nga so, what does an ECE grad do after graduation? department of electrical & computer Matt Rosato, ECE’04 grad: • COM DEV, based in Cambridge Ontario, is the largest Canadian-based designer and manufacturer of space hardware subsystems. COM DEV manufactures advanced products that are sold to major satellite prime contractors for use in communications, space science, remote sensing and military satellites. Since there is only one shot at getting a system right, testing is a large portion of the space business. • My job involves the design of custom test and measurement hardware used in the testing of our flight products. My responsibilities include designing, developing, modifying and evaluating complex digital circuit systems, as well as implementing DSP and FPGA solutions. engineering Derek Yee, ECE’02 grad: • Raytheon is a great place to work at. It is an industrial leader in defense electronics, surveillance radar, and other technologies. • At the Waterloo facility, I am a systems engineer who contributes to the development and support of various signal processing algorithms typically employed by Raytheon Canada radar systems. • Other responsibilities include the investigation of opportunities to update and optimize the system to meet specific customer requirements. Finally, I may also need to define specifications, development plans and other reference documents among other tasks. Jean-Rene Larocque, ECE’01 grad: • My company, Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments Inc., designs and manufactures instruments for automatically measuring levels in vessels. These instruments are based on radar and ultrasonic technologies. • My job is to supervise and participate in all signal processing activities. This includes the research programs for development of new technologies, product development, verification and maintenance, impact analysis of changes, and collaborative efforts with external partners." Sabir Pasha, ECE ‘00 grad: My company, Intratech Inline Inspection Services Ltd. designs and builds equipment for testing the integrity of oil and gas pipelines. This is a technology intensive initiative, which involves the generation and storage of magnetic images, that show whether any potentially hazardous defects exist in the pipe wall. • My job is to oversee all software development for this process, development of mathematical sizing models, and assistance in the area of data analysis to produce an integrity report to the customer." • electrical & computer engineering and everyone wants to know…how much money do our engineers make? As of 2004, the median entry level salary for a graduate was $46,000 based on 35 observations. (Ontario Society of Professional Engineers) 1280 Main Street West ITB A111 Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4K1 what’s the difference between electrical, computer, and biomedical engineering? what are the ECE disciplines? The ECE disciplines (electrical, computer and biomedical engineering) are all associated in some way with harnessing electricity for useful purposes. Electricity is such a useful phenomenon because at high intensities it can be used to convey power that is used for lighting, motion, heating, cooling, etc. At lower intensities, it can be used to convey information in the form of signals. For example, the acoustic vibrations of a voice or music signal can be easily converted into an electrical signal by a microphone. It can then be amplified, stored and replayed on various Biomeds deal at the interface between electrical engineering and medicine. As such, they need a stronger background in the life sciences, namely biology, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology. Biomeds take all core electrical and computer engineering courses, as well as related medical courses. As a result, the biomedical program is heavier than either the computer or electrical engineering programs. types of media or broadcast over the airways. Electrical signaling is the foundation of computers and computer hardware. So, to be an engineer and to be able to perform these remarkable feats, one must have the required education and background. Let’s first take a look at the common elements of an electrical, computer or biomedical engineering education. Then we will describe what is specific to each of these disciplines. the ece “Deciding to select McMaster’s ECE program gave me an opportunity to grow as an individual, meet incredible people, and share my passion for electronics and power related fields.” student groups WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) ECES (Electrical and Computer Engineering Society) -DAVID ROSATO, ECE ’08 GRAD, CURRENTLY WITH PRA XA IR CANADA, INC. IEEE Student Branch “Although sometimes it feels as though I have been a student all my life, if I could do it all again I would not alter my choice of undergrad engineering in ECE.” -DR. LAURA STOVER, ECE ‘92 GRAD, CURRENTLY CHIEF RESIDENT OF THE ANESTHESIA RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAM AT MCMASTER. entrance cutoffs: Electrical ~ 6 Computer ~ 4 Biomedical ~ 9 BEAMS (Bioengineering at McMaster Society) It may be said that computer engineers are electrical engineers with a specialization in computer systems. The computer engineering discipline