ANNUAL RENEWAL OF COSCA ACCREDITATION COUNSELLORS AND PSYCHOTHERAPISTS CONTENTS SECTION A: INTRODUCTION Background Summary of Process What happens to my submitted application? How do I submit my application? What if I take a break from practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist? SECTION B: APPLICATION PROCEDURE 1 Applicant’s Personal Details 2 Practice 3 Insurance 4 Supervision 5 Continuing Professional Development 6 Ethics APPENDICES: Appendix A: Applicant’s Personal Details, Disclosure & Declaration Appendix B: Counselling/Psychotherapy Statement Appendix C: Continuing Professional Development Appendix D: Supervisor’s Report 18 July 2011 Page 2 SECTION A: INTRODUCTION Background In line with the COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland) commitment to developing and maintaining standards of practice in counselling in Scotland, there is a requirement that COSCA accredited counsellors give evidence of containing professional development and supervision. The process is underpinned by the COSCA Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice. It is recognised that the COSCA Accreditation process is the means by which the practitioner has demonstrated professional competence. Maintenance of accreditation requires annual evidencing of continuing professional development and supervision of practice. Summary of process You need to submit evidence of the following on an annual basis: Practice hours over the past 12 months Hours of supervision over the past 12 months Continuing professional development Current membership of COSCA What happens to my submitted application? 1. Annual renewals for accreditation will be checked by COSCA 2. COSCA will compare the documentation against the criteria set. Annual renewals should be such that COSCA can say, on the basis of what has been submitted that the applicant has provided sufficient evidence to maintain their accredited status. 3. If the annual renewal does not meet the criteria set out in this document COSCA will give details of where an application fails to meet the criteria. 4. The Chief Executive of COSCA will inform applicants in writing of the outcome. How do I submit my application? 1. Two copies of all applications for renewal must be submitted to COSCA, 16 Melville Terrace, Stirling FK8 2NE, and be accompanied by the renewal fee. See COSCA’s website ( for current fee. Applicants should keep a copy of their application. All applications need to be clearly presented, preferably word processed/typed. 18 July 2011 Page 3 2. Submission dates are twice yearly: the last working days of March and September. Applications arriving at the COSCA office later than these dates will have to wait until the following round. What if I take a break from practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist? Breaks between 6 months and 5 years: COSCA accredited counsellors/psychotherapists who take a break from practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist for more than 6 months but less than 5 years, and who wish to renew their counsellor accreditation can apply for annual renewal by submitting the evidence required in paragraph 2.4 in Section B of this document. Breaks over 5 years: COSCA accredited counsellors/psychotherapists who take a break from practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist for more than 5 years and then decide to return to practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist can apply for re-accreditation by submitting the evidence required in paragraph 2.4 in Section B of this document. What if I have been practising for more than eight years post accreditation? For COSCA Accredited counsellors/psychotherapists who have been practising for more than eight years post accreditation, please see paragraph 2.3 in Section B of this document. SECTION B: 1. APPLICATION PROCEDURE APPLICANT’S PERSONAL DETAILS You must complete Appendix A: Applicant’s Personal Details, Disclosure and Declaration in full. 2. PRACTICE 2.1 Criteria A minimum practice of 90 client hours per year involving at least three clients. If you are involved in a range of work in the counselling field such as training, supervision practice and/or management in a counselling situation, you must have had a minimum practice of 60 client hours per year involving at least two clients. 2.2 Evidence A signed Practice Statement for the year (see Appendix B: Counselling/Psychotherapy Statement). If you have an average of less than 90 client hours per year please provide a brief statement that outlines the extent of your other involvements in the counselling field. 18 July 2011 Page 4 2.3 Evidence Annual Renewal of Experienced COSCA Accredited Counsellors Accredited counsellors and psychotherapists who have been practising for more than eight years post accreditation need to meet the following crieria: Counselling Practice: 60 hours – made up of a variety of counselling, face-to-face relationship work and related pursuits. This would incorporate: Face-to-face counselling (circa 20 hours) supervision of trainees/other counsellors group work (therapeutic and devleopment/learning types possibly individual work undertaken as a course tutor Supervision: Not less than one hour per month and is appropriate to the volume and nature of client work Continuing Professional Development: 12 hours per annum 2.4 Evidence Breaks between 6 months – 5 Years If you have taken a break greater than 6 months but less than 5 years from practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist, please submit Appendix A: Applicant’s Personal Details, Disclosure and Declaration and a report that explains the reason(s) for the break. The report should also indicate how you already have, or plan to, put in place what is needed for you to re-connect with your counselling practice. In addition, the report should provide evidence of the following during the period of your break: current membership of COSCA contact with your supervisor and at least one counselling supervision session from him/her prior to starting again to work with clients on-going personal and professional development during the break and how this has benefited you as a counsellor/psychotherapist Breaks over 5 Years If you have taken a break from practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist for more than 5 years, and then decide to return to practising