Education Abroad Enrollment Report 2010-2011 The number of UK students who studied abroad for credit during the academic year 2010-11 increased by 8.2% to 637 enrollments. The majority, or 64.8%, of UK students chose destinations in Europe, which is higher than national averages. Spain is the most popular destination, followed by France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. Eleven of the top 18 destinations were outside of Europe. Together, the College of Arts and Sciences and the Gatton College of Business account for over 50% of the total education abroad enrollment. Short-term programs serve the largest number of UK students studying abroad, accounting for over 66% of the total enrollment. UK Sponsored programs enrolled 32.7% (220) of the total education abroad enrollment, followed by UK Partner programs at 32.5% (191). Sixty-one UK students participated in UK Exchange programs. The data suggest that Education Abroad at UK has been very successful at enrolling a higher proportion of minority students than are represented in the total student body. The University of Kentucky ranks last among its benchmark institutions with regard to education abroad participation but remains the largest sending institution in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. For the purposes of this report, UK enrollment in education abroad is compared to national enrollments as reported in the Open Doors report published annually by the Institute of International Education. Open Doors 2010 reports on enrollment during the academic year 2008-09. The 2011 report for 2009-10 enrollment will be released November 2011. Education Abroad Enrollment 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 02-'03 03-'04 04-'05 05-'06 06-'07 07-'08 08-'09 09-'10 10-'11 Host Regions of UK Students, For-Credit The majority or 64.8% of UK students chose destinations in Europe, which is considerably higher than national averages. At 12.6%, programs in Latin American account for the second largest proportion of enrollments, followed by Asia at 8.3%. Few students chose destinations in North America, the Middle East and Africa. About 6.0% of students studied abroad in more than one destination during the same education abroad experience. Geographical Regions 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 % EA Enrollment National Averages (IIE, 2009) Africa 17 23 3.6% 4.5% Asia 67 53 8.3% 11.1% Europe 343 413 64.8% 56.3% Latin America 108 80 12.6% 15.3% Middle East 7 6 0.9% 1.3% North America 0 4 0.6% 0.4% Oceania 41 20 3.2% 5.3% Multiple Destinations 6 38 6.0% 5.7% 589 637 100% 100% North America 0.6% Middle East 0.9% Oceania 3.2% Multiple Destinations Africa 6.0% 3.6% Asia 8.3% Latin America 12.6% Europe 64.8% Program Enrollment by Region & Program, For-Credit Just two programs in Asia account for nearly 50% of the enrollment in this region, and both are faculty-led programs to China. The most popular programs in Europe are faculty-led programs. Enrollments in Latin America span the region, but the popular faculty-led Honors program to Ecuador (20) enrolls the largest numbers of students. Africa, the Middle East and Oceania enrollments remain modest but there has been significant growth in programs that are facilitated in multiple locations. Africa Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 UK Sponsored: Internship - Cape Town, South Africa (Arts & Sciences) UK Sponsored: Social Development in Developing Countries: Ghana (Social Work) UK Sponsored: Study Tour of Ghana (Agriculture) UK External: Foundation for Sustainable Development: Uganda UK Partner: Botswana: Summer Community Public Health (CIEE) 9 9 6 6 3 3 1 1 UK Partner: Study Abroad Ghana: Origins of African Identity (SIT) UK Sponsored: College of Public Health International Rotation [For Internal Use Only] (Public Health) Percentages by Term Total 1 UK Partner: Mohammed V University(AMIDEAST) Totals Summer 2011 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 19 23 0.0% 4.3% 0.0% 13.0% 82.7% 100% Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total 14 14 11 11 5 5 Asia UK Sponsored: Conversational Chinese in Shanghai (Arts & Sciences) UK Sponsored: Mining Engineering in China (Engineering) UK Sponsored: Educational Leadership Studies: International Symposium on Educational Reform (Education) UK Exchange: Akita International University UK Exchange: Korea University Business School (Business & Economics) UK Exchange: Maejo University Internship Program (Agriculture) UK Exchange: Japan - Akita