
MTGSoc Constitution
Article I
Club Name
The name of the club is The Magic the Gathering Society, aka MTGSoc.
Article II
The objectives and aim of the MTGsoc of university of Canterbury is to:
Provide a safe and fun environment for student and non-student members for the
purpose of trading, playing and holding competitions for the Magic The
Gathering card game.
Allow student and non-student members to connect with each other and create a
stable social environment for those who enjoy MTG.
To train and develop the skills of our members.
Article III
The following persons shall be eligible for membership:
Any current or past student of the University of Canterbury.
Any staff member of the University of Canterbury.
Members of the public who express interest in club activities at the discretion of
the committee.
Membership will be granted upon expressed desire to do so to any committee
member, along with communication of full name and email address, student
number (if appropriate), and the payment of the annual subscription fee, which is
decided by the active executive at the beginning of the year.
Non-members may be permitted to attend the planned activities of the Society,
the regulations will be decided and enforced by the Committee.
Article IV
Cessation of Membership
Membership may be resigned by giving written or spoken notice to the secretary
Membership can be terminated in the following ways:
If a member of the club is breaching the rules of the club
Acting in a manner that is inconsistent with the purposes of the club,
The committee may give written notice (“Termination Notice”) to the member.
This notice must:
Explain how the member is breaching the rules or acting in a manner
inconsistent with the purpose of the club.
State what the member must do to remedy the situation; or state that the
member must write to the committee explaining why their membership should
not be terminated.
State that if, within 14 days of receiving the Termination Notice, the committee is
not satisfied, the committee in its absolute discretion may immediately terminate
the member's membership.
State that if the committee terminates the member's membership, that they can
appeal to the committee in regards to the termination of their membership. The
appeal must be in the form of a written letter (Member's Notice) stating why they
should be reinstated as a member.
If the Member gives the Member’s Notice to the Secretary, the Member will have
the right to be fairly heard at a Society Meeting held within the following 28 days.
If the Member chooses, the Member may provide the Secretary with a written
explanation of the events as the Member sees them (“the Member’s Explanation”),
and the Member may require the Secretary to give the Member’s Explanation to
every other Member within 7 days of the Secretary receiving the Member’s
If the Member is not satisfied that the other Society Members have had sufficient
time to consider the Member’s Explanation, the Member may defer his or her
right to be heard until the following Society Meeting.
When the Member is heard at a Society Meeting, the Society may question the
Member and the Committee Members.
The Society shall then by majority vote decide whether to let the termination
stand, or whether to reinstate the Member. The Society’s decision will be final.
But if the termination of membership of any member has been caused by:
Disregard to another member's personal safety.
Or an event where legal action was involved regarding the member, in a manner
where they are, but not restricted to, being charged by the law.
The membership may be terminated by the committee immediately.
Membership ceases upon the death of the member.
Membership may not be transferred.
Article V
The committee shall consist of the President (Eldrazi King/Queen), the vice
president (The Oracle), Secretary (Praetor's Council) and Treasurer (Tithe
Drinker). These committee members will stay in office for the term of a year from
March during the first semester until March a year later as this club will continue
to operate outside of the regular university year.
These members will hold office for a year unless:
They resign
The President deems them unworthy of the position
If they have either put a member at risk or used their power for the reasons of
personal gain they can be stood down by the president temporarily, then the
committee will review the situation and hold a vote.
The President is elected by the previous President, and the other committee
members are elected by the President. Potential committee members may
volunteer their interest in such roles to the President.
If the other committee members unanimous agree that the current president is
not performing their duties as well as they should be, they may elect a new
president from the student members of the club, not including one of their own.
Article VI
The committee of the Club, as provided for in Article V, shall manage the internal
affairs of the Club; shall exercise supervision over properties and members; shall
purchase all materials required by the Club and pass accounts for payment.
The committee shall have power to carry out and enforce the constitution, and
from time to time, make, amend or rescind by-laws as it deems fit.
At all committee meetings, three members shall form a quorum, of whom one
must be either the President or the Vice President.
The President or any two members of the committee shall have the power, at all
times, to instruct the Secretary.
Article VII
The funds of the Club, from whatever source derived, shall be applied only
towards the promotion of the aims and objectives of the club and no portion of
any funds shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend,
bonus, salary, or otherwise to any member of the Club, with the exception of
reimbursement to members of legitimate and actual expenditure on behalf of the
Club which the Committee authorises.
All monies shall be received by the Treasurer, who shall deposit them in an
account of the Club’s.
The Club is solely responsible for all debts incurred in its name. No responsibility
or financial liability will be taken by the University of Canterbury Students’
Association Inc.
