CURRICULUM VITA - Georgetown College

Susan Hart Bell, M.S., Ph.D.
Professor and Coordinator of Child Development
Department of Psychology
Georgetown College
Georgetown, Kentucky 40324
(502) 863-8183
Post-doctoral study at the Ohio Early Childhood Intervention Project
University of Cincinnati, 1997-1998
Ph. D. School Psychology
University of Cincinnati, 1997
Garvin Award for Outstanding Dissertation Research
M. S. Clinical Psychology
Eastern Kentucky University, 1977
B.A. Psychology and Sociology, Georgetown College, 1975
Summa Cum Laude
J. Elmer Weldon Psychology Award
Phi Kappa Phi
Curry Award for Faculty Excellence, Georgetown College, 2007
Georgetown Nominee: Kentucky Professor of the Year, 2007, 2008
Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of Child Development Program
Georgetown College. Georgetown, Kentucky, August, 2009 to present. Teach undergraduate
Courses in the areas General Psychology, Adolescence and Adulthood, Lifespan
Development, Child Development, Developmental Psychopathology, School Psychology,
Brain and Behavior, and Psychology of Religion. Teach Senior Capstone alternating years.
Direct School Psychology research groups. Chaired curriculum committee during General
Education revision and implementation. Taught independent studies in school psychology and psychology
of family.
Associate Professor and Coordinator of Child Development Program
Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky. August 2004 to present. Taught undergraduate courses in the
areas of General Psychology, Adolescence and Adulthood, Lifespan Development, Child Development,
Developmental Psychopathology, School Psychology, Brain and Behavior, and Psychology of Religion.
Taught Senior Capstone during alternating years. Directed honors increments in general psychology.
Directed honors contract in psychology of religion. Participated in elected and appointed college
committees and coordinated the Child Development Minor. Revised child development minor. Advised 1220 students per semester. Taught graduate courses in Challenging Behaviors and Developmental
Psychopathology. Appointed acting chair, Spring, 2008 during chair’s sabbatical and part of Spring, 2009
during chair’s maternity leave.
Associate Professor and Department Chair
Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky. August, 1998 to May, 2004 (appointed acting
Department chair January 1, 2000 and appointed continuing chair, May, 2000 - 2004). Interim
department chair, Spring, 2008. Undergraduate teaching responsibilities in the areas of General
Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Psychopathology, and Child Development. Codirected honors theses with Dr. Bob Bryant of Sociology. Directed honors increments for students in
general psychology courses. Other courses on a semester-by-semester basis: Appraisal and Psychotherapy,
Career Exploration in the Helping Professions, Theories of Psychology, Independent Study, and Senior
Seminar. Graduate courses: Personal Growth and Development, Challenging Behaviors in School Settings,
and Developmental Psychopathology. Administrative responsibilities for departmental recruitment, hiring,
evaluation of personnel, oversight of departmental budget, and coordination of major and minor programs.
Directed curriculum revision for Psychology major. Coordinated child development minor.
Behavioral Research Consultant
Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center, University of Cincinnati, January, 1999
to May, 2000. Directed early intervention research in collaborative consultation for children with
challenging behaviors in developmentally appropriate practice settings.
Project and Research Director
Ohio Early Childhood Intervention Project, University of Cincinnati and Hopewell Special Education
Regional Resource Center, 1995 - 1998. Coordinated the work of early intervention consultants and
research assistants in research funded by the Ohio Division of Early Childhood. Research investigates the
use of the PASSKey model of intervention-based assessment to serve young children and families within
eight counties of southwestern Ohio. Prepared and disseminated research products via national and regional
presentations and papers for professional journals. Administrative responsibilities for preparation of budget
and supervision of project personnel. Preparation of training materials for inservice and distance learning.
Taught Infant and Toddler Assessment for the School Psychology program during Winter quarter, 1997.
School Psychologist and Early Childhood Consultant
Hamilton County Educational Services Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, August, 1993-June, 1995.
Provided consultative assistance to three Head Start centers within Hamilton County. Conducted
research using the PASSKey model to serve children and families within the Head Start programs.
Acted as school psychologist for Southwest Local Schools.
Lecturer – Psychology Department
Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky. August 1990-December, 1992.
Taught courses in introductory psychology, abnormal psychology and psychological testing in the
Psychology department.
Licensed Psychological Associate and Team Coordinator
Specialized Services for Children, Raleigh, NC (agency subsequently changed name to
Community Partnerships, Inc.). August, 1985-July, 1990. Coordinated inter-disciplinary team
including speech pathologists, physical therapists, an occupational therapist, a social worker, and
early childhood special educators in a private, non-profit agency serving preschool and young
school-aged children with disabilities. Performed consultative, assessment, and liaison services
with area centers serving preschool and primary children. Conducted in-service trainings for
daycare and preschool staff and parents.
Instructor and Assistant Professor
Somerset Community College, August, 1978-May, 1983. Full-time tenure track position in the
division of Social Sciences. Lecture and laboratory responsibilities in the areas of psychology,
sociology, and human services. Coordinated community practicum sites for Human Services
students. Counseled individual students with academic and personal problems. Conducted
community continuing education workshops.
Certified Psychologist
Diagnostic Clinic – Oakwood Training Center, Somerset, KY, August, 1977-July, 1978. Staff
psychologist within diagnostic clinic of a state residential training center for children and adults
with disabilities. Performed assessment and behavior management planning for children and
adults, participated in inter-disciplinary staffings and in-service trainings.
American Psychological Association
Kentucky Psychological Association
National Association of School Psychologists
Bell, S. H., Reed, B., & Gray, A. Undergraduate psychology advisors’ perceptions of the field of
school psychology: A recruitment issue.
Bell, S. H., Perkins, A., & Bush, M. L. Middle school knowledge, experience, and tolerance of
Denno, D., Carr, V., & Bell, S. H. (2010) Addressing challenging behaviors in early childhood
settings: A teacher’s guide. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
Bell, S. H., Carr, V., Denno, D., Johnson, L., & Phillips, L. (2004). Challenging behaviors in early
childhood settings: Creating a place for all children. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., & Carey, K. T. (1999). Designing preschool interventions: A
practitioner’s guide. New York: Guilford.
Book Chapter
Spatariu, A., Peach, A., & Bell, S. H. (2012). Enculturation of young children and technology. In S.
Blake, D. Winsor, & L. Allen (Eds.), Technology and Young Children: Bridging the
Communication-Generation Gap, (Chapter Two). Hershey, NY: Information Science Reference:
IGI Global.
Peach, A., Bell, S. H., & Spatariu, A. (2012). Internet safety: Proactively protecting young children from
internet threats. In S. Blake, D. Winsor, & L. Allen (Eds.), Child Development and the Use of
Technology: Perspectives, Applications and Experience. Hershey, NY: Information Science
Reference: IGI Global.
Journal Articles
Barnett, D., Bauer, A., Bell, S., Elliott, N., Haski, H., Barkley, E., Baker, D. & McKiewicz, K.
(2007). Preschool intervention scripts: Lessons from 20 years of research and practice. Journal of
Speech Language Applied Behavior Analysis, 2(2), pp. 158-181. (Invited
journal submission.)
Barnett, D. W., Pepiton, A. A., Bell, S. H., Gilkey, C. M., Smith, J. J., Stone, C. M.,
Nelson, K. I., Maples, K. A., Helenbrook, K. E., & Voegel, L. H. (1999). Evaluating early
intervention: Accountability methods for service delivery innovations. Journal of Special
Education, 33,177-188.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Gilkey, C.M., Lentz, F. E., Graden, J. L., Stone, C. M., Smith, J. J., &
Macmann, G. (1999). The promise of meaningful eligibility determination: Functional
intervention-based multifactored preschool assessments. Journal of Special Education, 33, 112124.