International University Summer Intensive Program 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Acad. Year Fall 2010 UK Consortia: KIIS - Art, Chinese Language, and Economics (KIIS) UK Consortia: North Carolina State: India: Multiple Cities: Urdu Culture North of India Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total 1 1 1 UK Direct: Shanghai University 1 1 1 UK Direct: Toyo University (ISEP Direct) 1 1 UK Direct: University of Hyderabad (ISEP) 1 1 UK Direct: USAC: India: Christ U at Bangalore 1 UK Exchange: Chung-ang University 1 1 UK Exchange: City University of Hong Kong Mathematics (Arts & Sciences) 1 1 UK Exchange: Nagoya University (NUPACE) 1 1 1 UK External: WVU: Ceramics and Humanities in China UK Partner: University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) (KEI) UK Sponsored: Studio Chinese Art in Shanghai University (Fine Arts) Totals Percentages by Term 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 5 38 53 7.5% 9.4% 1.9% 9.4% 71.8% 100% Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total Europe UK Embedded - Merchandising Apparel & Textiles 30 UK Sponsored: Fulbright: Discover Germany UK Consortia: London/Dublin (CCSA) 20 19 20 19 UK Sponsored: Engineering and Calculus III in Karlsruhe (Engineering) UK Sponsored: Design in the Field: Spanish Topotypes (Design) UK Sponsored: Design in the Netherlands (Design) UK Sponsored: Honors - From Bologna to Bologna: The University in Global Context (Honors) UK Sponsored: Intensive Intermediate German (Arts & Sciences) UK Exchange: The Grenoble School of Management (Business & Economics) UK Consortia: France II - Advanced French Literature, Cinema, Theater, and Culture (KIIS) 30 9 14 14 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 1 10 9 9 Acad. Year UK Partner: Spain: Spanish Language, Business, & Applied/Social Sciences (API) UK Partner: ISA: Italy: Business, Studio Art and Liberal Arts (ISA) UK Sponsored: Internship - Summer in London (EUSA) UK Partner: Italy: Lorenzo De'Medici-Florence Summer (API) UK Sponsored: Summer in Paris - Theater, Culture, and Art (Fine Arts) UK Exchange: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Design) UK Partner: Antonio de Nebrija University - Spanish Language and Electives (ISA) UK Consortia: Italian Culture, Literature, and Theater (KIIS) UK Partner: ISA: Spain: Autonomous U of BarcelonaInternational Studies (ISA) Fall 2010 7 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 2 3 1 UK Sponsored - AG France Nutrition UK Exchange: Heidelberg University 5 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 3 1 UK Partner: Spain: Intl Studies-Barcelona (API) UK Partner: Spain: Menendez Pelayo Intl ULanguage, Culture & Business in English (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: U of Málaga-Spanish Language & Culture (ISA) UK Sponsored: Internship - Summer in Madrid (EUSA) UK Consortia: France I - French Lang., Culture, English, History, Honors, Photo., and Psy. (KIIS) 1 1 1 UK Embedded: Travel to Germany: Living in Sustainable Cities (Arts & Sciences) 4 4 4 2 1 4 2 2 4 3 3 1 Total 9 4 UK Exchange: National University of Ireland Maynooth UK Partner: Florence University of the Arts (FUA) (SAI) UK Partner: Lorenzo de'Medici Language School Florence (API) UK Direct: Philipps-University Marburg (ISEP Direct) Summer 2011 4 1 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 UK Partner: Griffith College Dublin (KEI) 3 3 UK Partner: John Cabot University (SAI) 3 3 3 3 UK Partner: Spain: U of Granada - Spanish Language & Culture (ISA) UK Sponsored: Renewable Energy (Option B Short/Apartment) (Engineering) UK Consortia: Advanced German Language and Culture (KIIS) UK Consortia: Greek Literature, Comedy & Tragedy, Honors, and Art & Drawing (KIIS) 3 3 2 2 2 2 Acad. Year Summer 2011 Total UK Consortia: Holocaust and Enlightenment Literature, History, Honors, and German Lang. (KIIS) 2 2 UK Consortia: London Summer (CCSA) 2 2 UK Consortia: Spain I - Intermediate Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture (KIIS) 2 2 1 2 UK Direct: University of Savoie (ISEP Direct) Winter 2011 Spring 2011 1 UK Exchange: Burgundy School of Business (Business & Economics) UK Exchange: HUMAK University of Applied Science (Fine Arts) UK Exchange: Lancaster University Fall 2010 2 2 2 2 2 2 UK Exchange: University of Caen (Lexington Sister Cities) 1 1 2 UK Exchange: University of Central Lancashire 1 1 2 UK Exchange: Vienna University of Economics and Business (Business & Economics) 1 1 2 UK External: Forum-Nexus UK