
Brainstorming from Keanakamanö
We can recycle cans and bottles after we are done using it.
People don’t recycle because they are lazy. (attitudes and habits are
definitely a problem)
People don’t recycle things that can be recycled and they throw it away and
are creating more pollution.
Lazy=No Recycling=Pollution
At paddling people drink water from water bottles, but there is no place to
recycle it so it gets thrown away.
Furniture gets left on the curb and makes the area look sloppy.
People use plastic bags instead of paper bags (or reusable ones).
We need more recycling centers and bins in all communities.
You can’t recycle when there aren’t recycling bins
There is no need for paper sometimes. Only use when necessary.
Trash is on the ground instead of in trash cans. (littering may be an other)
Ewaste? What about our technology?
All old technology-send back to company.
Send cell phones back to the company so they can use the parts. (this isn’t
really a school problem, unless you are panning to do a school effort to
recycle old cell phones)
My family takes/wastes a lot of food and/but doesn’t eat it.
My family doesn’t eat locally grown foods.
My family does not compost.
Wasting food-Only take what you can eat.
Food being shipped here form other places.
Not organic
Unhealthy food. McDonald’s food is very unhealthy because it has lots of oils
and fats.
Composting-Instead of throwing trash away, give it to the worms to compost.
Wasting food or taking too much food.
Littering food wrappers. (this may be an other)
People should take a little at a time.
Brainstorming from Keanakamanö
We don’t compost our food waste.
My brother always plays X-Box and wastes electricity.
We keep the lights on when we’re not at home.
When not at home we leave the fan on all the time.
We don’t use power strips to save energy.
We don’t use CFL’s.
Neighborhood lights at the district park turn on too early (it is still light out)
and stay on all night until the next morning.
Some community bathroom lights stay on all night.
Change mall and street light to CFL’s
½ hour of no power
People use too much electricity for things they don’t really need.
Teachers are leaving classroom lights on when not in class.
The air conditioning is wasting energy. We can just open the doors and
In the bathrooms people should turn off lights when they leave.
While eating lunch, we only need to turn on the lights when it is cloudy
because there are windows on to of Keawe (Sky lights).
Don’t charge your laptops unless they are on reserve battery power.
Global Warming-Home
My mom uses her car to go to the store 2 blocks away.
People waste fuels by driving aimlessly.
People don’t carpool.
People don’t unplug chargers when they are done. (could also be an energy
problem, but if you consider that electricity is made by burning fossil fuels
that adds to global warming)
People leave the lights and AC on when they are not home. (could also be an
energy problem, but if you consider that electricity is made by burning fossil
fuels that adds to global warming)
People put their AC on when it’s cold outside. (could also be an energy
problem, but if you consider that electricity is made by burning fossil fuels
that adds to global warming)
Global Warming-Community
Instead of just riding by yourself in the car, you could car pool or ride the bus.
Brainstorming from Keanakamanö
Walk or ride your bike wherever
Pick up the trash you see around the place. (This is an other)
Global Warming-School
AC is on all day.
School uses non-biodegradable material for lunches. (Styrofoam is not
necessarily a global warming issue)
 Our school does not use hybrid buses.
 When boarders go up to Aikahi they take the bus instead of walking.
 People don’t turn off the shower tightly so it leaks.
 People let the water run while washing the dishes or hands.
 Some people don’t fix their leaks in their pipes.
 People take super long showers.
 People are watering plants in the middle of the day.
 People don’t turn off the water while they soap up their bodies.
They don’t turn off the water when they wash their cars.
Sprinklers run even when it is raining.
Boats leak oil in the harbor. (Water pollution problem)
Students leave sink on.
The school uses sprinklers too long.
People flush too much/play with water like when they do “Bloody Mary
Some people take long showers in the locker room.
There’s a thing called a bush. (I think the group was saying we could pee or
poop behind a bush, but that is unsanitary and inappropriate for the amount
of people and confined space we have on campus. However, it is done on
camping trips, hikes, and other such times when you just gotta go.)
Don’t leave the water fountain on.
Bring water bottles to school instead of using the fountain.
Collect rain water.
Don’t charge your laptop if it is not needed.
There’s paper waste in Keawe 101
People are throwing rubbish by Keku stairs.
Brainstorming from Keanakamanö
Pollution is affecting the wild life at Loko I‘a
Families throw away lots of new items in Mililani.
Community parks use non-organic materials for their playground.