Chapter 6 Water Chemistry and Analysis Introduction: All natural waters contain varying amounts of suspended and dissolved matter as well as dissolved gases. The type and amount of impurities in fresh water vary with the source (lake, river, well) and with the area of location. Impurities in water become an important consideration when water is to be used for steam generation. With the trend toward higher-pressure boilers, pretreatment has become the key to successful operation of industrial power plants. Feedwater must be pretreated to remove impurities to control deposition, carryover, and corrosion in the boiler system. Poor quality water gives poor quality steam. The first step in any treatment is filtration of suspended solids. On the basis of proven satisfactory performance, cost, and other considerations, cartridge filters are a practical solution to most problems of water clean-up. Water impurities include dissolved and suspended solids. Calcium bicarbonate is a soluble salt. A solution of calcium bicarbonate is clear, because the calcium and bicarbonate are present as atomic sized ions which are not large enough to reflect light. Some soluble minerals impart a color to the solution. Soluble iron salts produce pale yellow or green solutions; some copper salts form intensely blue solutions. Although colored, these solutions are clear. Suspended solids are substances that are not completely soluble in water and are present as particles. These particles usually impart a visible turbidity to the water. Dissolved and suspended solids are present in most surface waters. Seawater is very high in soluble sodium chloride; suspended sand and silt make it slightly cloudy. An extensive list of soluble and suspended impurities found in water is given in Table 1-1. Constituent Turbidity Hardness Alkalinity Chemical Formula Difficulties Caused Means of Treatment imparts unsightly appearance to non-expressed in analysis water; deposits in water lines, coagulation, settling, and as units process equipment, etc.; filtration interferes with most process uses chief source of scale in heat calcium and magnesium softening; demineralization; exchange equipment, boilers, salts, expressed as internal boiler water treatment; pipe lines, etc.; forms curds with CaCO3 surface active agents soap, interferes with dyeing, etc. lime and lime-soda softening; foam and carryover of solids with bicarbonate(HCO3-), acid treatment; hydrogen steam; embrittlement of boiler carbonate (CO32-), and zeolite softening; steel; bicarbonate and carbonate hydroxide(OH-), demineralization produce CO2 in steam, a source expressed as CaCO3 dealkalization by anion of corrosion in condensate lines exchange Free Mineral Acid H2SO4 , HCI. etc., expressed as CaCO3 corrosion neutralization with alkalies Carbon Dioxide CO2 corrosion in water lines, particularly steam and condensate lines aeration, deaeration, neutralization with alkalies PH hydrogen ion concentration defined as: pH varies according to acidic or alkaline solids in water; most 1 natural waters have a pH of 6.0pH = log 8.0 [H+] Sulfate SO42- Chloride Cl - Nitrate NO3- Fluoride F- Sodium Na+ Silica SiO2 Iron Fe2+ (ferrous) Fe3+ (ferric) Manganese Mn2+ Aluminum AI3+ Oxygen O2 pH can be increased by alkalies and decreased by acids adds to solids content of water, demineralization, reverse but in itself is not usually osmosis, electrodialysis, significant, combines with calcium evaporation to form calcium sulfate scale adds to solids content and demineralization, reverse increases corrosive character of osmosis, electrodialysis, water evaporation adds to solids content, but is not usually significant industrially: demineralization, reverse high concentrations cause osmosis, electrodialysis, methemoglobinemia in infants; evaporation useful for control of boiler metal embrittlement cause of mottled enamel in teeth; adsorption with magnesium also used for control of dental hydroxide, calcium phosphate, decay: not usually significant or bone black; alum industrially coagulation adds to solids content of water: demineralization, reverse when combined with OH-, causes osmosis, electrodialysis, corrosion in boilers under certain evaporation conditions hot and warm process removal by magnesium salts; scale in boilers and cooling water adsorption by highly basic systems; insoluble turbine blade anion exchange resins, in deposits due to silica vaporization conjunction with demineralization, reverse osmosis, evaporation discolors water on precipitation; aeration; coagulation and source of deposits in water lines, filtration; lime softening; cation boilers. etc.; interferes with exchange; contact filtration; dyeing, tanning, papermaking, surface active agents for iron etc. retention same as iron same as iron usually present as a result of floc carryover from clarifier; can cause improved clarifier and filter deposits in cooling systems and operation contribute to complex boiler scales corrosion of water