External: Greece: Paros Island (Athena Study Abroad) UK Partner: England: Regent's American College (ASA) UK Partner: France: Language & Culture StudiesGrenoble (API) UK Partner: Pantheon Center and John Cabot University in Rome (Abroadco) UK Partner: Spain: Advanced Hispanic & Integrated Studies (CEA) 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 UK Partner: Spain: Language Studies (CEA) UK Partner: Spain: Menendez Pelayo Intl ULanguage, Culture & Business in English Summer (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: Spanish Language & CultureGranada (API) UK Partner: Spain: Spanish Language & CultureMadrid (API) UK Partner: Spain: Summer Program-Barcelona (AIFS) UK Partner: The International Center of Antibes - 1: French Language and Culture (CEA) UK Partner: University Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille III - 1 French Language and Culture (CEA) UK Sponsored: Renewable Energy (Option A Long/Home stay) (Engineering) UK Sponsored: Renewable Energy (Option B Short/Home stay) (Engineering) UK Consortia: Advanced Spanish Language, Literature, Culture, and Business (KIIS) 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Acad. Year Fall 2010 Summer 2011 Total UK Consortia: Business, History, and Byzantine & Ottoman Art/Architecture (KIIS) 1 1 UK Consortia: Internship - Dublin (CCSA) 1 1 UK Consortia: London Winter (CCSA) Winter 2011 Spring 2011 1 1 UK Consortia: Slavic Europe (KIIS) UK Consortia: Spain II - Advanced Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture (KIIS) UK Consortia: University of Regensburg - Advanced German Language, Literature, and Culture (KIIS) UK Direct: Royal Agricultural College 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK Direct: Internship - Calvados, France (Lexington Sister Cities) 1 1 UK Direct: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1 1 UK Direct: Lancaster University 1 1 UK Direct: Universite de Caen CEFE 1 1 UK Direct: Universite Lyon 3 1 1 UK Exchange - Universidad de Vigo (ISEP) 1 1 UK Exchange - Université d`Angers (ISEP) 1 UK Exchange - Université du Havre (ISEP) UK Exchange: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (ISEP) UK Exchange: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Engineering) UK Exchange: Stockholm School of Economics (Business & Economics) UK Exchange: Summer Study (Business and Economics) UK Exchange: University of Lille III (Charles de Gaulle) (ISEP Exchange) UK Exchange: University of Ludwigsburg (Graduate School) UK Exchange: WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management (Business & Economics) UK Exchange: Wolverhampton, England (Health Sciences) UK External: Boston U: Switzerland: Geneva Internship Program 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK External: Cortona (University of Georgia) UK External: EU Studies Program (Georgia State University) UK External: Intl Studies Winter Break: London, Paris & Berlin I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK External: Russian in Kazan (ASU) (CLI) 1 1 UK External: School of Russian and Asian Studies 1 1 UK Partner: API: Cours de Civilisation Francaise: Sorbonne 1 1 UK Partner: Austria-Salzburg (AIFS) 1 1 UK Partner: Boston University: International Conflict Resolution Program in London and Geneva (Summer) 1 1 UK External: London School of Economics and Political Science UK External: Neuroscience in Salamanca (summer) (UConn) UK External: Oatridge College: Equine Summer School in Scotland UK Partner: Domus Academy (SAI) 1 UK Partner: England: Goldsmiths College (Arcadia) UK Partner: England: Parliamentary Internship (Arcadia) 1 1 1 UK Partner: England: Roehampton U (CIS) UK Partner: England: Study Abroad (AIU) 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK Partner: England: U College London (Arcadia) 1 1 UK Partner: England: U of Westminster (CIS) 1 1 UK Partner: France: Intensive Language (API) 1 1 UK Partner: France: U of Nice (Abroadco) 1 1 UK Partner: France: University Paul Cezanne - Aix Marseille III V 1 1 UK Partner: Furniture Design (DIS) 1 1 UK Partner: Ireland: Summer Irish Studies (CIEE) 1 1 UK Partner: ISA: England: Urban Life and Humanities (ISA) UK Partner: Italy: Italian Language & CultureFlorence (CEA) 1 1 1 UK Partner: Italy: Legacy of Modern Italy (CEA) 1 UK Partner: Italy: Santa Reparata International School of Art (Abroadco) 1 UK Partner: Italy: Umbra Institute (CIS) UK Partner: Language, Community, and Social Change (SIT) UK Partner: London South Bank University (KEI) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Acad. Year