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Waste Management in School
Prepared by : DHVTSU Rotaract Club of Villa de Bacolor
Project Summary
Date Conducted : Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Abstract :
This survey project examined the current waste management in DHVTSU. Data collection
involved survey questionnaire administration to different colleges.
A total of 40 students and 4 janitors were interviewed using the prepared Questionnaire which
was randomly administered among the different colleges.
The results indicated that majority of the students are very much concerned about the poor
current state of the environment due to improper and inappropriate Waste Management in
Keywords : Waste Management; Garbage; Natural Environment; Composting; Recyling; Reuse
1.0 Introduction
Rapid industrialization and urbanization without due regard to environmental consideration are
leading to wide environmental degradation. The materials consumed during these activities reduce nonrenewable resources and generate wastes. Our basic survival on earth is threatened by the worsening of
environment. Therefore there is a necessary need on the awareness and knowledge about waste
1.1 Definition of Keywords
1. Waste Management: this is the collection, transport, processing, managing and monitoring of waste
2. Garbage: commonly known as trash or rubbish, is a waste type consisting of everyday items we
consume and discard. It predominantly includes food waste, paper waste and other miscellaneous
inorganic wastes from industrial sources.
3. Natural Environment: this encompasses all living and non-living things occurring in nature on earth or
some region thereof.
4. Composting: this is the aerobic decomposition of biodegradable organic matter producing compost.
5. Recycling: this is processing used materials (wastes) into new products to prevent waste.
6. Reuse: this is to use again especially in a different way or after reclaiming or reprocessing.
2.0 Area of Investigation
We conducted the survey at Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University which is located in
Cabambangan, Bacolor, Pampanga. It is the Oldest Vocational School in Far East Asia established since
1861. It has 6 colleges; College of Education, College of Engineering and Architecture, College of
Computer Studies, College of Business Studies, College of Arts and Sciences and College of Industrial
3.0 Importance of the Study
The concern for waste management would definitely help to reduce environmental degradation.
The health hazards due to air, water and soil pollution will worsen nation's economy and development.
Therefore, concern for waste management is essential among students because the knowledge
about natural environment will help them in identifying the problems and finding solutions in improving
the quality of the environment for the future generations. The basic understanding of environment
helps in sustainable development.
4.0 Methodology
A total of 40 survey questionnaires for student were randomly administered among the 4 different
colleges; College of Education, College of Computer Studies, College of Engineering and Architecture and
College of Arts and Sciences. A total of 4 survey questionnaires for janitors were also administered by
the group.
5.0 Results
Results were given in percentage. No. of chosen answer / No. of respondents x 100 = Total
Percentage. Bolded figure indicates dominant result.
Table 1 - Waste Management Survey Result for Students
92.5 %
7.5 %
32.5 %
67.5 %
65 %
35 %
70 %
30 %
85.71 %
14. 29 %
College of Computer Studies = 8
100 %
College of Engineering and
Architecture = 15 respondents
College of Arts and Sciences = 10
33.33 %
66.67 %
70 %
30 %
1. Have an idea about waste
2. Satisfied with the number of
trash bins distributed in school.
3. Throws their junk in the trash
4. Satisfied with the school
janitors’ performance.
5. The department provides
trash bins in every room.
College of Education = 7
6. Concern about
current state of
7. What is being
considered as the
major issue that
Issue for Concern
Not Concerned
No Opinion
77.5 %
12.5 %
10 %
52.5 %
10 %
8. Health risk related to
burning garbage.
9. Flooding due to garbage
blocking drains and canals.
