Environment, Health and Safety Performance Report 2012

Environment, Health and Safety Performance Report 2012
>> Our Environment , Health and Safety Policy
As Farplas Auto Spare Parts Manufacturing, Export and Import Corporation, our aim
regarding environment and workplace safety is to accomplish our responsibilities for keeping
a clean environment that we can bring forward to the future and to create a healthy and safe
work environment. Therefore, we aim to minimize the environmental impact in all processes
from procurement of raw materials to delivery of our products to our clients and to create safe
work environments. In these efforts, our main focus is on decreasing consumption of natural
resources, minimizing creation of waste and preventing occupational accidents and
occupational illnesses.
We are carrying out the control of environmental impact caused by our production processes
and occupational health and safety risks by procedures formed according to national and
international systems and standards and by an organizational structure responsible for the
management of this issue.
Environmental and workplace safety services that were being carried out by separate
departments at Farplas until 2011 were brought together under the same roof in 2012 and a
more systematic and and professional pursuit was started.
Our environmental, health and safety policy constitutes the main framework of our
environmental, health and safety management.
Environmental , Health and Safety Policy of Farplas
We, as Farplas A.S. family;
We aim to implement the requirements of Environmental Management System and
Occupational Health and Safety Management System at our factories at Taysad and Avcılar
that carry out plastic injection, installation, painting and moulding operations in order to
detect all negative impacts that may be harmful for environment or human health, to keep
them under control and prevent injuries and impairment of health and attain continuous
In line with this aim; our basic principles are;
 To implement all legal and other requirements that we have to obey for Envionmental
and Occupational Health and Safety,
 To use energy properly and efficiently and to lower the consumption of natural
 To decrease formation of waste, to promote recycling and recovery,
 Attaining continuous improvement of our aims and targets regarding environment and
workplace safety by determining and following these regularly;
 As far as technical and commercial means allow, to use the technology that is most
reliable and least harmful for the environment and use raw materials that has the least
impact on the environment and that do not harm human health,
 To determine workplace safety risks that may cause occupational accidents and that
might lead to occupational illnesses, to lower these risks to acceptable levels by taking
required precautions and to attain the target of ZERO work accidents,
To determine impacts that may cause environmental accidents ahead of time and to
take necessary precautions on the right time and at the right place,
To raise awareness our employees, suppliers, sub-contractors and our society
continuously on environmental and occupational health and safety issues by means of
flow of information and trainings.
We aim to accomplish our responsibilities for keeping a clean environment that we can bring
forward to the future and to create a healthy and safe work environment.
Revision Date: 06.08.2012
Within the scope of this policy, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
standardization is being implemented at our factory since 2005. During meetings realized each
month with the coordination and initiative of upper management, all production and nonproduction operations are reviewed and developments regarding environmental and workplace
safety and results of studies are evaluated, road maps regarding the ways for improvement are
designated and all environmental and work safety activities are followed up.
Aims and targets designated in line with policies and business strategies regarding
Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety are reflected to personal performances by
our Human Resources department and participation of all of our employees in this process is
realized. Our Environment, Health and Safety department make sure that national and
international requirements are fulfilled and ensures implementation of standards we followup. Effectiveness and sustainment of environmental and workplace safety studies is attained
by internal audits planned each month in addition to external audits carried out by
independent organizations.
>> Environmental, Health and Safety Trainings
Farplas is aware of the fact that trainings constitute the most important element in the
formation the consciousness about Environment, Health and Safety and regards having all of
its employees, sub-contractors and their employees, its trainees and sub-industries informed
on environmental and occupational health and safety issues as a principle of the company. All
employees recruited are held subject to a one days orientation training on Environment and
Health&Safety issues.
In 2012, a total of 2200 hours of training were given to our 820 employees by authorized
experts of Farplas on Basic Occupational Health and Safety, ISO 14001 Environmental
Management System, Personal Protective Equipment Usage, Emergency Situations/Fire,
Near-miss/Hazardous Situation Notification System, Risk analysis, Responsibilities and duties
of Work Health and Safety board, Waste Disposal issues. In addition to the above, 2230 hours
of non-company training on Emergency Conditions, Crane usage, forklift usage, welding, first
aid, Personal Protective Equipment Usage issues were provided to employees by experts
outside of Farplas.
Besides training of its own employees and employees of sub-contractors, Farplas regards
training of sub-industries too as a principle and training of 6 hours*man were provided to
main supplier company representatives at Farplas Gebze premises on Environmental
Legislation and General ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
>> Consumption of Natural Resources
2012 was a year when new projects were started to be implemented. A work period was
realized during which new product tests were carried out, their approvals were obtained and
put into production which required changing of 60% of production line. Although total
production capacity has increased 50% in 2012, quantity of products that were sold to the
market had decreased in comparison to year 2011, due to test works of new products. In
addition to the above mentioned works, studies for increasing productivity and decreasing of
consumption at the source, in line with 5S works, were speeded up in all of our factories.
>> Water Usage
Water is not used in Farplas production processes. Water consumption consist of water used
for household consumption and water used in paint shop. Waste water used at Paint shop is
recirculated in a closed system. As a result of improvement studies realized at paint-shop in
2012, amount of water consumed per spare parts delivered to the market has decreased 27%
compared to 2011.