UK Partner: Lorenzo de'Medici Language School Rome (API) UK Partner: Lorenzo de'Medici Language School Tuscania (API) UK Partner: Menendez Pelayo International (Spanish Lang., Culture and Bus. in English Semester) (ISA) UK Partner: Menéndez Pelayo International University - Spanish Language and Culture Trimester (ISA) UK Partner: Multiple: European Art and Architecture (AIFS) UK Partner: National University of Ireland, Maynooth (IFSA-Butler) UK Partner: Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA) (SAI) UK Partner: Spain: Arabic Cultural Studies in Granada (CEA) Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK Partner: Spain: Autonomous U of Barcelona (CIS) 1 1 1 1 UK Partner: Spain: ELAP 12 week program (ISA) 1 1 UK Partner: Spain: Hispanic Studies-Granada (API) 1 1 UK Partner: Spain: Intensive Language-Granada (API) 1 1 UK Partner: Spain: Language & Culture-Granada (CEA) 1 1 UK Partner: Spain: Language & Culture-Madrid (CEA) UK Partner: Spain: Liberal Arts & Sciences-Seville (CEA) UK Partner: Spain: Menendez Pelayo International U (Spanish Language and Culture) (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: Pablo de Olavide U-Hispanic Studies (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: Pompeu Fabra U-Language & Liberal Arts (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: Pompeu Fabra U-Language, Culture & Economics (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: Spanish Language & Humanities (API) UK Partner: Spain: Summer Program-Salamanca (AIFS) UK Partner: Spain: U of Granada - Intensive Spanish Language Trimester (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: U of Malaga-Intensive Spanish (ISA) UK Partner: Spain: Universidad Antonio Nebrija (MLSA) UK Partner: Spain: Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (ASA) UK Partner: Spain: Universidad Pablo de Olavide (ASA) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 UK Partner: Spain:Culture, Identity and Nationalism in Barcelona (API) UK Partner: Spain-Salamanca (AIFS) Summer 2011 Total 1 1 1 UK Partner: Study Abroad in Cannes, France (AIFS) 1 1 1 UK Partner: Study Abroad in Paris, France (AIFS) 1 UK Partner: Summer Study Abroad (DIS) 1 1 UK Partner: U of Westminster (CEA) 1 1 UK Partner: University of Granada - Hispanic Studies (ISA) 1 UK Partner: University of Granada (Abroadco) UK Partner: University of Salamanca - Business and Liberal Arts (ISA) UK Partner: University of Valencia - Spanish Language and Literature (ISA) UK Sponsored: Renewable Energy (Option A Long/Apartment) (Engineering) Totals Percentages by Term 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 56 23 93 224 413 4.1% 13.5% 5.7% 22.5% 54.2% 100% Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total 15 15 Latin America UK Sponsored: Honors - Study Tour of Ecuador (Honors) UK Embedded - The Kentucky Bahama Connection 10 UK Sponsored: Early Education in Guatemala (Education) UK Partner: Costa Rica - Spanish Immersion and Study (Sol) 1 UK Partner: Universidad de Costa Rica (MLSA) UK Partner: Universidad de Espíritu Santo (KEI) UK Consortia: KIIS - Costa Rica Inst. of Tech. – Agric., Biology, Comm., Ecol., Educ., Geog., Latin American Culture, and Spanish Language (KIIS) UK Partner: Chile: Pontifical Catholic U- Spanish Language & Chilean Culture (ISA) UK Consortia: KIIS - Geography, History, Political Science, and Spanish Language and Culture (KIIS) UK Direct: Veritas University (Spanish Language Intensive Month at Veritas)(August) 10 1 2 1 2 8 8 2 5 4 5 2 4 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 Acad. Year UK Partner: Chile - Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment (SIT) UK Partner: Education Abroad: Argentina : Spanish Immersion and Study (SOL) Fall 2010 Winter 2011 1 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 1 2 2 UK Direct: Universidad Nacional (ISEP) Total 1 2 1 UK External: Family Sciences Internship Program: Costa Rica 1 1 UK External: Intern Abroad in Brazil (ProWorld) 1 1 UK External: International Volunteer Headquarters 1 1 UK External: NGO Abroad 1 1 UK External: Universidad de las Américas Puebla (Christian Missionary Fellowship) UK External: Universidad Veritas Intensive Language Program (API) UK Partner: Argentina: Intensive Spanish Language (CEA) UK Partner: Argentina: Latin American & Integrated Studies - Early Start (CEA) UK Partner: Argentina: U of Belgrano-Courses with Argentine Students (ISA) UK Partner: Argentina: U of Belgrano-Latin American Studies in English and Spanish (ISA) UK Partner: Chile: Spanish Language and Latin American Culture (CEA) UK Partner: CIEE Study Center - Tropical Ecology and Conservation (CIEE) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totals Percentages by Term 1 1 UK Partner: Ecuador Service Learning (IPSL) UK Partner: Latin American Studies and Economics; University of the Pacific (ISA) UK Partner: Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Sciences (CEA) UK Partner: Universidad Latina-Heredia - Intensive Spanish Language (ISA) UK Sponsored: Shoulder to Shoulder Global (STSG): Ecuador: August program - credit UK Sponsored: Social and Environmental Justice in Mexico (Arts & Sciences) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 20 2 7 51 80 0.0% 25.0% 2.5% 8.8% 63.7% 100% Middle East Acad. Year UK Partner: Egyptology Program (AMIDEAST) Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 1 UK Partner: Middle East Studies Program (Best Semester) UK External: American University in Beirut: Beirut: Lebanon UK Partner: Cairo University - Political Economy of the Middle East (IFSA-Butler) Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK Partner: Intensive Arabic in Amman (AMIDEAST) 1 1 UK External: Yarmouk University Arabic Program (University of Virginia) 1 1 Totals Percentages by Term 0 2 0 2 2 6 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 33.3% 33.3% 99.9% Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total 2 2 North America UK Consortia: KIIS - Laval University - French Language, French-Canadian Lit. and Business (KIIS) UK Direct: Saint Mary's University 1 UK Partner: U of Guanajuato-Courses with Mexican Students (ISA) Totals Percentages by Term 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 4 0.0% 25% 0.0% 25% 50% 100% Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total Oceania UK Partner: Bond University (EAN) 1 UK External: RMIT U (Education Abroad Network) 2 3 2 2 UK Partner: Australia (OE Studyabroad) UK Partner: University of Sydney (AustraLearn) 2 1 1 UK External: Australia in the Global Economy (Education Abroad Network) UK External: Internship - The Washington Center Sydney UK Partner: Australia: U of Melbourne (AustraLearn) 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total UK Partner: Bond University (AustraLearn) 1 1 UK Partner: Custom Designed Internships in Australia (AustraLearn) 1 1 UK Partner: Fiji (OE Studyabroad) 1 1 UK Partner: Internship - Summer in Sydney (EAN) 1 1 UK Partner: New Zealand: AUT University (AustraLearn) 1 1 UK Partner: University of New South Wales (EAN) 1 1 UK Partner: University of Newcastle (AustraLearn) 1 1 UK Partner: University of Wollongong (AustraLearn) 1 1 Totals Percentages by Term 1 3 1 10 5 20 5.0% 15.0%% 5.0% 50.0% 25.0% 100% Acad. Year Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Total Multiple Destinations UK Consortia: Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST) UK Sponsored: College of Medicine International Rotation [For Internal Use Only] (Medicine) UK Sponsored: College of Health Sciences International Clerkships 2 4 7 9 8 8 1 5 UK Partner: Summer Voyage (Semester at Sea) 4 UK Sponsored: College of Health Sciences Physician Assistant Int’l Rotation (Health Sciences) 4 UK Sponsored: International Rotations (Pharmacy) 4 3 UK Partner: Fall Voyage (Semester at Sea) 4 2 3 2 UK Partner: May Voyage (Semester at Sea) 2 2 UK Sponsored: College of Health Sciences Physical Therapy International Internship (Health Sciences) 1 1 Totals Percentages by Term 0 6 0 22 10 38 0.0% 15.8% 0.0% 57.9% 26.3% 100% Host Regions of UK Students, Non-Credit Education Abroad at UK also provides services to students participating in international education experiences for which credit is not earned. This largely includes group travel programming, such as the College of Pharmacy’s Shoulder to Shoulder program in Ecuador. Non-credit bearing athletic and music-related travel is also included here. Geographical Regions 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment % of Total Non-credit Enrollment Africa 4 7 3.9% Asia 0 6 3.3% Europe 39 65 35.7% Latin America 25 95 52.2% Middle East 0 0 0.0% North America 9 9 4.9% Oceania 0 0 0.0% Multiple Destinations 0 0 0.0% 77 182 100% Leading Destinations, For-Credit Spain has emerged as the most popular destination for UK students, with a total of 105 (16.5%). France has jumped to second with 89 (14.0%). Germany remains in third place which may be largely attributed to the popular Fulbright Discovery Germany program that annually enrolls 20 students. The top five leading destinations (Spain, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom) account for 54.3% of the total enrollment. Eleven of the top 18 destinations were outside of Europe. Due to the earthquake and subsequent events, enrollment in Japan suffered a considerable decline. 