output decrypts

Structured Programming
Eastern Mediterranean University
School of Computing and Technology
Information Technology / Computer Programming
Lab #1
2010- 2011 Spring Semester
Instructors: Cantas Ozerek
Research Assistant: Laika Karsili
Task 1: Complete the following program.
Desired Output:
(a) Write the function definition of incrementby2 according to the following main
#include <stdio.h>
void incrementby2(int *);
int main()
int num1=10,num2=20,num3;
printf("Before incerement %d ", num1);
printf("After increment %d\n", num1) ;
/*Write the function definition of incrementby2 below*/
(b) Modify the function incrementby2 according to the following main
#include <stdio.h>
/*write the function prototype here*/
int main()
int num1=10,num2=20,num3;
printf("Before incerement %d, ", num1);
printf("After increment %d\n",incrementby2(&num1)) ;
/*write the function definition here */
Task 2 : Complete the following program according to the following specification
Encrypt function increases each character of the argument by 3.
Decrypt function decreases each character of the argument by 3.
Hint: You can use strlen to find the length of a string or you can check for end of string character ‘\0’.
Desired Output:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/*Declare function prototypes here*/
void main()
char passwd[6];
printf("Pls enter your password");
printf("You have entered %s\n",passwd);
printf("Your password is encryped: %s\n",passwd);
printf("Your password is decrypted: %s\n",passwd);
/*Write the code for encrypt function here*/
/*Write the code for decrypt function here*/
Task 3 : Use dynamic memory allocation to declare an array of real numbers to enter salaries
of N employees. The value of N will be entered by the user.
Enter the data from keyboard.
List all salaries on screen in reverse of data entry
Desired Output: