diseases and biotech test study guide (1) answers

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Disease and Biotechnology Unit Test Study Guide
o define—Microorganisms that cause disease or harm to living
o structure—Unicellular, Prokaryotic, Non-cellular
Shape: Rod, Sphere, Spiral
o reproduction—Binary Fission
o defense—Vaccinations
o treatment—Anti-Biotic
o benefits—In food, cheese, yogurt; Medicines, Genetic Engineering
o structure—Non-Cellular
 Shape- crystals, spheres, cylinders, and bacteriophages
o reproduction—Host Cell
o defense— Anti-viral medications are used to control and prevent
the spread of some viral diseases, but they do not destroy the
virus (they only inhibit its development). Additionally,
vaccinations are used to prevent.
o treatment— Most viral infections cannot be cured with
medications…only symptoms can be treated
o bacteriophage—one that infects bacterial cells only
o benefits— create medicines and treat some diseases
o structure—Eukaryotic/Multi-Cellular, contain Spores are dormant
reproductive cells; they are thick-walled and highly resistant
so they can survive unfavorable conditions
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o harmful in addition to pathogenic how? Responsible for food
Many humans are highly allergic. For example: Fungal
infections/diseases--ringworm, yeast infections, Athlete’s foot,
fungal meningitis
o benefits— food spoilage, highly allergic, Fungal
o structure—Unicellular, Eukaryotic, Very Diverse
o define—parasitic worms that usually live in soil and invade
human or other animals
o parasite—host relationship—an organism that lives on or in the
body of another organism
o example?
roundworms, pinworms, and Trichina spiralis
o 3 ways to get a disease—
 Direct transmission—an infectious disease that is passed
from one organism to another (person to person or from
another organism to a person)
 Vector— an organism that transfers an infectious
disease from one host to another (ex. mosquitoes are a
vector for malaria; fleas are a vector for the black
 Carrier— a person who carries an infectious disease
without actually getting the disease themselves
 Indirect transmission—an infectious disease is passed to a
person from an inanimate object (desk, doorknob, etc.)
 vehicle—an inanimate object that spreads disease; ex.
food, water, etc.
o examples of some infectious disease and their pathogenic cause—
 Your choice:
 An example
o Anthrax- The agent of anthrax is a bacterium called Bacillus
anthracis (Bacteria).
o Infectious bacterial diseases…tuberculosis, Lyme
disease, MRSA, leprosy, strep, etc
o Infectious viral diseases…HIV, Chicken Pox,
Hepatitis A, B, & C, Small Pox, Ebola, Rabies,
Swine Flu, Influenza, Common Cold, etc.
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o Infectious disease transmitted by
protozoa…Malaria, Giardia, Toxoplasmosis
o Fungal infections/diseases--ringworm, yeast
infections, Athlete’s foot, fungal meningitis
o antibiotic— medicines taken by an infected person to kill the
bacteria in the body
o anti-viral— used to control and prevent the spread of some viral
diseases, but they do not destroy the virus (they only inhibit
its development)
o antibiotic resistance— Some antibiotics have been overprescribed
and by natural selection, bacteria have become resistant (can’t
be killed) to certain medications
o vaccination— vaccinations—substances that stimulate the body to
produce chemicals (antibodies) that destroy familiar invaders
other methods— Wash your hands often, get vaccinated, use antibiotics sensibly, stay
at home if you have signs and symptoms of an infection, be smart about food
preparation, disinfect the 'hot zones' in your residence, don't share personal items
o unicellular—draw it
o multicellular—draw it
o prokaryotic—trick for remembering?
Single Cell (generally), No
o eukaryotic –trick for remembering?
*Think of a TRICK
o DNA/RNA: Biological Information storage and implementer
Name: ___________________________ # _____
Date: _______________________ Core: _____
o asexual- mode of reproductionby which offspring arise from a single organism, and
inherit the genes of that parent only
o sexual: process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two
o colonies: Group of cells living closely together
o binary fission: a form of asexual reproduction and cell division
o spores: a reproductive cell capable of developing into a new individual without fusion
with another reproductive cell (asexual)
microbiology: study of microorganisms
microorganism: mostly unicellular (single-celled) organisms too small
to be seen without a microscope
Spread of Disease
vector: an organism that transfers an infectious disease from one
host to another
o example? Mosquitoes, fleas
o real-life scenario— mosquitoes are a vector for malaria, fleas
are a vector for the black plague
vehicle :
an inanimate object that spreads disease
o example? Food, Water
o real-life scenario—I ate raw meat, and received salmonella
o define: a person who carries an infectious disease without
actually getting the disease themselves
control—draw a graphic organizer to show how these 3 terms relate (3
way tie?)
o outbreak
o epidemic
o pandemic
direct transmission
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o real-life scenario—I coughed on Ms. Patberg and got her sick.
indirect transmission
o real-life scenario (cannot repeat from above)—I coughed on the
desk, and Ms. Patberg got sick when she touched the desk.
aseptic technique
o define—procedure used by medical staff to prevent the spread of infection
o use in a sentence:
 Techniques used on: surgery equipment, draining devices, IV
Lines etc.
 How? Electric/gas heat, chemical treatment, or radiation
The nurse sterilized the needle before I received my shot.
o purpose as it relates to all of the above?
study of how infectious diseases spread. TO prevent and cure of
o define—the use of organisms to improve our lives and the health of the
o 3 clear benefits: Selective Breeding, Fermentation (a process in
which sugar (glucose, lactose, etc.) is broken down in the
absence of oxygen (O2) to form alcohol or acid), Genetic
genetic engineering
o how does it work—Occurs when the genetic material of an organism is
changed to make the organismcapable of performing specific
functions that it might not necessarily be able to do naturally
o examples—
 the gene for human insulin can be put into the DNA of a
bacterial cell
 cloning
o risks? Health, Environmental, Agricultural
o ethical/controversial topics?
Environmental Agricultural
How it affecting the health,
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o how are they used in biotech?
the enzyme lactase can be used to remove the sugar found in
dairy products (lactose) so that people who are lactose
intolerant can consume them
o plastic is usually made from petroleum and other resources that
are nonrenewable (there is only a finite amount on earth) and
not biodegradable (can’t be decomposed)
selective breeding
o what field of biotech?
Genetics? 10,000 years
o how long has this been going on?
career options
o unique to NC how? Study and manipulation of the microbial world
has led to a vastly growing field of biotechnology and offered
many new careers in medicine, agriculture, genetics, food
science and the environment as a result. The state of North
Carolina has the third largest biotechnology industry in the
nation with more
than 520 companies to offer jobs to those seeking employment
o name some biotech careers/fields
*Reference List
o reduce dependence on what? Developments that use renewable
natural resources instead of nonrenewable ones