Bell, S. H. & Barnett, D. W. (1999). Peer micronorms in the assessment of young children:
Methodological review and examples. Topics in Early Childhood Education, 19, 112-122.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Bauer, A. M., Lentz, F. E., Petrelli, S. A., Air, A. A., Hannum, L. E.,
& Stollar, S. A. (1997). The Early Childhood Intervention Project: Building capacity for
service delivery. School Psychology Quarterly, 12, 293-315.
Genthner, R. W., & Hart, S. (1977). Three psychotherapy systems and their facilitation of personal
responsibility. Journal of Humanics, 5 (1), 46-63.
Web Newsletter
Bell, S. H. (2004, April). Advice from Dr. Susan Bell. Brookes Publishing’s Early Childhood
Newsletter (on-line edition). The Preview: Early Childhood Edition. Archived at
Bell, S. H. (1997). Parent preferences for involvement in assessment and intervention design.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Cincinnati.
Authored Henlein internal grant proposal to cover summer study for the revision of the Child
Development minor and the development of a School Psychology research project for
undergraduate students. Funded, approximately $2700.
Co-authored Lilly grant proposal to teach a one-hour course in Careers in the Helping Professions.
Funded, approximately $2500.
Authored Henlein internal grant proposal to cover course release time for the completion of the
Paul H. Brookes book project. Status and amount: Funded, approximately $1600.
Co-authored Henlein internal grant proposal to purchase assessment and instructional materials for
equipping the Psychology department laboratory at Georgetown College. Status and amount:
Funded, approximately $9500.
Authored three proposals for continuation for fiscal years 1995-1998 for the Ohio Early Childhood
Intervention Project (PASSKey). Ohio Division of Early Childhood. Status and amount: Funded,
approximately $185,000 annually.
Bell, S. H. & Barnett, D. W. (1995). Facilitating the participation of parents of young children
with special needs in the assessment process. Summer research mentoring program. College of
Education, University of Cincinnati, Status and amount: Funded, $500.00.
Bell, S. H., Perkins, A., & Bush, L. (March, 2010). Middle school knowledge, experience, and
tolerance of cyberbullying. Poster presented at the annual conference of the National
Association of School psychologists, Chicago, IL
Bell, S. H., Reed, B., & Gray, A. (February, 2008). Perceptions of School Psychology:
Undergraduate advisors’ role in recruitment. National Association of School Psychologists
Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Lookadoo, R., Price, J. L., McKenzie, K, S. & Bell, S. H. (October, 2006). The use of perspective
taking to enhance students’ cultural competence. Workshop presented at the Engaging
Minds: Best practices in teaching critical thinking across the Psychology Curriculum
conference sponsored by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, the National
Institute on the Teaching of Psychology and the Kennesaw State University Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Atlanta, Georgia
Bell, S. H., Price, J., & Lookadoo, R. (September, 2005). Broadening the use of “case study” to
facilitate critical thinking. Workshop presented at the Engaging Minds: Best
practices in teaching critical thinking across the Psychology Curriculum conference
sponsored by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, the National Institute on the
Teaching of Psychology and the Kennesaw State University Center for Excellence in
Teaching and Learning, Atlanta, Georgia.
Bell, S. H. Carr, V., Phillips, L., Clancy, A., & Groves, J. (April, 2001), A place for all children:
Behavioral consultation in early childhood. National Association of School Psychologists Annual
Convention, Washington, DC.
Denno, D., Carr, V., Johnson, L., & Bell, S. (1999, December). Classroom interventions for
challenging children. Post-conference workshop presented at the Division of Early Childhood of
the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Washington,
D C.
Bell, S. H., Conway, L., Siemoens, S., & Westcott, K. (1999, December). Collaborative
consultation in early childhood: Case studies from an early intervention project. Poster
presented at the Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual
Conference, Washington, D C.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Phillips, L., & Cacini, S. (1999, December). Positive guidance: A
collaborative problem-solving approach to scripting inclusionary practices for disruptive and
dangerous behaviors. Paper presented at the Division of Early Childhood of the Council for
Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Washington, D C.
