1 RTW Revolution They Wrote; Concordia’s Intersectional Feminist Theatre Collective Constitution Amended 15 September 2015 Article I – Name 1.1 This club shall be know as Revolution They Wrote; Concordia’s Intersectional Feminist Theatre Collective Article II – Objective 2.1 Revolution They Wrote aims to establish a space where the values of intersectional feminism and theatre meet. Our goal is to hold workshops for writers and actors to explore various topics that intersect with feminism in a performative mode. We hope these workshops will facilitate the exploration, and examination of our experiences so that we may transform them into art. Our aim is to validate and lend authority to the experiences and stories our members bring forward. 2.2 We seek to add to the educational experience of Concordia University and give Concordia students, from all academic disciplines and courses, the opportunity to explore performative modes of expression. Revolution They Wrote is the only collective to host a Feminist Theatre Festival in Montreal, and with this we hope to foster change in the professional theatre scene by giving the next generation of artists the tools to create meaningful works that can be considered feminist. 2.3 Revolution They Wrote will hold a Feminist Theatre Festival with works jointly submitted from the workshop material and the greater feminist theatre community. Although works from anyone may be submitted only those, which serve the Concordia community1, will be seriously considered. This festival is an integral part of creating a visible Feminist Theatre presence here in Montreal. The success of this festival shows not only Feminist Theatre fiscally viable but also socially and culturally important. 2.4 Our objective is to train and empower artists to utilize the theory of feminism and the creative practice of theater. This will include weekly writing prompts made digitally Serving the Concordia community is here by defined as works that speak to the Concordia student population. The goal is the engage with our audience, using intersectional feminist theatre modes, to explore performance and feminism. Whether the work is celebratory, expository or other in it’s nature it must be clearly relatable to the lives of our audience members. 1 RTW 2 available to our members, once a month workshops2 on a variety of topics that members bring forward, social nights (if there is a feminist play coming up we will organize group rates) and of course our own theatre festival in early March. 2.5 Our mandate is to foster new feminist theatre works. Be they written plays, dance/physical theatrical works, or performance art. Article III – Membership 3.1 The primary focus of Revolution They Wrote is to serve the undergraduate population of Concordia University and offer membership to students who fall under such a remit. Revolution They wrote, therefore, is open to all undergraduate students, without restriction on the grounds of national origin, race, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or faculty of study. 3.2 Revolution They Wrote offers all students registered with Concordia University, be they undertaking graduate or other courses/programmes, the opportunity to become official members of our club. 3.3 Revolution They Wrote is committed to making feminism to accessible to all peoples therefor any person may become a member of the club, regardless of valid registration at Concordia or not, these members shall be referred to as associate members. 3.4 To become a member participants must assist in one or more initiatives. Only those members who have either attended two (or more) or assisted with an initiative in the current semester may vote. 3.5 Honorary membership will be granted to those who participate but do not assist in workshops or other initiatives, or have not attended two or more initiatives. This meaning they have speaking rights at meetings but cannot vote. 3.6 Revolution They Wrote Members will be expected to attended the weekly meeting to discuss upcoming events and initiatives. They will also be expected to take leadership of workshops and bring forward initiatives and ideas for partnerships. Article IV – Officers 4.1 The Executive Board will consist of three members, Artistic Director, Finance Coordinator and General Manager. Each shall be elected in April before the Summer break. Our goal is bi-monthly but this is the first year well be trying it so I’d like to set achievable goals. As well twice monthly will not happened during exam or final performance times. 2 RTW 3 4.2 The role of the Artistic Director is as follows: • Provide leadership and management in the Club • Hold effective club meetings • Uphold the club constitution • Plan ahead for the club •Promote the events to the local community and beyond using all available methods of communication • Encourage and empower collective members to take leadership roles • Uphold the mission, vision and values of Revolution They Wrote • Provide an artistic vision for the collective based on the members needs and desires • Vote on festival submissions •Appoint two other voting members for Festival submissions (optional see 9.4) 4.3 The role of the Finance Coordinator is as follows: • Management of club accounts • Keeping records • Preparation of financial statements • Preparing a financial budget for the club • Vote on festival submissions 4.4 The role of the general manager is as follows: Communication: - With collective members and with the CSU •Promote the events to the local community and beyond using all available methods of communication Meetings: - Preparation for and follow up on assigned tasks. • Book spaces for workshops and other initiatives • Accurate recording of meeting minutes • Assist the President in the running of the club • Administration: - Correspondence and keeping records • Vote on festival submissions Article V – Finances 5.1 The Artistic Director and the Finance Coordinator are the two appointed officers responsible for the signing off on all club expenses. 