Faculty of Business and Economics Agenda Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group Agenda Meeting No 2/2012 Wednesday 20 June 2012 2.00pm Menzies Building, E269 Clayton Campus Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 1 of 9 BACHELOR OF COMMERCE COURSE ADVISORY GROUP MEMBERSHIP 2012 A Course Director as Chair Dr Ross Booth B Deputy Dean, Education Professor Robert Brooks C Deputy Course Director Sunway Campus Elsa Bavani K. Satkunasingam D Head of Department Representative Accounting and Finance Dr Poonam Bir (alternate Dr Patty McNicholas) Business Law and Taxation Associate Professor Paul Latimer (alternate Dr Aashish Srivastava) Econometrics and Business Statistics Associate Professor Ralph Snyder Economics Professor Russell Smyth Management Dr Ramanie Samaratunge E Representative from campus F Manager, Academic Services Marketing Dr Rowan Kennedy (alternate Mr Peter Thompson) Ms Tina Conde Ms Fiona Bertoli Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 2 of 9 Member’s Notes about their individual Action Arising Meeting: Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group Meeting 2/2012 Date & Time: 2.00pm Wednesday 20 June 2012 Venue: Meeting Room E269, Menzies Building, Clayton Campus AGENDA ITEM TOPIC ACTION REQUIRED Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 RESPONSIBLE OFFICER Page 3 of 9 Faculty of Business and Economics Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group Meeting 2/2012 of the Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group of the Faculty of Business and Economics will be held at 2.00pm on Wednesday 20 June 2012. Members having a direct commercial or financial interest in any item before this meeting must declare that interest to the Chair via the Committee Secretary prior to consideration of the item, and must not take part in a vote on any matter concerning it. Apologies to Kerryn Chewe via email to kerryn.chewe@monash.edu Agenda *1 ATTENDANCE 1.1 Present 1.2 Apologies 1.3 In Attendance *2 APPROVAL OF UNSTARRED ITEMS Members will have the opportunity to request that any unstarred items be starred. The Chair will move that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and that action be taken or the information be noted therein. *3 MINUTES The minutes of the Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group meeting 1/2012 held on 29 February 2012 to be confirmed. Minutes_BCom_CAG _mtg_1_on_29 Feb_2012.pdf *4 ISSUES ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES 4.1 Action Items Action: Committee Secretary to advise members of accreditation information provided at FEC 1/12. Action: Chair and Ms Tina Conde to prepare a proposal that students wanting to enrol in any BCom units have completed specialist or maths methods. Chair to then discuss with Professor Rob Brooks. The proposal would first have to be put to ACT. Action: Dr Elsa Satkunasingam to write to the Chair asking him to seek advice from Professor Keryn Chalmers regarding any unit offered at Clayton that covers working capital. 5 ISSUES ARISING FROM OTHER MEETINGS 5.1 Undergraduate Studies Committee 5.1.1 Review of Committee Structure – Education Portfolio for GSC and USC Discussion paper regarding proposed changes to the committee structure of the education portfolio was tabled at USC 3/12 with a view to ensuring ongoing effective governance in this area http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/esg/agu/comm/ugrad-ops/index.html Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 4 of 9 The key changes to the faculty education portfolio committee structure proposed are: 5.2 Minor amendments to the terms of reference and membership to the Admissions and Credit Transfer Committee The introduction of a Course and Programs Management Committee to effectively amalgamate two current committees - Undergraduate (USC) and Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) – and provide a forum to discuss graduate and undergraduate curriculum and related matters, such as development outcomes of course reviews and the annual Course and Unit Viability Review process. The introduction of an Education Quality Committee to build upon and formalise the current Assurance of Learning (AOL) Reference Group; provide a broader forum for the consideration of matters associated with quality assurance, innovation in learning and teaching, and assure compliance with regulatory frameworks (eg. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)). Amendments to the Terms of Reference for the Faculty Board and Faculty Education Committee to reflect the above changes to the committee structure, and strengthen the focus on compliance with Government regulatory frameworks such as the monitoring of relevant the standards of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and associated compliance oversight. Curriculum Approval and Publication System (CAPS) Update by Fiona Bertoli. https://sites.google.com/a/monash.edu/caps-project-site/home 5.3 5.4 Faculty Education Committee In-Class Tests - key concerns in scheduling out of class tests were the safety and security of students; the inability to ensure there were no timetable clashes and students’ work commitments. FEC agreed that the faculty’s default position was that tests should be conducted in-class only. Tests