character traits - Warren County Schools

From tonight’s assigned chapter/s, choose three words that are unfamiliar to you or used in a way you
have not seen them used before. Enter them below, and complete the table. Enter your predicted
meaning before looking in a dictionary! Enter the dictionary definition that applies to your word in the
context of the book.
Context (page #)
Predicted Meaning
“’Oh, dearie me,’ Mrs. Whatsit said,
lying on her back in the overturned
chair, her feet in the air, one in a red
and white striped sock, the other still
booted… ‘If you have some liniment I’ll
put it on my dignity,’ Mrs. Whatsit said,
still supine.” (page 20)
Based on the context, I think supine
means overturned or upside-down since
that is how Mrs. Whatsit is positioned.
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Actual Meaning
According to the dictionary, supine
means lying on the back, face or front
Authors use figurative language to make their writing more descriptive. Give three examples of figurative
language from tonight’s assigned chapter/s. Here are the literary devices you want to look for. (It is OK to
have more than one example of the same device.)
1. Simile: a comparison using like or as (He eats like a pig.)
2. Metaphor: a comparison without like or as (She was a diamond in the rough.)
3. Hyperbole: an exaggeration (I had to wait in line for a million years.)
4. Personification: giving an object human-like qualities (The tree’s branches reached up and hugged the sky.)
5. Imagery: a description that puts a specific sight, sound, taste, smell, or tactile touch in your mind (Cinnamon, sugar,
and sweet, fresh apples drifted out of the window and into my nose.)
Example (page #)
“Every few moments the moon ripped through them, creating wraithlike shadows that
raced along the ground.” (page 3)
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Authors reveal characters’ traits directly and indirectly. Make sure you are looking for these traits as you
read tonight’s assigned chapter/s. List three examples below. You may choose more than one trait for a
particular character, or choose three traits for three different characters.
Evidence (page #)
“‘I knew you’d be down. I put some milk on the stove for you. It ought to be
hot by now.’ How did Charles Wallace always know about her? How could he
always tell?” (page 8)
Charles Wallace
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Science fiction is based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or
environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets. In tonight’s
assigned chapter/s, look for three examples of science fiction elements.
Example (page #)
“‘Speaking of ways, pet, by the way, there is such a thing as a
tesseract.’” (page 21)
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This is an example of science fiction because a tesseract, according to
the book, is an invention that allows you to travel between space and
time. In reality, no such scientific discovery exists.
Every story has a plot that centers around a central conflict. Longer works, like chapter books, will also
include smaller conflicts that arise and resolve as the story develops. In literature, there are three
categories of conflicts. Find an example of each in tonight’s assigned chapter/s.
Man vs. Himself
Description (page #)
(This can be a description, rather than a direct quote from the text.)
In chapter one, Meg struggles within herself to control her anger. On one hand, she knows it is
not right to engage in physical fights, like the one she had with the Henderson boy, and admits
she is sorry. On the other hand, the bullying and taunting she faces daily makes it hard for her to
keep all her anger inside. (page 12)
Man vs. Man
(A character or group of
characters working or
fighting against
Man vs. Himself
(One character
struggling on the inside
to determine what he
wants or needs to do)
Man vs. Nature
(A character or group of
characters challenged
by some element of
nature, such as
Determine what the most significant part of tonight’s chapter/s is. Illustrate this in the space below.
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In the four boxes below, describe the setting of tonight’s chapter/s.
(This can be a time of day, year, or historical period.)
(This can be a geographic location, habitat, or type of
(This includes any weather, lighting, or force of nature that
affects the setting.)
(What kind of feelings does the setting generate? Cheerful?
Scary? Sad? Exciting? Etc.)
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1. Which point of view is used in this book? (See back for descriptions!)
A. first person
B. third person omniscient
C. third person objective
D. second person
E. third person limited
2. Give an example of information you were able to learn in tonight’s chapter/s thanks to the narrator’s point of view.
3. Give an example of how you were kept in suspense in tonight’s chapter/s because of the narrator’s point of view.
4. Give an example of how you were able to understand or identify with a particular character in tonight’s chapter/s thanks
to the narrator’s point of view.
Discussion Leader
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Check off each discussion point as your group’s members present their ideas.
Discussion Point
Character Traits
Plot: Conflicts
Point of View
Genre: Science Fiction
Figurative Language
Word Wizard
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Group Member Name