1 Country 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of Total Percentage Change1 1. Spain 63 105 16.5% 5.8% 2. France 48 89 14.0% 5.9% 3. Germany 67 70 11.0% -0.4 5. Italy 27 42 6.6% 2.0 4. United Kingdom 72 40 6.3% -5.9 6. China 25 35 5.5% 1.3 8. Ecuador 33 21 3.3% -2.3 9. Costa Rica 34 21 3.3% -2.5 7. Australia 37 18 2.8% -3.5 10. Netherlands n/a 12 1.9% n/a 11. Ireland 20 11 1.7% -1.7 12. Bahamas n/a 10 1.6% n/a 13. Ghana 4 10 1.6% 0.9 14. South Africa n/a 9 1.4% n/a 15. Argentina 9 8 1.3% -0.2 16. Guatemala 6 8 1.3% 0.3 17. Japan 21 7 1.1% -2.5 18. Chile 4 6 0.9% 0.2 Calculated on the percentage of enrollment in 2010-2011 minus the 2009-2010 percentage. Enrollment by UK College, For-Credit The College of Arts and Sciences enrolled 224 students in education abroad programs during 2010-2011, accounting for 35.2% of the total education abroad enrollment. The Gatton College of Business and Economics follows with a 96 students, or roughly 15.1%. Together, these two colleges account for over 50% of the total education abroad enrollment at UK. Proportional enrollment is calculated on total (undergraduate, where applicable) enrollment in each respective college. 2009-2010 Enrollment 2010-2011 Enrollment % of Total Enrollment Percentage Change College Proportion2 College of Arts and Sciences 219 224 35.2% -2.0 3.7% College of Business and Economics 71 96 15.1% 3.0% 3.5% College of Communications & Information Studies 52 45 7.1% -1.7% 3.3% College of Agriculture 48 66 10.4% 2.3% 2.3% Graduate School 45 39 6.1% -1.5% 25.2% College of Engineering 32 39 6.1% 0.7% 1.4% College of Education 20 25 3.9% 0.5% 1.0% College of Fine Arts 19 19 2.9% -0.3% 2.2% College of Design 17 40 6.3% 3.4% 10.6% College of Pharmacy 13 3 0.5% -1.7% 0.5% College of Medicine 10 7 1.1% -0.6% 0.5% College of Undergraduate Studies*3 18 14 2.2% -0.9% 0.7% College of Health Sciences 9 4 0.6% -0.9% 0.6% College of Nursing 5 9 1.4% 0.6% 0.7% College of Law 4 0 0.0% -0.7% 0.0% College of Public Health 4 0 0.0% -0.7% 0% College of Social Work 3 7 1.1% 0.6% 1.2% 589 637 100% College/Unit 2 3 Calculated on total undergraduate enrollment. Non-degree seeking students are counted in the College of Undergraduate Studies. Leading College Enrollment by Department, For-Credit Within the College of Arts & Sciences, International Studies majors account for 27.3% of the college’s enrollment, or 9.6% of the total education abroad enrollment. Finance (26%) and Marketing (24%) students are the most represented majors in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. College/Unit 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage Total College Enrollment College of Arts and Sciences 224 International Studies 61 27.3% Biology 30 13.4% Psychology 29 12.9% Political Science 22 9.8% English 14 6.3% History 9 4.0% Chemistry 7 3.1% Hispanic Studies 13 5.8% Anthropology 7 3.1% Economics 3 1.3% Geography 5 2.2% Sociology 4 1.8% Linguistics 6 2.7% Modern and Classical Lang., Lit. and Cultures 5 2.2% Mathematics 4 1.8% Philosophy 2 0.9% Foreign Language & International Economics 1 0.5% German 2 0.9% College of Business and Economics 96 Finance 25 26.0% Marketing 23 24.0% Management 19 19.8% Accounting 17 17.7% Economics 12 12.5% Duration of Study, For Credit At 66.1%, short-term programs serve the largest number of UK students studying abroad. These programs generally include summer, winter intersession and any program less than 8 weeks. About 31% of UK students studying abroad do so through mid-length, or one semester, programs, and just 3.5% spend a full academic year abroad. Compared to national averages, enrollment in short-term programs is disproportionately high at UK. 2009-2010 Enrollment 2010-2011 Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment National Averages (IIE, 2009) Short-term (0-8 weeks) 390 421 66.1% 56.3% Mid-Length 184 194 30.4% 39.5% Long-term 15 22 3.5% 4.2% 589 637 100% 100% Duration of Study Term of Study, For Credit Summer 2011 programs enrolled over 55% of the total number of students studying abroad in 2010-2011. UK students generally favor studying abroad during the spring semester (17.2%) over the fall semester (13.2%), which is generally the case at many U.S. institutions. 