as a counsellor/psychotherapist, you can apply for re-accreditation by submitting Appendix A: Applicant’s Personal Details, Disclosure and Declaration and a report that explains the reason(s) for the break. In addition, the report should provide evidence of the following: 18 July 2011 current membership of COSCA one year of supervised counselling practice (90 + hours) in the form of a practice log signed by your supervisor 18 hours continuing professional development during the past year a case study (900-1000 words) on-going personal and professional development during the break and how this has benefited you as a counsellor/psychotherapist Page 5 3. INSURANCE Please sign Part III of Appendix A: Applicant’s Personal Details, Disclosure and Declaration stating that you have adequate and appropriate public and professional liability insurance for your counselling/therapy work. (N.B. COSCA advises that professional liability cover should not be less than £1,500,000.) 4. 4.1 SUPERVISION Criteria You must have sufficient hours of supervised counselling/therapy practice appropriate to your counselling/therapy work. The recommendation for counsellors who have been practising less than 5 years post accreditation is a ratio of not less than 1:12 supervision:client hours. For counsellors who have been practising for more than 5 years post accreditation it is recommended that supervision is not less than 1 hour per month and is appropriate to the volume and nature of client work. 4.2 Evidence a) A record of supervision hours in the appropriate part of the Practice Statement (see Appendix B: Counselling/Psychotherapy Statement). Supervision can be individual, group supervision or, 5 years post accreditation, peer group supervision where the group is no less than three people. Counselling supervision should be face to face, but in exceptional circumstances a range of technologies can be used for supervision. b) A report from your current counselling/therapy supervisor (see Appendix D: Supervisor’s Report). Your supervisor/peer group should be substantially experienced or accredited counsellor/psychotherapist(s) who belongs to a professional organisation that has a Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice. They should have wide experience in supervision and not hold any line management responsibilities for your counselling/therapy, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please note that if you have been working with your current supervisor/peer group for less than 6 months, you will also require a supervisor’s report from your previous supervisor/peer group. 5. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Criteria You must complete the equivalent of a minimum of 3 days (18 hours) of continuing professional development each year. CPD is an activity that develops your understanding and skills in your profession and impacts on your work as a counsellor. You should evidence a range of CPD activities, examples of which include: short courses on professional issue, seminars and conferences, designing and facilitating workshops, writing articles relevant to professional practice, participation in relevant professional committees, personal therapy, research relevant to counselling/therapy. 18 July 2011 Page 6 5.2 Evidence A log of your CPD activities over the year that includes a brief explanation as to the reason you undertook the activity and a short description of the ways in which the above CPD activity has impacted on your professional development and practice (see Appendix C: Continuing Professional Development). 6. ETHICS 6.1 Criteria You need to be aware of your responsibilities and duties to practice ethically. You will be fully conversant with COSCA’s Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice and abide by it. 6.2 Evidence Please sign Appendix A: Applicants Personal Details, Disclosure and Declaration Part III declaring that you will 7. abide by COSCA Guidelines and Criteria for the Annual Renewal of COSCA Accreditation of Counsellors and Psychotherapists be bound by COSCA Memorandum and Articles of Association abide by COSCA Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice. Appeal You can appeal the decision of COSCA through the COSCA appeals procedure within three months of the decision being made. (Copies of the Appeals Procedure are available from the COSCA office.) 8. Further Information As you gather in information for this application, do you have any overall comments on the development of your practice over this period or any feedback or points of interest you would like to offer to COSCA? Please send any comments to: COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE T: 01786 475 140 F: 01786 446 207 E: W: 18 July 2011 Page 7 ANNUAL RENEWAL OF COSCA ACCREDITATION COUNSELLORS AND PSYCHOTHERAPISTS APPLICANT’S PERSONAL DETAILS, DISCLOSURE & DECLARATION PART I: APPENDIX A (page 1 of 3) PERSONAL DETAILS Forename(s) Rosamond Mailing Address Park Cottage Newlands Gifford Haddington Surname Robertson Post Code EH41 4PJ Telephone: Home: 01620 810647 Work: 07815 847338 Email: COSCA Membership Reference No:914 Period of Renewal: 1st September 2011- 31st August 2012 I have enclosed my Annual Renewal Fee of: Paid (Please refer to the COSCA website: - link “Costings”) Office Use Only Date Received Payment Period of Accred Membership Outcome 18 July 2011 Page 8 APPENDIX A (page 2 of 3) PART II: DISCLOSURE Using the space below: 1. Please state if any membership of any professional organisation has ever been withdrawn or suspended. (This will not necessarily exclude you from COSCA accreditation.) YES NO x If Yes, please give brief details: 2. 3. 4. Please disclose details of all current professional complaints or disciplinary proceedings brought against you which were successful or are currently pending, which are relevant to your involvement with counselling or psychotherapy. (This will not necessarily exclude you from COSCA accreditation.) None Please disclose details of all current criminal or civil proceedings brought against you that were successful or are currently pending, which are relevant to your involvement with counselling or psychotherapy. (This will not necessarily exclude you from COSCA accreditation.) None Please state if your name is currently on, or has ever been on, the Scottish Executive’s Disqualified from Working with Children List (DWCL). Yes No x If yes, please give brief details: 18 July 2011 Page 9 APPENDIX A (page3 of 3) PART III: DECLARATION I declare that: 1. I am applying for COSCA Counsellor/Psychotherapist Annual Renewal of Accreditation, and agree to abide by COSCA’s Guidelines and Criteria for the Annual Renewal of Accreditation of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, to be bound by COSCA’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, and to abide by COSCA’s Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice. 2. The evidence I have submitted gives an accurate portrayal of my practice, supervision and professional development in counselling. 