCO3 mg/L 9535 Hardness, as CaCO3 (calc.) mg/L V3.0 Page 13 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 9814 Heptachlor ug/L 9806 Heptachlor Epoxide (ug/L) ug/L 9805 Hexachlorobenzene (ug/L) ug/L 9777 Hexavalent chromium (CrVI) mg/L 9988 Hexazinone ug/L 9698 Hg - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9696 Hg Elut sed (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9494 Hydrogen Sulfide - Inorganic ug/L 9534 Hydroxide Alkalinity, as CaCO3 mg/L 9546 Hydroxide, as OH mg/L 9538 Iodide, as I mg/L 9667 Iron (Undigested), as Fe mg/L 9666 Iron, as Fe (USN) mg/L 9665 Iron, dissolved as Fe mg/L 9664 Iron, total as Fe mg/L 9891 isopropylbenzene(cumene) ug/L 9683 Lead, as Pb (ASV) mg/L 9680 Lead, as Pb (direct) mg/L 9682 Lead, as Pb (graphite AA ) mg/L 9684 Lead, as Pb (solvent) mg/L 9681 Lead, as Pb (USN) mg/L 9807 Lindane (ug/L) ug/L 9669 Lithium, as Li mg/L 9888 m,p-xylenes ug/L 9670 Magnesium, as Mg mg/L 9836 Malathion ug/L 9674 Manganese (Undigested), as Mn mg/L 9673 Manganese, as Mn (USN) mg/L 9672 Manganese, dissolved as Mn mg/L 9982 Manganese, total as Mn mg/L 9668 Mercury, as Hg mg/L 9688 Metals (ICP - Scan) mg/L 9819 Methoxychlor ug/L 9864 methylene chloride ug/L 9823 Metribuzin ug/L 9555 Mg - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9562 Mg (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9837 Mirex ug/L 9699 Mn - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9713 Mn (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9714 Mo (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9675 Molybdenum, as Mo mg/L 9909 napthalene ug/L V3.0 Page 14 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 9906 n-butylbenzene ug/L 9556 NH3 - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9701 Ni - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9715 Ni (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9678 Nickel, as Ni (ASV) mg/L 9676 Nickel, as Ni (direct) mg/L 9679 Nickel, as Ni (solvent) mg/L 9677 Nickel, as Ni (USN) mg/L 9493 Nitrate - Inorganic ug/L 9545 Nitrate & Nitrite, as N(0.15de mg/L 9544 Nitrate + Nitrite, as N(0.003d mg/L 9543 Nitrate, as N mg/L 9542 Nitrite, as N mg/L 9761 Non Volatile Suspended Solids mg/L 9984 NOx - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9895 n-propylbenzene ug/L 9547 Organic Nitrogen, as N mg/L 9621 OXYGEN 18 NULL 9889 o-xylene ug/L 9838 Parathion ug/L 9702 Pb - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9716 Pb (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9510 Phaeophytin a, ug/l ug/L 9983 Phenolic Compounds, as Phenol mg/L 9825 Phosphate-Ortho ug/L 9809 Phosphorus, reactive as P mg/L 9810 Phosphorus, reactive filt as P mg/L 9811 Phosphorus, total as P mg/L 9812 Phosphorus, total filt as P mg/L 9985 PO4 - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9539 Potassium, as K mg/L 9839 Profenofos ug/L 9822 Prometryn ug/L 9509 Pseudomonas aeruginosa /100mL Orgs/100mL 9604 Salinity (field), ppt ppt 9717 Sb(xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9718 Se (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9901 sec-butylbenzene ug/L 9695 Selenium (graphite),as Se mg/L 9693 Selenium, as Se mg/L 9764 Settleable Matter (vol),ml/l/h ml/L/h 9553 Silica, reactive as SiO2 mg/L 9554 Silica, total as SiO2 mg/L V3.0 Page 15 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 9640 Silver, as Ag mg/L 9821 Simazine ug/L 9719 Sn (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9549 Sodium Adsorption Ratio SAR 9540 Sodium, as Na mg/L 9703 Strontium, as Sr mg/L 9890 styrene ug/L 9557 Sulphate, as SO4 mg/L 9548 Sulphide as S (spot test). mg/L 9552 Sulphide, dissolved as S mg/L 9560 Sulphide, total as S(titrated) mg/L 9566 SULPHUR NULL 9605 Surfactant-Shake Test (field) mg/L 9765 Suspended Solids mg/L 9767 Tannins and Lignins mg/L 9840 Temephos ug/L 9899 tert-butylbenzene ug/L 9882 tetrachloroethene ug/L 9700 Tin, as Sn mg/L 9558 TKN - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9880 toluene ug/L 9911 toluene-d8 ug/L 9520 Total Alkalinity, as CaCO3 mg/L 9813 Total BHC ug/L 9523 Total Bromide + Iodide, as Br mg/L 9816 Total Chlordane ug/L 9504 Total Coliforms, Orgs/100mL Orgs/100mL 9768 Total Dissolved Solids, 105C mg/L 9769 Total Dissolved Solids, 180C mg/L 9817 Total Endosulfan ug/L 9563 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, as N mg/L 9564 Total Nitrogen, as N mg/L 9770 Total Organic Carbon mg/L 9913 total organic carbon (TOC) mg/L 9914 mg/L 9771 total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) C6-C9 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon(TPH) C10C14 total petroleum hydrocarbon(TPH) C15C28 total petroleum hydrocarbon(TPH) C29C40 Total Solids, 105C. 9775 Total Soluble Salts (Conductiv mg/L 9776 Total Soluble Salts (Summation mg/L 9915 9916 9917 V3.0 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Page 16 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 9841 Toxaphene ug/L 9559 TP - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9865 trans-1,2-dichloroetene ug/L 9875 trichloroethene ug/L 9862 trichloroflouromethane ug/L 9855 