Qualifications in Education and Training – Application Form

Assessing and Internal Quality Assurance
Award in Education and Training (AET)
(Formally known as PTLLS)
The Award in Education and Training is an introductory teaching qualification that has been developed
to give learners the opportunity to:
Develop knowledge related to teaching and learning
Develop skills in teaching and learning
Achieve a nationally recognised Level 3 qualification
Develop their own personal growth and engagement in teaching and learning
Achieving the Level 3 Award in Education and Training will provide sufficient evidence that the learner has
obtained the necessary skills and knowledge to prepare, plan, deliver and evaluate basic teaching and learning
sessions in a variety of teaching or training contexts.
To achieve the qualification, learners complete a core unit and a choice of optional Level 3 units to reach a total
of 12 credits.
The course will cover:
Creating effective learning environments
Developing effective teaching and learning
Assessment activities
Supporting learners
Roles and responsibilities of the practitioner
Developing effective resources
In order to pass this course all candidates will be required to undertake and successfully complete all the
summative assessment activities including assignments and the teaching practice requirements.
Teaching Practice Requirement
Micro teaching
C&G Award in Education and Training Level 3
Entry Requirements
No entry requirements
Length of programme
5 weeks (5 classroom based sessions)
£350 + VAT. Payment must be received prior
to start date.
Start Date
6th February 2015
Places are limited to 10 per group
To apply: Please complete the attached application form and e-mail to enquire@gordonfrankstraining.co.uk
Certificate in Education and Training (CET)
(Formally known as CTLLS)
This qualification develops practical teaching skills and can prepare teachers to work in a wide range of
contexts. You need to be teaching or have a teaching placement to undertake this qualification as there
is a requirement for a minimum of 30 hours of practice.
The course will cover:
Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training;
Planning to meet the needs of learners;
Delivering teaching or training;
Assessing learners;
Using resources in education and training.
This qualification is suitable for people who:
Want a qualification which focuses on practical teaching;
Are currently teaching and want to have their experience and practice accredited;
Are not currently teaching but can meet the minimum teaching practice requirement of 30 hours;
Are able to undertake a qualification of medium size;
Have the potential to study at this level, which has the same level of demand as the first year of an
undergraduate degree;
Are willing to undertake an initial assessment of their skills in English, mathematics and ICT, record their
development needs and follow an action plan to address them where necessary.
The Certificate can meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers, including:
Individuals who are not currently teaching and training, but who can meet the practice requirements,
including the observed and assessed practice requirements, of the qualification
Individuals who are currently teaching and training, including those who have just begun teaching
and training, and who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed
practice requirements of the qualification
Individuals currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a teaching qualification.
To achieve the Level 4 Certificate, learners must complete 21 core units and a choice of 15 optional units.
In order to pass this course all candidates will be required to undertake and successfully complete all the
summative assessment activities including assignments and the teaching practice requirements.
Teaching Practice Requirement
Observed teaching practice graded in accordance with Ofsted’s guidelines
C&G Certificate in Education and
Training Level 4
Entry Requirements
Subject specific qualification at level 3,
English and maths at level 2. A teaching
placement or be in a teaching role that
provides at least 30 hours of practice.
Length of programme
7 weeks (10 classroom based
£850 + VAT. Payment must be
received prior to start date.
Start Date
To be confirmed
Places are limited to 10 per group
To apply: Please complete the attached application form and e-mail to
Assessment and Quality Assurance Qualifications
These qualifications are open to people carrying out assessments and quality assurance in most learning
environments including FE, Adult Learning, Employers and Third Sector. They are designed for anyone
assessing and carrying out quality assurance in all occupational sectors, accredited learning, non-accredited
learning (e.g where performance is being assessed and the learner is not undertaking a qualification),
qualifications on the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and qualifications on the Qualification Credit
Framework (QCF).
The Level 3 provides a pathway for learners to understand assessment and if required, qualify as an assessor.
Candidates who wish to achieve these units could be assessing competence or non-competence based
learning, knowledge or skills. They will select the units and qualifications that meet the requirements of what
they are assessing.
