Newsletter 4th September 2015

Friday 4th September 2015
Dear Parents,
I hope you have all had a good summer
break and on behalf of staff, thank you for
the lovely gifts the children brought in at the
end of last term. I would also like to
welcome all our new parents and children.
As you know we are keen to improve the
environment for the children and I am
pleased to say that the building work was
completed over summer (just!) and the
classrooms in Y3 to Y6 have been plastered,
decorated and have new ceilings and
lighting. The children have settled well into
their new environment.
The foyer inside school has also been
decorated and new carpet put down. The
Monet pictures that the Y5/Y6 did last term
will be going up shortly. We will continue
to decorate the school as the year progresses.
New Staff
As you are aware we have some new staff:
 Miss McKenna, Deputy Head Teacher
 Mrs Smith, Foundation Stage and KS1
Leader and Year 2 teacher
 Miss Broadbent, Y3/4 teacher
 Miss Szulec, Y1 teacher
 Miss Cunningham, Y3 teacher
There have also been some changes to our
office staff – Mrs Tooth is our new Business
Manager and Mrs Jones has recently been
appointed and joins Mrs Sutton in the main
entrance office. Mrs Taylor, who was
previously in the office, is now our Office
Dropping off and collecting children
During the building work we closed the side
gate which was used by the Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6
children and they had to enter the
playground on the other side and walk all
the way round. We have decided, from
Monday, to do this permanently as it means
there will be one entrance for all the children
and myself and Miss McKenna will be on the
gate every morning if you need to speak
with us. The gates will open at 8.45am and
close at 9am. If your child arrives after 9am
they must go through the main school
The same gate will be used at the end of the
day so there will only be one way in and out
of school. This will ensure all our children
are kept safe and can’t get on to the car park
or road.
Could I also ask that when you are waiting at
the end of the day on the playground that
you stand back from the classroom windows
as this can distract the children from their
Before and After School Club
The school is still intending to set up a
Breakfast and Tea Time club and we are
hoping this will be in place by October half
term. Further details will follow as soon as
School Dinner Prices
School dinners, for children in Y3 –Y6 are
£2.20 per day (£11.00 a week). Please send
the correct money in an envelope on
Monday with your child’s name and class
teacher. Thank you.
Jeans for Genes Day – Friday 18th September
The children and staff will be swapping part
of their uniforms for jeans on Jeans for
Genes Day 2015, which takes place on Friday
18th September.
Jeans for Genes Day raises money for
Genetic Disorders UK, the charity that works
hard to transform the lives of children with
genetic disorders.
Jeans for Genes Day invites everyone across
the UK, from nurseries to schools to
companies, to wear their jeans for the Day in
return for a donation. Funds raised provide
vital care and support for thousands of
children with genetic disorders.
Your child may replace their usual school
trousers/skirt and shoes with a pair of jeans
and trainers providing they bring in a £1
donation. All children must continue to
wear their school polo shirt and sweatshirt.
Children wearing school uniform promotes a
sense of pride, and symbolises belonging to
the school and a sense of our community.
School uniform has a positive impact on
good behaviour and attitudes in school.
Here is a reminder of the school uniform.
Grey Skirt or pinafore (blue or navy
gingham dresses in the Summer)
Grey Trousers (shorts in the Summer if
Yellow polo shirts (with or without the
school logo)
Blue sweatshirt with school logo / Blue
cardigan with logo
Grey or white socks/tights
Footwear – dark shoes (low heels)
Children are no longer allowed to wear
trainers to school unless it is a non-uniform
day. If they do we will contact you to
remind you of our uniform requirements.
Parents’ Open Evening
On the 23rd September at 6pm we will be
holding a Parents’ Evening. The session will
start in the school hall where we will tell you
about the new behaviour system and about
the improvements we are making to the
overall teaching and learning in school. You
will then be able to go to your child’s
classroom, meet the class teacher and
teaching assistant and find out what your
child will be learning during the year and get
information on the year group expectations
in mathematics and literacy.
There will be another Parents’ Evening later
in the term where you will have the
opportunity to meet the class teacher on a
one to one basis to discuss your child’s
If you have any concerns or worries please
contact the office to make an appointment
to see either myself or Miss McKenna.
Mrs J Broadhurst
Head Teacher