Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts
Florida International University’s students live in a dynamic intercultural and multinational city that is
focused on the arts, design, and communication. We are constantly exposed to the interplay of design,
arts, and culture that exists in a city that serves as a gateway to the Caribbean and Latin America. It is a
flexible, multidisciplinary program that prepares students to work in a variety of jobs, including positions
in public or private organizations, non-profit organizations, and professions that require extensive public
contact, communication skills, and a working knowledge of design and the arts. In today's global
business environment, effective organizational communication--internal and external--has a significant
impact on an organization's success. Reasons for the increasing importance of organizational
communication are numerous, with workplace change front and center.
The Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts is composed of three distinctive tracks:
1. Organizational Communication Studies
2. Art & Performance Studies
3. Design Studies
Students majoring in Communication Arts must choose one specific track to pursue. Each track is
comprised of different courses, and requires 24 credits completion.
This three-track approach incorporates all the disciplines within The College of Architecture + The Arts,
similar to the way a Liberal Studies degree incorporates courses from Arts and Sciences.
For each track, students are required to complete the same core. The core is comprised of 36 credits of
communication courses. A strong foundation in communication is necessary for individuals to possess if
they wish to work as advocates in the fields of art and/or design, but not as performers.
Possible Employment Opportunities: Art & Performance Studies Track
Arts Administrator
Editor for Art, Music Theater, Dance Magazines
Cultural Center Director
Lobbyist for the Arts
Art Appraiser/Buyer
Art Therapist
Historic Preservationist for the Arts
Museum Director
Symphony Hall Director
Theater Manager
Dance Company Manager
For more information, contact:
Communication Arts Department
Phone: 305-348-1984
Office: VH 212
Department Chair: Joann Brown,
Major Core Courses: 36 Credits
All courses within this degree, except those within the Design Studies Track, are open to the entire
university community.
COM 3110 - Business and Professional Communication (3)
Identification of communication situations specific to business and the professions. Analysis of
variables related to communication objectives and preparation of oral presentations and business
COM 3461 - Intercultural/Interracial Communication (3)
How people communicate cross culturally, interculturally and intraculturally.
*COM 4462 - Conflict Management (3 credits)
This course examines the intercultural dynamics that influence the formation, implementation and
evaluation of international conflict management. This course focuses on cultural and identity
formation; intercultural communication, negotiation, and dialogue; and the theories that inform
this area of scholarship.
SPC 3210 - Communication Theory (3)
Comprehensive introduction to the study of human communication processes including verbal
and nonverbal modalities. Key historical and contemporary definitions and concepts in
communication theory are reviewed.
SPC 3301 - Interpersonal Communication (3)
Fundamental principles and terms of human communication study in the interpersonal context.
Practical application of definitions, models, and communication rules and competence discussed
with emphasis on a variety of relational stages and types.
SPC 3425 - Small Group Communication (3)
The study of group development, group roles, decision-making, leadership, power, and conflict
SPC 3513 - Argumentation and Debate (3)
Lectures and activities concerned with audience-centered reasoning. Topics include: Nature of
argument, analysis, reasoning, evidence, values, and building and refuting arguments.
Prerequisites: SPC 2608 or permission of the instructor.
SPC 3540 - Persuasion (3)
The study of attitude formation and change are explored to identify how individuals process and
act on information. Social influence theories/techniques and their ethical implications are
SPC 3602 - Advanced Public Speaking (3)
Examines public speaking as a workplace activity and provides students with practical
experience. Emphasis is placed on incorporating technology into the different types of speeches.
Prerequisites: SPC 2608 or permission of the instructor.
SPC 3711 - Gender and Communication (3)
Using text and films, this course examines the different styles of verbal and non-verbal
communication of men and women in various settings.
SPC 4445 - Corporate Communication Theory and Leadership Dynamics (3)
Emphasis on oral communication and leadership skills that are essential for the business
IDS 3336 – Artistic Expression (3)
Exploration of the interrelatedness of societies and culture through language, music, and art are
explored to appreciate how individuals convey thoughts and respond to events from various
Concentration/Track Courses:
Track in Art & Performance Studies (24 credits)
ARH 3511 - Introduction to the Visual Arts of the African World (3)
Examines the continuities between African arts and the arts of African Diaspora. It traces the
visual arts from the earliest cave paintings in Africa to the latest Hip-Hop arts in the United
ARH 3676 - Caribbean Art: Myth and Reality (3)
A survey of the contemporary art of the Caribbean with a brief introduction to its early history
and a discussion of its complex social structures from country to country.
ARH 3714 - History of Photography of Architecture (3)
The history of photography from 1839 to now with strong emphasis on the photography of
ARH 3873C - Women in Latin American Art (3)
Introduces women in Latin American art from its Pre-Columbian beginnings through the
twentieth century. Emphasis will be on painting and sculpture of the twentieth century.
ARH 4014 - History of Decorative Arts (3)
A survey of the more important and influential periods in history in the production of ceramics,
fabrics, glass, jewelry and silversmithing.
ARH 4131 - Greek Art (3)
The art of Greece from the Bronze Age through the Classical Period.