Denno, D., Carr, V., Johnson, L., & Bell, S. H. (1998, December). Finding community-wide
solutions for preschoolers with challenging behaviors. Research methodology session of
the Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children, Chicago.
Bell, S. H., Smith, J. J., Helenbrook, K. E., Conway, L., Siemoens, S. (1998, December). Parent –
professional relationships: What do parents want? Poster presented at the Division of the Early
Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Chicago.
Conway, L, Siemoens, S., Bell, S. H., Smith, J. J., & Westcott, K. (1998, December). Parental
involvement in an Intervention-Based Assessment Model. Poster presented at the Division of Early
Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Chicago.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Conway, L., & Siemoens, S. (1998, May). The Ohio Early Childhood
Intervention Project. Poster presented at the inaugural Conference on Research Innovations in
Early Intervention, Charleston, South Carolina.
Bell, S. H., Maples, K. A, Nelson, K. I, & Siemoens, S. L. (1998, April). Linking behavioral
interventions and developmentally appropriate practice in the early childhood classroom. Poster
presented at the annual conference of the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando
Bell, S. H. & Barnett, D. W., (1997, November). Peer micronorms in the assessment of young
children: Goal development and progress monitoring. Poster presented at the Division of Early
Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, New Orleans.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Stone, C. M., Gilkey, C. M., & Smith, J. J. (1997, August). Defining
intervention-based multifactored preschool assessment. Poster presented at the annual conference
of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.
Barnett, D. W., Air, A. E., Bell, S. H., Gilkey, C. M., Smith, J. J., Stone, C. M., Hannum, L. E.,
Nelson, K. I., Maples, K. A., & Helenbrook, K. (1997, May). Validating early intervention:
Quasi-experimental and case study designs for accountability and project evaluation. Poster
presented at the annual conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago.
Bell, S. H., Gilkey, C. M., Smith, J. J., & Stone, C. M. (1996, December). An investigation of
parent preferences for involvement in assessment and intervention design. Poster presented at the
annual conference of the Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children,
Barnett, D. W., Gilkey, C. M., Bell, S. H., Hannum, L. E., Smith, J. J., & Stone, C. M. (1996,
August). Interdisciplinary collaboration for intervention design: Broadening roles in school
psychology. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association,
Barnett, D. W., & Bell, S. H. (1996, March). Ecobehavioral interviewing with preschoolers:
Linking assessment to early intervention. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the
National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Air, A. E., & Ehrhardt, K. E. (1996, March). The Ohio Early
Childhood Intervention Project: Analysis of three years of an intervention-based service delivery
model. Poster presented at the annual conference of the National Association of School
Psychologists, Atlanta, Georgia.
Bell, S. H., Hannum, L. E., Gilkey, C. M., Smith, J. J., Stone, C. M., & Peters, C. A. (1996,
March). The early childhood case portfolio: A versatile method of progress monitoring
and decision making with young children. Miniskills workshop presented at the annual conference
of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta.
Barnett, D. W., Ehrhardt, K. E., Bell, S., Hannum, L., Peters, C., & Stollar, S. A. (1995, March).
Serving young children and their direct care providers: Ecobehavioral assessment for intervention
design. Miniskills workshop presented at the annual conference of the National Association of
School Psychologists. Chicago.
Bell, S. H. (2012, April). What do I do now? Effective interventions for five common behavioral
challenges. The Mary Beers Powerful Professional Development Series, The Lexington
School, Lexington, Kentucky.
Bell, S. H., Carr, V. C., & Browning, B. R. (2012, February). Supporting behavioral and emotional issues
in children, adolescents, and young adults with Down Syndrome. Workshop presented at the
2nd annual Down Syndrome Association of Central Kentucky Conference for Parents and
Professionals. Lexington, KY.
Bell, S. H. (2010, November). Addressing challenging behaviors in the classroom. The Mary Beers
Powerful Professional Development Series, The Lexington School, Lexington, Kentucky.
