Analysis of the Rainfall Occurrence in Indonesia Region Using Point Process Model Nurtiti Sunusia*, Herdiani E.Ta, and Nurdina a Department of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10 Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia *Corresponding Author: ABSTRACT The aims of this research is study a point process model for rainfall occurrence. The model is a renewal process. In this model, the rainfall occurrence is considered by the random points in a space, where every point denote time or/and location of an event. Conditional Intensity of the model is associated by hazard rate. Parameter of the model is estimated by hazard rate likelihood point process (HRLPP). The estimation is applied to a data set of daily rainfall occurrences in two stations in Indonesia. Keywords: Point Process, Renewal Process, Hazard rate, Conditional Intensity. 1. Introduction Rainfall is one of the most important inputs for hydrological modeling, and indicators for climate change impact studies [4]. Rain is the decline events drops of water from the sky to the earth's surface. Rain is also a water cycle on Earth. The object of this paper is to describe the probabilistic models for the behavior in time of the precipitation at a fixed point in space. There is an extensive literature on stochastic models for rainfall. For some general comments on the connection with point processes [2]. Stern & Coe (I984) have a model for daily rainfall in which wet and dry days occur in a Markov chain with seasonally dependent transition probabilities and in which the amounts of rain per wet day have a gamma distribution with seasonally dependent parameter. Some previous researchers have modeled the occurrence of the phenomenon of rain through several models, among others, Smith in 1985 [1], Smith in 1983 [3], and Rodriguez in 1987 [2]. In their study, they used the Newman-Scott cluster processes. In the present paper, we study one model in point process that the conditional intensity of the process is not depend on history but it depends only on the elapsed time since the last occurrence. The model is called renewal process and the conditional intensity coincides with so-called hazard rate. The daily rainfall of data from two stations are used to simulate the hazard rate. 2. Definition and Notation Temporal dynamics on a time interval is represented by an average rate called intensity. This relates to the expectations of the number of occurrences within a certain time period or interval. Generally, the likelihood function is the product of density functions opportunities as proposed by Vere Jones in 1995 [8]. In point process, the density function is unknown. Therefore, the likelihood function of point process is approximated by a Poisson principle. Let denote the number of event in interval with . The stationary Poisson process in a line is defined by [9]: (1) where or . So we have, Based on (1), let there are n events in interval that are probability that one event in and no more event left in . so that, for interval (2) , then is (3) we have (4) Thus, the likelihood of point process is: (5) Hazard Rate Likelihood Point Process (HRLPP) have been constructed in Sunusi (2010) . It can be used to estimate the hazard rate temporal point process. 3. Main Result 3.1 Estimating Conditional Intensity Let N be a renewal process with inter arrival time distribution F and interarrival time density f, then the stochastic conditional intensity function is called hazard rate given by (6) where , is the backward recurrence time at t or the elapsed time at t since the most recent event. A Poisson process is a renewal process with exponentially distributed inter arrival times. Based on equation (6), we have (7) where is the parameter of the exponential distribution and is the history of arrivals prior to t. This is consistent with that proposed by Sunusi in 2014 [7]. Because of the stochastic intensity of Poisson processes is constant, so the rate of occurrence at given time t is not affected by the history of arrivals prior to t. Based on (5), we have : . (8) where n is the number of occurrence in the interval and is interval observation. 