10. Litters.
15 %
The individual
17.5 %
Not Concerned
No Opinion
85 %
7.5 %
7.5 %
90 %
7.5 %
2.5 %
80 %
12.5 %
7.5 %
A majority (92.5%) of the respondents had an idea about waste management. Out of 40
respondents, 27 or almost 67.5% of them said that they are not satisfied with the number of trash bins
distributed in the school. A greater percentage of the respondents (65%) throw their junk in the trash
bins. It is obvious that a great number of respondents (70%) are satisfied with the performance of the
school janitors. All respondents (100%) from the College of Computer Studies said that their
department provides enough trash bins in every room. Followed by the College of Education (85.71%)
and College of Arts and Sciences (70%). On the other hand, many (66.67%) of the respondents from the
College of Engineering and Architecture said that their department doesn’t provide enough trash bins in
every room. Most of the respondents (77.5%) are concerned about the current state of environment.
The plastic was believed by majority of the respondents (52.5%) to have the most effect on the
environment. Generally the majority of respondents showed concern about issues about waste
management. Most of the respondents (90%) were concerned about flooding due to garbage blockings
drains and canals, and only a few (7.5%) were not concerned about the health-risk related to burning
Table 2 - Waste Management Survey Result for Janitors
1. Where garbage is stored.
2. Students throw their junk in
the trash bins.
3. Approximate number of trash bins filled per
Trash bins
50 %
Plastic bags
50 %
100 %
40 – 50 Trash bins / day
4. What do they do to
5. What do they do to
the non-biodegradable
Letting the Garbage
trucks to collect
100 %
Letting the Garbage
trucks to collect
100 %
6. Bottles, papers and any with the
100 %
same kind are being sold
7. Approximate selling price of bottles and papers.
Skipped, because it is stated in no. 6 that they
are not being sold.
8. Assigned to collect the garbage from the school. DHVTSU garage trucks, janitors
9. What is being
considered as the
major issue that
10. The school provides enough
cleaning tools and materials.
The individual
100 %
100 %
Same number (50%) of the respondents said that garbage were stored in trash bins and in the
plastic bags. All respondents (100%) said that students do not throw their junk in the trash bins. The
approximate number of trash bins filled per day is 40 – 50 Trash bins. All respondents (100%) said that
they’re letting the school garbage trucks to collect both biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.
Majority (100%) of the respondents said that they do not sell bottle and papers. DHVTSU garbage trucks
and janitors were assigned to collect the garbage from the school. The individual person was thought by
all respondents (100%) to have the most effect on the environment. All respondents (100%) said that
the school provides enough cleaning tools and materials.
6.0 Discussion and Suggestions
Table 1
The results show that many students do have enough knowledge of what is waste management.
Many students are not satisfied with the number of trash bins distributed in the school. One suggested
that the school must provide more trash bins. Other students said that waste segregation must be
implemented. Most of the students throw their junk in trash bins which is a good sign is maintaining the
cleanliness in the school. Many of the students are satisfied with the performance of the school janitors
but one of them said that janitors must provide more of their time in cleaning the surroundings.
Majority of the students in the College of Education, College of Computer Studies and College of Arts
and Sciences said that their department provides trash bins in every room. While College of Engineering
and Architecture students said that their department lacks in providing trash bins in every room. One of
the respondent suggested that the College of Engineering and Architecture must provide dust pan and
broom in every room. It is obvious that majority of respondents showed concern about issues about
waste management. Most of the respondents said that the plastic is the major issue that affects the
environment which is true. Plastic is a non-biodegradable waste which cannot be dissolves easily. It
takes time for it to dissolve so it is one of the major causes that affects the environment.
Table 2
Both trash bins and plastic bags were used by the janitors in storing garbage. Despite of having trash
bins and plastic bags distributed in the school, all of the janitor said that students do not throw their
junk in the trash bins. One of them said that the freshmen must be oriented on keeping the cleanliness
in school. Two of them said that students must improve their awareness in proper disposing of trash.