lines, heat deaeration; sodium sulfite; exchange equipment, boilers, corrosion inhibitors return lines, etc. Hydrogen Sulfide H2S Ammonia NH3 Dissolved Solids none Suspended Solids none Total Solids none cause of "rotten egg" odor; aeration; chlorination; highly corrosion basic anion exchange corrosion of copper and zinc cation exchange with alloys by formation of complex hydrogen zeolite; chlorination; soluble ion deaeration refers to total amount of dissolved lime softening and cation matter, determined by exchange by hydrogen zeolite; evaporation; high concentrations demineralization, reverse are objectionable because of osmosis, electrodialysis, process interference and as a evaporation cause of foaming in boilers refers to the measure of undissolved matter, determined subsidence; filtration, usually gravimetrically; deposits in heat preceded by coagulation and exchange equipment, boilers, settling water lines, etc. refers to the sum of dissolved and see "Dissolved Solids" and suspended solids, determined "Suspended Solids" gravimetrically CHEMICAL REACTIONS Numerous chemical tests must be conducted to ensure effective control of a water treatment program. Most of these tests are addressed in detail in Chapters 39-71. Because of their significance in many systems, three tests, pH, alkalinity, and silica, are discussed here as well. pH Control Good pH control is essential for effective control of deposition and corrosion in many water systems. Therefore, it is important to have a good understanding of the meaning of pH and the factors that affect it. Pure H2O exists as an equilibrium between the acid species, H+ (more correctly expressed as a protonated water molecule, the hydronium ion, H30+) and the hydroxyl radical, OH -. In neutral water the acid concentration equals the hydroxyl concentration and at room temperature they both are present at 10-7 gram equivalents (or moles) per liter. The "p" function is used in chemistry to handle very small numbers. It is the negative logarithm of the number being expressed. Water that has 10-7 gram equivalents per liter of hydrogen ions is said to have a pH of 7. Thus, a neutral solution exhibits a pH of 7. Table 1-3 lists the concentration of H+ over 14 orders of magnitude. As it varies, the concentration of OH - must also vary, but in the opposite direction, such that the product of the two remains constant. Table 1-3. pH relationships. H+ Concentration, + pHa H Concentration Exponential Notation, Normality OH - Concentration, Normality OH - Concentration, pOH Exponential Notation, gram moles/L gram moles/L 0 100 1 0.00000000000001 10-14 14 1 10-1 0.1 0.0000000000001 10--13 13 2 10-2 0.01 0.000000000001 10--12 12 3 10-3 0.001 0.00000000001 10-11 11 4 10-4 0.0001 0.0000000001 10-10 10 5 10-5 0.00001 0.000000001 10-9 9 6 10-6 0.000001 0.00000001 10-8 8 7 10-7 0.0000001 0.0000001 10-7 7 8 10-8 0.00000001 0.000001 10-6 6 9 10-9 0.000000001 0.00001 10-5 5 10 10-10 0.0000000001 0.0001 10-4 4 11 10-11 0.00000000001 0.001 10-3 3 12 10-12 0.000000000001 0.01 10-2 2 13 10-13 0.0000000000001 0.1 10-1 1 14 10-14 0.00000000000001 1 100 0 a pH+pOH=14. Confusion regarding pH arises from two sources: the inverse nature of the function the pH meter scale It is important to remember that as the acid concentration increases, the pH value decreases (see Table 1-4). Table 1-4. Comparative pH levels of common solutions. a 12 OH - alkalinity 500 ppm as CaCO3 11 OH - alkalinity 50 ppm as CaCO3 Columbus. OH, drinking water, a 10 OH - alkalinity 5 ppm as CaCO3 9 strong base anion exchanger effluents 8 phenolphthalein end point 7 neutral point at 25 °C 6 Weymouth, NIA, drinking water, a 5 methyl orange end point 4 FMA 4 ppm as CaCO3 3 FMA 40 ppm as CaCO3 strong acid cation exchanger effluent 2 FMA 400 ppm as CaCO3 Extremes of drinking water pH The pH meter can be a source of confusion, because the pH scale on the meter is linear, extending from 0 to 14 in even increments. Because pH is a logarithmic function, a change of I pH unit corresponds to a 10 fold change in acid concentration. A decrease of 2 pH units represents a 100 fold change in acid concentration. Alkalinity Alkalinity tests are used to control lime-soda softening processes and boiler blowdown and to predict the potential for calcium scaling in cooling water systems. For most water systems, it is important to recognize the sources of alkalinity and maintain proper alkalinity control. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water as a gas. The dissolved carbon dioxide reacts with solvent water molecules and forms carbonic acid according to the following reaction: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 Only a trace amount of carbonic acid is formed, but it is acidic enough to lower pH from the neutral point of 7. Carbonic acid is a weak acid, so it does not lower pH below 4.3. However, this level is low enough to cause significant corrosion of system metals. If the initial loading of CO2 is held constant and the pH is raised, a gradual transformation into the bicarbonate ion HCO3- occurs. The transformation is complete at pH 8.3. Further elevation of the pH forces a second transformation into carbonate, CO32-. The three species carbonic acid, bicarbonate, and carbonate can be converted from one to another by means of changing the pH of the water. Variations in pH can be reduced through "buffering" the addition of acid (or caustic). When acid (or caustic) is added to a water containing carbonate/bicarbonate species, the pH of the system does not change as quickly as it does in pure water. Much of the added acid (or caustic) is consumed as the carbonate/bicarbonate (or bicarbonate/carbonic acid) ratio is shifted. Alkalinity is the ability of a natural water to neutralize acid (i.e., to reduce the pH depression expected from a strong acid by the buffering mechanism mentioned above). Confusion arises in that alkaline pH conditions exist at a pH above 7, whereas alkalinity in a natural water exists at a pH above 4.4. Alkalinity is measured by a double titration; acid is added to a sample to the Phenolphthalein end point (pH 8.3) and the Methyl Orange end point (pH 4.4). Titration to the Phenolphthalein end point (the Palkalinity) measures OH - and 1/2 CO32-; titration to the Methyl Orange end point (the M-alkalinity) measures OH -, CO32- and HCO3 . Silica When not properly controlled, silica forms highly insulating, difficult to remove deposits in cooling systems, boilers, and turbines. An understanding of some of the possible variations in silica testing is valuable. Most salts, although present as complicated crystalline structures in the solid phase, assume fairly simple ionic forms in solution. Silica exhibits complicated structures even in solution. Silica exists in a wide range of structures, from a simple silicate to a complicated polymeric material. The polymeric structure can persist when the material is dissolved in surface waters. The size of the silica polymer can be substantial, ranging up to the colloidal state. Colloidal silica is rarely present in groundwaters. It is most commonly present in surface waters during periods of high runoff. The polymeric form of silica does not produce color in the standard molybdate based colorimetric test for silica. This form of silica is termed "nonreactive". The polymeric form of silica is not thermally stable and when heated in a boiler reverts to the basic silicate monomer, which is reactive with molybdate. As a result, molybdate testing of a boiler feedwater may reveal little or no silica, while boiler blowdown measurements show a level of silica that is above control limits. High boiler water silica and low feedwater values are often a first sign that colloidal silica is present in the makeup. One method of identifying colloidal silica problems is the use of atomic emission or absorption to measure feedwater silica. This method, unlike the molybdate chemistry, measures total silica irrespective of the degree of polymerization. Boiler Water Testing: In the draft "Code of practice for the design, safe operation, maintenance and servicing of boilers", a requirement is made for regular water-quality monitoring of both limited-attendance boilers and unattended boilers. OSH require monthly tests for these boiler types and stipulate that the testing be conducted by an IANZ accredited laboratory. If you supervise a limited-attendance or unattended boiler then ELS can assist you with your water testing requirements. A boiler requires testing of three different water types as shown below: Feedwater Boiler feedwater is sourced from many different places. Some supplies come from industry owned bores and treatment plants, while others come directly from a council supply, however all feedwater should be analysed in order to correctly determine dose rates of treatment chemicals. Water quality can change as it passes through a delivery or reticulation system, so it is important to check for various parameters at point of use - ie where it enters the boiler or pre-treatment system. Boiler feedwater is usually a combination of returned condensate plus pre-treated makeup water from a softener, reverse osmosis, or other purification system. Typical tests used for boiler feedwater include: Chloride or salinity Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Hardness Iron and Manganese pH Silica Sulphide Suspended Solids Total Dissolved Solids Turbidity Not all water supplies will require all the tests shown here, and if the supply is constant the tests will not need to be repeated very often. Boiler Water The boiler water itself must be dosed in order for the boiler to run efficiently and safely. A chemical imbalance can lead to corrosion and damage to the system and this damage can ultimately lead to boiler failure and injury. Boiler water analyses are basically aimed at keeping the parameters within established limits. Tests include Chloride Hydroxide