3. I will inform COSCA of all criminal, civil, complaint or disciplinary proceedings brought against me in the future, which are relevant to my involvement with counselling. 4. I will provide such information as COSCA may require from time to time to confirm my continuing eligibility for Counsellor/Psychotherapist Accreditation. 5. I have appropriate and adequate public and professional liability insurance cover for all my counselling/psychotherapy work. 6. To the best of my knowledge and belief the information provided in this application is correct, and I understand that a failure to disclose on application or during the period of Accreditation, can lead to termination of my Counsellor/Psychotherapy Accreditation and COSCA Membership. Signature: 18 July 2011 Date: Page 10 COUNSELLING/PSYCHOTHERAPY STATEMENT 1. Total client hours over last 12 months: 95 hours 2. Number of Clients seen over past year: 13 clients APPENDIX B 3. Counselling/Psychotherapy context (e.g. agency/private practice/EAP):private practice 4. Number of years and year dates of practice as a counsellor/psychotherapist. 12 years practice as a counsellor . 1999-2011 5. Supervision hours for past 12 months: Individual: Group: Peer Group: 7. 10 hours 7. Other involvement in Counselling/Psychotherapy Field: teaching role at conference (see CPD) interest in conflict resolution both between couples and within institutions leading to discussions with experts and wide reading two weeks training prior to going as an international observer to the occupied Israeli territory of the West Bank in November for three months. (Time out from counselling practice carefully planned). This has involved conflict resolution, seminars, role play and other exposure/training of relevance to my personal development and skills If you have taken more than three months out of counselling/psychotherapy practice during the last 12 months please say why: This is a true and accurate record of my counselling/psychotherapy practice and supervision hours for the past 12 months. Signed: Date: 18 July 2011 Page 11 18 July 2011 Page 12 CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT APPENDIX C Continuing professional development activity undertaken One to one consultation with sexual addiction expert from Toronto Hours & Date (& provider if relevant) Brief explanation of reason for undertaking activity Brief description of how activity benefited your professional development and practice 2 hours 8.10.2010 Fiona Roche therapist and trainer from Belwood Hospital Toronto gave me further advice & consultation re a couple divorcing following 22 yrs of an abusive marriage. Preparation meeting for forthcoming seminar 3 hours 13.1.2011 Planning for conference and my role. I had not dealt with sexual abuse of this nature before I came across it in this couple. There has been much to learn about co-dependence involved, denial, etc. Now I know of a useful website with questionnaire, books on the subject and better understanding of enmeshment and other difficulties related to power imbalance. Learning to work in team and hear of others’ role etc. Attended and also delivered seminar at Scottish Women’s conference Preparation week Woodbrooke Study Centre 2hours 4.3.2011 6 hours 5.3.2011 Four and a half days 22.3.201126.3.2011 Asked to take seminar on ‘Freedom to lovewith sound judgement’. This was delivered to two sets of 100 women. This presented a challenge to provide material readily accessible in a short period plus a power point presentation. I enjoyed the opportunity to introduce certain concepts about inner scripts. Second week of training for my forthcoming 3 months in the West Bank. This was prompted originally by an article in Therapy Today March 2009 ‘Palestine:to resist is to exist’ about traumatised children. The sessions on conflict I consider relevant to my professional practice and understanding. Specialised trauma training to follow in October. This is a true and accurate record of my CPD for the past 12 months. Signature: 18 July 2011 Date: Page 13 SUPERVISOR’S REPORT APPENDIX D (page 1 of 2) Applicant’s Name: Rosamond Robertson Supervisor’s Details (for peer group supervision this can be a member of the peer group) Forename(s) Surname Mailing Address Post Code Telephone: Home: Work: Email: Please √ as appropriate Individual supervisor Group supervisor Peer group member 1. Please provide details of your counselling supervision training and/or experience in counselling supervision. 2. Please state which professional body you are a member of. 18 July 2011 Page 14 APPENDIX D (page 2 of 2) 3. Do you consider that the applicant abides by the COSCA Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice? YES NO If No, please explain why not. 4. How long have you been supervising the applicant? 5. How frequently and for how long do you meet with the supervisee? 6. Do you consider the applicant to be a competent practitioner and suitable for annual renewal of accreditation by COSCA? YES NO If No, please give details. I confirm that: the application was written by the applicant I have no line managerial responsibility for the applicant I have read the contents of Appendices B and C. Signature of Supervisor: Please Print Name: Date: 18 July 2011 Page 15 COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE t:: 01786 475 140 f: 01786 446 207 e: w: As a charity COSCA welcomes donations or other assistance from benefactors who may have benefited from counselling or who wish to support the development of counselling in Scotland. COSCA acknowledges the assistance it receives from the Scottish Government Charity Registered in Scotland No. SC018887 Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No. 142360 18 July 2011 Page 16