July 2015 1-4 Public sector employees, teachers 3-5 Teachers, school leaders 3-6 Teachers, school leaders 5-8 Teachers, school science technicians 6 July Nominations close Executive leaders, public sector employees Pre-work starts 16 July 6-8 Public sector employees, teachers 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA) 2015 This conference will provide a platform for academics and engineers in computer technology to meet, exchange ideas, and establish professional networks. It will focus on specific disciplinary research as well as on multi-disciplinary studies. For more information contact ICITA or visit their website. New Zealand Association for Gifted Children (NZAGC) 40th Anniversary Conference: Celebrating the Many Faces of Giftedness This conference offers teachers a golden opportunity for affordable professional development from New Zealand’s leading gifted educationalists. It also allows access to the latest research, and most importantly, the sharing of our best gifted pedagogy from teachers working at the coal face. For more information email the NZAGC or visit the conference website. AATE/ALEA National Conference: Capitalising on Curiosity ‘ninggi warrguu’ – look and ask why: Nurturing inquiring minds The Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE) and the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA) conference will have three strands; nurturing curiosity in practice, nurturing inquiry through research and nurturing creativity in curriculum. For more information contact the AATE/ALEA National Office on 1800 248 379 or (08) 8332 2845 or visit their website. CONASTA 64 – Science: A Kaleidoscope of Wonder and Opportunity This National Science Education Conference of the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) will provide a broad program of professional learning workshops for primary and secondary teachers and school science technicians, including laboratory and computer workshops, hands-on activities, seminars and discussions. Keynote speakers include Professor Fiona Wood and Professor Steve Tingay. For more information contact ASTA on (02) 6282 9377 or visit their website. Emerging Leaders Program: Module 6 – Leading Strategic Initiatives and Programs This program is offered by QUT in partnership with the Public Service Commission. It is designed to offer a flexible, work-based, blended learning program that develops leadership skills and supports career development. There are nine modules to choose from to enable further skill development in certain areas or to work towards a related postgraduate qualification. This module focuses on the fundamental principles of effective change program leadership, including ensuring strategic alignment, challenging assumptions, envisioning and communicating a better future, delivering a coherent capability, building effective governance and realising benefits. For more information contact the Public Service Commission or visit the Emerging Leaders Program website. Eighth International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference: Evidence and practice - working together This conference promotes the use of the best available evidence in practices and processes particular to the library and information profession and provides an opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners from all sectors to discuss and explore contemporary issues and topics of relevance to evidence-based practice. For more information contact the conference organiser or Hilton Hotel, Sydney Waikato University, Hamilton National Convention Centre, Canberra Perth Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane 6-8 Teachers, school leaders 7-9 Executive leaders 7-10 Teachers, school leaders 8-9 Teachers, school leaders 9-12 Teachers 9-12 Teachers 10 Executive leaders 10 Executive leaders 10-12 Teachers 10 July – 20 September Executive leaders, public sector employees, visit the conference website. AAMT 2015 Conference: Mathematics – Learn, Lead, Link The 25th biennial conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT) will discuss current issues in mathematics education from early years to university. For more information contact the AAMT on (08) 8363 0288 or visit the conference website. Public Sector Commission (PSC) Masterclass: Leading Organisational Performance This free three-day masterclass will be presented by Dr Robert Behn, Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). For more information contact the PSC on 3003 2800 or to register visit their website. Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) 2015 Conference: Strengthening partnerships in teacher education – Building community, connections and creativity This conference builds from the call for the teacher education community to better connect and strengthen school-university-community partnerships for the benefit of all students. It will be an outstanding opportunity to connect and form new partnerships with colleagues in Northern Australia and with our Asia Pacific colleagues and neighbours. For more information email ATEA or visit their website. 2015 National Summit on Student Engagement, Learning & Behaviour This summit features presenters and keynote speakers including TEDx presenter and author Dave Burgess and journalist and former politician, Maxine McKew. The summit will benefit teachers and school leaders interested in the relationships between quality teaching, design of learning experiences/spaces, and student engagement, behaviour and learning. It will promote quality evidence-based practices and collaborations between teachers and researchers. For more information contact Summit Convenor, Associate Professor Linda Graham, QUT or visit their website. Maryborough Music Conference The conference program offers multiple choice topics led by world renowned and national and international music educators, band and choral directors and clinicians. All delegates will have the opportunity to perform in one of the delegate performance ensembles. For more information contact the conference organisers on 4122 0825 or visit their website. 