FEDERAL LABORATORY CONSORTIUM FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER MIDWEST REGION 2015 AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER FLC MIDWEST REGION AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (FLC National Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer) This regional award will be presented to an employee or team of employees of a Midwest Region member laboratory in recognition of outstanding work during the transfer of a technology between a federal laboratory and another entity. Please keep in mind that this award is focused on the methods used and efforts made to transfer the technology, as opposed to the importance of the technology itself. Eligibility The nominee must be an employee of a Midwest Region member laboratory. Non-laboratory staff may be included only when either at least 50% of the transfer effort was funded by a federal laboratory or at least 50% of the staffing for the transfer effort was performed by in-house laboratory personnel. Technology transfer efforts solely funded by Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) contracts and commercial projects solely funded by federal grants are not eligible for consideration. FLC Laboratory Representatives, Alternates, and their immediate supervisors may not be nominated. Duplicate nominations are not permitted. A nominee may not be nominated for an FLC award more than three times in a given year—either as an individual or as part of a group. The nominee must not have received an FLC Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer within the last year. The nominated achievement must have occurred within the last five years. Criteria The nominee must have made significant accomplishments in one or more of the following areas: The outcome of the technology transfer effort had a significant impact on a particular industry, community, group, or process. The transfer of the technology used an innovative or creative approach. The successful transfer of technology opened the door to significant future efforts. The transfer of the technology faced significant challenges. The effort represents the unique contribution of federal laboratories to the development and transfer of technologies. Nomination Nominations for the award must be submitted by the Laboratory Representative for the laboratory involved in the technology transfer effort. The nominations must be submitted to the Midwest Region Awards Chair. Evaluation The nominees will be evaluated on a scale of 100 points. Total points will be the sum of points given in each category. The approach of the technology transfer effort (40 points) The impact of the technology transfer effort (30 points) The potential impact of future efforts (10 points) The challenges overcome (10 points) The unique contribution made by the federal laboratory (10 points). Midwest Region 2015 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Nomination Form Nominator Information Name: Affiliation: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Nominee Information Project Title (as you would like it to appear on the award): __________________________________________________________________ Nominee Name: Affiliation: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Please provide written responses to each of the evaluation criteria listed in the award description. Nominations must be submitted electronically to flcaward@totaltechnologyinc.net no later than August 7, 2015. 1 2015 MW Regional Award for Excellence in TT Midwest Region 2015 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Nomination Form Narrative Please provide detailed information on the nomination in the appropriate areas indicated below: The approach of the technology transfer effort (40 points) The impact of the technology transfer effort (30 points) The potential impact of future efforts (10 points) The challenges overcome (10 points) The unique contribution made by the federal laboratory (10 points) 2 2015 MW Regional Award for Excellence in TT Midwest Region 2015 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Nomination Form 3 2015 MW Regional Award for Excellence in TT Midwest Region 2015 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Nomination Form 4 2015 MW Regional Award for Excellence in TT Midwest Region 2015 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Nomination Form 5 2015 MW Regional Award for Excellence in TT