Trait Father Variation Mother Variation

Inherited Traits Classwork
Classwork #1
Name: __________________________
3rd Grade PSI
1. Name five genetic traits of this bird, a Toucan.
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2. Name five genetic traits of this fish, a Lionfish.
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3. From where did these animals inherit these traits?
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
Inherited Traits Homework
Homework #1
Name: __________________________
3rd Grade PSI
Match the offspring with the parent, based on inherited traits.
Beside each offspring, list two inherited traits that helped you to
determine its parent.
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
Inherited Variation Classwork
Classwork #2
Name: __________________________
3rd Grade PSI
Look closely at this litter of kittens. They are all siblings, which
means they have the same parents.
1. Make a list of three inherited traits that they have in
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
2. In what inherited traits do you notice variation? Write three
traits below and describe the variations that you see in each.
3. If these kittens have the same parents, why is there so much
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
Inherited Variation Homework
Homework #2
Name: __________________________
3rd Grade PSI
Below is a chart showing the inherited traits for two dogs.
Body Size
Hair texture
Hair color
Father Variation
Mother Variation
1. Choose one variation from each trait and draw an example
of what the offspring may look like.
2. Do you think everyone in your class will draw the same exact
offspring? Why or why not?
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
3. If these dogs have a litter of puppies, why will they all look
different from each other?
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
Environmental Traits Classwork
Classwork #3
Name: __________________________
3rd Grade PSI
Maritime forests are forests that grow in coastal areas. Plants that
grow in maritime forests much be able to endure high winds, salt
spray and sandy soil. Often, the trees and plants on the edges of
the forests are shaped in interesting ways. The constant wind will
make them bend in a particular direction while the salt spray will
cause many of them to have brown leaves or no leaves at all.
Source: North Carolina Aquariums,
1. What environmental effects have shaped the tree in the
middle of the picture?
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
2. If a seed from the tree is taken and grown in a sheltered
area with good soil, will the offspring look like the tree in the
picture? Why or why not?
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
Environmental Traits Homework
Homework #3
Name: __________________________
3rd Grade PSI
In 2010, a BP drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico
exploded. Over 200 million gallons of oil were pumped into the
Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill continued for 87 days. This disaster
negatively affected the environment in many ways.
Shorebirds were particularly hurt. Pelicans are a type of bird
that live around the Gulf of Mexico and were affected by the oil
spill. The oil completely covered their feathers. When this
happens, it prevents them from floating on the water and makes it
hard to fly. When the birds try to preen themselves, they ingest
(eat) the oil. This causes many health problems, including ulcers
and liver damage.
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
1. How has the environment changed some of the pelican’s
inherited traits?
2. If two oil spill pelicans mate, will their offspring have ulcers
and liver damage? Why or why not?
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
Answer Key
Inherited Traits Classwork
Classwork #1
1. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.
3. The animals inherited their traits from their parents.
Inherited Traits Homework
Homework #1
Traits will vary but should be traits of the specific kitten.
Inherited Variation Classwork
Classwork #2
1. Answers will vary. (Examples: two ears that stick up, round face, fur, 4 paws…)
2. Answers will vary. (Example: Fur color. Each kitten has a different pattern of fur
3. All of the kittens inherited their traits from the same parents. However, they all
inherited a different combination of traits, so they are all unique.
Inherited Variation Homework
Homework #2
1. Answers will vary.
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits
2. No. Everyone will choose a different combination of traits. There may be some
similarities but, as a whole, the class will have different offspring.
3. Each puppy will inherit a different combination of traits, so they will all be
Environmental Traits Classwork
Classwork #3
1. The tree has been shaped by the wind and the salt spray in the environment.
2. The offspring will grow differently from the parent tree because it will be in a
different environment. It will probably grow upright and have healthy leaves.
Environmental Traits Homework
Homework #3
1. The oil has changed its feathers to being stuck together and oily. The pelican
now has ulcers and liver damage.
2. The offspring will have inherited traits, not environmental effects, of the parents.
The offspring will not have ulcers or liver damage.
3rd Grade PSI
Inheritance of Traits