Checklist and Rubric: Module 2: Week 5 Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 10 Checklist Please use this checklist to guide what to include in your proposal. All elements are required. _____Purposeful scientific facts about your field of study, with up-to-date information about what is currently known about your research topic. _____Background information on any methods you will use to answer your research question, starting broad getting more specific. _____A clear description of the significance of this research question, explaining how this experiment will contribute to the scientific community. _____A specific and well articulated hypothesis and null hypothesis. _____An hypothesis that accurately predicts the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. _____Peer reviewed scientific articles, cited references using CBE/LSE format. _____A reference list of at least 15 cited, peer reviewed articles. _____Subheadings wherever appropriate. _____Excellent spelling and grammar. ______Thorough referencing of all methods from the primary literature. If a commercial kit is used, cite vendor. ______A flow chart describing your intended design (a flow chart is a schematic diagram illustrating the steps of your overall experimental strategy) ______A clear description of the methods you will use to collect/observe data. Methods must be feasible and well developed. Protocols are representative of those used in published research. ______Demonstration that your approach will not be biased (i.e. demonstrates comprehension of relevant controls, sampling and repeated trials, algebraic and statistical treatments) ______A description of how you plan to display the data (i.e. demonstrates comprehension of dependent and independent variables, ______A description of how you might provide alternative approaches (i.e. if-then analysis, demonstrating that you have thought through the possible shortcomings of your design). ______A preliminary budget demonstrating your understanding of the cost of your study, including salaries of all personnel. Proposal Rubric (90 points) Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 10 Checklist and Rubric: Module 2: Week 5 Emerging (≤ 60%) Novice (70%) The title absent or is rambling. There is no attempt within the title to state the independent or dependent variables. The title provides little information about the content of the paper. Improvement required. The stated is not concise. There is an attempt within the title to state both the independent and dependent variables, but lacks conciseness and/or clarity and/or is inconsistent with the content of the paper. Improvement suggested. Title Purpose: To briefly and comprehensively summarize the content and authorship of the paper 5 points Introduction (Background and Significance) Purpose: To present the project in the context of other work in the field; to communicate how research makes a contribution to knowledge gaps in the field; to justify motivation and significance of the research project 30 points Does not address the topic or question appropriately; provides no logical thought progression; Research is not included. Content is severely lacking; knowledge gaps not identified and research is not contextualized. Improvement required. Topic is barely addressed and thought progression is unclear; research may/may not be included and is largely misconstrued or irrelevant. Knowledge gaps are not well identified and research is not contextualized. Major improvements suggested. Developing (80%) The title states both the dependent and independent variables, and/or is written in a reasonably clear declarative statement. The information is mostly concise and develops an understanding of the content of the paper, but improvements are suggested. Proficient (90%) The title states both the dependent and independent variables, and is written in a clear declarative statement. The information is concise and develops a clear understanding of the description of the content of the paper, but minor improvements are suggested. Topic is addressed but thought progression is not entirely coherent. Prior research may/may not be relevant to research aims. Knowledge gaps are only superficially identified. Improvements are suggested. Topic is introduced logically, but minor details are irrelevant or unclear; Research is included and relevant to the project; knowledge gaps are identified. Research question is contextualized but minor improvements are suggested. Expert (100%) Title clearly states both the independent and dependent variables for the paper, and is written in a clear declarative statement. The information is concise and provides a clear description of the content of the paper. No improvement needed. Introduces the topic logically using relevant and research specific to the aims of this project. Thoroughly explores knowledge gaps in the field, and contextualizes the purpose of the research within the existing body of knowledge on this topic. No improvement needed. Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 10 Checklist and Rubric: Module 2: Week 5 Emerging (≤ 60%) Introduction (Research Question) Purpose: To present what the research is designed to test (research question, H0 and Ha hypotheses); to describe predicted results 10 points The purpose of the study is completely unclear. Hypotheses are missing or incomplete and predictions are not reasonable. Improvements required. The purpose of the study is not well developed. Hypotheses are not included for all dependent variables and predictions may/may not be reasonable. Major improvements are suggested. Methods are described inappropriately or are missing. Protocols and description of data elements are lacking. Improvement required. Methods are somewhat described but are not appropriate for obtaining the desired results. Protocols and description of data are lacking elements needed for this work to be replicated by another researcher (including controls, sampling, and repeated trials). Methods applied from other studies may not be referenced. Major improvements suggested. Experimental Methods Purpose: To describe the strategy used to test research question using sufficient detail that another researcher can reproduce the study 15 points Novice (70%) Developing (80%) The purpose of the study can be determined but is not obvious. Hypotheses may/may not be included for all dependent variables, and predicted results may/may not be reasonable. Improvements are suggested. Methods are somewhat described but may not be appropriate for understanding the desired results. Protocols and description of data elements, including controls, sampling, and repeated trials are lacking some important elements. Methods from other studies may/may not be cited. Improvement suggested. Proficient (90%) The purpose or objective of the study is clear and fairly well developed. Hypotheses are included for all dependent variables, but may not entirely be properly reported. Predicted results are reasonable, but minor improvements are suggested. Methods are described but lacking in a few minor considerations; protocols and description of all data elements, including controls, sampling procedures and, and repeated trials are descriptive but may be excessive. Methods applied from other studies are cited. Methods may may not lack a few minor elements or contain too many details. Minor improvements suggested. Expert (100%) The purpose or objective of the study is clear and well developed. Hypotheses are included for all dependent variables, and are written in the proper format. Section clearly describes the predicted results. Methods are thoroughly described; protocols and description of all data elements, including controls, sampling, and repeated trials are thorough and descriptive but not excessive. Methods applied from other research studies are cited. Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 10 Checklist and Rubric: Module 2: Week 5 Emerging (≤ 60%) Statistical Methods Purpose: To describe the statistical tests, software applied and data used with sufficient detail that another researcher can reproduce the study. 15 points Budget Purpose: To describe the cost and scale of the study 10 points 7. References Purpose: To present scientific references using the correct format (CBE/CSE) 5 points Sum No statistical methods were given and the description of data elements is absent. Novice (70%) Statistical methods are not appropriate for the data and are described inappropriately or are missing. Protocols and descriptions of data elements are lacking, or errors were made in the choices. Citation of software is absent. Developing (80%) Proficient (90%) Statistical methods may/may not be appropriate for data, or are described with many errors. Statistical software used may/may not be cited. Statistical methods are appropriate for data analysis and data used to run these tests are described, although a few details are lacking. Statistical software used is cited. Budget is absent Major flaws exist in the design of the budget, or the budget was not completed. Identification of materials and cost was unclear, and reader has no understanding of the cost of project. Table is neither neat nor presentable. The types and quantities for some of the materials are indicated, and some research on pricing was reported. Budget is lacking some important items and/or cost or the budget exceeds the scale of project. Table is presentable. The types and quantities for most materials are indicated, prices are reasonably well-researched, and overall budget is appropriate. The table is neat and presentable, and reasonably labeled. Formatting guidelines completely disregarded; margins, fonts, or line spacing inappropriate; references not formatted according to requirements Formatting guidelines largely disregarded; some aspects of formats inappropriate; references formatted inconsistently and not always appropriately Formatting guidelines largely followed; some inconsistencies with references or text formats Formats almost entirely correct; minor inconsistencies or errors in formatting of references are present Expert (100%) Statistical tests are appropriate for data analysis and data used to run these tests are clearly and concisely described. Statistical software is cited. The types and quantities for all materials are clearly indicated, prices are well-researched, and overall budget is appropriate for the scale of study. Table is complete, neat, graphically appealing, and appropriately labeled. Formats entirely appropriate using CBE/CSE style; references cited appropriately within text and at the end of the paper Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 10 Checklist and Rubric: Module 2: Week 5 Elements of Writing (35 points) Category Emerging (≤ 60%) Novice (70%) Developing (80%) Proficient (90%) Expert (100%) Incorrect or inaccurate terminology repeatedly used, or terminology is missing Incorrect terminology used with moderate frequency Incorrect terminology used occasionally Terminology used correctly with minor inconsistencies or errors Terminology used correctly with no inconsistencies or errors Thoughts poorly organized and/or lack clarity; flow of ideas is interrupted; sentence structure is very awkward; some parts of paper are incomprehensible; excessive amounts of quoted material may be present Organization, flow, & clarity problematic; wording is awkward but not completely incomprehensible; excessive amounts of quoted material may be present Organization, flow, & clarity somewhat problematic but not enough to distract readers from thought progression; some awkward phrases present; quoted material may be somewhat overused Organization good with few to no problems; wording awkward in 1-2 places; one example of an inappropriate quotation may be present Excellent organization, flow, & clarity; appropriate word choices used; quotations used only when appropriate (but preferably not used at all) Formatting guidelines completely disregarded; margins, fonts, or line spacing inappropriate; references figures and tables not formatted according to requirements, Formatting guidelines largely disregarded; some aspects of formats inappropriate; references, figures, tables formatted inconsistently or in error. Needs improvement. Formatting guidelines largely followed; some inconsistencies with references, text formats or figures and tables. Formats almost entirely correct; minor errors or inconsistencies in formatting of references figures, and tables. Minor improvements suggested. Formats appropriately. References, figures and tables are formatted appropriately. No improvements suggested. Many spelling and/or grammatical errors present; so many errors are present that reader (or listener) gets completely distracted Some glaring spelling and/or grammatical errors present Several spelling and/or grammatical errors present One or two spelling and/or grammatical errors present No spelling or grammatical errors Terminology Purpose: To use scientific terminology correctly 5 points Organization, Flow, & Clarity Purpose: To present scientific information clearly, concisely, and logically 15 points Formatting Purpose: To demonstrate proficiency using scientific formatting and CSE citation system. 10 points Grammar & Spelling Purpose: To demonstrate proficiency with written (or spoken) English 5 points Sum Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 10 Checklist and Rubric: Module 2: Week 5 Responsiveness to Feedback (25 points) Category Incorporation of Feedback from Peer Review Process Purpose: To synthesize the feedback from the peer review process and improve the efficacy of the paper 25 points Emerging (≤ 60%) Novice (70%) Very few (≤60%) of the suggestions from the peer review process were incorporated in the final paper draft, and the paper did not improve beyond its draft stages. Elements 1-12 were not synthesized or incorporated into the final product. Some (70%) of the suggestions from the peer review process were incorporated in the final paper draft, and the paper modestly improved beyond its draft stages. Elements 1-12 were somewhat addressed or incorporated into the final product. Sum 150 points total Feedback and Action Steps Developing (80%) A reasonable number (80%) of the suggestions from the peer review process were incorporated in the final paper draft, and the paper adequately improved beyond its draft stages. Elements 112 were reasonably addressed or incorporated into the final product. Proficient (90%) Expert (100%) Most (90%) suggestions from the peer review process were incorporated in the final paper draft, and the proposal improved beyond the minimum suggestions. Elements 1-12 were fully synthesized to make an excellent final product. All suggestions from the peer review process were incorporated in the final paper draft, and the proposal improved above and beyond the minimum suggestions. Elements 1-12 were fully and remarkably synthesized to make an exemplary final product.