may also be considered to lie between computer science and electrical engineering. Computer engineers design both computer software and hardware and consider their interface. Ccomputer science and software engineering deal with the development of software, whereas computer engineers deal both hardware and software. Electrical is a broad classical discipline; both computer engineering and biomedical engineering grew out of electrical engineering. Electrical engineering is focused more heavily on the physical design of electronics, electromagnetic and communication systems. In addition, power systems, sustainable energy, and computer hardware/software are integrated into the program. There are significant opportunities for specialization in the EE program. THE COMMON CURRICULUM In second year, you start to think like a real electrical, computer or biomedical engineer. Here is a summary of what you learn: How do electrical circuits work? How can they be built to achieve a useful purpose? The latest techniques in computer programming. Computer programming is essential to control computers and to simulate how the systems we design will behave.. The basics of digital logic, such as AND, OR and NOT gates. This is an important area since digital logic is the foundation of all computer hardware. Microprocessors are small computers that are present in any cell phone, iPod, or automobile. They are the heart behind many modern instrumentation systems, such as electrocardiograms (ECGs), telecommunication equipment, power apparatus, manufacturing systems, robotics, etc. Electromagnetics: What is an electric or a magnetic field? How do they behave? How can they be applied to useful purposes? Understanding electromagnetic fields is the key to understanding how antennas can radiate electromagnetic energy. Electronics: this is the art of using transistors and other devices to build useful devices such as amplifiers and other devices used in radios and TVs. Every mp3 player has an amplifier to bring the sound level up to audible levels. what makes the ece program at mac so awesome? In the third year, your knowledge becomes more sophisticated and you start to become more specialized. Here are the major common level III courses: Controls Systems: How does cruise control on a car work? The car automatically maintains the same speed regardless of whether it is going up or down a hill. How do we apply the side-thrusters on a rocket to keep it on a straight trajectory and keep it from falling down? Probability: This is a branch of mathematics that enables us to model random events and systems. It enables us to model the behaviour of electronic systems in the presence of random interferences, called noise. This is of fundamental importance in the communications course. Communications: How do radios and TV work? How do the bits get from a remote computer site to your computer when you download a file? How do we encode and transmit data reliably on wired and wireless networks? Electronics: Engineers take a second level electronics course that enables a deeper understanding of how electronic devices behave and how to use them effectively. The fourth year courses are specific to the sub-discipline and allow for specialization in a chosen area. FINAL YEAR CAPSTONE DESIGN COURSE Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical all have a final year project course. You as part of a team will undertake a year long engineering design course where you will complete an open-ended project under the supervision of a faculty member. This course is the culmination of your undergraduate experience at McMaster. You will use all your engineering skills to the utmost to investigate an area of electrical engineering that is appealing to you. In the past these projects have even spawned successful start-ups! Did you know…Nikola Tesla, Dilbert, Alfred Hitchcock, Steve Wozniak (Apple Computer), Willis Carrier (inventor of air conditioning)and Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) are all Electrical Engineers! Common level I—students don’t have to decide what to specialize in right away Flexible Internships—4 or 16 months; optional as opposed to the mandatory program at other Universities O n l y s c h o o l t o o f f e r t he M a n a g e m e nt a n d S o c i e t y o pt i o n s E n r o l m e nt i n t h e 1 - y e a r M . E n g . p r o g r a m i s a v a il a b l e u p o n g r a d u a t i o n E n g i n e e r in g D e s i g n e x p e r i e n c e w it h t h e C a p s t o n e Pr o j e ct F ir st s c h o o l t o o f f e r B i o m e d i c a l E n gi n e e r i n g i n Canada o B i o m e d d e gr e e g i v e s y o u t he p r e r e q u is it i e s t o a p p l y f o r M e d i c a l School o 1 y e a r - o p t i o n a l M as t e r s a v a il a b l e o Careers in straight Electrical available as well F u l l y P E O A c c r e d i t e d f a c u lt y H o m e t o o n e o f t h e f e w D i st i n g u is h e d U n i v e r s it y Pr o f e s s or ’ s , D r . S i m o n H a y k i n F a c u l t y a r e r e c i p ie nt s o f m a n y v ar i o u s r e se a r c h gr a nt s a n d a w a r d s O u r st u d e n t s d o a m a z in g t h i n g s b o t h i n si d e a n d o u t o f c l a ss ; i . e . st u d e nt c l u b s s u c h a s IE E E , W I S E , B E A M S , an d E C E S !