1 Essex Schools & Colleges Safeguarding Audit 2015-16 This document comprises the categories, standards and guidance included in the Online Safeguarding Audit 2015-16, and can be used as a Pre-Online Audit checking and discussion document with space provided for your own notes. The Essex Schools and Colleges Safeguarding Audit is hosted online by Virtual College, and made available to all schools and colleges across Essex, whether operating in the private or state education sector. Full guidance is available via the ESCB website http://www.escb.co.uk/SafeguardingAudit/SchoolsandCollegesAudit.aspx and the Essex Schools Infolink Schools and Colleges have a key role to play in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. In Chapter 2 of ‘Working together to safeguard children’ (HMG, March 2015) page 55 paras 10 – 12 state that the governing bodies, management committees or proprietors of the following schools have duties in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils: maintained schools (including maintained nursery schools), further education colleges and sixth form colleges, and pupil referral units; independent schools (including academy schools, free schools and alternative provision academies) and non-maintained special schools. In order to fulfil their safeguarding duties, these bodies should have in place the arrangements set out in Chapter 2 paragraph 4 of ‘Working together’. Schools and colleges must also have regard to statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (2015), which provides further guidance as to how they should fulfil their duties in respect of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in their care. The Local Safeguarding Children Board is required under Chapter 3 of ‘Working together’ to use data in order to assess whether LSCB partners (which includes the educational establishments listed above) are fulfilling their obligations in Chapter 2 to safeguard children. The Essex Safeguarding Children Board has made an online Safeguarding Audit available in order to support Essex schools and colleges in these responsibilities, and also to gain the necessary oversight of safeguarding effectiveness across schools and colleges in Essex, in partnership with Essex County Council. Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 2 Legislative Framework The school or college, at all times, works in accordance with the following guidance; Essex Safeguarding Children Board guidelines: the SET (Southend, Essex and Thurrock) Child Protection Procedures (2015) http://www.escb.co.uk/Professionals/InformationResources/SETChildProtectionProcedures.aspx Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2015) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/keeping-children-safe-in-education--2 Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfE, March 2015) https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/419595/Working_Together_to_Safeguard_Children.pdf ‘Effective Support for Children and Families in Essex’ (ESCB, 2013) http://www.escb.co.uk/Professionals/EffectiveSupportforChildrenFamiliesinEssex.aspx PREVENT Duty - Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (HMG, 2015) http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2015/9780111133309/pdfs/ukdsiod_9780111133309_en.pdf All documents are available on Essex School Infolink (ESI): http://schools.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Pages/Safeguarding.aspx Categories and standards included in online Safeguarding Audit 2015-16 1 Pre-audit notes / comments Safeguarding Governance Essex Education Services https://www.eescpdportal.org/essexgov/cpd/default.asp?ec=2&sid provide training for Governors and Clerks including an overview of safeguarding, and a two session (or full day) safeguarding children course specifically for those with responsibility for child protection and safeguarding. 1.1 There is a nominated governor to link with the LA in the event of allegations of abuse made against the Headteacher. 1.2 There is a named link governor for child protection. Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 3 1.3 The Governing Body meets the requirements of current statutory guidance. 1.4 Governors receive appropriate safeguarding training. 1.5 The governing body or proprietor receives a report at least annually on the effectiveness of safeguarding procedures 1.6 Safeguarding is a regular agenda item on full governing body agendas and committee agendas where required. 2 Designated Safeguarding leads For information on the role of the Designated Lead see p 52 Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, July 2015) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/keeping-children-safe-in-education--2 There is a requirement for designated safeguarding leads to undergo appropriate training every 2 years. This can be accessed through Professional Development Essex Education Services https://www.eescpdportal.org/essexcpd/courses/bookings/default.asp .Schools are free to commission an alternative training provider. 2.1 2.2 There is a designated safeguarding lead and deputy in place who have appropriate status and authority to undertake the role. The role of the designated safeguarding lead is explicit in their job description. Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 4 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 The role of the designated safeguarding lead meets the requirements of the statutory guidance. The designated lead delivers level 2 training for all staff. Resources are available at http://schools.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Level_2_Child_T raining_Programme/Pages/default.aspx The designated safeguarding lead and deputy attend level 3 training at least every two years. The lead and deputy should be appropriately trained in a range of safeguarding issues Safeguarding Policies A model Essex County Council child protection policy for schools is available via Essex School Infolink (ESI) http://schools.