What are Finite State Automata (FSA)

CPSC 562 – Programming Project
Spring 2013
Description: As discussed in the syllabus, the class programming project will be the
construction of a functional calculator.
Calculator Requirements:
 For each computation, accept the expression from an input file (*.inp).
 All output must be written to a file of the same name (*.out). Upon completion of
each computational statement, echo the statement to the file and print out the name of
each statement variable and its numerical value.
 Detect and report expression errors in an accurate and understandable fashion.
 The calculator must be written in either C (++, #) or Java.
 The calculator must support the operations show in the below table.
X to the Yth power (XY)
Returns remainder of X/Y.
Returns divisor of X/Y
Approach: Your calculator must have the following components:
 Grammar – Provides a blueprint for expression parsing
 Lexical Analyzer – To identify tokens
 Parser – Creates tree to interpret each line of computation
 Symbol Table -- To track variables and their values as they change with each
 All statements end with semicolons.
 Variables must begin with a letter, but may be some combination of letters and
numbers thereafter. Variable names are limited to ten characters.
 The calculator enforce proper operator precedence and associatively. This must be
done with or without the use of parenthesis.
 Expressions may be nested through the use of left and right parenthesis. You may
assume the nesting level will not exceed 20.
 If a variable is not explicitly initialized, assume its value is zero.
 Character case is only relevant for variables. For example, the calculator should treat
x1 and X1 as different variables, if both are declared.
o Computations are cumulative; that is later computations are based on the
results of earlier computations.
CPSC 562 – Programming Project
Spring 2013
 Use the Gold Parse Builder (GPB) to design your lexical analyzer and parser. To get
you started, I am providing a sample file that allows it to process input for a simple Clike language (Tiny-DFA.GRM). If you use the GPB, use its Test capability to make
sure the input is being tokenized correctly.
 You will need to process the XML output from GPB, which encodes the tables you
will need for lexical analysis and parsing. I will provide the code that will allow you
to import the XML into a program data structure (tree) and search it.
 To help you, I will upload a set of project resources to D2L.
 You must upload your materials to D2L in a zipped file per the below schedule.
 Full disclosure—I will evaluate both how well your calculator works, as well as,
to what extent it doesn’t work.
 I will not publish my test files. If you wish, however, I can review your test files.
 Students may exchange input files for the purposes of testing only. In fact, this would
be a smart thing to do.
Documentation: When you upload your final project, you must also turn in the
following documentation as part of the Zip file:
 Description of project (3-4 pages):
o Approach (finite state machine, parsing method, etc),
Summary of important data structures (e.g., symbol table),
o Lessons learned
 Usage Instructions for Calculator software
 List of known errata or bugs (hopefully, this is short or non-existent). Partial credit
will be given based on the degree of working functionality.
 Final grammar for calculator in BNF form.
 Full source code listing (well commented).
 Executable file and any other files necessary for compilation (e.g., project file).
 Test directory (test cases and corresponding output).
 Any GPB input files utilized (specify version).
Due Dates:
28 Feb 2013
14 Mar 2013
9 Apr 2013
10 May 2011
Grammar for Lexical Analysis
Lexical Analyzer – Given an input file, generates an output file
of labeled tokens.
Full Grammar (tested on GPB)
Completed Project – Inclusive of all project materials
CPSC 562 – Programming Project
Spring 2013
Sample Input File Contents:
x1 = 2;
x2 = 10.0;
x3 = x1*x2;
x4 = x3/(x2/x1);
x5 = 0.5;
x6 = ((2^x2)/(x4^4))^x5;
x7 = div(x3,x4);
x8 = mod(x2,x4);
x9 = div(mod(x2,x3),div(x6*4,x8));
x10 = mod(div(x3,x8),mod(1,x4));