Article VIII
President (Eldrazi King/Queen)
At all General and Special Meetings of the Club, the President shall occupy the
Chair. Should she or he be absent a committee member, appointed by members,
shall take the Chair.
Article IX
Vice President (The Oracle)
The Master of the cards is responsible for helping clarify the rules.
They must also act as a second to the President, to assist with the running of the
club and to represent them while they are absent.
Article X
Secretary (Praetor's Council)
The Secretary shall attend all meetings and keep accurate minutes of the
proceedings, read and file all communications and other papers, issue notices of
meetings, conduct all correspondence, and attend generally to all clerical duties
in connection with the Club. She or he will further see that affiliation to the
University of Canterbury Students’ Association Inc is completed annually.
In the case that the Secretary is absent from a meeting, another committee
member, or volunteer will record the minutes and pass them on to the secretary.
Article XI
Treasurer (Tithe Drinker)
The Treasurer is responsible for the safe keeping of all club funds, providing a
budget for club events and maintaining the club's possessions.
The Treasurer may also help to fill the role of any committee member at their
request. Such a request may be declined.
Article XII
Annual general meetings and special general meetings
Notice of Annual General and Special General Meetings shall be posted on the
Club Notice board (In the 'Living Room'), UCSA Club Development Office, and
also on the Club's Facebook page, not less than seven days prior to the meeting
taking place.
An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held each year, at a date
determined by the committee. And must be advertised to the society at least
fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.
The regular business of the meeting shall be:
To receive the Annual Report (Co-convenors).
To elect Officers and Committee members for the forthcoming year.
To receive the Financial Report, and the Statement of Assets and Liabilities for
the preceding year.
To transact any other general business of the Club.
A special General meeting of the Club shall be called by the secretary on receiving
a written request by the Co-convenors, by at least ten (10) members, or by the
committee on its motion.
The mode of voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands or a secret ballot.
At all General Meetings of the Club, all members shall be entitled to vote, unless
it is a member who has been temporarily suspended.
Article XIII
Financial Year
The financial year of the Club shall begin on the first day of January, and
terminate on the last day of December in each year.
Article XIV
The Co-convenors Secretary and Treasurer shall keep copies of this Constitution,
which shall be available to members on the clubs Facebook site and at request by
any member to the secretary.
Article XV
Alteration of the Constitution
No part of this Constitution shall be altered, rescinded or added to except at a
General Meeting of the Club called for that purpose and every proposed alteration
must be handed to the Secretary at least eight (8) clear days before the date of
such a meeting.
No motion to alter or rescind or add to this constitution shall be deemed to be
carried at a General Meeting unless two-thirds majority vote in favour of the
changes to be received from the members present. No changes to the non-profit
aims, personal benefit clause or the winding up clause will be allowed.
In the case of a tied vote, the chairperson will have a casting vote.
The UCSA Clubs Development Officer, UCSA Clubs Committee, and University of
Canterbury Students’ Association Inc must be notified in writing of any
alterations made.
No motion to alter or rescind or add to this Constitution shall be deemed to be
carried if the University of Canterbury Students’ Association Inc Executive deems
the change to be contrary to the interests, aims or objectives of the University of
Canterbury Students’ Association Inc.
All alterations to this constitution must be made by consensus of 75% vote,
including to alter Article XV itself.
Article XVI
Standing Orders
The Standing Orders of this Club shall be those of the University of Canterbury
Students’ Association Inc.
Article XVII
The Club shall apply for affiliation to the University of Canterbury Students’
Association Inc on an annual basis, and will abide by the decisions and rulings of
its Executive. The conduct of the affairs of the Club shall be in accordance with
the Constitution of the University of Canterbury Students’ Association Inc.
Article XVIII
Winding Up
The Club shall be wound up if:
A motion to that effect is passed by a two-thirds majority at a General Meeting.
In the event of the Club winding up, all property and assets (including any
monies held in the club bank account), shall be held in trust by the University of
Canterbury Students’ Association Inc for not less than four years, and shall be
given to a University of Canterbury Students’ Association Inc Club with the same
objectives when such a Club is formed.
If, after four years, no similar University of Canterbury Students’ Association Inc
Club is formed, the University of Canterbury Students’ Association Inc shall have
the power to dispose of assets and properties as it sees fit. All profits from such
disposal shall go towards the University of Canterbury Students’ Association Inc
Club Funds.
President ______________________ Date ___________
Vice-President___________________Date ___________
Secretary ______________________ Date ___________
Treasurer ______________________ Date ___________