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Policies/Pages/Policies.aspx Safeguarding is much wider than child protection, and each school or college should ensure that any related policies are regularly reviewed and consistent with the child protection policy. Other safeguarding policies may include:Anti Bullying policye-Safety policyWhistle-blowing policyCode of conduct policy *Safe Recruitment policyEquality and anti-discrimination policyUse of physical intervention policyMeeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions and Intimate care policyProviding first aid policyDrug and substance misuse policyEducational visits policyUnexplained absences / poor attendance policy * Behaviour management policy *Health and Safety policyExtended school activities policyLetting arrangements policyWork placements policy * Use of photographs / video / Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 5 other imagesSchool security policy 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 There is a child protection policy approved by the Governing Body and reviewed annually. The child protection policy is available publicly on the school / college website or by other means. There is a staff behaviour / code of conduct policy approved by the Governing Body and reviewed annually. Safer recruitment See Part 3 (para 43) Safer Recruitment in Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, July 2015) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/keeping-children-safe-in-education-2 1 day accredited Safer Recruitment training is available through Professional Development EES to all organisations working with children, young people and families in Essex and should be refreshed every 3 to 5 years. https://www.eescpdportal.org/essex-cpd/cpd/portal.asp?sid 4.1 There is a Recruitment policy in place approved by the Governing Body and reviewed annually. 4.2 At least one member of any recruitment panel has undertaken safer recruitment training 4.3 see Para 43 Keeping Children Safe in Education All pre-appointment checks are carried out in accordance with statutory guidance. see Para 63-64 Keeping Children Safe in Education Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 6 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 The appropriate levels of DBS checks are undertaken. see Para 51, 62 Keeping Children Safe in Education References are sought in accordance with statutory guidance. see Para 69 Keeping Children Safe in Education The Single Central Record is maintained in accordance with statutory guidance. see Para 73 Keeping Children Safe in Education What staff need to know Training presentations are available on ESI safeguarding pages and may be used by Designated Leads to deliver safeguarding training http://schools.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Level_2_Child_Training_Programme/P Schools may also commission alternative training providers. All staff should be aware of systems in school to support safeguarding, and be provided either electronically or in hard copy with The Child Protection policy, The Staff Behaviour / Code of Conduct policy, and information on the role of the Designated Lead and how to access them. All staff have been provided with the CP policy, Code of Conduct policy, and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2015 Safeguarding is included in the induction of new staff. ages/default.aspx 5.1 5.2 5.3 All staff receive child protection training which is regularly updated and in line with ESCB guidance. 5.4 A record of all safeguarding training courses and dates completed is maintained. Inter-Agency working 6 Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 7 It is vital that the school or college works collaboratively with all agencies to ensure that children get the right help at the right time. The Southend Essex and Thurrock (SET) multi-agency child protection procedures provide full guidance for professionals on working in partnership. http://www.escb.co.uk/Portals/15/Documents/Local%20Practices/SET%20Procedures% 202015%20-%20Version%202%20August%202015.pdf Schools should also work in accordance with Working Together to Safeguard Children (HMG, March 2015) The Essex Effective Support Windscreen categorises support or services for children and young people as Universal (level 1), Additional (level 2), Intensive (level 3) and Specialist (level 4) according to the identified needs of the child or young person. http://www.escb.co.uk/Professionals/EffectiveSupportforChildrenFamiliesinEssex.aspx 6.1 There is a system for ensuring that child protection contact numbers are kept up to date and can be accessed easily Key safeguarding contact details are available at https://schoolssecure.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Child_Protection_R eferrals/Pages/Safeguarding-Key-Service-Contact-Infomation.aspx 6.2 Staff have access to the latest guidance on thresholds of need and referral criteria and procedures See ‘Effective Support’ document http://www.escb.co.uk/Professionals/EffectiveSupportforChildrenFamiliesinEssex.a spx 6.3 Any child protection concerns are recorded, and progress of any referrals made monitored. Templates are available on ESI: http://schools.