Assessor Qualifications
There are two awards and a certificate available at Level 3:
The Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment is for practitioners who assess the
demonstration of competence in a work environment using the following assessment methods: observation,
examining work, products, oral questioning and discussion, use of witnesses, learner statements and
recognition of prior learning (RPL).
The Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement is for practitioners who assess
knowledge and/or skills in vocationally related subject areas using the following assessment methods:
assessments in simulated environments, skills tests, oral and written questions, assignments, projects, case
studies and recognition of prior learning (RPL).
The Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement is for practitioners who may use all of the
above-listed assessment methods based upon sound assessment principles.
In order to achieve these qualifications all candidates will be required to undertake and successfully complete
assessment activities including observation of assessing learners in a working or/and a classroom environment.
The candidate will also need to demonstrate competence by producing a portfolio of evidence of assessment
practice carried out over a period of time.
Assessment Practice Requirements
Evidence of planning assessment activity with a minimum of two learners
Evidence of carrying out assessments and making judgements against agreed criteria
Evidence of providing feedback to learners
Evidence of recording assessment judgements in line with company and legislative requirements
ICQ Assessor Qualifications
Entry Requirements
English and Maths at level 2. A
placement where assessment can take
place or be in an assessing role
Length of programme
1 day knowledge based assessor training
Length of programme will depend on
candidates ability to provide evidence of
competence (Approx 9 – 12 months)
£495 + VAT. Payment must be received
prior to start date.
Start Date
15th January 2015
Internal Quality Assurance Qualifications
There is one award and one certificate available at Level 4:
The Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice is for
practitioners who conduct internal quality assurance of the assessment process from within a
centre/organisation, by sample planning, monitoring and advising on the practice of assessors.
The Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice
is for practitioners who lead the internal quality assurance process within a centre/organisation and have
responsibility for managing the quality of the assessment process, practice and the performance of assessors.
In order to achieve these qualifications all candidates will be required to undertake and successfully complete all
assessment activities including an observation carrying out internal quality assurance activity
Internal Quality Assurance Practice Requirements:
Planning IQA activities
Carrying out IQA activities, to include:
Observation of assessment activity
Sampling of assessment decisions
Supporting assessors
Delivering standardisation sessions
Managing IQA activity (Level 4 Certificate in Leading IQA) only
ICQ Internal Quality Assurance
Entry Requirements
English and Maths at level 2. A centre
where IQA can be practiced
Length of programme
1 day knowledge based IQA training
Length of programme will depend on
candidates ability to provide evidence of
competence (Approx 9 – 12 months)
£595 + VAT. Payment must be received
prior to start date.
Start Date
29th January 2015
Places are limited to 10 per group
To apply: Please complete the attached application form and e-mail to
Award in Education
Certificate in Education
and Training (AET)
and Training (CET)
Certificate in Assessing Award in Internal Quality
Award in Assessing
Workplace or Classroom
Certificate in Leading Internal
Quality Assurance
Please circle qualification required
Personal Details
Full Name
(As required on certificate)
Date of Birth
Email address
Details of your
highest formal
including maths and
A brief statement
(max 200 words)
outlining your
experience and why
you want to study this
Day time
Equal Opportunities
Gordon Franks Training is committed to a policy of equal opportunities and will not
discriminate against any applicant or student on the basis of gender, nationality, ethnicity or
religion. Please help us to make our equal opportunities policy more effective by ticking the
boxes below.
Ethnic Origin
Asian or Asian
British Bangladeshi
Black or Black
British - African
Mixed White and
Asian or Asian
British - Pakistani
Asian or Asian
British –
Black or Black
British - Caribbean
Mixed White and
Black African
Mixed White and
Black Caribbean
Not Known
Do not wish
to disclose
Are you registered Disabled?
Have you any other additional needs?
Data Protection
In order to correctly administer your course of study, it will be necessary for Gordon Franks Training to process
your data and to share certain data about you with statutory bodies such as City and Guilds, and any other third
parties where the sharing of such data is necessary for the successful administration of your course. It may also
be necessary on occasion to share certain data about you with other third parties where it is appropriate to do
so in line with the provisions of the Data Protection Act.
I certify that the information I have given is correct and I agree to Gordon Franks Training processing personal
data in connection with my time as a student (full or part-time for any purpose connected with my studies or my
health and safety or for any other legitimate reason.