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment Percentage Change Academic Year 15 22 3.5% 0.9% Fall 70 84 13.2% 1.3% Fall Embedded 0 10 1.6% 1.6% Winter 41 27 4.2% -2.6% Spring 113 110 17.2% -2.0% 0 33 5.2% 5.2% 350 351 55.1% -4.4% 589 637 100% Term of Study Spring Embedded Summer Program Type, For Credit From Fall 2010, the education abroad program portfolio was reorganized around major program types. As such, the 2010-2011 enrollment was retroactively categorized in part to provide a baseline category for future enrollment analyses. UK Sponsored generally includes those program offerings facilitated by UK faculty or select customized programs offered in conjunction with Education Abroad. UK Exchange includes university-wide or college-specific exchanges and ISEP-Exchange programs (5 students/5 different programs). UK Consortia include KIIS, CCSA and other consortium-based programs for which UK is a voting member. UK Direct includes programs through which UK students enroll directly in a program offered by an international institution or on ISEP-Direct programs (8 students/5 different programs). UK Partner includes third-party provider programs and other internship based programs. UK External includes programs which Education Abroad has reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis in response to individual student appeals. In 2010-11, UK Sponsored programs enrolled 32.7% (208) of the total education abroad enrollment, followed by UK Partner programs at 32.5% (207). UK Exchange programs enrolled 61 students, which accounts for 9.6% of the total enrollment. 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment Percentage Change UK Sponsored 220 208 32.7% -4.7% UK Exchange 65 61 9.6% -1.43% UK Consortia 82 71 11.1% -2.82% UK Direct 11 19 3.0% 0.0% UK Partner 191 207 32.5% 0.1% UK External n/a 28 4.4% n/a UK Embedded n/a 43 6.7% n/a Other 20 n/a n/a n/a 589 637 100% Program Type Enrollment Demographics, For Credit Race/Ethnicity Compared with the UK campus-wide enrollment by race/ethnicity, the data suggest that Education Abroad has been successful with maintaining minority student participation. In particular, Asian-Americans and HispanicAmerican students represent a larger percentage in education abroad enrollments than campus-wide enrollment. These figures may be skewed by the Fulbright Discover Germany program which primarily targets minority students. Race/Ethnicity African American Asian-American/ Pacific Islander Caucasian/White Non-Hispanic Hispanic American Multiracial Native Amer./ Alaskan Native Prefer Not to Answer/Other Nonresident Alien Other 2009-2010 Enrollment 2010-2011 Enrollment Percentage of Enrollment Percentage of UK Enrollment4 National Avg. (IIE, 2009) 48 42 6.6% 6.5% 4.0% 21 23 3.6% 2.7% 6.6% 473 513 80.5% 79% 81.8% 11 14 2.2% 1.8% 5.9% 15 6 0.9% 0.6% 1.2% 2 1 0.2% 0.2% 0.5% 19 37 5.9% 4.2% n/a n/a n/a n/a 5.0% n/a n/a 1 0.2% n/a n/a 589 637 100% 100% 100% Gender Although female students account for 49.2% of UK campus-wide enrollment, 64.4% of the education abroad enrollment is disproportionately female. However, this is generally comparable to national education abroad enrollment trends as reported in Open Doors, 2009. 2009-2010 Enrollment 2010-2011 Enrollment Percentage of Enrollment Percentage of UK Enrollment National Avg. (IIE, 2009) Male 187 227 35.6% 50.8% 34.9% Female 402 410 64.4% 49.2% 65.1% 589 637 100% 100% 100% Gender 4 Gender by Region As female students account for 64.4% of education abroad enrollment, it is not surprising to see that female students are proportionately higher in most regions. One noticeable difference is in Asia, where male participation is much higher. 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment Male Female 4 19 0.6% 3.0% Male Female 32 21 5.0% 3.3% 140 273 21.9% 42.9% 27 53 4.2% 8.3% 3 3 0.5% 0.5% 13 25 2.0% 4.0% 0 4 0.0% 0.6% 8 12 1.3% 1.9% 637 100% Region/Gender Africa Asia Europe Male Female Latin America Male Female Middle East Male Female Multiple Destinations Male Female North America Male Female Oceania Male Female Residency Status The in-state and out-of-state enrollment generally reflects campus-wide enrollment. However, the data suggest that UK Partner programs are more popular with out-of-state students, with roughly 54.6% of out-of-state students choosing third-party programs vs. 25.6% of in-state students. 