Inuktitut version

h3dwbsm9ME5gi4 si4Ïg5 hÍ3g[s§A1qg5
xN3ê5 u5ñk5
hÍDts2 SJEiz xN3Cu ci7mEbsZJ8iXs§6 vNbusk5, Wlx3gu4 wMŒi eg3z÷o8i.
sfxbZ vNbus5 cspn3bsAtQym/q5 gnsm1qgw8NExoy:
vNbu, !%¶-q5 xN3CsJ5 wk5bc1qc/1qg5 xbsy3u4 hÍ3g§u4.
xN3CsJi x9˜5 hÍ3g[s§5n/s1q©Zlxi, !$¶-q5 ho hÍ3g[sZlx3m5 xN3Cz ckwQ/s1qg5.
vNbus5 whµ¬tc3S5 eg3zui4 hÍDts2 SJizi4 is3c/Å3yht4.
§rx6, #%),))) Wxê5 !@ xÌi srsø5 x7ml ^)),))) Wxê5 !@ x7ml !(-i4 srsø5
ho wª[c3XS5 hÍDts2 SJEizi4 is3cht4 xN3Cui.
hNs?5 cimÌMesbsA8Nbq5 Wxê5 ßmJd†l SJEi3u4 is3c§Ai3j5 xN3CuV
Wxê5 x3hÎ/Mei3ns§aK5 wk7mE8iu h4fN3izi4 hÍDts2 SJEizb is3cg[isAt4, x7ml
xN3Cq5 Öà5gi4 mimt5yi3Xs§aK5 WxC3k5.
Wxê5 xN3CymAt4 hÍ3g[s§u wly3¬tÌD8NS5 xuhi4 wWix§aMelt4,
ysyE?9lt4 * x7ml x9˜5 yilt4 gdQ8NN3gu4 x©tA8Nht4.9
hÍDts2 SJEiz eg3zi4 wo8ixq8inst5yA8NS6 xfä5gi4 10 wo8ixbuil
hÍDts2 SJEiz xs3lN3©hi €3ebs3c/1qgu4 ci7my3ÌDbsA8Ng6 Íyk5,
hÍ3g§i xN3Cø5 €3ebs3c/1qg3ÌD8NuJ5.
wWix3tyMesbsA8Nhil ßmJdtk5.
x7ml e7ü5
hÍDts3 SJEiz xi3tEA8Nq3ymt5yA8Ng6
hÍDts2 SJEiz xyxª3c§aZu W8âlbs§aK6 xN3CsJi w5yu5tb‰Aˆ3tgi x7ml
xu§ˆ3t©5ht4 g3hctŒAˆ3tgi w9lu xbsyxl7u:
cspm“5 hÍDts2 SJEiz g3hct5yi5 wo5yª3cD8Nm5 x7mt3ioµtA5 wfms†5 x3dtqtA5,
wm3©†5 h9loqtA5 x7ml s3Úynsts2 hÍ3[qtA5 x7ml i9lts†5 xi3tE[qtA5V
vNbus5 wlyoE/siq5b cspnst[iq5 wk8i4 w5yu5tb‰i4 xN3Co8i4 cspMsJK5
#^¶-q5 wkw5 w5yu5tb‰us5 hÍDts2 SJEizk5 g3hctui5 WJu4
NJZzªcpxcc5bym[isiC3g5, wZ˜5 s4fw¯ogx3mb s4fxz¬8î5 xî3[zªozJ6
s4fw¯ogx3m5, yM7jxg3¬î5 xi[4 N9ox.16
Wsi3XsK6 eg3zt5 hÍDts2 SJEizk5 x5gbsc5bd1qA[4r5, hÍ3g¯c5blt5 yMu s4fx
wZ˜9l s4fxg3ymt9lQ5.
SwA3Öoltl, Wxê5 eà8Nym/sQxc1quJ5 Ì4f©t9lQ5.
Note: Not to be transalted
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