Each Vehicle Crimes Award of Merit application will be evaluated by

2016 Vehicle Crimes Award of Merit
Sponsored by LoJack Corporation, OnStar, and the IACP Vehicle Crimes Committee
In 2012, a motor vehicle was stolen every 43.7 seconds in the United States. That amounted to 721,053
motor vehicles, an increase of 0.6 percent over 2011; the total loss-value equated to $13.70 per each
man, woman, and child in this country. One solution is developing an agency strategy, implementing it,
and sharing it.
The Vehicle Crimes Award of Merit, was created for law enforcement agencies, task forces, councils,
community partnerships, and other theft prevention alliancesi worldwide to showcase the results of
their Calendar Year 2015 theft prevention and/or enforcement programs. Agencies―both large and
small―have an equal chance of winning; entries are evaluated on initiative, on use of available
resources, and on overall results. Allowing agencies to share how they successfully curbed vehicle
crimes in their jurisdiction.
Five awards will be presented, with one agency being chosen from each of the following categories:
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
Category 6
Agencies : 1—75 personnel
Agencies: 76—250 personnel
Agencies: 251—1,000 personnel
Agencies: 1,001+ personnel
Multi-agency/Task forces1
 No 2015 Vehicle Crimes Award of Merit winner may compete in 2016.
 Each application will address activities that occurred only during the Calendar Year 2015, i.e.,
between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2015. However, it may refer to past years solely to
demonstrate program or individual success(es).
Any agency that submits a multi-agency task force award will be required to fill out a multi-agency notification
form. The form will require the winning multi-agency point of contact to confirm that they have notified all
agencies that participated in the case of the award recognition. Additionally, the point of contact will be required
to work with all agencies involved in the case to identify for IACP who will be accepting the award, the name to be
on the award, and who will be accepting the travel components of the award. Agencies not able to do this in the
requested time period may not be able to receive all components of the award.
This award recognizes an individual law enforcement officer who made an outstanding contribution during the
calendar year 2015 to vehicle theft prevention and/or enforcement.
 Each agency-nominating application will be organized into four categories corresponding to the
four criteria against which each program will be evaluated; will not exceed ten, double-spaced
pages; and will be limited to one, 1½” three-ring binder.
 Each officer-nominating application will not exceed three, double-spaced pages; and will be
limited to one, 1” three-ring binder. An agency may nominate only one outstanding officer, but
it still may submit an agency application.
 One copy of each application will be submitted/postmarked on or before Friday, May 13, 2016.
 Failure to adhere to any of the above guidelines will result in disqualification of the application.
Agency Criteria
Successful Program Efforts (25 points):
For the Calendar Year 2015, describe your agency’s
 Educational, enforcement, and/or legislative efforts aimed at reducing vehicle crimes
 New programs implemented to reduce vehicle crimes
 Policy initiatives/guidelines on vehicle crimes prevention
Attach copies of proposed legislation and policies/guidelines.
Successful Awareness, Education, and Community Partnerships (40 Points):
For the Calendar Year 2015, describe your agency’s
 Public awareness activities to reduce vehicle crimes
 Educational events to reduce vehicle crimes
 Community partnerships to reduce vehicle crimes
Include color photographs of public awareness events related to vehicle crime prevention, as well as
brochures, media articles, posters, publications, etc.
Successful Vehicle Crimes Investigation, Fraud Detection, and Apprehension (40 points):
For the Calendar Year 2015, describe your agency’s
 Vehicle crimes enforcement efforts
 Highlight any cooperative effort with any other law enforcement agency
 Any innovative approach to combat auto theft rings, chop-shops, carjackings, etc.
 Any problem-solving technique; and/or any special campaign.
Successful Crimes Reductions and Recoveries (25 Points):
 State clearly the results of your agency’s efforts for the Calendar Year 2015, i.e., the
effectiveness of enforcement and/or public awareness efforts on vehicle theft crimes. Include
changes in vehicle crime rates and in stolen vehicle recoveries; an application may refer to
past years solely to demonstrate program success(es).
Presentation of Application (10 Points):
Each application will be evaluated relative to its adherence to the stated guidelines, as well as to the
extent to which it answers the following questions:
 How well is the application organized?
 Does it follow the criteria outline?
 Is the data clear and understandable? Do graphs and/or tables depict vehicle theft statistics
or trends?
 Was there extra attention and time taken to prepare the application?
 Is all the information provided, and is it creatively presented?
Individual Criterion
Nominee: __________________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Address: __________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________
Briefly, but clearly describe Nominee’s 2015 outstanding educational, enforcement, and/or
legislative contribution(s) aimed at reducing vehicle thefts and other vehicle-related crimes.
Demonstrate the effectiveness of Nominee’s contribution(s). Include material that documents
Nominee’s contribution(s).
Official Application Form
(This section must be filled out for an application to be considered complete.)
Agency: ____________________________________________________________________________
Agency Head: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: __________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: _______________________________ Telephone: ____________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Facsimile: _____________________________
□ 1 – 75
□ 76 – 250
□ Multi-Agency/Task Force
□ 251 – 1,000
□ 1,001 or more
□ Individual Officer
Evaluation Process
Each Vehicle Crimes Award of Merit application will be evaluated by members of the Vehicle
Crimes Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Evaluators will use a point system
to ensure that the maximum number of points are awarded to each agency application.
Presentation of Awards
One representative from each winning agency, as well as the law enforcement officer recognized for
outstanding contribution(s), will be invited to attend the Annual IACP Conference where the Vehicle
Crimes Award of Merit is presented. Travel expenses to the Annual Conference, the cost of one
registration, and three nights' stay at a designated hotel are provided to the winner of each category.
Send all completed applications by Wednesday, May 11, 2016, to
Sarah Horn
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Vehicle Crimes Award of Merit
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
Please contact, Sarah Horn at 1 (800) 843-4227 x215 or horn@theiacp.org with any question.
For simplicity’s sake, the term “agency” is used hereinafter to refer collectively to “all law enforcement agencies, task forces,
councils, community partnerships, and other theft prevention alliances.”