were to be conducted as stated in unit guides. If additional contact hours were deemed necessary, this must be stated in the unit guide and the additional hours scheduled through the timetable system prior to the commencement of the semester. Faculty Board Congratulations to Professor Rob Brooks and Professor Gary Magee on their respective appointments to the roles of Deputy Dean Education and Deputy Dean Research. Associate Professor Ingrid Nielsen had recently been appointed to the role of Associate Dean Research and Research Training. Expressions of interest for the Associate Dean Learning and Teaching role. Further portfolios including social inclusion, accreditation and strategic planning would be under consideration in due course. Dean welcomed the new Head of School, Professor Therese Joiner to the Board and to Monash University. Professor Nair advised Faculty Board that he would be stepping down as Head of School, and that the interim Head of School, Associate Professor Christina Lee The Faculty Manager stated that the Faculty was progressing well in terms of domestic enrolments for Semester 1, and noted that the University had experienced some decline in international student numbers. CSP enrolments were down overall across the University, although the Faculty had performed very well with a slight increase in numbers. Caulfield and Clayton were at capacity, and it was expected that Peninsula, Berwick and Gippsland would reach targets with the anticipated mid-year enrolments. Domestic graduate and postgraduate student load was satisfactory, and it was expected that the end-ofyear target would be met with mid-year intake. Noted that international students load has been reduced quite significantly, and it was unlikely that targets would be met even with mid-year intake. Student Services was in contact with International Recruitment Services and the Future Students Office to discuss the issue and ensure that a number of measures to address the matter were implemented. Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 5 of 9 6 NEW COURSES AND AMENDMENTS 6.1 New courses Approved by Academic Board for implementation in 2013 BCom (Dean’s Scholars Program)/BEc 4428 (PAN2553) BEc Advanced with Hons 4430 (PAN2522) Approved by Faculty Board. OPVCLT documentation to be submitted by managing Faculty of Arts – BArts (Dean’s Scholars Program) and BCom (Dean’s Scholars) 4432 (PAN2552). Further, a request for exemption from the usual paperwork for new course titles and codes was submitted and approved by UEC and AB on 6 June 2012. This exemption was sought to bring all current and pending Scholars programs into a common format of VTAC course title, Monash Award title and course specific scholarship offering. Arts-BusEco_Award_ title_Scholar_program[1].pdf Following this approval, PANs have been created to amend the following course titles – Bachelor of Commerce (Dean’s Scholars) will be re-titled Bachelor of Commerce Scholars program (4419) (PAN2826) Bachelor of Commerce (Dean’s Scholars)/Bachelor of Economics will be re-titled Bachelor of Commerce Scholars program/Bachelor of Economics (4428) (PAN tba) Bachelor of Arts (Dean’s Scholars)/Bachelor of Commerce (Dean’s Scholars) to Bachelor of Arts Scholars program/Bachelor of Commerce Scholars program) (4432) (PAN tba) 6.2 Course Amendments Major amendment approved by Academic Board for implementation in 2013 – Add Philosophy and Politics major to BCom (PAN2522) FB approved the following amendments to courses Code Title Details Effective PAN 0179 Bachelor of Commerce Amend the structure of the Marketing major Semester 1, 2013 2610 0179 Bachelor of Commerce Amend the structure of the Management Studies major in 'International Management' and 'Human Resource Management' streams Semester 1, 2013 2653 0179 Bachelor of Commerce Disestablish the Business Law and Taxation major in the Bachelor of Commerce and associated degrees. Semester 1, 2014 2562 4419 Bachelor of Commerce (Dean’s Scholars Program) Align with amendments to BCom [PANs 2329, 2385 and 2509] Full Year 2013 2565 0179 Bachelor of Commerce Amend unit options for Business Modelling major Semester 1, 2013 2606 4425 Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Commerce Amend duration to 4 years following changes approved by the Faculty of Arts Semester 1, 2013 2564 Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 6 of 9 7 DEGREES MANAGED BY OTHER FACULTIES Faculty Board provided in principle support for the establishment of the Diploma of Higher Education Studies (xxxx) at the Sunway campus, subject to the approval of the managing faculty – the Faculty of Arts. This course will include a Business component of six Faculty of Business and Economics units. Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (2026) PAN2626 Amendment to Education component 8 NEW UNITS AND AMENDMENTS 8.1 New units Code Title Details Effective PAN ECC1001 Utility theory for actuarial studies Semester 1, 2013 2757 ECC2610 Game theory and strategic thinking Semester 1, 2013 2543 ECC4500 Long-run economic change Semester 1, 2013 2544 ETC4110 Actuarial Practice I Introduce a new unit to cover additional topics required for Actuarial Studies accreditation Introduce new unit following recommendation of External Review panel Introduce new unit for Honours, Master of Business Economics (3842) and Master of Economics (4427) Introduce a new unit to meet the meet the requirements of Part II of the Actuaries Institute Semester 1, 2013 2774 ETC4120 Actuarial Practice II Semester 1, 2013 2775 ETC4130 Asset Liability Management Introduce a new unit to meet the meet the requirements of Part II of the Actuaries Institute Introduce a new unit to meet the meet the requirements of Part II of the Actuaries Institute Semester 1, 2013 2776 8.2 Unit Amendments effective 2013 Code Title Detail AFC3140 Advanced corporate finance Amend synopsis AFC3170 Management of financial intermediaries AFC3240 International finance MGC2410 Industrial relations Amend unit synopsis and learning objectives Amend synopsis and assessment weighting. Amend unit title, synopsis and learning objectives AFX3871 International study program in banking and finance AFX4030 Advanced modelling in finance ETC2440 ETC2440 Mathematics for economics and business Mathematics for economics and business Effective PAN Semester 1, 2013 2740 Semester 1, 2013 2640 Semester 1, 2013 2738 Semester 1, 2013 2649 Amend prohibitions 2012 Summer A 2741 Amend unit synopsis Semester 1, 2013 2755 Amend unit prohibitions Semester 1, 2013 2594 Amend synopsis Semester 1, 2013 2633 ETC2480 Business modelling methods Amend unit synopsis Semester 1, 2013 2545 ETC2520 Probability and statistical inference for economics and business Amend unit prohibitions Semester 1, 2013 2591 Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 7 of 9 ETC3400 Principles of econometrics Amend unit prerequisites Semester 1, 2013 2593 ETC3420 Bayesian modelling and risk analysis Amend unit prerequisites Semester 1, 2013 2592 ETC3490 Business simulation Amend unit synopsis and objectives Amend unit title Semester 1, 2013 2648 2660 ETC3510 Modelling in finance and insurance Amend unit prerequisites Semester 1, 2013 2595 ECC3650 Applied general equilibrium economics Semester 1, 2013 2816 ETX1100 Business statistics Amend synopsis and corresponding unit outcomes Amend unit prerequisites and prohibitions Semester 1, 2013 2654 Amend unit objectives Semester 1, 2013 2677 Amend prerequisites Semester 1, 2013 2657 Semester 1, 2013 2584 Semester 1, 2013 2585 Amend unit co-requisites Semester 1, 2013 2586 ETX2011 MGX4000 MGX4100 MGX4200 MGX4300 Quantitative methods for risk analysis Introductory management research methods Perspectives and paradigms in management theory Data analysis for organisational research Contemporary issues in management Amend unit prerequisites and co-requisites Amend unit prerequisites and co-requisites MKC2110 Buyer behaviour in marketing Amend assessment Semester 1, 2013 2623 MKC3220 International marketing Amend assessment Semester 1, 2013 2624 MGC2410 Industrial relations Amend unit title, synopsis and learning objectives Semester 1, 2012 2649 MKC3460 Integrated marketing communication Amend assessment Semester 1, 2013 2625 MKX4060 Marketing research practice Amend unit synopsis Semester 2, 2013 2739 AFX4130 Bank management and risk analysis Disestablish unit Semester 1, 2013 2575 AFX4140 Corporate financial theory Disestablish unit Semester 1, 2013 2576 9 OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Accreditation update – Dr Ross Booth and Fiona Bertoli Two recommendations relating to TEQSA referred to the Faculty Education Committee. Discuss whether or not the Board’s current terms of reference adequately cover the relevant Standards; and Consider whether the Board needs to implement enhanced reporting and monitoring to demonstrate annual compliance with the Standards. Faculty Education Committee will consider the matter at Meeting 3/2012 on 28 June. The University would be advised on 1 July 2012 which five courses would be nominated for assessment against learning standards. (AACSB) Accreditation Audit visits on 21 to 24 April 2013. The mock audit will proceed on 29 and 30 November 2012. AOL emphasis for semester 1, 2012 with second round reviews in semester 2, 2012 commencing with the Department of Accounting and Finance. Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 8 of 9 Deputy Dean, Education will be facilitating the South Africa staff briefing session scheduled for 04 July 2012 which will video link with the Accreditation team. Revised AOL Planning Cycle can be viewed in the USC 2/12 minutes, page 11 http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/esg/agu/comm/ugrad-ops/meeting-papers/usc2-12/minutes/2-12-uscminutes-final.pdf *9.2 New courses, major amendments and other amendments Amendment to unit MKX3002 Enhanced research skills (PAN2824) to change offering option so prospective BCom Hons students may undertake this unit. Implementation date Sem 1 2013. 9.3 Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) Update 9.4 Academic Programs Offered from Multiple Campuses 10 Multi-campus unit checklists will be sent to all CEs of Sem 1, 2012 units for completion and return to Kerryn Chewe. A reminder will be sent to all CEs of Sem 2 multi-campus units in the near future, with a link to the relevant Policy and the checklist completion requirement at the end the semester. NEXT MEETING Wednesday, 15 August 2012 Dates for BCom CAG meeting 2012.docx Bachelor of Commerce Course Advisory Group – Agenda 02/2012 Page 9 of 9