Consumption of Water in years
Total Consumption
Spare parts delivered
to market(pieces)
Quantity of water consumed
per each unit of spare part
16x10 -4
11x10 -4
Quantities of water consumed per unit of spare part in years
>> Consumption of Electricity
Renewal of products to a great extent in 2012 and replacement of injection machines with
injection machines with much greater capacities has led to an increase of electricity
consumption. Procurement of electricity requirement for the new capacity was made possible
with increasing of amount of electricity transmitted from TOSB power line by 2-fold. Besides
these improvements, studies continue on projects for the use of energy more efficiently.
Studies are carried out for the prevention of energy losses of motors of production equipment.
As a result of new product tests carried out in 2012, quantity of spare parts delivered to the
market has decreased. In 2012, consumption of electricity per unit of spare parts delivered to
the market has increased 11% compared to 2011.
Electricity Consumption in Years
Electrity Consumed
Units of parts delivered to market
Quantity of Energy
consumed per unit of parts
Quantities of Energ Consumed per Unit in years (kwh/piece)
>> Consumption of Natural Gas
At Farplas premises, natural gas is used at mould heating stage of the production process and
in heating of the offices. After the improvement works made in the boilers in 2012 quantity of
natural gas consumed has decreased 25% compared to 2011.
Quantity of Natural Gas Consumed per units of spare parts delivered to market in years
Quantity of Natural
Gas Consumed
Units of parts
delivered to market
Quantity of energy consumed
per unit of parts
Quantity of Natural Gas consumed per unit of parts in years (kwh/unit)
>> Integrated Waste Consumption
Farplas is fully aware of the importance of keeping a clean environment that we can delivered
to the future and effective works are being carried out for the protection of natural resources
and for decreasing of consumption. Activities that are in line with the triple principles of
“decrease consumption at the source, re-use, recycle” are being carried out at Farplas. Waste
materials that are obtained after production are classified and collected separately at the
source according to type of the waste and legal regulations and transported with transportation
vehicles suitable for the type of waste that are licensed, they are recycled in licensed plants or
they are disposed of. Process that will be applied on the waste is determined within the
framework of legal legislation and only waste recycling or recovery of which are impossible
are disposed of.
Unhazardous Waste (ton)
Percentage of Recycling
Hazardous Waste (ton)
*Mostly Household Waste
Recoved Waste
Disposed Waste
>> Unhazardous Wastes
Every day more waste materials that are obtained at Farplas production plants are recycled. Trainings given to
employees on this issues, in-plant arrangements and productivity works carried out in line with 5S studies
enable a more effective classification of waste materials.
Total Paper
Total Plastics
Quantity of Paper sent
for recycling per unit of
Quantity of plastics
given to recycling per
units of parts
6x10 -4
4x10 -4
37x10 -4
24x10 -4
Total wooden
palettes (kg)
Total Wedges
Units of parts
Quantity of Wooden
palettes given to
recycling per units of
Quantity of wedges
given to recycling per
unit of parts
25x10 -4
20x10 -4
37x10 -4
24x10 -4
>> Hazardous Wastes
Hazardous wastes that come out from operations of Farplas are collected separately at their
source, stored at Hazardous wastes warehouse for periods not exceeding the periods stipulated
in legal terms and shipped to recycling plants or disposal plants by licensed transportation
■ Recovered waste
■ Disposed Waste
Main types of hazardous waste coming out of our operations are dyestuff sludge, contaminated waste,
contaminated packaging materials, greased iron chips, waste thinner, boric oil, hydraulic oil, fluorescent
waste, waste batteries and medical waste.
>> Workplace Health and Safety
At Farplas, besides environment, great importance is also attached to employee’s health and
workplace safety issues. Zero work accidents principle is targeted at Farplas for occupational
health and workplace security and works are being continued with the participation of
employees from all levels and with the necessary resource support in order to reach this
In addition to parameters followed up by performance system, accident frequency rates and
accident weight rates, employee of the month elections, training hours and days missed
indicators are being followed up under the scope of Occupational Health and Safety.
>> Workplace Accidents
In 2012 no occupational illness and fatal workplace accident cases were experienced among
our employees working at our factories at Gebze and Avcılar.
ISG Indicator
Accident Frequency Rate 10.0
Accident Weight Rate
Accident Frequency Rate=(Total number of work accidents/total work hours)*1000000
Accident Weight Rate=(Total work days missed/total work hours*1000
>> Health Screenings
Recruitment check-ups, periodical tests, periodic examinations of our employees are being
performed regularly by our health unit. In 2012, chest radiography, audiogram, respiratory
function test, phenols in urine, TCA, lead in blood, liver function tests, hemogram tests were
performed on our employees according to risks of their fields of work. Flu vaccine has been
made on 250 employees in accordance with their request.
>> Risk Analysis
In 2012, occupational health and safety risk analyses made at previous years were updated,
after necessary evaluations were made, corrective and preventive actions were planned and
improvement studies were made.
>> Periodic Controls
In 2012, cranes, forklifts, elevators, air tanks, boilers, lightning rods and grounding lines used
at our factories were controlled by authorized persons. Necessary maintenance programs are
applied in order to enable employees to use their equipment in safety.
>> Emergency Case Works
At Farplas, works are being carried out for the making of risk analysis, preparation of
emergency case plans, training of emergency case teams, emergency case drills in order to be
prepared for emergency situations that might take place due to natural disasters and for
emergency situations that may take place due to human actions.