MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 2008 - Cushendall Sailing and

Cushendall Sailing & Boating Club
Saturday 29th March 2014 at 4pm
Andy Hillen
Gary Fyfe
Alastair McLaughlin
Eamon McCotter
Liam O’Hagan
Stephen McCann
Ciaran O’Reilly
Damian Connon
Apologies –
John Ritson
Gerry Shannon
Patrick O Hagan
Ann McLaughlin
Tom McLaughlin
Catherine McLaughlin
Eddie Ritson
Rosemary Farrell
Rob Pelley
Michael Gilmore
John Lowry
Brona Anderson
Michael Semple
Emmet Connon
Michael McEntee
Jim Duffy
Jim Mulholland
Paul Lowry
Niall McLaughlin
Noel McKinley
Kevin Lawrenson
Charles Stewart
Tommy Rowan
Roland Ritchie
James Farrell
Marc Ritson
Barry Emerson
Brid Stewart
Joe McCollam
Paul McLaughlin
Kieran Haughey
Sean Ritson
The Minutes of the 2013 AGM were agreed, proposed by Jim Mulholland and seconded by Marc Ritson.
Brona Anderson stated that all statutory duties in relation to the Club had been discharged satisfactorily.
She also personally thanked Jim Mulholland for all his assistance in helping out with secretarial duties in
the past year.
Marc Ritson summarised the financial position of the Club noting that income at £ 82 K was down by 2%
however with costs somewhat reduced by 13%, profit was up at £ 15.6K.He also noted capex of
£ 6.5K which was towards items such as door locks, new weather station and bar. Marc presented the
past 5 year trend which showed turnover fluctuating between £ 100K and £ 125K and profit - £ 6.5K to
£ 25 K, averaging at £ 14.5K. In terms of contribution breakdown was as follows – Bar 57%,Subs 22%,
Sailing School 12%, Subs BY 7% ,Functions 1%, Grants 1%.
Challenges going forward were a need to improve member involvement, attraction of new members,
increase turnover, improve cashflow on collection of fees and subs and control of costs.
Stephen McCann raised the issue of some sailing school wages not being paid and it was explained that
there has been some administration hitches which Marc was making an effort to resolve.
Eamon McCotter raised need to address the SWOT as per last year.
Emmet Connon queried cost of sailing trophies however it was explained that these related to the
previous year. Tom McLaughlin indicated that the Rowing Regatta Trophies were paid from entry fees.
Stephen McCann raised issue of Professional Fees of £ 3,400. These were associated with design plans
for Club Refurbishment however the scheme had proved too expensive to pursue. Stephen indicated
that he had not seen the plans and Emmet Connon commented that in the past club plans had been
displayed on the noticeboard. Ann McLaughlin stated that the scheme needed to be re-worked and that
the Committee had wanted changes. Stephen McCann asked if there was a plan to implement a
refurbishment and Marc Ritson indicated that there was none at present. He went on to say there was a
Cushendall Sailing & Boating Club
desire to update the Bar Area but no decision had been made as yet. Andy Hillen further elaborated that
the Committee had regularly reviewed the matter in terms of necessary and desirable activities however
given the current economic climate, activities could only be approved when spend became available.
Stephen again asked if there was a plan to update the bar and Andy agreed there was a need but it
would depend on an uplift in income. Andy finished by congratulating Marc on good financial control
given current circumstances.
Andy began his report by indicating that the club had achieved reasonable income despite a difficult
economic situation in the past year. He gave credit to everyone involved including those members who
regularly support events. He also thanked the Committee for all their hard work throughout the year.
Andy requested that if anyone had any queries or concerns on how the Club was operated then they
should raise these in writing with the Committee rather than rumour-mongering. This would help foster
a better team spirit within the Club.
Andy went on to thank Eddie and Tim for their work with the Junior Fleet.
He then presented Paul Lowry with picture as a acknowledgement of his significant contribution to the
Club and Sailing School over the years. He thanked Paul and stated that he hoped he would continue to
enjoy racing and socialising within the Club for many years to come.
In terms of going forward, Andy indicated that a number of core events had been arranged with James
Farrell and Richard Torrie assisting with dinghies and cruisers. He said that we would continue to foster
good relations with MDC and that he would like to see more Junior involvement in the Campbeltown
events. Andy then wished the new Commodore Ann McLaughlin every success and invited her to take
the Chair.
Ann McLaughlin thanked the outgoing Commodore and thanked the Committee and members for their
contribution to the meeting. Ann then thanked Brona Anderson for all her hard work over the past 4
years as Secretary. She then welcomed the new members – Jim Mulholland (incoming Secretary ) and
Catherine McLaughlin unto the Committee and due to his significant previous contribution welcomed
Marc Ritson as Vice Commodore.
The following remaining members were duly elected to Committee;
Jim Mullholland
Joe McCollam
Marc Ritson
Alastair McLaughlin
Willy Connon
Ciaran O’Reilly
James Farrell
Tom McLaughlin
Andy Hillen
Kevin Lawrenson
Ann went on to talk about the year ahead and her wishes for the Club to move forward both short term
and medium to long term. She reiterated Eamon McCotter’s point that we hadn’t really actioned findings
of the SWOT analysis in the past. She also believed that the Club needed to do more outreach and should
try to be more ambitious in terms of attracting events. She also emphasised the importance of
encouraging Junior sailing. She stated that she looked forward to her role as Commodore in the year to
Cushendall Sailing & Boating Club
Proposed that Park McKillop and Co remain as Auditors, proposed by Tom McLaughlin, seconded by
Barry Emerson.
FEES/SUBS for 2015
Proposed to increase fees/subs for 2014 by rate of inflation, proposed by Ann McLaughlin, seconded by
Andy Hillen.
 Ciaran O’Reilly again appealed for more Safety Drivers. A new rota is displayed on the wall with 6
key regular members however if other members would pick a Sunday to assist, it would be
gratefully appreciated.
John Lowry queried if there were any other major events this year. Andy outlined that the
Fixture List was almost complete and that we had secured a Flying 15 event in June 2014.
He also raised the issue of lack of volunteers to assist.
Marc raised that there was an opportunity for those interested to participate in a Race
Mark course with Coleraine Sailing Club in May.
Liam O’Hagan raised the issue of moorings. Andy outlined that the moorings had to be
lifted for maintenance and as the Fish Farm barge was no longer available to use that
negotiations were ongoing with MDC as the cost could significantly increase. He hoped
that this would be resolved and that they would be available for the season to both
cruisers and rib owners.
Stephen McCann raised issue of visitors moorings not all being available as they were
being used by club members. It was explained that any members using these paid the Club
and that MDC had previously allowed the Club to use these.
Liam O’Hagan stated that previously MDC had reimbursed the Club for maintenance costs
however Ann was unsure of the current situation. Stephen asked why the Club would wish
to take on the liability associated with the moorings and Andy outlined that these provided
the Club with significant advantage in attracting other clubs such as EABC and
Campbeltown. Stephen suggested it was not economic for CSBC to maintain the moorings
and Ann agreed it should not cost the Club anything additional however Andy argued the
benefit from a sailing point of view.
Emmet Connon then asked if there were any further plans in relation to the marina. Liam
O’Hagan indicated that it was not appropriate in the current economic climate. Emmet
asked if there was any interest in pursuing an alternative plan once the current planning
approval an out. Marc stated that financing would be an issue however it was agreed to
give consideration if opportunity arose as part of the development plan.
Ann McLaughlin then called the meeting to a close, thanking everyone for their attendance and
invited members for a drink at the bar.