
Test 6 study guide (Interpreting the skies)
Introduction to Maya Astronomy: Information based on Maya Astronomy was found in Grolier codex and the Dresden
Agricultural surplus lead to SPECIALIZATION!
Astronomers came from the nobles/priests class
The Maya believed in 13 heavens and 9 hells
The bacabs held up the cardinal points: North: White, West: Black, South: Yellow, East: Red.
They believed that the Gods sent them messages through the events in the skies.
They paid keen attention to; Sun, Stars, Venus, Moon
Phenomena observed: Equinox (day and night of equal length), Solstice (shortest or longest day/night), Solar
Zenith (highest point of the sun), Equatorial (tilt of the Earth relative to pole star).
Instruments used: solar dagger, gnomen, alignments, visual record keeping, zenith tubes.
Major objects observed:
E groups: Are Architectural structures aligned for astronomical observation; Used to function also as religious
center and was for agricultural predictions.
They observed the sun (kinich Ahau): They followed it year round, used it to say the time of the day, Kinich Ahau
would shine in the sky all day before transforming himself into a jaguar at night to pass through Xibalba, the
Maya underworld.
The observed Venus; They observed the full cycle of Venus, the Maya made daytime observations of Venus, the
Maya were timing some of their wars based on the stationary points of Venus and Jupiter, Humans were
sacrificed on the first appearance, when Venus was at its dimmest magnitude.
They observed the moon (ixchel): Was as important as the sun!, Ixchel the moon goddess battled the sun and
made him go into the underworld every night!
They observed the stars: The stars moved across the heavens but stayed in positions relative to each other, the
stars shift seasonally and were used by Maya astronomers to predict when the seasons would come and go.
The solar calendar or haab calendar;
- Dealt primary with seasonal changes and agriculture; Is similar to the calendar of today!
- Has 365 days
-Each month has 20 days
-There is one month with 5 days (unlucky days- Uayeb)
- Each Uinal (month) had a patron!
- Each Month went from 0 to 19! (still 20 days)
Solar Calendar
The Tzolkin!
-Used for agricultural purposes and beginning of religious ceremonies
- has 260 days in a year, 20 day names, it works with 13 day cycles (trecena)
Trecena 1
Trecena 2 starts
Day names
Long count calendar: used for Historical purposes! To record events
1 day
20 kins
18 unials 360 days
Katun 20 tun
20 days
7200 days
baktun 20 katun 144000 days
Maya Mathematics
Importance of Maya mathematics
Their ability to write numbers enabled them to add and subtract with ease.
Helped them in architecture.
They were able to maintain financial records
They maintained several calendars.
They were able to record events / dates
Mathematical system;
Power of 20
Shell represents zero; Dot represents one; Bar represents five
Maya Base twenty: The Maya counted using their fingers from their hands and from their feet,
The first number would denote the number of units up to 19, after its 20’s