20th National Languages Conference 2015: conVICtion – Realising our languages potential The Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers (AFMLTA) conference will have more details available soon. For more information contact MLTAWA or visit their website. Public Sector Commission (PSC) CEO Roundtable: Leading Organisational Performance This event will be presented by Dr Robert Behn, Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). For more information contact the PSC on 3003 2800 or to register visit their website. Public Sector Commission (PSC) Executive Dialogue – Performance leadership: producing real results This free afternoon event will be presented by Dr Robert Behn, Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). For more information contact the PSC on 3003 2800 or to register visit their website. Drama Australia and Drama New Zealand International Conference: GAME CHANGER Innovating Education Through Creativity and Drama Practice GAME CHANGER will engage conference participants in practice that goes beyond the essential foundations of 'critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creation' and encourage delegates to embrace new ideas, and new ways of thinking, teaching and learning. For more information email Drama NSW or visit the conference website. Public Sector Management Program: Unit one: Managing within the Context of Government This national four-unit course is a graduate certificate program, delivered over 15 months. This unit Adelaide 53 Albert Street, Brisbane School of Education, Charles Darwin University, Darwin Gardens Point Campus, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Brolga Theatre and Convention Centre, Maryborough Melbourne Brisbane Brisbane NIDA Theatres Complex, Sydney Townsville teachers 13 Teachers, school leaders 13 July Nominations close Executive leaders, public sector employees Pre-work starts 23 July 13-14 July & 29-31 July Executive leaders, ;public sector employees 14 Prep teachers, school leaders 14, 21 & 28 July Teachers 15 All employees 15 Teachers, school leaders provides the ‘big picture’ of government and the context within which public sector managers operate. It develops an understanding of the institutional frameworks and conventions which guide practice and ensure sustainable democratic processes. For more information contact the Queensland Program Manager, Queensland University of Technology on 3138 1856 or visit the program website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Assessing the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7-10 This assessment workshop will focus on strategies for assessing knowledge, understanding and skills in the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7–10; using the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and the QCAA standard elaborations and developing task-specific standards to make evidence-based judgments. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Emerging Leaders Program: Module 1 - Leading Self and Others This program is offered by QUT in partnership with the Public Service Commission. It is designed to offer a flexible, work-based, blended learning program that develops leadership skills and supports career development. There are 9 ELP modules to choose from to enable further skill development in certain areas or to work towards a related postgraduate qualification. In this module aspiring leaders will develop their leadership skills through self-awareness, individual planning, courage and commitment. This module will also uncover the practices linked to effective leadership, motivation and self-actualisation. For more information contact the Public Service Commission or visit the Emerging Leaders Program website. UQ Business School: Leading People and Teams This course is focused upon theories, models and practical frameworks for the effective and strategic leadership of teams. The approach taken will provide opportunities for participants to actively reflect on current practice and assistant to integrate and practically apply fresh insights to improve leadership effectiveness. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on 3346 7111 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years – Collaboration through networking This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. TAFE Gold Coast Short Course: Pro Tools – Studio Editing Music industry professionals will take you through a series of workshops to extend your knowledge and skills in ProTools. This three-hour evening course will cover ProTools basics, edit modes and tools and time and pitch correction. For more information contact TAFE Gold Coast on 5581 8931 or visit their website. GovCamp Australia Innovation Dialogues Program This half-day program aims to take a snapshot of the great things happening in public sector innovation and to provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange and city networking between spheres of government and innovators from other sectors. It will bring together a range of public sector leaders and practitioners, together with innovators from industry and civil society. For more information and to register visit the GovCamp Australia website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching and learning in the early years This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. QCAA, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus UQ Business School Executive Venue, Brisbane Mantra, Hervey Bay TAFE Gold Coast, Coomera The Edge Auditorium, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Mantra, Hervey Bay 15 All employees 16 Teachers, school leaders 16 Teachers 16 Prep teachers, school leaders 16 Teachers, school leaders 16-17 Supervisors, managers, team leaders 16 All employees 17 All employees Australian Institute of Management (AIM) Information Webinar: Pave Your Way to an MBA This half-hour webinar will discuss the immediate and long term career benefits of a MBA and give you a taste of what is required in the study program. All webinar registrants will receive complimentary entry into the AIM Academic Skills Program. This program will arm you with useful techniques, skills and approaches to prepare you for post-graduate study. For more information contact AIM on 1300 658 337 or to register visit their website. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Webinar: Differentiating for Assessment and Reporting In this free webinar, presenter Penny Willoughby will outline the key principles of effective differentiated assessment. Penny has been working with teachers to help them improve their classroom practices for many years and brings fresh insights to the challenge of differentiating assessments. For more information contact ACER on (03) 9277 5555 or to register visit their website. Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society (AMOS) National Conference 2015: Education and Outreach Day This Education and Outreach Day is part of the annual AMOS conference which attracts over 300 scientists from around Australia and overseas to present the latest research in meteorology, oceanography and climate science. AMOS welcomes participation from all education sectors and industry working in weather and climate to showcase and exchange ideas, tools and practical tips on pedagogy and student/ community engagement with the sciences related to weather and climate. Teachers can attend keynote addresses, plenaries and various scientific sessions throughout the day to get their finger on the pulse of current research. This is a rare opportunity for Queensland teachers to engage with climate scientists from across Australia. Registration for this event is free for teachers who register online and use their education email address. For more information contact AMOS on 0404 471 143 and to register visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years – Collaboration through networking This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Online Webinar: Assessing the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7-10: 2-part webinar series This assessment workshop is delivered online over two one-hour sessions and will focus on strategies for assessing knowledge, understanding and skills in the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7–10; using the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and the QCAA standard elaborations and developing task-specific standards to make evidence-based judgments For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. UQ Business School: New Leader Course The course is designed for supervisors, managers or team leaders who are looking for essential knowledge and skills in leadership and management. It covers key areas such as managing task and performance, handling conflict, teams, communication, personal and leadership styles, motivation and delegation. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on 3346 7111 or visit their website. Epilepsy Queensland Workshops: Understanding Epilepsy and Midazolam Administration The topics covered include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and Midazolam administration. There will also be information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website. SPELD Qld Seminar: Understanding Learning Difficulties: A Practical Guide Online and face-to-face Webinar Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Maroochy Surf Club, Maroochydore Online webinar UQ Business School Executive Venue, Brisbane Gabba Towers, Woolloongabba Toowoomba Grammar School, 17 Teachers, school leaders 18 Teachers 18 All employees 20 Provisionally registered teachers 20 Prep teachers, school leaders 20 Teachers, school leaders 20 Teachers, school leaders 20 July – 18 September All employees In this practical full-day workshop the recently released AUSPELD Learning Difficulties Guide will be reviewed and effective ways to make use of it explored. Successful strategies for assisting students with developmental learning disorders, such as dyslexia, will be identified. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching and learning in the early years This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Queensland Art Teachers’ Association (QATA) State Conference: Momentum This conference will feature experienced speakers from the university sector, regional Queensland, QCAA, ACARA, and primary Visual Art specialists. It will present case studies of others progressing forward and introduce some innovative practical solutions and advice with regards to assessment, monitoring and verification. For more information contact QATA or visit their website. Get Active Queensland Accreditation Program This free training can lead to recognised accreditation in coaching, officiating and sports first aid. For more information contact Steve Paulsen, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing on 3338 9265 or visit their website. Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to Progress to Full Registration This workshop is designed for Provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors. The content includes The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; evidence requirements; strategies for gathering evidence and roles and responsibilities of provisionally registered teachers and their mentors/supervisors. For more information contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years – Collaboration through networking This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – How to read challenging texts – making thinking visible This workshop will show how the NAPLAN Reading test data indicates the need for a more strategic approach to reading to improve student responses to challenging texts; provide practical strategies to encourage metacognitive conversation to improve student performance on challenging texts and higher-order questions and provide opportunities for teachers and curriculum leaders to participate in an in-service package, designed for them to introduce the strategies to other teachers. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Asking questions to improve learning This effective questioning workshop will focus on identifying the common errors in questioning and the implications they have on learning, a simple and effective process for improving questioning that causes students to think and a range of question types and alternatives to questions that engages and extends student thinking. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. TAFE Queensland Gold Coast: Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Course Beginners to Intermediate The nine-week course leads you through step-by-step from a basic understanding of the software to learning more intermediate techniques such as how to use layers, refined image enhancement, Toowoomba Maroochy Surf Club, Maroochydore Cannon Hill Anglican College, Brisbane Emerald Spinifex State College, Mount Isa Brothers Leagues Club, Ipswich Arundel Hills Country Club, Gold Coast QCAA, Brisbane TAFE Gold Coast, Coomera 21 Teacher aides 21 1HR staff in central and regional offices colour correction techniques and producing creative graphic outcomes. For more information contact the TAFE Gold Coast or to register visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_DPG Overview This web conference is designed to provide support to those education support staff (teacher aides) engaged in the Digital Practice Guide (DPG). In this session we will explore the Digital Practice Guide and how it relates to your role in the classroom. We will step through the Process of Engagement and complete group activities to clarify requirements. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: Workforce Relations Information Session - Guide to good decision making OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference This session aims to provide refresher training for participants on this topic, taking into account application in the IR context; contemporary expectation; and the current operating environment. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. 21 School leaders, school personnel 21 Teachers, school leaders 21 Teachers, school leaders 21-22 All employees 21-25 Executive leaders 22 Teachers OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register, visit OneChannel. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching and learning in the early years This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Feedback to inform teaching and learning This workshop will focus on the purpose and role of learning goals and success criteria in learning how to plan and write effective learning goals, self- and peer-feedback systems and simple and effective strategies for gathering student feedback to inform teaching and learning.. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Workforce Council: Mentoring and Coaching for current and emerging leaders This practical two-day workshop will build your knowledge and skills in mentoring and coaching as well as building your confidence to develop and maintain these relationships in your role. This workshop will take anyone in a current or emerging leadership role through learning activities to develop leadership skills that focus on strategies for mentoring and coaching and leading with integrity and leading learning communities. For more information contact Workforce Council on 1800 122 585 or 3234 0190 or visit their website. ANZSOG: Excellence in Local Government Leadership Program This Australia and New Zealand School of Government program is specifically designed for senior local government executives to stretch their intellectual boundaries and build leadership capacity. It will challenge current leaders to set the agenda for local government reform in the 21 st century. An emphasis is placed on strategic leadership; collaborative governance with other governments, citizens and stakeholders; and innovative service delivery. For more information contact the ELGLP Program Coordinator on (03) 9035 3278 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: Getting started – coding for primary OneChannel web conference Brothers Leagues Club, Ipswich QCAA, Brisbane Bond University Function Centre, Robina Canberra OneChannel web conference The first session in this series of four will cover the basics of coding in primary school and provide an overview about why we teach computing, and what it actually means to teach coding. It will give you some ideas of how to get started in your school. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. 22 Teachers, school leaders Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Online Webinar: Assessing the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7-10: 2-part webinar series This assessment workshop is delivered online over two one-hour sessions and will focus on Online webinar 22 Teachers, school leaders 22 Teachers 22 Teacher aides 22 Teachers 22 Teachers, school leaders 22 All employees 22 Executive leaders, school leaders, RTO managers 22 School leaders, teachers strategies for assessing knowledge, understanding and skills in the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7–10; using the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and the QCAA standard elaborations and developing task-specific standards to make evidence-based judgments For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: Analyse Black Snake and other texts Explore how edStudio blogs can be used to analyse texts. The Year 7 Black Snake activities will be used as an example. Learn how to create your own edStudio and set up blogs. You will also be guided through the Contemporary Practice Resource teaching idea - Analyse a literary text through blog discussions. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge The Challenge will expose students to computational thinking concepts using comprehension style questions that can be completed individually or in groups of four. Students will find the challenge fun with questions ranging from easy to difficult. During this session you will have the opportunity to learn about Computational Thinking concepts and work approaches that will assist you to get the most out of the Challenge with your students. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Cybersafety and DPG Part 3 The Cybersafety and Reputation Management team will talk about ways to ensure your online and offline world remain separate, and how to keep your account secure. The session will cover tips about how to ensure your personal online profiles do not affect your professional life, various privacy settings to alter on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and information about location services. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: Online Coaching Modules – Overview Find out how easy it is to use this self-paced module. Discover new and exciting resources, develop and consolidate your content knowledge and pedagogical practice. The session will also highlight how completion of the modules can align with your QCT requirements and with the APST. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – How to read challenging texts – making thinking visible This workshop will show how the NAPLAN Reading test data indicates the need for a more strategic approach to reading to improve student responses to challenging texts; provide practical strategies to encourage metacognitive conversation to improve student performance on challenging texts and higher-order questions and provide opportunities for teachers and curriculum leaders to participate in an in-service package, designed for them to introduce the strategies to other teachers. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. SPELD Qld: Working Memory and Learning: Identification, Assessment and Planning This course will provide teachers with the latest research on Working Memory Theory and its impact on learning for children with deficits in their working memory. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website. UQ Business School: Advanced Presentation Skills Advanced Presentation Skills is designed for leaders from across all sectors. The ability of a leader to make an impact is no longer an "optional" skill. The need to inform with clarity, to motivate and to inspire action permeates every aspect of a leader's world. Every improvement in a leader's impact on teams, peers, clients, potential clients and stakeholders - results in value added both personally and organisationally. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on 3346 7111 or visit their website. Catch Up Information Webinar Catch Up Literacy and Catch Up Numeracy are structured one-to-one interventions proven to significantly improve the achievement of learners who struggle with literacy and numeracy. OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference QCAA, Brisbane Queen Alexandra Home, Coorparoo UQ Business School Executive Venue, Brisbane Webinar 22-24 School leaders 23 All employees 23 Teachers, school leaders 23 Teacher aides 23 School leaders, school personnel 23 Mentor teachers 23 Teachers, school leaders, guidance officers 23 Teachers This one-hour information session gives an overview of the Catch Up interventions and their implementation and management in schools (or other settings). You can ask questions to help you decide whether these interventions would be suitable for struggling students in your school. For more information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their website. Council of International Schools (CIS) Regional Conference 2015: Australian Education Leaders – Our Place in the World This multidisciplinary conference links research in education for global citizenship, research in the role of the school leaders in promoting global citizenship education and classroom teaching practice. For more information contact CIS (USA) on +1 607 387 3343 or visit their website. Business Innovation & Improvement in Government (BiiG) Speaker Series: A case study in applying behavioural insights to policy In this one-hour talk, guest speaker Emma Commerford, Senior Economist with the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation will give an overview of behavioural insights and describe a popular framework for applying the insights to policy. Emma will also discuss the results of a recent large scale experiment in Office of State Revenue. For more information or to register contact BiiG or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – How to read challenging texts – making thinking visible This workshop will •show how the NAPLAN Reading test data indicates the need for a more strategic approach to reading to improve student responses to challenging texts; provide practical strategies to encourage metacognitive conversation to improve student performance on challenging texts and higher-order questions and provide opportunities for teachers and curriculum leaders to participate in an in-service package, designed for them to introduce the strategies to other teachers. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Board Maker Studio Part 1 Introduction Board Maker has been used for many years to support students who access their curriculum with the aid of symbols. Board Maker Studio is an application to enhance the capacity for students to engage with symbol based activities. This is the first in a series of three sessions looking at this software and will explore the layout and basic use of Board Maker Studio, the tools and the templates that make the software easy to use. We will also discuss the differences between Studio and other versions of Board Maker. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: MBT1 – QUT Follow-up This is a follow-up session, delivered by Queensland University of Technology staff, for the MBT trained mentor teachers. The aim of the session is to reflect on the mentor-mentee relationship to date and progress with mentoring plans. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: My Future – My Life Initiative In this Centacare web conference participants will gain an understanding of the history, intention and scope of this ground-breaking initiative including who is eligible for support, the types of support provided and how to access support. Presenter is Laurell Sands, Community Development Facilitator. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Workshop: Teaching Knowledge for the Art and Craft of Writing This interactive and practical session will give teachers strategies and resources that can be used immediately in the classroom. The workshop is planned so that teachers will have information for at least five classroom lessons on teaching vocabulary, grammar and sentence construction, based Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport 80 George Street, Brisbane QCAA, Brisbane OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference The Southport School Preparatory School, Southport 23 Teachers 23 Prep teachers, school leaders 23 Teachers 23 All employees 24 Teachers, school leaders 24 Teachers, school leaders 25 All employees 25 All employees 25-26 Teachers 27 Executive leaders upon the syntactic patterns of English. For more information and to register contact PETAA on (02) 8020 3900 or visit their website. CAASTRO: The Universe in a Nutshell: stars, galaxies, black holes and more This fast-paced interactive public lecture will comprise four explosive eight-minute presentations by world renowned astronomers followed by a panel Q&A with the international astrophysicists. Presenters are Dr Amanda Bauer – Research Astronomer, Astronomical Observatory, Professor Tamara Davis - astrophysicist, Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith - CSIRO astronomer and Professor Meg Urry Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Yale University. For more information contact CAASTRO on (02) 9351 2893 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years – Collaboration through networking This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Flying Arts Alliance Workshop: PD4Arts Educators Web TV: Contemporary Street Art From historical perspective to high-profile contemporary street artists, this interactive webcast session is for secondary teachers interested in engaging students with approaches to contemporary street art. For more information contact Flying Arts Alliance on 3216 1322 or visit their website. Epilepsy Queensland Workshop: Understanding Epilepsy The topics covered in this half-day workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: Ready-made edStudios Part 1 This session will provide an introduction to the available ready-made edStudios and managing permissions. Explore ready-made edStudios such as Virtual memory box, Mathematics tool kit, Word a day challenge, Online class dictionary and Glossary. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching and learning in the early years This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. SPELD Qld Seminar: Understanding Learning Difficulties: A Practical Guide In this practical full-day workshop the recently released AUSPELD Learning Difficulties Guide will be reviewed and effective ways to make use of it explored. Successful strategies for assisting students with developmental learning disorders, such as dyslexia, will be identified. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website. Get Active Queensland Accreditation Program This free training can lead to recognised accreditation in coaching, officiating and sports first aid. For more information contact Steve Paulsen, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing on 3338 9265 or visit their website. Queensland Education Resources Expo (QUEDREX) This free admission event is a unique opportunity for educators to add to their continuing professional development, network with key industry professionals and to access a wealth of information to assist with purchasing resources for their education facility, classrooms and career. For more information and to register visit their website. Public Sector Commission (PSC) Masterclass: Leadership coaching for change Advanced Engineering Building, University of Queensland, St Lucia QCAA, Brisbane Online webinar Cairns OneChannel web conference QCAA, Brisbane All Souls St Gabriels School, Charters Towers Brisbane West Royal ICC, Brisbane Showgrounds, Bowen Hills Queensland University of 27 Teachers 27 Public sector employees 27 Provisionally registered teachers 27 Prep teachers, school leaders 27 All employees 27 All employees 27 School leaders, school personnel 27 Teachers, school staff 27-28 All employees This free one-day masterclass will be presented by Dr Geoff Abbott, Queensland University of Technology. For more information contact the PSC on 3003 2800 or to register visit their website. Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Workshop: Teaching Knowledge for the Art and Craft of Writing This interactive and practical session will give teachers strategies and resources that can be used immediately in the classroom. The workshop is planned so that teachers will have information for at least five classroom lessons on teaching vocabulary, grammar and sentence construction, based upon the syntactic patterns of English. For more information and to register contact PETAA on (02) 8020 3900 or visit their website. Business Innovation & Improvement in Government (BiiG): Introduction to Innovation Workshop This workshop will give an introduction to innovation in the public sector, drawing on case studies and examples from both the private and public sector. For more information contact Rebecca Hannan, or to register visit the BiiG website. Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to Progress to Full Registration This workshop is designed for Provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors. The content includes The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; evidence requirements; strategies for gathering evidence and roles and responsibilities of provisionally registered teachers and their mentors/supervisors. For more information contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years – Collaboration through networking This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Health and Community Services Workforce Council Workshop: Recruitment Strategies – How to Choose the Right People for the Right Position Attracting the right people to want to work for your organisation is important as your people are your most significant asset. This three-hour workshop will explore a range of strategies that support attraction to your organisation, your sector or your region. For more information contact the H&CS Workforce Council on 1800 112 585 or visit their website. Health and Community Services Workforce Council Workshop: Attraction Strategies – How to Make Your Organisation More Attractive to Potential Employees This three-hour workshop focuses on recruitment strategies for organisations. Developing role descriptions; understanding the skill level and experience required to fulfil the role and recruitment accordingly; advertising and ensuring the selection process will provide for the best outcome. For more information contact the H&CS Workforce Council on 1800 112 585 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: Basic Video Production with Premier The aim of this workshop is to help teachers develop skills and confidence with simple video capture, editing, publication and promotion with Adobe Clip and Adobe Premier Pro. This workshop looks at some of these solutions and how they can be used by students to construct their learning and teachers to enhance the way they communicate. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. Information and Technologies Branch Regional Roadshow At the roadshow you can discover how IT can support your school to enhance teaching and learning; Technology, Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane Redlands College, Wellington Point 80 George Street, Brisbane Mantra, Hervey Bay and Harrup Park Country Club, Mackay Picnic Point, Toowoomba The Learning Hub, Adelaide Street, Brisbane The Learning Hub, Adelaide Street, Brisbane OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast 27-28 Executive leaders, school leaders, RTO managers 27-28 Teachers, school leaders 28 Public sector employees 28 Teacher aides 28 Fully registered teachers 28 Teachers, school leaders 28 All employees 28 School leaders, teachers, executive leaders find digital solutions for your business needs; and walk away with tips and tricks you can use in your school the next day. Staff from ICT Support will be on hand to provide technical support and assist delegates with any issues they are having with their devices. For more information contact ITB or to register visit their website. UQ Business School: Managerial Decision Making This two-day intensive course empowers participants to more critically analyse their own decision making and develop more thoughtful decision processes. In a series of activities, discussions, and decision planning exercises, the course provides the knowledge and strategies that can help participants to identify common errors in organisational decision making, while also providing the practical tools for cultivating more effective decision practices. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on 3346 7111 or visit their website. 2nd Annual STEM Education Conference This conference will focus on the solutions to the challenges often talked about in STEM education in Australia. The highly practical, interactive program will feature case studies on real world applications of STEM, tips to enthuse and motivate children and young people to continue their STEM education and share ideas on how to turn an interest in STEM into a career. For more information and to register visit the conference website. BiiG Network: Public Sector Innovation Workshop – Leading for Innovation This Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG) workshop will give public sector leaders insights into the new meta skills that leaders need in order to catalyse innovation, the nexus between leadership and innovation and how to build a culture of innovation. For more information contact Rebecca Hannan, Manager BiiG Network on 0407 817 690 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Eye Gaze Eye gaze technology is becoming a very real alternative access option for students to enable them to engage more effectively with their curriculum. This session will explore this technology. The session will identify what eye gaze technology is; how eye gaze technology is used; the essentials for successful eye gaze use; and how eye gaze can be used to support student learning. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Reflective Practice and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers This workshop will focus on the renewal of registration requirements, including both recency of practice and continuing professional development. You will also engage with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to reflect on your professional practice. For more information contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching and learning in the early years This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Autism Queensland Workshop: Building Resilience in Individuals with ASD In this two-hour session the facilitator will discuss examples and cases to highlight a strengths-based approach for building resilience. For more information contact Autism Qld on 3273 0000 or to register visit their website. Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Performance Conversations – A solutions focused approach This one-day program offers a focused approach for leaders who have line or performance management responsibilities. Considerable time is given to both performance conversations demonstrations as well as practise conversations. The program uses the solutions focus principles UQ Business School Executive Venue, Brisbane Swissotel, Sydney 80 George Street, Brisbane OneChannel web conference Mantra, Hervey Bay and Harrup Park Country Club, Mackay Picnic Point, Toowoomba Cairns Brisbane 28-29 Teachers 29 School leaders, school personnel 29 Teachers, school leaders 29 Teachers 29 Teachers 29 Provisionally registered teachers 29 Prep teachers, school leaders 29 Teachers, school leaders 29 Teachers, school leaders and rating system to bring an innovative way to building solutions into performance management conversations. For more information contact QELI on 3007 5222 or visit their website. MultiLit - MiniLit Workshop This two-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of MultiLit’s MiniLit program which targets struggling young readers in Year 1. The workshop provides easy to implement practical advice; video of live demonstrations; extensive practice through role-play and help in developing your own road map for your school. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: Contemporary Practice Resource Tour Take a personal tour of the Contemporary Practice Resource and discover teaching ideas, resources and strategies that use ICT. Explore and consider how you can use it in your own context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: Online Coaching Modules – Science Find out how easy it is to use this self-paced module. Discover new and exciting resources, develop and consolidate your science content knowledge and pedagogical practice. The session will also highlight how completion of the modules can align with your QCT requirements and with the APST. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. OneChannel Web Conference: Online Safety – ThinkUKnow ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through primary and secondary schools across Australia using a network of accredited trainers. This session includes short videos and real life case studies. Fact sheets on the issues outlined above will also be provided and can be downloaded. Participants will have opportunities midway and at the conclusion to ask questions - please feel free to come prepared with issues to discuss. ThinkUKnow has been developed by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Microsoft Australia. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to Progress to Full Registration This workshop is designed for Provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors. The content includes The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; evidence requirements; strategies for gathering evidence and roles and responsibilities of provisionally registered teachers and their mentors/supervisors. For more information contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years – Collaboration through networking This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Assessing the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7-10 This assessment workshop will focus on strategies for assessing knowledge, understanding and skills in the Australian Curriculum: Geography in Years 7–10; using the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and the QCAA standard elaborations and developing task-specific standards to make evidence-based judgments. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Subject Achievement Indicators (SAIs) and BonSAI 2014 – all you need to know Noosa OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference OneChannel web conference Cairns Sheridan Hotel, Cairns Brothers Leagues Club, Cairns QCAA, Brisbane Ipswich Special School, Ipswich 29-31 Teachers, school leaders, public sector employees 30 1HR staff in central and regional offices This three-hour workshop provides information for those new to or re-engaging with the processes surrounding assigning and checking subject achievement indicators (SAIs) and using the BonSAI_2014 program. The workshop will focus on the purpose of SAIs and processes involved; how SAIs are used in OP calculation and using BonSAI_2014 to assign and check SAIs. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. DRUMBEAT Facilitator Training Workshop Drumbeat is an evidence-based behavioural intervention program which offers an effective means of supporting students who are disengaged or socially isolated. This training equips attendees with skills to present the program. The facilitator workshops include sessions on managing challenging behaviours, building therapeutic relationships and the core exercises of the program. For more information contact the DRUMBEAT Administration Officer on (08) 9146 4444 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: Workforce Relations Information Session – Being a public servant Cairns OneChannel web conference This session aims to aims to provide refresher training for participants on this topic in the context of the public service employment framework, taking into account rights & responsibilities; contemporary expectations and the current operating environment. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. 30 Teacher aides 30 Fully registered teachers 30 Teachers, school leaders 30 Teachers 30-31 Teachers, school leaders 31 All employees OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Board Maker Studio Part 2 Symbols Board Maker Studio is an application to enhance the capacity for students to engage with symbol based activities. This is the second in a series of three sessions looking at this software and will explore the use of symbols in Board Maker Studio and the tools available that support symbols use and literacy. For more information and to register visit OneChannel. Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Reflective Practice and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers This workshop will focus on the renewal of registration requirements, including both recency of practice and continuing professional development. You will also engage with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to reflect on your professional practice. For more information contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website. Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching and learning in the early years This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website. MultiLit Reading Tutor Program Workshop This one-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of the MultiLit Reading Tutor Program which targets students in Year 2 through to young adults who have not acquired the basic skills needed to become functional readers. The program covers Word Attack Skills, Sight Words and Reinforced Reading and will teach students how to generalise into connected text, as well as assisting in improving students’ reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension. An easy to follow lesson format is employed which is explicit, structured and systematic in approach. Book selection is addressed within the workshop. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website. Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Middle Leadership Program This program is about developing highly effective middle leaders of teaching and learning to effectively close the gap in achievement and reduce variation in schools. The program promotes a culture of willingness to support others in their learning and to know how to do this, by providing expert input and coaching.. For more information contact QELi on 3007 5222 or visit their website. SPELD Qld Seminar: Understanding Learning Difficulties: A Practical Guide OneChannel Web Conference Cairns Sheridan Hotel, Cairns Brothers Leagues Club, Cairns Noosa Brisbane Sunbird Education Centre, Mackay New!! 31 Teachers, school leaders, public sector employees 31 July – 2 August Teachers, school leaders, public sector employees Updated 29 July 2015 In this practical full-day workshop the recently released AUSPELD Learning Difficulties Guide will be reviewed and effective ways to make use of it explored. Successful strategies for assisting students with developmental learning disorders, such as dyslexia, will be identified. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website. Leadership in the Early Years Conference This conference will highlight the importance of leadership in the education of our children in the early years. It will cover key leadership qualities through the following themes: respecting the diversity of the children we educate; using data to make decisions; creating responsive environments; pedagogy and practice; and in developing reciprocal relationships. For more information visit the conference website. The Victoria Institute for Education Diversity and Lifelong Learning – Inclusive Education Summit 2015: Making sense of everyday practice This is an international academic conference where the removal of barriers, in its various forms, is at the forefront of the debate and discourse. Barriers can be complex and dynamic and require constant innovation and calibration to be removed or negated. Learning and sharing the latest research and best-practice is crucial for enabling the discovery, enactment and promotion of effective approaches to include all students. This Summit offers academics, policy makers and practitioners the opportunity to hear from experts in the field and expand their understanding of these impediments as well as effective counter measures. For more information contact the Victoria Institute for Education Diversity and Lifelong Learning or visit their website. Jupiters Casino, Townsville Victoria University, City Queen Campus, Melbourne