DP Geography Criteria for Assignments

DP Geography - Criteria for General Assignments, Essays and Practical Activities
General Guidance:
Refer to the Geography website for essay writing tips.
b) For illustrations;
All illustrations should be close to the relevant part of your writing (not at the end).
Illustrations must have a title and figure number. They must be clearly and accurately drawn.
All graphs have a key/legend, labels on axis, and units. All maps include a scale, north arrow and key.
Any annotations must be clear and helpful in understanding the illustration.
Criteria and Grading
Level descriptor
The work does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.
The work reveals very limited knowledge and understanding. The approach is descriptive with little or no attempt at analysis.
It is not connected to the question
Geographic vocabulary is not used or is used inaccurately
Illustrations are not used or are poorly constructed and not connected with the writing in a meaningful or relevant way.
Sources are not referenced
The writing reveals some knowledge and understanding. Mainly description and with some (incomplete) explanation.
There is an attempt at analysis, which may be incomplete or superficial, making little or no reference to the title or question,
geographic context, information/data provided or collected and any illustrations.
The writing is not always clear and the arguments may be unsupported by evidence. Some factors are referred to but others are
missing or not completely examined.
Geographic vocabulary is not always used
The illustrations used are generally connected to the text. They are missing figure numbers, titles, annotations, and/or are poorly
Some sources are not referenced.
The writing reveals an adequate level of knowledge and understanding. There is an adequate level of analysis, which generally
refers to the title or question, geographic context, information/data provided or collected and illustrations.
The work is clearly written but some factors/points are missing or poorly connected to the argument.
Differing perspectives are not discussed in a meaningful way
Geographic vocabulary is generally used correctly and appropriately
Illustrations are relevant but some may be missing figure numbers, titles, labels etc. Some may not be referred to in the text. The
quality of construction of illustrations is limited in some ways.
Sources are referenced according to the MLA style
The report reveals a good level of knowledge and understanding. There is a well-reasoned, detailed analysis of the
information/data and there is clear and direct reference to the title or question, geographic context, information/data provided or
collected and illustrations.
There is an attempt to explain any anomalies in data/information
There is an attempt to discuss differing perspectives on the issue(s)
Geographic vocabulary is used appropriately
All illustrations are clear and relevant to the text. They are referred to in the text and assist in the understanding of the reader.
Annotations are included appropriately.
All illustrations have figure numbers, titles, key/legend, labels, units, scale, north arrows etc,
All sources are referenced in the MLA style.
The report reveals a very good level of knowledge and understanding. There is a clear and well-reasoned, detailed analysis of the
results with strong references to the fieldwork question, geographic context, information collected and illustrative material. The
attempt to explain any anomalies in results is good.
Differing perspectives are discussed in detail.
The work is very well written and the arguments in it are justified and evaluated.
Correct geographic vocabulary is used throughout
All illustrations are clear and relevant to the text. They are referred to in the text and enhance and complement the understanding
of the reader. Annotations are clear and precise. They are exceptionally well constructed.
All illustrations are closely connected to the writing and have figure numbers, titles, key/legend, labels, units, scale, north arrows
All sources are referenced in the MLA style.