Approximately 40-50 trash bins are filled per day which indicates large amount of waste being collected
everyday. The janitors let the school garbage truck to collect both biodegradable and non-biodegradable
wastes. They must practice recycling and composting so that there will be a production of fertilizer
which is beneficial to plants. The janitors have one thought of being the major issue that affects the
environment and that is the individual person which shows that the student lacks on discipline on
proper disposing of trash. All of the janitors were happy to say that the school provides enough cleaning
tools and materials which is a good indication that the University is concerned in the cleanliness of the
7.0 Conclusion
This survey project has being able to provide an indication of the current waste management in
DHVTSU by focusing on the students and janitors.
The students are generally concerned about the environment but they do not have suggestions such
as recycle and reuse the garbage they generate. But they are willing to have waste segregation to be
implemented in the school.
The natural environment requires protection in order to remain healthy for all of its inhabitants. To
protect and bring about a healthy and sustainable environment requires the collective efforts of the
school, public environmental health authorities and the private sector. Let us all remember these three
big words about ‘waste’: REDUCE, RECYCLE, REUSE.
Waste Management Survey
Conducted by : Rotaract Club of Villa de Bacolor
Conducted in : Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University
Questionnaires for the Student
Name(Optional) : __________________________________
Course(Required) : _________________________________
Direction: Put a checkmark in the checkbox provided before each choices that would best answer the
following questions.
1. Do you have idea about waste management?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
2. Is the number of trash bins distributed in school enough?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
3. Do you properly throw your junk in the trash bins?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
4. Are the school janitors’ performance satisfactory especially in segregating the waste?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
5. Do your department provide trash bins in every room?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
6. Are you concerned or not concerned about the current state of the natural environment?
[ ]I am concerned
[ ]I am not concerned [ ]I have no opinion
7. What do you personally say is the major issue currently affecting our natural environment?(choose
[ ]Plastics [ ]Papers [ ]Automobile exhaust [ ]Sewage pollution from pits and toilets
[ ]The individual person
8. How concerned are you about health risks related to burning garbage?
[ ]I am concerned
[ ]I am not concerned [ ]I have no opinion
9. How concerned are you about flooding due to garbage blocking drains and canals?
[ ]I am concerned
[ ]I am not concerned [ ]I have no opinion
10. How concerned are you about litter in the school?
[ ]I am concerned
[ ]I am not concerned [ ]I have no opinion
Do you have any suggestions for improving the managing of garbage in the school:
Waste Management Survey
Conducted by : Rotaract Club of Villa de Bacolor
Conducted in : Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University
Questionnaires for the Janitors
Name(Optional) : __________________________________
Direction: Put a checkmark in the checkbox provided before each choices that would best answer the
following questions and fill in the blanks.
1. Where do you store the garbage?
[ ]Trash bins [ ]Plastic bags
2. Do the student properly throw their junk in the trash bins?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
3. Approximately how many trash bins were filled per day?
_____ trash bins
4. What do you do to the biodegradable wastes(such as food waste, green waste and paper waste)?
[ ]Burn [ ]Bury [ ]Letting the Garbage Trucks to collect
Others (Please Specify):_____________________________________________________________
5. What do you do to the non-biodegradable wastes(such as plastics, bottles and cans)?
[ ]Recycle [ ]Reuse [ ] Letting the Garbage Trucks to collect
Others (Please Specify):_____________________________________________________________
6. Are the bottles, papers and any with the same kind being sold?
[ ]Yes, where: ____________________________________________________________________
[ ]No
7. (Skip this if you chose No in no.6) Approximately how much do you sell the following:
1 kilo of bottle = ₱_________
1 kilo of paper = ₱_________
Others (Please Specify) : 1 kilo of _______ = ₱_________
8. Who collects the garbage from the school?
9. What do you personally say is the major issue currently affecting our natural environment?(choose
[ ]Plastics [ ]Papers [ ]Automobile exhaust [ ]Sewage pollution from pits and toilets
[ ]The individual person
10. Does the school provide enough cleaning tools and materials?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
Do you have any suggestions for improving the managing of garbage in the school:
College of Education
College of Computer Studies
College of Engineering and Architecture
School Janitors