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Templates_for_Reporting_and_Recor ding_Child_Protection_Concerns/Pages/default.aspx Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 8 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 All multi agency Child Protection, Child in Need or Child in Care meeting reports are provided within required timescale. Appropriate staff attend multi-agency Child Protection, Child in Need or Child in Care meetings when requested. Any actions arising from Child Protection, Child in Need or Children in Care meetings are undertaken within required timescale Designated Leads and governors respond to any learning from Serious Case Reviews by implementing any required changes Allegations against staff, and Whistle-blowing Guidance on managing allegations against staff is available on the Essex Schools Infolink Safeguarding area https://schoolssecure.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Managing_allegations_in_the _Childrens_Workforce/Pages/ManagingAllegationsInTheChildrensWork force.aspx 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 See also SET child protection procedures Section 7. The Headteacher/ Principal is familiar with, and follows SET procedures and Keeping Children Safe on managing allegations against members of the workforce. The Headteacher/ Principal is aware of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and how to contact them There are written procedures on ‘Whistle Blowing’ approved by the Governing Body and reviewed annually. Information is available to all staff and the wider school community to publicise the whistle blowing procedure. Helping pupils and students to keep themselves safe Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 9 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9 There are regular opportunities within the curriculum for learners to consider risk situations and ways of keeping safe. Pupils or students understand how to keep themselves safe over the internet, mobiles or other electronic device. Pupils and students are informed about how they can report concerns and to whom they can talk. There are systems in place to regularly gather feedback from pupils and students on safeguarding issues. Feedback from students or pupils is responded to by the school or college. Record keeping and information sharing Essex Schools Infolink provides guidance on Information Governance https://schoolssecure.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Information_Governanc e/Pages/default.aspx 9.1 9.2 10 See also section 9 of the Model school Child Protection policy. There is a clear understanding by Designated Safeguarding Leads of what information can be shared with other agencies. Child protection records are maintained in line with the school or college policies and local and statutory guidance. Child Sexual Exploitation The ESCB provides free access to a CSE online learning package, aimed at anyone working with children, young people and their families in Essex. http://www.escb.co.uk/Training/ChildSexualExploitation/ELearning.aspx Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 10 In addition the ESCB provides training for CSE Agency champions. http://www.escb.co.uk/Training/ChildSexualExploitation.aspx 10.1 There is a named CSE champion in place. 10.2 The CSE champion has undertaken ESCB CSE champion training. 10.3 All staff have been made aware of the signs of child sexual exploitation, and would report concerns to the Designated Lead. Pupils and students are educated around personal safety and safe relationships through the curriculum and other means. 10.4 11 Prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation As of July 2015, the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (HMG, 2015) placed a new duty on schools and other education providers. Under section 26 of the Act, schools are required, in the exercise of their functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This duty is known as the Prevent duty. See p 15 ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. The Prevent duty: Departmental Advice for schools and childcare providers (DfE 2015) WRAP is a Home-Office approved training package (Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent) Channel is a Home Office safeguarding project which aims to prevent children and adults being drawn into violent radicalisation or becoming involved in terrorist related activity Training presentations are available on ESI: https://schoolssecure.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Level_2_Child_Training_Programme/Pages/d efault.aspx Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 12 The Designated Safeguarding Lead has attended WRAP or other Prevent Awareness training All staff have been made aware of Prevent and Channel by the Designated Safeguarding Lead. The curriculum promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development, and community cohesion FGM, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Abuse FGM refers to Female Genital Mutilation. Honour Based Abuse is a crime or incident committed in order to protect or defend the family or community ‘honour’. Forced Marriage is a marriage in which one or both spouses do not (or, in the case of some adults with learning or physical disabilities, cannot) consent to the marriage and duress is involved. For FGM see p 14 of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. Also ‘FGM Multi-agency practice guidelines’, HMG, 2014 (especially p42-44) and ‘Handling cases of Forced Marriage; multi-agency practice guidelines’, HMG, 2009, p54. Guidance docs and links to online learning re: Forced Marriage, FGM and Honour Based Abuse can be accessed via ESI level 2 child protection training programme resources http://schools.essex.gov.uk/pupils/Safeguarding/Level_2_Child_Training_Progr amme/Pages/default.aspx 12.1 12.2 The Designated Safeguarding Lead is familiar with national FGM and Forced Marriage multi-agency practice guidelines Level 2 child protection training for all staff includes FGM, Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse Essex Schools & Colleges 15_16 Safeguarding Audit standards & check sheet_Oct 2015