ARH 4151 - Roman Art (3)
The art of Ancient Rome from the early Iron Age through the late Roman Empire.
ARH 4310 - Early Italian Renaissance (3)
A study of Italian Renaissance art from its origins in the late Gothic period through the 15th
century. Artists to be considered include Giotto, Duccio, Masaccio, Ghiberti, Brunelleschi,
Donatello, Fra Angelico, Uccello, and Botticelli.
ARH 4311 - The Art of Venice: The Rise of a Mediterranean Superpower (3)
Analysis of artistic aspects of Venice's growth to power. Emphasis on the Church of St. Mark and
the Venetian masters.
ARH 4312 - Later Italian Renaissance (3)
A study of the late 15th and 16th century Italian art, with emphasis on the High Renaissance and
Mannerism. Artists to be considered include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Andrea
del Sarto, Giorgione, Titian, Pontormo, and Parmigianino.
ARH 4414 - 19th Century Painting (3)
A study of Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, and Impressionism. Artists to be considered
include David, Ingres, Gericault, Delacroix, Goya, Courbet, Manet, Degas, Monet, and Renoir.
ARH 4430 - Art and Politics (3)
An investigation into the interrelationship between art and political issues, with emphasis on the
19th and 20th centuries.
ARH 4450 – Modern Art (3)
A survey of European and American art from 1890-1945. Prerequisites: ARH 2051 or permission
of the instructor.
ARH 4470 – Contemporary Art (3)
A survey of art from 1945 to the present. Prerequisites: ARH 2051 or ARH 4450 or permission of
the instructor.
ARH 4471 - Post 1985 Art (3)
Examines the changing roles of the arts within the current socio-political context of plurality,
corporate sponsorship and mass communications.
ARH 4503 - Art and Shamanism (3)
An overview of shamanic art and performance since its origins to the present day. It includes a
survey of shamanic practices in Siberia, Central Asia, and the Americas.
ARH 4504 - Primitive Art (3)
An introduction to the art of widely dissimilar groups from areas on the margin or beyond the
cultural influences of Europe, the Near East, India, China, and Japan. Emphasis will be placed on
African, Oceanic, and North American Indian Art.
ARH 4512 - African Diaspora Arts (3)
A survey of the origins and transformation of African Diaspora arts, and their regional
manifestations across the Americas. It considers the Harlem Renaissance, Hip Hop, and identity
ARH 4520 - African Arts (3)
A study of the visual arts in Africa from the ancient world to the present. It focuses on the
historical transformation and regional variability in art forms and their meanings on the
ARH 4552 - Art of China and Japan (3)
An introduction to the art of China to the Ming Dynasty and of Japan through the 18th century.
The emphasis will be on painting and sculpture, with some ceramics and architecture.
ARH 4600 - North American Indian Art (3)
A survey of native North American art history with emphasis on the post-contact period. The arts
of the far North, Northwestcoast, Southwest, Plains and the Eastern Woodlands.
ARH 4610 - American Art (3)
A survey of American painting from the Colonial period to the eve of World War I. Artists to be
studied include Copley, West, Cole, Whistler, Sargent, Homer, Henri, and Bellows.
ARH 4650 - Pre-Columbian Art (3)
A survey of Pre-Columbian Art from approximately 2000BCE to 1500CE of Mesoamerica,
Intermediate area from Honduras to Colombia and the Andes.
ARH 4652 - Pre-Columbian Art of the Andes (3)
A survey of Andean Pre-Columbian art and architecture. Basic characteristics of technique, style
and iconography inrelation to Andean socioeconomic and cultural patterns.
ARH 4653 - Mesoamerican Art History (3)
A survey of Meso-American Pre-Columbian art and architecture from the Mexican and Mayan
territories, 1500BCE to the Conquest.
ARH 4662 - The Art of Spain and Her Colonies (3)
Explores art of Spain from 1492 through early 19th century, the encounter between Spain and the
Americas after the Conquest, and the art of the colonies.
ARH 4670 - 20th Century Latin American Art (3)
The art of Central and South America and the Caribbean of the 20th century.
ARH 4672 - A History of Cuban Art (3)
A survey of the visual arts in Cuba (sculpture, painting, and prints) with emphasis on the 20th
ARH 4710 - History of Photography (3)
A chronological examination of the work of the world's most significant photographers, from
photography's invention in the 1830's to the present.
ARH 4844 - Spanish Art (3)
Explores the art of Spain from 1492 through the early 20th century. Includes painting, sculpture
and architecture.
ARH 4871 - Women and Art (3)
Women in the history of art; past, present and future.
*COM 4940 – Internship in Communication Arts (1-6 credits)
On-the-job learning experiences at approved organizations allows interns to assist and observe all
job functions & duties related to various aspects of communication within their respective
*COM 4900– Directed Independent Studies in Communication Arts (1-3 credits)
Specialized intensive study in an area of special interest to the student. Prerequisites: Permission
of the instructor and the Department Chair.
DAE 3385 - Building Community Through the Arts (3)
Preparation for arts field experience in a variety of community settings. Students will gain an
overall view of community-based art and curriculum design.
