EU DECISION ON XYLELLA FASTIDIOSA On 28 April 2015, EU Member States endorsed strengthened measures proposed by the Commission to prevent the further introduction into and the spread within the Union of Xylella fastidiosa (Wells et al.). The adoption of the EU Decision by the Commission is foreseen the week commencing 18th May 2015, and its entry into force is scheduled for the same week by way of notification to the EU Member States, followed by the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. On the basis of the Scientific Opinion of the European Food Safety Authority, published in January 2015, and the findings of the audits carried out by the Commission's Food and Veterinary Office in the affected area, in Southern Italy, in 2014, the Commission has proposed a set of reinforced measures which will repeal the current Commission Implementing Decision 2014/497/EU as regards measures to prevent the introduction and the spread within the Union of Xylella fastidiosa (Well and Raju). In particular, the new EU Decision foresees strengthened conditions for import and movement within the EU of specified plants (Annex I) known to be susceptible to Xylella Fastidiosa (Wells et al.). The list of regulated plants has been expanded to 160 species and 27 genera. Furthermore, the import of all the specified plants destined for import in the EU is subject to a declaration from the National Plant Protection Organisation of the country of origin that needs to be sent in advance to the European Commission for the following cases: • • • Imports from X. fastidiosa free Country: statement that X. fastidiosa is not present in their country (Article 16); Imports from a Pest Free Area related to X. fastidiosa: statement informing about the name of that area (Article 17.2); Imports from pest free production sites, located within an infected Country, fulfilling the specific import requirements: statement with the list of the authorised facilities (name and address) (Article 17.3). Please refer to the website of the Directorate-General Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, section plant health, to get access to the relevant documents. For further information please contact: Pasquale Di Rubbo-DG SANTE Unit E.2. ( Circulated by Trade SPS team: