The full name of this organization hereinafter referred to as (THE CLUB) shall be –
Approved abbreviations shall be SMAIMC or IHRMC only.
No other names or abbreviations shall be used.
The purpose of the club is to foster a family of all people, of all colors dedicated to
motorcycle riding and to support our people and their way of life as well as their
believes. To promote a brotherhood and sisterhood dedicated to motorcycle
riding within all nations native and non-native to help us all live together and see
and experience each other’s way of life.
For tax and other record keeping purposes the clubs fiscal year shall run with the
calendar year.
A. By-law changes will be made by the original chapter at the quarterly
meetings only (Jan.-Apr.- July- Oct ) All proposed changes must be
motioned and seconded by the members.
B. Motions to change must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote.
C. Amendments to the by-laws are approved with the exception to the
MEMBERSHIP, what is addressed under membership for eligibility to
become a member of the club shall be non-negotiable and will remain
as stated in the by-laws for the duration of the club.
A. Must be a member of a federally/state recognized tribe, reservation
or must show history of native heritage or background (adopted or
raised into a native family) and sponsored by a full patch holder.
B. Must be a passenger or companion of a full patch holder.
C. Must attend 3 club meeting and prospect until members feel you are
D. Must have a street legal motorcycle of 650cc or greater.
E. Non-native riders that are companion/married to a native partner
are eligible for full rights and privileges of active members.
F. Non-native riders dissolving their relationship to a native companion
shall be reviewed and voted on to retain full membership by 2/3
G. Non-native riders will receive all full membership rights except the
office of president which must be held by a person of native decent.
H. 4 of the 7 officer positions must be held by natives.
I. Non-native officer position will be granted after 1 year of riding with
the club or if a member has been riding with the club for at least a
year before it was formed. Under these conditions the member will
be adopted into our native family and have the right to hold office as
was the way of our ancestors.
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Must show interest and be sponsored by a full patch holder.
Must have 650cc or above street bike.
Must attend club meeting and events.
Must be willing to prospect for a period of time until members
feel the time is right.
E. Abide by club by-laws and sign to this affect.
F. All dues must be current.
A. Active members are those that have completed their prospect period
and have been granted full rights and privileges by unanimous vote by
show of hands of all active members present.
B. Active members may sponsor more than 1 prospect at a time.
A. An individual who wants to join the club shall have a member in good
standing as a sponsor. The sponsor must have personal knowledge of the
prospective member. Club members should take this time to question the
prospect regarding his reason for wanting to join and other questions you
B. An individual that wants to join but has no sponsor and is not known by the
members must become familiar with the membership by attending club
events and activities and make their intentions known to club members and
when the board feels the person is ready to prospect they will assign the
Sgt. At Arms as their sponsor.
C. Prospect will have no voting rights until full membership.
D. Probationary period is provided to ensure that the prospect is suitable for
E. Term of probation will be determined by each club and will be defined in
their operating policy.
F. At the completion of probation the sponsor will open a discussion at the
club meeting regarding acceptance of the prospect to a member. A
majority of votes of present members is required to accept as a full
G. Sponsors and members should treat all prospects in such a manner as to
credit and honor the reputation of the club.
H. Upon acceptance as a full member all dues and initiation fee of 120.00
must be payed.
I. Colors will then be presented.
A. Members are considered in good standing at all times unless declared
B. A member may be declared in bad standing for violations by order of the
clubs executive committee or by majority vote of the general
membership. Members so declared may not be elected into office, may
not vote on any question put before the general membership,may not
sponsor prospects.
C. All references to active members in these by-laws shall be construed to
and refer to active members in good standing.
D. Officers declared in bad standing shall be removed from office until such
a time as their good standing is returned and a temp. Officer will be
appointed by the club.
A. Members and prospects are expected to behave in such a manner as to
avoid discrediting or dishonoring the club, especially but not only when
wearing their colors. Everyone is expected to conduct themselves in a good
way and show respect for each other and whomever they come in contact
A. Under bad standing conduct and behavior by a 2/3 majority vote the club
may choose to suspend membership for 3-6 months.
B. Suspended members must surrender all SMAIMC—IHRMC property within
1 week of vote to suspend them and pay all dues and debts to the club in
order to start suspension in good standing.
A. The club may by 2/3 majority vote of all active members expel any
member or prospect for just cause but not limited to discrediting or
dishonoring the club.
A. Any member in good standing who dies may keep their colors for their final
B. Any colors not worn by a deceased member shall be held by the club as
A. Any former active member who has resigned from the club may apply for
reinstatement as an active member under the following conditions.
1. They left the club in good standing.
2. They have no outstanding debt to the club.
3. They receive an unanimous vote of approval from all active
B. Probationary period is waived and all previous seniority is accrued. Time
elapsed between the date of resignation and date of reinstatement shall
not be counted.
C. Upon completion of a suspension officers will hold an evaluation of the
suspended member and decide if reinstatement is granted. Upon being
granted reinstatement the member will be brought back under the
condition that they complete 3 months of probation in good standing. Then
the matter will be reviewed and probation lifted.