DAN 3394 - Dance and Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean (3)
Team-taught interdisciplinary course offered as a summer institute focusing on Latin America
and the Caribbean. Lecture, panels, and studio classes.
DAN 3504 - Dance Production (3)
Continuation of theory and practice in elements of dance production.
DAN 3724 - Anatomy for Dance (3)
An overview of the anatomy and physiology of the body explaining how certain anatomical
structures and physiological processes interact to execute movement in a safe and effective
DAN 3724L - Anatomy for Dance Lab (1)
An overview of the anatomy and physiology of the body explaining how certain anatomical
structures and physiological processes interact to execute movement in a safe and effective
DAN 4136 - Global Perspectives in Dance and Culture I: Theory (3)
Cross-cultural, comparative survey of historic and contemporary world dance. Varied topics are
explored within a broad cultural context. Team-taught, interdisciplinary methodology.
DAN 4137 - Global Perspective in Dance and Culture II: Theory (3)
Cross-cultural, comparative survey of historic and contemporary world dance. Exploration of
varied historic and geographic regions of world culture.
DAN 4396 - Dance Ethnology (3)
A special topics course which will study a specific dance culture from an historical, sociological
and anthropological viewpoint. Topic will vary from semester to semester.
FIL 3001 - Introduction to Filmmaking (3)
For the beginning student of filmmaking. Survey of the origins and development of
cinematography as an art form. Presentation and technical analysis of selected films.
FIL 4827 - Czech Film / Karlovy Vary Film Festival (3)
This course will cover the Czech Film industry from its inception in the 1920
FIL 4881 - Hispanic Culture: Women and Film (3)
Images and roles of Hispanic women in Latin America, Spain and the United States.
MUM 3601 - Audio Techniques I (3)
Basic sound engineering, including the basic workings of P.A. equipment and the interplay
between the various components.
MUM 3602 - Audio Techniques II (3)
Studio recording techniques, microphone placement, taping and mixing.
MUM 4803 - Grant Writing for the Arts (3)
Designed to familiarize the student with the fundamental tools and techniques in writing a
successful grant proposal for the arts. Focuses on the basics of grant writing, where to find
funding sources and grant evaluation procedures.
MUM 4301-Business of Music (3)
Principles andpractices of modern publishing techniques; copyright laws; wholesale and retail
distribution of music. Performance rights; agreements and relations between producers directors,
performers, writers, personnel managers, and booking agents.
MUM 4302-Business of Music II (3)
Continuation of principles and practices of modern publishing techniques; copyright laws;
wholesale and retail distribution of music. Performance rights; agreements and relations between
producer, directors, performers, writers, personnel managers, booking agents. Prerequisite: MUM
MUN 3123-Golden Panther Band (1)
A study and performance of pop, jazz, and rock musical selections for the instrumental medium.
Students will demonstrate what they have learned by performing and through individualized
playing examinations.
MUN 3123-Symphony Band (1)
Concert Band ensemble for music majors on secondary instruments and non-music majors.
Various types of concert band literature covered from differing grade levels. Course open to
anyone who has previous experience playing a wind or percussion instrument.
MUN 4143-Symphonic Wind Ensemble (1)
Readings and performances of wind ensemble music from the 18th century to the present. Open
to wind and percussion instrumentalists. Prerequisite: Permission of conductor.
MUN 4213-Orchestra (1)
An instrumental ensemble performing works from the symphonic repertory. Prerequisites:
Previous experience and permission of conductor.
MUN 3383-Master Chorale (1)
A chorus performing a repertoire primarily from great choral works. Large orchestral
accompaniment as well as various instrumental ensembles will be utilized. Prerequisite:
Permission of conductor.
MUN 4380-Master Chorale (1)
A chorus performing a repertoire primarily from great choral works. Large orchestral
accompaniment as well as various instrumental ensembles will be utilized. Prerequisite:
Permission of conductor.
MUN 4323-Women’s Chorus (1)
A choral ensemble performing music written or arranged for women’s voices. Prerequisite:
Permission of the instructor.
MUN 3713-Studio Jazz Ensemble (1)
An ensemble to provide creative professional-level experience in the contemporary popular
idiom. Permission of conductor.
TPP 3263 - Film Acting for Non-Majors (3)
An introduction to the acting process for film and TV. Emphasis on acting, directing and writing
process behind and in front of the camera.
TPP 3265 - Introduction to Acting for TV/Film (3)
An introduction to the fundamentals of acting/directing for TV/Film through practical exercise
and creative assignments.
TPA 4400 - Stage and Theatre Management (3)
A two part course introducing practical methods of stage management and aspects of theatre
administration: marketing, budgeting, box office, fund raising.
TPP 4531 - Stage Combat (3)
A study of combat techniques for the stage, including fencing, boxing, wrestling, and tumbling.
TPP 4564 - Mime (3)
A movement course to teach the actor the physical skill of mime. This course will improve the
students attention, strength, balance, dexterity and clarity.
TPP 4600 - Playwriting I (3)
Study of the theory and principles of writing plays for the stage. Practice in writing either the
short or long play. May be repeated.
*Indicates courses that have been developed and submitted to the curriculum committee in
September for bulletin 1.