Trihalomethanes,total(ug/l) ug/L 9780 Trivalent Chromium (CrIII) mg/L 9606 Turbidity (field), NTU NTU 9772 Turbidity, NTU NTU 9774 UV Absorption Coefficient,cm-1 cm-1 9766 V (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg 9854 Volatile Sed. Solids(% dry wt) % wt 9856 Volatile Suspended Solids mg/L 9724 Zinc, as Zn (ASV) mg/L 9722 Zinc, as Zn (direct) mg/L 9987 Zinc, as Zn (solvent) mg/L 9723 Zinc, as Zn (USN) mg/L 9721 Zn - sediment (mg/kg dry wt.) mg/kg 9720 Zn (xtrd) sed. (mg/kg dry wt) mg/kg V3.0 Page 17 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 6. Quality Codes The table below lists quality codes that may appear in downloaded monitoring data depending upon site selection. Quality Code V3.0 Description Quality Code Description 1 Unedited data 26 Daily read records (see additional quality info) ? 2 Good quality data - minimal editing required. Drift correction 27 MW - Good periodic data (Other Authority) 3 Linear infill to first value in block (no data lost). 30 Good measurement. Multiple point verticals 40 sec timing. 5 Drawdown - chart rating applies. 32 Fair measurement. WMGH\044 Turbulent flow\044 Flow angle extreme. 6 Level recorded during phased rating application - gradual change in control & channel 34 Bucket measurement applicable to weirs, pipe outflow etc. 8 Pool reading only - no flow condition. 35 Composite measurement. Segments taken from several gaugings. 9 Pool dry ? no data collected 41 Good data not validated by other means\044 no editing req. (MWC only) 10 Data transposed from recorder chart. 42 Low velocity acoustic record affected by wind or gate opening 11 Raw data used for operational purposes. (Not validated) 43 DEPI GW - SOBN verified data 12 Routine data for calibration purposes 44 DEPI GW - data from Water Corporations, other government agencies or consultants via upload xls 13 Accurate derived data from multiple sources (level & flow) 45 DEPI GW - data from Universities or CMAs via upload xls 14 Telemetry data not stored in archive 46 DEPI GW - data from landholders via upload xls 15 Minor editing. >+/-10mm drift correction 47 DEPI GW - historic data from the GMS 20 Edited to measurements. 50 Medium editing >+/-30mm drift correction, significant single spike removal etc. Page 18 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) Quality Code V3.0 Description Quality Code Description 21 Low velocity acoustic record affected by wind or gate 51 Single Point High Velocity Meas. M9 use only. Water Vel > 3m/s 60 Latrobe Valley Water Authority supplied data. 104 Records manually estimated. 65 Other Authorities supplied data. Validation not supplied. 120 Estimated data not using any correlation (MW) 75 Height correction applied. 140 MWC quality code for specific request. 76 Latrobe Valley Water Authority supplied data. 146 Drawdown - no rating applies 77 Correlation with other station\044 same variable only. 148 Theoretical rating table applied (not to be applied to level data) 78 Reliable daily read data (see additional quality info) ? 149 Rating extrapolated within 1.5x Max Qm 80 Accumulated (Rainfall or Flow totals only). 150 Rating extrapolated due to insufficient gaugings (see additional quality info) 81 Wet day within accumulated rainfall period. (Sewer studies only) 151 Data lost due to natural causes / vandalism (see additional quality info) ? 82 Linear interpolation across gap in records. (<0.5 day) 152 Refer station file. Contractual issues affecting data collection 90 Salinity interpolation (Data Management section use only). 153 Data not recorded. Probe out of water/below instrument threshold. 92 Project site U/S data used. 154 Data unreliable. Acoustic sensor affected by wind. 95 Irregular time rate data - weekly/monthly read. 155 Data unreliable. Recording above instrument range. 96 Daily read records substituted for continuous record lost due to natural cause/vandalism. 156 Drawdown - normal rating does not apply 100 Irregular data\044 Use with caution. Beyond QC=50 or unexplained 157 Data unreliable. Issue with bore. 101 Drawdown - normal rating does not apply. 160 Stage backed-up by downstream influence (see additional quality info) ? Page 19 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) Quality Code V3.0 Description 161 Poor quality data from debris effecting Sensor. 165 Suspect or bad data supplied by other authority 170 Raw unedited data stored in archive\044 secondary/backup sensor (see additional quality info) ? 180 Data not recorded\044 equipment malfunction. 190 Data unavailable station discontinued. 200 Data available but not digitised. 201 Data not recorded - no correlation available (see additional quality info) ? 237 Surface velocity measurement only. 250 Rating table suspended 254 Rating table exceeded 255 No Data Exists Page 20 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 7. Bore Construction The following provides a brief description of the components that comprise a groundwater bore. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A borehole is drilled that may intersect multiple aquifers. A bore casing and screen (slotted casing) are placed into the borehole. Gravel pack may be placed in the annulus (space between the drilled bore hole and the bore casing eg. PVC) around the screen, or the natural formation may be used. Bentonite is a type of clay used to seal aquifers and avoid cross contamination. Borehole is cemented at the surface to avoid contaminants entering groundwater on the way upsystems. An example bore construction is shown below. Borehole - Void where the cylindrical hole has been drilled into and through earthen formations by a drilling rig. Casing - black steel, galvanized steel, PVC pipe and concrete pipe pipe that is installed in the borehole to keep the borehole from collapsing and to protect drilled aquifers from contamination. Gravel pack - placed around the outside of the screen to prevent sand from entering the well or clogging the screen and to stabilize the well assembly. Grout - a sealant that is used to fill in the spaces around the outside of the well. It protects the well against the intrusion of contaminants. A grout mixture can be made of cement, bentonite, or concrete (each used separately). Screen - keeps sand and gravel out of the well while allowing groundwater and water from formations to enter into the well. Screen is available in many materials, the most popular being stainless steel and slotted PVC pipe. V3.0 Page 21 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) 8. Glossary AHD The Australian Height Datum (AHD) is a geodetic datum for altitude measurement in Australia. The datum that sets mean sea level as zero elevation. Allocation a percentage of licence entitlement that is permitted to be pumped in a water year. For example, a groundwater licence with 100 ML/year entitlement where a 70% allocation has been announced may only extract up to 70 ML that water year. Artesian Well a vertical bore hole in which a pipe-like structure is inserted into the ground so that it withdraws water from a confined aquifer (artesian aquifer) Aquifer A layer of underground sediment that holds groundwater and allows water to flow through it. Aquitard A layer of rock or soil that does not allow water to move through it easily.Gigalitre (GL) One billion (1,000,000,000) litres. Catchment management authorities (CMAs) Government authorities established under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 to manage river health, regional and catchment planning, and waterway, floodplain, salinity and water quality management. Confined Aquifer (artesian aquifer) an aquifer holding water under pressure by a layer above it that does not allow water to pass through. Due to pressure, the water level of a well in a confined aquifer will rise above the top of the aquifer. Confining Layer (aquitard or aquifuge) geologic material with little or no permeability or hydraulic conductivity. Water does not pass through this layer or the rate of movement is extremely slow. Control a natural structure or an artificial structure built on a river to allow a controlled and measurable amount of water to flow during a given period. Every surface water site has Dairy wash Water used to wash down farm dairies. Discharge the process whereby groundwater leaves the aquifer. Domestic and stock Water use for household purposes, watering pets, cattle and other stock, fire prevention and irrigating a kitchen garden. DT7 Data Trans7 (DT7) is used to identify data in Hydstra as spot data, not time series. EC units/level Electrical Conductivity is a measure used to indicate salinity levels in water. Entitlement the volume of groundwater licence that may be extracted in a year subject to licence conditions. The Victorian Water Act 1989 governs groundwater licensing in Victoria. A licence to take and use groundwater under section 51 of the Victorian Water Act 1989 is required for any purpose other than domestic and stock use. Field time series This data is collected continuously, but an instrument installed at the site. The site is visited on a regular schedule and the data is collected from the instrument, checked for quaility and transferred to the central database. Geology the study of science dealing with the origin, history, materials and structure of the earth, together with the forces and process operating to produce change within and on the earth Groundwater All subsurface water, generally occupying the pores and crevices of rock and soil. Groundwater dependent ecosystem (GDE) Ecosystems, such as wetlands, streams, estuaries and some terrestrial vegetation, that rely totally or in part on groundwater to provide water. Groundwater Basin the underground area from which groundwater drains. The basins could be separated by geologic or hydrologic boundaries. Groundwater management area (GMA) Groundwater management unit where groundwater resources of a suitable quality for irrigation, commercial or domestic and s tock use are available or are expected to be available. Groundwater management unit (GMU) Groundwater consumption is managed geographically via management units, which can be groundwater management areas (GMA), water supply protection areas (WSPA) or unincorporated areas (UA). Groundwater management plans Created for water supply protection areas that have been or are proposed to be proclaimed under the Water Act 1989 to ensure equitable and sustainable use of groundwater Hydraulic Conductivity the ease with which water can move through an aquifer. It can be determined by dividing the transmissivity of the aquifer by the aquifer thickness Hydrogeology the study of the interrelationships of geologic materials and processes with water, especially groundwater Hydrology the study of the occurrence, distribution, and chemistry of all waters of the earth Laboratory and spot data from tab V3.0 Page 22 of 23 Explanatory notes – Monitoring Data (Data Extracts) Licensing authority Administers the diversion of water from waterways and the extraction of groundwater on behalf of the Minister for Water. Local management plans/rules Operating plans that include rules for managing surface water or groundwater accessed under section 51 take and use licences. Megalitre (ML) One million (1,000,000) litres. Micrograms per Liter (ug/l) a measure of the amount of dissolved solids in a solution in terms of micrograms of solid per liter of solution; Equivalent to part per billion in water or 1ug/l=1ppb Milligrams per Liter (mg/l) a measure of the amount of dissolved solids in a solution in terms of milligrams of solid per liter of solution; Equivalent to part per million in water or 1mg/l=1ppm MPWL Monitoring Point Water Level Nitrate (NO3) a chemical formed when nitrogen from ammonia (NH3), ammonium (NH4) and other nitrogen sources combines with oxygenated water Part per Billion (ppb) a measure of the amount of dissolved solids in a solution in terms of a ratio between the number of parts of solids to a billion parts of total volume; Equivalent to microgram per liter in water or 1ppb=1 ug/l Part per Million (ppm) a measure of the amount of dissolved solids in a solution in terms of a ratio between the number of parts of solids to a million parts of total volume; Equivalent to milligram per liter in water or 1ppm=1 mg/l Permissible consumptive volume (PCV) The volume of water permitted to be allocated in discrete groundwater management units. Previously called permissible annual volumes (PAVs). Pesticides chemicals including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides that are used to kill living organisms Rating Curves Rating curves are used to compute the flow at a stream flow site from water level measurements. Rating tables are established by Hydrographers on the basis of number gauging measurements taken at different flow rates. The current rating table is accessible on this website. Historic Rating Tables for any site can be obtained by submitting a request to water.data@dse.vic.gov.au. Recharge (to groundwater) The processes, such as infiltration and seepage, by which water enters aquifers and becomes groundwater. River basin The land drained by a river and its tributaries. The river basins used in this Strategy are consistent with those defined by the Australian Water Resource Council (AWRC). RLNS Relative Level Natural Surface Salinity The total amount of water-soluble salts present in the soil or in a stream. Site A site is a location where one of more measurements may be taken. Sites are classified in the menus as Rivers & Streams and Ground water sites. Every site is identified by a unique site code and a site name. Site information is accessed in the Details tab. State Observation Bore Network (SOBN) A network of about 2,500 bores managed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment to monitor Victoria’s groundwater resources. Statutory management plan Prepared under the provisions of the Water Act 1989 for a water supply protection area or a waterway to manage the water resources of the area. Take and use licence A fixed term entitlement issued under section 51 of the Water Act 1989 to take and use water from a waterway, catchment dam, spring, soak or aquifer, usually for commercial or irrigation purposes. Transmissivity the ability of the aquifer to transmit groundwater throughout its entire saturated thickness Unincorporated areas (UA) Areas with limited groundwater resources which are not defined as groundwater management areas or water supply protection areas and do not have a defined permissible consumptive volume. Water corporations Government owned corporations charged with supplying water to urban and rural water users. These corporations, formerly known as water authorities, administer the diversion of water from waterways and the extraction of groundwater Water supply protection area (WSPA) An area declared under the Water Act 1989 to protect groundwater and/or surface water resources in the area. Once an area has been declared, a statutory water management plan is prepared. Water table Surface of groundwater below which the soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water. Water year is a period of 12 months commencing 1 July (sometimes referred to as a season). 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