5.2 The Finance Coordinator is responsible for recording and maintaining the club budget and expenses accrued throughout the year. It is the Finance Coordinator’s responsibility to research and find the lowest costs in any expense, which may fall upon the club. It also falls upon the Finance Coordinator to provide accurate monthly accounts, at members’ meetings, of the club’s income and expenditure. RTW 4 5.3 All funds raised through club activities must be deposited in an internally recognised CSU account. No proceeds or funds raised by the club will be kept in a cash-box or external unofficial bank account. Article VI – Elections 6.1 The nominations for Executive Board Positions will take place at the monthly members’ meeting in April. Nominees must be proposed and seconded by two or more club members. The election of any such nominees will occur at the Annual AGM, which should be scheduled for a date no less than two weeks and no longer than three weeks preceding the April Members’ Meeting. 6.2 An election of Executive Board Positions must be held on an annual basis. 6.3 All members are eligible for nominating themselves for Executive Board Positions. Any one person will not hold the position of Club President longer than one term of office, i.e. 1 academic year. 6.4 It is preferable that each new executive team have at least one active member from the previous year on board, as well as one student from the Concordia Theatre Department. 6.5 Election Procedures will be based on a consensus system wherein active members must come to a consensus. 6.6 If certain executive positions are not filled during elections, they shall be filled by a membership vote at a future meeting. Articles VII – Replacement and Impeachment Procedures 7.1 Officers can be impeached from their positions in failing to perform their duties as outlined in Article IV, Sections 4-9 of the Club Constitution. 7.2 Officers may also be impeached for failure to present themselves at more than 3 Members’ Meetings or 5 Official Executive Meetings in any academic year. 7.3 Officers who fail to present to uphold their duties will be given an official warning, carried out by the Artistic Director or General Manager. If Officers miss more than two Monthly Members’ Meetings or 4 Official Executive Meetings, the President or VicePresident is obliged to warn those officers of the consequences of absenteeism. Article VIII – General and Special Meetings 8.1 Collective Meetings will be held once a week. The aim of Members’ meetings is to inform, plan and discuss with the collective Revolution They Wrote’s of upcoming events, be they of an artistic, administrative or social nature. RTW 5 8.2 Special Meetings may be called by the Board in the event of urgent matters. It falls upon the Artistic Director to call such meetings through the General Manager. The responsibility of ensuring all Executive Members receiving information on meetings and urgent matters lies with the General Manager. Article IX – Activities 9.1 Revolution They Wrote will hold at least one workshop in performance and feminism each month, any active club member can lead these workshops or propose workshops. 9.2 Weekly writing prompts will be disseminated by the General Manager after each meeting to the collective. 9.3 The submission deadline for the Concordia Intersectional Feminist Theatre Festival will be decided by Collective members in early September. 9.4 To better serve our collective members the Artistic Director may appoint outside help in voting on submissions. These people may be authorities on women’s studies, queer theory or any other subject handled in the play. They are appointed to assist in the politics of each play and give advice on how these plays might be able to be adapted and work shopped to reach their fill potential. These people are appointed because they demonstrate a wealth of knowledge or experience not possessed by the executive board. 9.5 Submissions will not be blind; the author’s identity will play a small part in the selection process, as Revolution They Wrote seeks to empower untold stories3. 9.6 Rehearsal, work shopping and Directing will be negotiated with each playwright, the aim is to create a space where playwrights can dictate how they want the story to be told and by who. This means the playwright should be able to negotiate with the Artistic Director who will be a part of the process. It is up to the Artistic Director and the playwright to negotiate this relationship together. 9.7 During the rehearsal period there is the option for collective members to continue to meet and workshop material however there is no guarantee this material will not be put in the festival. As well writing prompts may cease at this time. 9.8 Half of the proceeds from the festival will go to the playwrights, the other half will be rolled into the next years operating fund. This is to insure that the club has the funds to expand. Also our community is small, and with the addition of the workshops the executives will be working with the playwrights from the get go so pretending otherwise is foolish. 3 RTW 6 9.9 Revolution They Wrote will prioritize and promote the use of wheelchair accessible spaces and spaces that are trans/non-binary inclusive. Article X – Affiliation 10.1 Revolution They Wrote will seek to align itself with the theatre department in order to obtain rehearsal space. Article XI – Amendments 11.1 Any amendments to the Revolution They Wrote constitution should be proposed at the final Members’ Meeting prior to the Annual AGM. It will fall upon the General Manager to ensure that all Club Members receive the proposed changes being made to the Constitution before the AGM. Any amendments made to the Club Constitution will be passed by a simple majority at the AGM of April. 11.2 Any amendments made to the Club Constitution must be communicated to the VicePresident of Clubs in Concordia Student Union. Article XII – Disputes and Appeals 12.1 Any unsolvable disputes or appeals that occur within the Revolution They Wrote framework must be referred to the Judicial Board of the Concordia Student Union for ruling. Any disputes or appeals regarding amendments made to the Club Constitution may be also referred to the same Judicial Board of the CSU. Article XIII – CSU Policies 1. Where items are not defined in this constitution or there are inconsistencies with the CSU’s By-Laws, regulations, and policies, the CSU’s By-Laws, regulations, and policies shall take effect.