3.2 Case Study In this session, a case study for determine the rainfall occurrence is studied. In this study, we estimated hazard rate of occurrence of rainfall using data which taken from two meteorological stations, that are meteorological stations of Curug/Budiarto and Tanjung Priok Jakarta. Table 1. The Summary of Hazard Rate Value for Station 96739 (Curug/Budiarto, Indonesia). No Interval n Hazard Rate (Curug Station) 1 Jan-Mar 09 2 2 0.0333 2 Apr-Jun 09 1 1 0.0172 3 Jul-Sep 09 0 0 0.0000 4 Okt-Des 09 1 1 0.0175 5 Jan-Mar 10 3 3 0.0536 6 Apr-Jun 10 1 1 0.0189 7 Jul-Sept10 1 1 0.0192 8 Okt-Des 10 2 2 0.0392 9 Jan-Mar 11 2 2 0.0408 10 Apr-Jun 11 2 2 0.0426 11 Jul-Sept 11 0 0 0.0000 12 Okt-Des 11 1 1 0.0222 13 Jan-Mar 12 2 2 0.0455 14 Apr-Jun 12 2 2 0.0476 15 Jul-Sept12 0 0 0.0000 16 Okt-Des 12 3 3 0.0750 17 Jan-Mar 13 3 3 0.0811 18 Apr-Jun 13 2 2 0.0588 19 Jul-Sept 13 1 1 0.0313 20 Okt-Des 13 3 3 0.0968 Table 2. The Summary of Hazard Rate Value for Station 96741 (Jakarta/Tanjung Priok, Indonesia). No Interval N Hazard Rate (T. Priok Station) 1 Jan-Mar 09 2 2 0.0333 2 Apr-Jun 09 0 0 0.0000 3 Jul-Sep 09 0 0 0.0000 4 Okt-Des 09 0 0 0.0000 5 Jan-Mar 10 1 1 0.0517 6 Apr-Jun 10 1 1 0.0175 7 Jul-Sept10 1 1 0.0179 8 Okt-Des 10 1 1 0.0364 9 Jan-Mar 11 2 2 0.0370 10 Apr-Jun 11 1 1 0.0385 11 Jul-Sept 11 0 0 0.0000 12 Okt-Des 11 0 0 0.0000 13 Jan-Mar 12 3 3 0.0392 14 Apr-Jun 12 0 0 0.0000 15 Jul-Sept12 0 0 0.0000 16 Okt-Des 12 2 2 0.0625 17 Jan-Mar 13 3 3 0.0652 18 Apr-Jun 13 1 1 0.0465 19 Jul-Sept 13 3 3 0.0238 20 Okt-Des 13 1 1 0.0732 3.3 Discussion Based on case study, it appears that the hazard rate at each interval for two adjacent stations is different. This value can be seen in Table 1 and Table 2. The same hazard rate can be seen at interval of January until March 2009. This means that the hazard rate at the beginning of the observation is not depend on the number of months that have high rainfall. Although these two adjacent stations, but based on the results in Table 1 and Table 2 shows that the value of the hazard rate for the same time interval for both stations is different. This is consistent with that proposed by Lu Y and Qin in 2012 [4] and Jien-Ji Tu in 2013 [10]. The difference is very reasonable because based on Suroso in 2006 [5], in addition to the daily rainfall amount received in an area, the intensity of rainfall in some areas also influenced by altitude. The lower the altitude, the potential rainfall received will be more, because in general the lower the temperature the higher regions. In addition, factors that affect the intensity of rainfall in one place is the distance from the source of water (evaporation). The closer the source of water, the higher the potential hujanya. Therefore, the value of the hazard rate for the meteorological station of Tanjung Priok is lower than the meteorological station Curug / Budiarto. 4. Acknowledgement This study was supported by research “ Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi 2015 “ of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. 5. Conclusions The result of hazard rate estimation of renewal point process with the inter event time is exponentially distributed shows that hazard rate processes is constant, so the rate of occurrence at given time t is not affected by the history of arrivals prior to t . Application of the model to estimate the hazard rate shows that although meteorological station Curug and Tanjung Priok is not so far, but they have the hazard rate is not the same. Hazard rate value of Tanjung Priok is lower than the other. REFERENCES [1] Smith A.J., Karr A.F. 1985. Statistical Inference for Point Process Models of Rainfall, Water Resources Research, 21 (1), 73-79. [2] Rodriguez I, et al. 1987 Some models for rainfall based on stochastic point processes, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 410, 269-288. [3] Smith A.J., Karr A.F. 1983. 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