Bell, S. H. (2009, March). Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings Part
II: Practical strategies for assessment and intervention. The Mary Beers Powerful
Professional Development Series, (continuing education for early childhood educators).
The Lexington School. Lexington, Kentucky.
Bell, S. H. (2008, January). Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings: Creating a
place for all children. The Mary Beers Powerful Professional Development Series,
(continuing education for early childhood educators). The Lexington School. Lexington,
Reed, B., Phillips, S., Gray, A., Fraley, A., Clocker, C., Taylor, J., Hess, B., & Bell, S. H. (2007,
March) Undergraduate faculty advisors’ understanding of the curricular content
and practice of school psychology. Kentucky Psychological Association Spring Conference.
Bell, S. H. (2006, September). Coping with challenging behaviors in early childhood settings.
Professional development in-service for early childhood educators. Arlitt Child and Family
Research and Education Center. University of Cincinnati.
Bell, S. H. (2004, October). Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings: Creating a place
for all children. Professional development in-service for early childhood educators. The
Lexington School, Lexington, Kentucky.
Bell, S. H. (2004, March). Challenging behaviors in classroom settings: What do I do now?
Georgetown College RECESS Conference for School Professionals. Georgetown
College, Georgetown, KY.
Bell, S. H., Dunatov, M. Gilkey, C. & Westcott, K. (2000, August). PASSKey August Institute:
Assessment and intervention for young children. Presentation at the Hopewell Special Education
Regional Resource Center, Hillsboro, Ohio.
Bell, S. H., Conway-Hensley, L., & Gilkey, C. (2000, April). PASSKey: An assessment model for
young children. Presentation at the Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bell, S. H., Gilkey, C. M., Helenbrook, K. B. & Westcott, K. M. (1998, May). What do I do now?
Responding to children with behavioral challenges. Presentation at the Spring conference of the
Ohio School Psychologists Association, Columbus, Ohio.
Gilkey, C. M., Bell, S. H., & Barnett, D. W. (1998, May). Eligibility determination for
preschoolers using intervention-based multi-factored evaluations. Presentation at the Spring
Conference of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, Columbus, Ohio.
Bell, S. H. (1998, March). What do I do now? Responding to children with behavioral challenges.
Presentation at the Spring conference of the Northern Kentucky Association for Early
Childhood Education, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky.
Bell, S. H., & Air, A. E (1997, May). PASSKey: An effective model for meeting the individual
Needs of young children with diverse backgrounds. Presentation at the Spring conference of the
Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children, Dayton, Ohio.
Gilkey, C., Stone, C., Bell, S., Smith, J. & Westcott, K. (1997, May). Intervention-based
assessment in early childhood: Preschool team members respond to proposed change. Poster
presentation at the Spring conference of the Ohio School Psychologists Association,
Barnett, D. W., Barnhouse, L., Bell, S., Gilkey, C., Smith, J., Stone, C., Air, A., & Murphy, C
(1996, October). An update on the Early Childhood Intervention Project. Presentation at the Ohio
Early Childhood and School-age Childcare Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Bell, S. H., Gilkey, C. M., & Stone, C. M. (1996, October). PASSKey: Supporting children with
disabilities in early childhood settings. Fall conference of the Kentucky Association for Early
Childhood Education, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Gilkey, C. M., Glindmeyer, K. M., Hannum, L. E., Reifin, L. H.,
Scheidler, K. B., Smith, J. J., Stone, C. M., & Thorp, T. J. (1996, May). Perspective on systems
change: Implementing intervention-based services in preschool settings. Presented at the Spring
Conference of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, Dayton, Ohio.
Bell, S. H. & Hannum, L. E. (1996, April). PASSKey: Supporting children with disabilities in
early childhood classrooms. Presentation at the state conference of the Ohio Association for
Education of Young Children, Columbus, Ohio.
Barnett, D. W., Bell, S. H., Hannum, L. E., & Petrelli, S. (1995, October). An update on the
Early Childhood Intervention Project. Workshop presented at the Ohio Early Childhood
Education and School-aged Childcare Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Ehrhardt, K. E., Bell, S. H., Hannum, L., & Peters, C. (1995, May). Assessment and intervention
practices for young children with special needs: The Ohio Early Childhood Intervention Project.