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment Percentage of UK Enrollment In-State 458 485 76.2% 75.4% Out-of-State 131 152 23.8% 24.6% 589 637 100% 100% Residency Status First Generation Status Although 23.2% of UK students identify as first generation students, only 9.3% (59) of the education abroad participants reported being first generation students. Of this percentage, 62.7% chose UK Sponsored programs (compared with 32.7% overall), suggesting that first generation students are more willing to study abroad with UK faculty than on more independent education abroad experiences. First generation data was not collected in 20092010 by Education abroad. Status is not a required question in the education abroad application. First-Generation Status 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment Percentage of UK Enrollment5 First Generation n/a 59 9.3% 23.2% Not First Generation n/a 301 47.3% 76.8% Unreported 589 277 43.4% 0% n/a 637 100% 100% Undergraduate Honors Enrollment Nearly 15% of education abroad participants are Honors students, yet only 4% of UK students are, suggesting that education abroad programming appeals disproportionately to academically high achieving students. This data does not reflect Chellgren, Eureka or other programs for high achieving students. Honors Enrollment 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment Percentage of UK Enrollment Honors 77 93 14.6% 4.0% Not Honors 427 544 85.4% 96.0% 504 637 100% 100% Undergraduate vs. Graduate/Professional Enrollment Not surprisingly, undergraduate students disproportionately enroll in credit-bearing education abroad programs, with 92% of the total enrollment being undergraduates. Honors Enrollment 5 2009-2010 EA Enrollment 2010-2011 EA Enrollment Percentage of EA Enrollment Percentage of UK Enrollment Undergraduate 504 586 92.0% 71.7% Graduate & Prof. 85 51 8.0% 28.3% 589 637 100% 100% First time enrolled freshman data found at: Benchmark Institutions, Open Doors 2009, 2010 The University of Kentucky ranks last among our benchmark institutions with regard to education abroad participation. Among the nearly 800 institutions reporting education abroad enrollment data to the Institute of International Education for the 2010 report (based on 2008-2009 enrollment data), UK ranks at 107. At the top, the University of California - Los Angeles sends nearly four times as many students abroad as the University of Kentucky. 2010 Rank Institution Enrollment 2007-2008 Enrollment 2008-2009 % Change 3 University of California - Los Angeles 2,330 2,371 1.8% 4 University of Washington 2,124 2,349 10.6% 6 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 2,521 2,347 -6.9% 7 University of Texas at Austin 2,342 2,281 -2.6% 2,216 2,230 0.6% 2,101 2,181 3.8% 1,969 2,116 7.5% 8 9 10 University of Wisconsin Madison Pennsylvania State University – University Park University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 12 University of Florida 2,039 2,004 -1.7% 13 University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 2,086 1,999 -4.2% 20 Ohio State University 1704 1,758 3.2% 21 University of Maryland - College Park 1,615 1,740 7.7% 24 University of Virginia 1,816 1,637 -9.9% 29 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 1,511 1,434 -5.1% 31 University of California - Davis 1,322 1,412 6.8% 33 Texas A&M University 1,333 1,388 4.1% 1,308 1,287 -1.6% 1,059 1,141 7.7% 792 918 15.9% 769 883 14.8% 870 803 -7.7% 535 589 10.1% 36 44 58 63 75 107 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Campus University of California - San Diego Georgia Institute of Technology Rutgers University - New Brunswick University of California Berkeley University of Kentucky Commonwealth of Kentucky, Open Doors 2009, 2010 The University of Kentucky ranks as the largest sending institution in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, reporting to the Institute of International Education that it awarded academic credit for study abroad to 589 of its students in 2008-2009. It was followed by Western Kentucky University (405) and the University of Louisville (353). 2010 Rank Institution Enrollment 2007-2008 Enrollment 2008-2009 % Change 107 University of Kentucky 535 589 10.1% 181 Western Kentucky University 445 405 -9.0% 207 University of Louisville 320 353 10.3% 223 Centre College 275 325 18.2% 346 Berea College 258 184 -28.7% 265 Northern Kentucky University 237 271 14.3% 292 Murray State University 232 237 2.2% 363 Transylvania University 212 170 -19.8% 379 Bellarmine University 193 161 16.6% 576 Georgetown College 75 60 -20.0% 731 Kentucky Community & Technical College System 70 20 -71.4%