A. Honorary members are people of any nation, native or non-native who ride
or not that have shown ongoing strong support to our mission statement
and the club as a whole.
B. Potential honorary members are to be considered and voted upon by
unanimous vote by all active members.
A. Regular club meetings will be held every month or as needed.
B. Attendance at regular club meetings, including the annual meeting is
expected for all active members and prospects.
C. 3 officers and any active members present at any regular meeting will
constitute a quorum.
D. Order of business for all meetings will be as follows;
1. Call to order
2. Open forum-old business-minutes-treasurer
3. Closed executive committee session (if needed )
4. Board session of active members in good standing (closed if
5. Open forum-new business
6. Adjournment
E. Any active member or prospect who will be absent from a monthly club
meeting must notify a club officer with an explanation as to why they
are unable to attend.
F. Anyone who doesn’t follow this policy will be fined and if it repetitively
continues can be expelled. Penalties will be as follows.
1. 1st unexcused absence 5.00 fine + monthly dues
2. 2nd unexcused absence 10.00 fine +monthly dues
3. 3rd unexcused absence 25.00 fine +monthly dues and placed on bad
standing status.
4. 4th unexcused absence ---membership terminated.
A. The annual club meeting will be in June of each year.
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A. All members and prospects will pay 10.00 in dues on a monthly basis. Dues
will be collected at each regular meeting. If a regular club meeting is
cancelled monthly dues are still due.
A. A onetime initiation fee of 120.00 will be paid at the time of induction as an
active member. Colors will not be issued until this fee has been paid.
Initiation fees/dues don’t constitute a “purchase” of colors and at no time
are refundable.
A. All patches, business cards, id cards, emblems, pins, articles of clothing or
other paraphernalia containing the club name or club emblem or
abbreviation thereof shall remain the property of the club at all times.
B. The SMAIMC and IHRMC are copy righted and trademarked and can’t be
reproduced without permission of the executive board.
A. Prior approval must be given from the executive board of the mother
chapter (SMAIMC) to reproduce the club colors in a specific manner or on a
specific item or items. The club treasurer shall maintain a copy and a log of
all such approvals issued by the club. Permission granted to any member
for a specific use of the colors shall thereafter appertain to all members.
A. Upon being brought into the circle as an active member and after the
initiation fee is paid to the treasurer 1 full set of colors will be issued to
the new active member
B. Patches are property of the club and issuance of the colors to a member
should not be construed as anything less.
C. Colors shall be worn when participating in all club functions.
D. Colors are never to be worn by non-members
E. Wearing of colors is a privilege. Any member who is suspended or
expelled will surrender colors to the sgt. At arms until membership is
reinstated. Colors are to be worn and handled with respect.
F. Colors will be worn at all club meetings
G. Non-club functions colors are optional but wearing them whenever
possible is a good thing for the club.
A. All officer and SMAIMC or IHRMC patches go above the left pocket.
B. All name and anniversary patches go above the right pocket.
C. ONLY the top rocker-bottom rocker-center patch-and imc or mc rectangle
may be attached to the back of the garment chosen to bear the colors. All
patches must be uniformly positioned in accordance with club guide lines
issued with club colors.NO other patches or paraphernalia may be placed
on the back.
D. All club patches other than the club colors, tribal flag, in memory patches
(road names, officer etc.) shall be RED LETTERS W/YELLOW BACK GROUND
E. All members should fly their colors at all club meetings and events.
F. A tribal flag and or nation patch shall be worn below the right pocket.
G. A veteran’s patch shall be worn below the right pocket above the tribal
H. Ride patches/ pins may be worn on the vest but not on back with the
I. Surrendering or delivering ones colors to an officer of the club except for
safe keeping shall signify resignation from the club. Once so delivered
colors revert to club stock.
J. A side rocker with the charter you belong to may be won on left side or
bottom rocker on back.
1. The SMAIMC (HUNKPATI) is the founding club and will act as the MOTHER
CLUB for all other clubs in the organization. The founding club will:
A. Post the by-laws for viewing on the SMAIMC- IHRMC website.
B. Approve and authorize the formation of new charters and their executive
C. Make announcements of new charter clubs to all our clubs.
D. Procure and distribute all clothing and other items that display the colors
or logo.
E. Procure and distribute all colors to be worn on member’s vests.
F. Provide certificate of acceptance to all charter clubs.
G. Make a roster of all the clubs executive board and its members.
H. Maintain a website w/each club and their contact info. And a link to their
I. A web page w/ official documents and forms.
A. The executive committee of the mother chapter (SMAIMC) will have the
authority to grant charters for the establishment of new chapters of the
club. All new chapters will be required to adopt these by-laws. The
executive committee of the mother chapter will have the authority to
suspend for due cause the charter of any subsequent chapter. Any chapter
suspended by the executive committee will prohibited from using the club
name and turn in all club property until resolved.
B. Must complete a request for a new club. Must be submitted in writing to
the mother chapter.
C. New charter club app. must identify the members that will hold the officer
positions (pres-vp-sec-treasurer-scout or road caption and arms )
D. Minimum of 3 members to start a NEW CHARTER
E. A new charter club application is available on request or on this web page.
F. All members of the new charter including transferring members from other
clubs must complete a prospective membership application to be
submitted to the club. Available on request or on this web page.
G. All new prospective membership applications must be hand delivered or
mailed to the mother chapter.
H. Members in good standing that are transferring from an existing club are
not required to pay fee.
I. New club charter executive boards will be required to sign a document
indicating they will abide by the by-laws.
J. Meet a least once a year with the mother chapter.
K. Establish their own operating rules and keep with the by-laws. A copy will
be sent to the mother chapter. It will not override or conflict with the bylaws
L. Each club will keep a roster of members and contact info. And give to
mother chapter on an annual basis. They must notify the mother chapter
within 30 days any new members or prospects and forward these apps. To
the mother chapter.
M. Be responsible for conduct, all fund raisers and include club name on all
flyers for events, fundraisers etc.
N. If the new club disbands all assets revert to the mother chapter along with
all club property.
A. There shall be 6 voting officers (PRES- VP-SEC- Trea.-SCOUT or road
Cap- SGT.AT arms ). These officers make up the executive committee.
1 extra scout is optional left up to the club.
A. Any active member may run for office. Nominations are not required to run
any active member may run by stating their intention to do so at the
meeting of an election year.
B. May not run for more than 1 office at a time.
C. Must be a member in good standing and 1 year of membership completed.
A. Elections for officers will be held every 4 years at the annual club
meeting. In order to allow for an orderly transition of administrators the
newly elected officers shall assume office at the annual meeting.
B. All officers shall be elected by majority vote.
C. May hold 1 office at a time.
D. Members may mail ballots in if they will not be present.
A. 4 years
A. In the event of an officer’s death, demotion to bad standing, expulsion,
resignation, retirement, or something unforeseen a special election will be
held no more then 30 days after office has been vacated.
A. Any active member at a regular meeting may submit a writ of impeachment
against any officer. This writ must be signed by at least 3 active members
and must list the charges the officer.
All active members must be informed of the writ prior to any impeachment
vote. In order to allow the officer an opportunity to prepare a statement
concerning the charges against them, A special meeting will be held for
action on the writ no less then 3 days and no more then 30 days following
the submission of the writ. Prospects are prohibited from attending unless
their testimony is needed. Impeachment requires a 2/3 majority vote of all
active members in the club.
The president is the chairman of the executive committee and chief
executive officer of the club. All matters concerning relations between the
club and any outside person or organization should be routed to the
president for appropriate action. The president or his or her delegate shall
assume the chair at all club meetings. He or she is responsible for
controlling all meeting and keeping order. If necessary the chair may ask
the sgt. At arms for help in keeping order. The president may not make or
second any motion and only vote on questions where their vote would
affect the outcome as in making or breaking a tie. Any questions on the by-
laws during a meeting will be interpreted by the president. If a member is
not satisfied with the answer the issue will be tabled until the executive
committee can rule on it.
The vice president shall coordinate all committees and supervise plans for
all club events. He shall act as intermediary between the president and the
members and prospects. All questions or comments concerning any club
business not specifically related to the other officers should be brought
directly to his or her attention. Vp is 2nd in command to the president and
will assume all responsibilities in their absence.
The secretary is responsible for making and keeping all club records
including the membership rosters, by-laws, records of all committee
appointments, all written reports, copies of all correspondence between
the club and any outside person or organization and the minutes. They are
responsible for the sign in sheet at all meetings. They must notify active
members of special or emergency meetings and notify all members of any
appointments or elections made in their absence.
The treasurer keeps all funds of the club. They may disburse funds to pay
expenses not to exceed 100.00. Any expense over 100.00 must be
approved through the club. They must keep an accurate record of income
and expenses and are required to report fiscal status of the club funds at
each regular meeting. They will notify members and prospects of any
money that is due to the club.
The sgt at arms is responsible for ensuring that the by-laws of the club are
not being violated and that the orders of the executive committee are
carried out in an expeditious manner. They will keep inventory of all unused
club patches as well as a record of colors and patches or reproductions
issued to members. They are responsible for policing and keeping order at
all club events except as noted under the duties of president. They may
delegate members to aid in keeping order on their own authority. They are
responsible to report any unseemly behavior or incidents to the executive
committee. They are responsible for securing any patches or colors from
any member who retires, resigns, or is expelled. They are responsible for
the safety and security of the club as well as the protection and defense of
its members. Upon becoming aware of any real or perceived threat to the
club, its members or events they shall notify the executive committee.
The scout or road caption is responsible for all club runs. They shall
research, plan, and organize. During actual time on the road or at
intermediate stops during the run they shall be ranking officer deferring
only to the president or vice president if either is present and only then for
matters involving persons outside the club. They shall supply the secretary
with any information required to notify outside agencies of impending club
runs in a timely manner.
Nomads are members that don’t belong to any charter but must still abide by
rules of the club.
A. Make contact with the sgt at arms by e-mail, phone or letter or contact
the president at least once a month and that contact will be conveyed at
regular club meetings.
B. Governed by the mother chapter
C. Keep dues up to date
D. Must follow by-laws at all times.
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