Presented at the Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
National Advisory Council Member
Carolina Institute for Research on Infant Personnel Preparation
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Don Bailey, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Whitbourne, S. K. Adult Development and Aging: BiopsychosocialPerspectives,3rd ed. (June,
McKinley, M. Adolescence: Stories, Research and Applications - prospectus for Allyn &
Bacon (October, 2006).
Gerrig/Zimbardo Psychology and Life revision for Allyn & Bacon (May, 2006).
Parenting with Positive Behavior Support for Paul H. Brookes (February, 2005.)
Ohio Early Childhood Screening Manual for Ohio Department of Education
Student Observation Profile for Paul H. Brookes
Interviewed October, 2004 for a video on challenging behaviors in early childhood settings in
conjunction with the Arlitt Research and Education Center for Children and Families, University of
Cincinnati. Released through Edvantage Videos: Challenging Behaviors in Young Children: Techniques
and Solutions, A Guide for Parents, A Tool for Educators.
Member: Training Subcommittee on Intervention-based Assessment
Department of Education, State of Ohio
Down Syndrome Association of Central Kentucky, Board Member, 2010 to present
Down Syndrome Association of Central Kentucky, Buddy Walk Registration Chair, 2010 to present
Down Syndrome Association of Central Kentucky 3rd annual Conference Planning Committee, 2012
Chair, Admissions, Scholarship, and Financial Aid – 2011-present
Sociology Search Committee – 2010-2011
Education Search Committee – 2010-2011
Strategic Planning Committee – 2009-2010
Faculty Fellow – Faculty Seminar, 2008-2010
Center for Calling and Career Advisory Board Member – 2007-2010
Faculty Committee Alternate, 2009-2010
Curriculum Committee Chair, 2009-2010
Academic Committee, Board of Trustees – Elected Faculty Representative 2008-2010
General Education Revision Committee member – Connectedness subcommittee – 20072008; Interdisciplinarity DISC – 2008
Assistant Psychology Bowl Coach, 2005-present
Board Member, Quest Farm, May, 2004 – April, 2010
Georgetown College Representative
Secretary, 2009-2010
Committee member: Support for Community Living; Admissions and Release; chair
Sociology Search Committee member – Spring, 2008
Historian/Public Relations Chair/Phi Kappa Phi – 2006 to 2008
Secretary, Faculty Development Committee, August, 2006-May, 2008
Elected by Social Sciences Division
Junior Henlein Award Selection Committee, 2006-2008
Small Group Facilitator, Faculty Retreat on Curriculum Reform
February, 2007
Secretary, Librarian Tenure Committee, January, 2006-May, 2007
Curriculum Enrichment Committee, August, 2005 – May, 2006
Participant, Faculty Seminar on Church-Related Colleges
Summer, 2005
Alternate representative, Faculty Development Committee
Elected by Social Sciences, Division, August, 2004 – May, 2005
Alternate representative, Faculty Committee
Elected by Social Sciences, Division, August, 2004 – May, 2005, August, 2008May, 2009
Curriculum Committee, August, 2004 – May, 2005
Academic department chair: Spring, 2000-Spring, 2004; Acting Department Chair – Spring, 2008
Academic Council: 2000-2004; Spring, 2008
Committee member and secretary: Faculty Committee
Elected by Social Sciences Division, August 2002 – May, 2004
Committee Chair: Undergraduate Research Initiative
Appointed by Provost, August 2002 – May, 2004
Committee member: Graduate Education NCATE committee
Appointed by Graduate Education, 2004
Committee member: Teacher Education, 2000-2001
Committee member: SACS Committee on Graduate Education, 2000-2001
Committee member: Institutional Renewal, 2000-2001
Committee member: Medical Liaison Committee, 1999-2000
Committee member: Rhodes consultation on the future of church-related higher education,