6311 Accounting I PROJECT 1 Start here NAME:_________________________________________________ Pd._____ ACCOUNTING ETHICS TEXTBOOK RESOURCE CHAPTER 29 Directions: Read chapter 29 and answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is the title of the employee directly responsible for creating an ethics program? What are ethics? What penalties might be charged for an employee’s violation of an ethics code? In general, what goals should an accountant focus on (p.834) Does law or ethics formally define what makes something right or wrong? To which key principle do the qualities of knowledge and experience apply? Keeping a client’s data protected refers to which key principle? What qualities are involved with the principle of objectivity? Joan serves on the board of the company that she audits. Which standard has she violated? 10.A CPA makes misleading entries in a client’s books. Which principle has been violated? Accounting and Accountants News about accounting and accountants, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. ARTICLES ABOUT ACCOUNTING AND ACCOUNTANTS Directions: Use your textbook, internet and the link below to create a 6 topic slideshow with title and resource slides using PowerPoint. Use chapter 29 as your main resource. 6311 Accounting I NAME:_________________________________________________ Pd._____ Slide Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Title Slide How Are Business Ethics Determined? What is the Account’s Role? How do you define ethical behavior for Individuals, businesses, and society? Accounting Ethics Key Principles: Integrity, Objectivity, Independence, Competence, and Confidentiality (provide a graphic to represent each of these. Show me that you know what they mean with the graphic you choose). 6. Code of Ethics in Accounting: American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA), Institute of Management Accounts, and Institute of Internal Auditors 7. What is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act? 8. Resources Slide (copy and paste URLs of websites used; also give credit to the textbook on this slide) Remember to: Supply your project with the following: Graphics Animation Transitions Use both your textbook and internet resources. Rubric: Exemplary (20 points) Adequate (16 points) Minimum of 8 slides containing content described above. Less than 8 slides were used or not all topics above were addressed. Graphics are placed on all slides. Animation is used on at least 5 slides. Student used transitions on all slides. It is obvious student did their best work on this slide show. Unsatisfactory (5 points) Powerpoint is incomplete; not enough effort made to complete the powerpoint. Graphics are placed on Graphics are placed on 3-6 slides <= 2 slides. Animation is placed on Animation is placed on 2-4 slides. <= 2 slides. Students used Student used no transitions on < 8 transitions. slides. Student put an Student put minimal average amount of work into this slide work into this slide show or did not plan show. class time wisely to complete the project. Total: Go here next Points earned: Points possible: 20 20 20 20 20 100 Starting Links: http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/subjects/a/accounting_and_accountants/index.html