Theme Read each selection. Then, answer the questions that follow

Read each selection. Then, answer the questions that follow:
1. Once a lion captured a mouse and was about to eat it. “Spare me!” cried the mouse. “I am but a
small mouthful to you, yet my family needs and loved me. If you let me go, I will help you in return.”
The lion did not think that anything so small could ever help him, but he was touched by the tiny
creature’s plight and amused by the bold claim of future aid, so he decided to let the mouse go. Years
later, the lion was captured by some men. He was all tied up in a cage when the mouse came by and
saw him. When the men went to sleep, the mouse slipped into the cage and gnawed through the ropes.
Later, when the men opened the cage to feed him, the lion was able to escape. The mouse had saved
the creature who had spared him, thereby proving that kindness will be rewarded.
What is the stated theme of this selection?
My family needs and loves me.
I will help you in return
He decided to show compassion
Kindness will be rewarded.
2. Story A: A new headmaster come to run the local school in a Nigerian village, hoping to improve the
quality of life. The first thing he does is close the school to villagers who walk across the lawn to reach
the local burial ground. The villagers are furious that they cannot reach their ancestors and complain to
school authorities, who fire the headmaster.
Story B: A group of real-estate developers want to build a new sports stadium in an American city
neighborhood. They say that the stadium will bring jobs to the neighborhood, and some politicians
agree. People in the neighborhood, however, are furious, saying a stadium will change the quiet
residential character of their neighborhood. The politicians back out, and the stadium project is
cancelled. Based on the summaries, what common them do the two stories share?
Change is not always an improvement.
Love of money is the root of all evil.
You can’t fight city hall.
It is important to respect one’s ancestors.
3. Literary Analysis: Theme
Which statement about the theme of a work is true?
There is usually just one correct interpretation of a work’s theme.
B. The theme of a work is usually directly stated at the end.
C. The theme of a work is never directly stated but is always implied.
D. The theme of a work is often a generalization about life or people.
4. Identify the choice that best complete the statement or answers the question.
In a story about a heron, the poor bird is not able to catch a fish. So, it finds a piece of bread and
cleverly drops it into the water. When a fish surfaces to eat the bread, the heron quickly grabs it and,
finally, gets its lunch. What is the most likely theme of this story?
We often forget about how important bread is until we don’t have any.
Birds are more clever than most people realize.
When faced with a puzzling problem, we must find an inventive solution.
Most problems have many solutions, and no one solution is ever best.
5. Read the following passage from “An Episode of War” by Stephen Crane. Then answer the question.
The lieutenant’s rubber blanket lay on the ground, and upon it he had poured the company’s supply of
coffee. Corporals and other representatives of the grimy and hot-throated men who lines the breastwork had come for each squad’s portion. The lieutenant was frowning and serious at this task of
division. His lips pursed as he drew with his sword various crevices in the heap, until brown squares of
coffee, astoundingly equal in size, appeared on the blanket. He was on the verge of great triumph in
mathematics, and the corporals were thronging forward, each to reap a little square, when suddenly the
lieutenant cried out and looked quickly at a man near him as if he suspected it was a case of personal
assault. The others cried out also when they saw blood upon the lieutenant’s sleeve. He had winced
like a man stung, swayed dangerously, and then straightened. The sound of his hoarse breathing was
plainly audible. He looked sadly, mystically, over the breast-work at the green face of a wood, where
now were many little puffs of white smoke. During this moment the men about him gazed statuelike
and silent, astonished and awed by this catastrophe which happened when catastrophes were not
expected – when they had leisure to observe it.
Which of the following best states the universal theme expressed in the passage?
A catastrophe is any even that is unexpected.
War brings catastrophe into common human experience.
War gives people the leisure to observe catastrophes.
War is a catastrophe that makes people sad and mystical.
6. Literary Analysis: What is a universal theme?
A. an insight, major idea, or underlying message specific to a work’s setting
B. an insight, major idea, or underlying message about space exploration
C. an insight, major idea, or underlying message about the afterlife
D. an insight, major idea, or underlying message that appears in many cultures
7. Read the passage. Then answer the following question.
Although they were twins, Sandy and Erica could not have been more different. Sandy’s hair was
straight and blond; Erica’s was curly and red. Sandy’s favorite pets were cats; Erica liked dogs. Sandy
liked onions and pepper on her burgers; Erica preferred ketchup and relish. One of the twins’ biggest
differences was their interests. Sandy enjoyed baseball and followed her home team in Los Angeles
with great enthusiasm. Erica, on the other hand, disliked baseball and spent all of her spare time playing
her guitar. That is why, when it came to buying birthday gifts, each knew exactly what to get the other –
the exact opposite of what she herself would have wanted. For the past month, Sandy had had her eye
on a guitar stand for Erica. Every time Erica played, she had to drag her guitar case out from under the
bed. It was a big hassle, and Erica had mentioned how handy a guitar stand would be. Sandy did not
have enough money for a guitar stand, but she thought she might sell the baseball that she kept in her
top drawer. She had waited an hour to get her favorite pitcher’s signature on the ball. That was last
year, during his first season with the team. Sandy advertised the ball online and quickly had a buyer.
That week, she bought the guitar stand and wrapped it expertly. On the day the girls turned thirteen,
they exchanged gifts. As Erica unwrapped hers, she gasped in surprise, smiled briefly, and then seemed
vaguely confused. This was not the reaction Sandy had expected. “What’s wrong, Erica? Don’t you like
it?” “I love it!” said Erica. “You’ll understand when you open your gift.” Sandy’s jaw dropped open as
she unwrapped her gift. It was the rookie card for her favorite pitcher and a beautiful display case to
hold it and the autographed baseball. “I sold my guitar to get the money for your gift,” said Erica. “Now
I have a guitar stand but no guitar.” “And I have a display case but no baseball. But have no fear. I
made enough money on the sale to buy you another guitar. And maybe I can get another baseball
autographed next summer.” Which sentence best expresses the theme of the story?
Relationships are more important than material goods.
You should never sell your most prized possession.
Baseball memorabilia can be very valuable.
Twins are often quite different from each other.