HERE - Student Union

Dear Applicants,
Congratulations on deciding to apply to Alpha Epsilon Delta, Washington University’s PreHealth Honor Society, with chapters at major universities nationwide, and an extensive roster of alumni
who are now practicing physicians and health professionals. The society was founded in 1926 at the
University of Alabama and has since grown into the world's largest honor society exclusively serving
pre-health education. Currently, Alpha Epsilon Delta boasts a membership exceeding 144,000 in 186
The mission of the Society is to encourage and recognize excellence in pre-health scholarship; to
stimulate an appreciation of the importance of pre-health education; to promote communication between
health field and pre-health students and educators; to provide a forum for students with common
interests; and to use its resources to benefit health organizations, charities, and the community. The
Society recognizes achievements both inside as well as outside the classroom in the health fields. In
order to be eligible to apply to AED, one must have the following:
•3.5 minimum overall Wash U GPA
•3.2 minimum pre-health Wash U GPA
•30 Wash U credit hours (20 of which must be in the pre-health sciences)
•Commitment to service
•Involvement in the health field outside of the classroom
If accepted to the Society, your AED commitment will include:
- Attending all meetings
- Involvement in one AED-sponsored event per semester
- Participation in three community service events per semester
Please visit our website at for more information on AED.
Applications are due by Friday, September 25th 2015 at 11:59 PM in the AED mailbox in the 2nd
floor of the Student Union Office in the Danforth University Center or e-mailed to
Though successful applicants must meet all the above requirements, not all students meeting
these requirements will necessarily be invited to join. Applications will be evaluated by the executive
board and candidates selected will be notified via email by the evening of October 3rd at the latest.
Interviews will take place throughout the week of September 27. Please make plans accordingly.
Washington University Alpha Epsilon Delta’s Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Christina Tsai & Allison Rhodes
Treasurer: Regina Liu
PR Chair: Shana Zucker
Secretary: Kelly Ren
Community Service Chair: Meytal Chernoff
Application for AED Membership, Fall 2015
(Please type or print clearly and legibly.)
General Information
Name: ______________________________________________ ID_____________________
School Address: _______________________________________________________________
Perm. Address: ________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________
Majors & Minors: ______________________________________________________________
(Use Webstac to obtain your cumulative GPA and unofficial transcript. To calculate your pre-health
GPA, use the information on the following page, or the calculating spreadsheet on our website.)
Cumulative GPA:
Pre-health GPA:
Total Credits:
Pre-health Credits: ________________
What extra-curricular activities are you currently involved in on campus? Please list.
Future Plans: _____________________________________________________________________
Essays (Limit each answer to one single-sided, double-spaced page. Put only your Student ID in the
1. Why have you chosen to pursue Pre-Health at Wash U?
2. Of all the extracurricular activities which you participate in, which one is most meaningful to
you, and why? How do you think participation in this activity will help you prepare for a career
in the health field? (Note: The activity does not have to be directly related to medicine or the
health field in general.)
Quick Takes (Limit each answer to 1-3 sentences)
1. What is the most fun you’ve had in the last year?
2. What was the last TV show you binge watched?
3. If you could give yourself a nickname, what would it be?
4. What are you not?
Please enclose a current transcript (official or unofficial) with this application.
By signing on this line, I declare that everything in the application is true to the best of my knowledge.
How to Calculate Pre-Health GPA
Include all classes in the mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry departments. Also include
classes listed below. If a class is not listed in one the above departments or on the list below, do not
include it in the GPA calculation.
To calculate your pre-health GPA, multiply the grade value of a course (see below) by the semester
hours for that course. The product will be the grade points assigned for the coursework. Divide the
cumulative grade points by the cumulative attempted hours.
Grade Values
A+/A 4.0
Anthropology Classes
Anth 150
Intro to Human Evolution
Anth 307A
Human Variation
Anth 362
Biological Basis of Human Behavior
Anth 3620
Anthro. Perspectives on the Fetus
Anth 3621
Anth 365
Anth 3661
Anth 367A
Anth 372
Anth 379
Anth 401
Anth 4012
Anth 406
Anth 407
Anth 4081
Anth 4181
Anth 4182
Anth 4191
Anth 4202
Anth 4211
Anth 4221
Anth 434
Anth 458
Anth 4581
Anth 459
Anth 4591
Anth 4762
Anth 481
Anth 482
Earth and Planetary Sciences
EPSc 103A Oceanography
EPSc 105A Earth’s Atmosphere
EPSc 108A Oceans and Atmosphere
EPSc 109A Quantitative Reasoning in
Anthro. of Human Birth
EPSc 171A Solar System
Human Growth and Development
EPSc 230
Intro. to Astrobiology
Primate Biology
EPSc 323
EPSc 335
Igneous and Metamorphic
EPSc 352
Earth Materials
Feast or Famine
EPSc 353
Earth Forces
Evolution of Nonhuman Primates
EPSc 401
Earth Systems Science
Prosimian Biology
EPSc 407
Remote Sensing
Primate Ecology and Social Structure
EPSc 409
Surface Processes
Comparative Primate Anatomy
EPSc 410
Earth Remote Sensing
Evolutionary Human Anatomy
EPSc 419
Biostratigraphy and
Comparative Methods in Physical Anthro. EPSc 425
Invertebrate Paleontology
Field and Lab Methods in Primatology
EPSc 428
Primate Cognition
EPSc 430
Environmental Mineralogy
Evolutionary Genetics
EPSc 441
Intro. to Geochemistry
Paleoethnobotany and Ethnobotany
EPSc 444
Environmental Geochemistry
Biological Basis of Human Behavior
EPSc 446
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Behavioral Research at the STL Zoo
EPSc 447
Analytical Methods in Envir.
Craniofacial Biology
EPSc 448
Microbial Geochemistry
Principles of Human Anatomy and Develop. EPSc 449
Microbes in the Environment
Human Osteology
EPSc 452
Intro. to Seismology
Human Functional Morphology
EPSc 453
Interior of the Earth
Neanderthal Legacy
EPSc 454
Exploration and Envir.
EPSc 474
Planetary Geochemistry
Experimental Zooarchaeology
EPSc 480
Special Topics in
Environmental Studies
EnSt 109A
Quantitative Reasoning in Envir. Science
EnSt 295
Intro to Environmental Studies: Biology
Social Thought and Analysis
STA 442
Social Statistics Practicum
Psych 300
Psych 330
Psych 3401
Psych 3604
Psych 4411
Psych 4418
Introductory Psych Stats
Sensation and Perception
Biological Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience
Topics in Cognitive
Computational Modeling in
Cog. Neuroscience