P2 Alkalinity Nitrate pH Phenolphthalein P1 Alkalinity Phosphate Silica Sulphite Total Alkalinity Total Dissolved Solids Condensate Good condensate is the best quality, least expensive water most systems can generate. You do not want to lose it, or contaminate it unnecessarily. Steam condensate analysis should include Ammonia Conductivity Copper Iron pH Steam Purity Measurement: Accurate measurement of steam purity is essential to identifying the cause of potential or existing steam purity problems in modern boiler plants. One reason for this is that superheated steam turbines have an extremely low tolerance for solids contamination in the steam. Fortunately, techniques are available to determine steam contamination in the parts per billion range to satisfy the demands of most systems. The test results make it possible to determine the effect of changing boiler operation on steam purity. IMPURITIES Impurities present in steam can be solid, liquid, or gaseous. Solids are usually dissolved in water droplets or are present as dust. Because water treatment practices are such that most soluble chemical constituents of boiler feedwater are converted to sodium salts, most solids present in steam are sodium salts, with minor amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper also present. Gaseous constituents commonly found in low-pressure steam (less than 2000 psig) are ammonia, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, amines, and silica. Of these, only silica contributes to the difficulties commonly associated with impure steam; the other constituents are of concern only where they interfere with the measurement of steam purity. Water Testing Instruments: Embrittlement Detector: Caustic embrittlement is a corrosion process, Caustic embrittlement, a specific form of stress corrosion, results in the intercrystalline cracking of steel. Intercrystalline cracking results only when all of the following are present: specific conditions of stress, a mechanism for concentration such as leakage, and free NaOH in the boiler water. Therefore, boiler tubes usually fail from caustic embrittlement at points where tubes are rolled into sheets, drums, or headers. The possibility of embrittlement may not be ignored even when the boiler is of an all-welded design. Cracked welds or tube-end leakage can provide the mechanism by which drum metal may be adversely affected. When free caustic is present, embrittlement is possible. An embrittlement detector, as shown in figure is a device used to test boiler water for embrittlement tendencies. The detector is installed in the continuous blowdown line of a boiler. The boiler water is kept at boiler temperature as it circulates through the detector. The detector has a metal test specimen (the same metal as the boiler is constructed of) that is subjected to boiler water. The specimen is bolted in place and-clamped to put it under stress. Adjustment of the adjusting screw allows water to leak out very slowly under the specimen. The escaping water and steam leaves a concentrated solution in contact with the stressed surface of the metal specimen. The specimen cracks if the water has embrittlement tendencies. The specimen is checked at monthly intervals for signs of cracking. If boiler water possesses embrittling characteristics, steps must be taken to protect the boiler from embrittlement-related failure. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): Conductivity Meters: Conductivity meters are Jab instruments that have a probe that is inserted into the sample. The probe of a conductivity meter is connected to an electronic instrument. The meter has an output needle or digital output to read the conductivity of the sample. The meter may be calibrated to read directly in TDS. The meter may have a probe with two electrodes for high purity waters and a four-electrode probe for more concentrated solutions. The four-electrode model in Fig. has two drive electrodes and two sensing electrodes. The current is applied to the two d1ive electrodes and the sensing electrodes measure the current flow through the solution. A similar setup is used for an on-line conductivity meter. In this type a small flow of water is passed through the cell. The meter output is connected to the control room. The signal can be used to control such variables as boiler blowdown or chemical feeds. pH meters: The pH is an indication for the acidity of a substance. It is determined by the number of free hydrogen ions (H+) in a substance. Acidity is one of the most important properties of water. Water is a solvent for nearly all ions. The pH serves as an indicator that compares some of the most water-soluble ions. The outcome of a pH-measurement is determined by a consideration between the number of H+ ions and the number of hydroxide (OH-) ions. When the number of H+ ions equals the number of OH- ions, the water is neutral. It will than have a pH of about 7. The pH of water can vary between 0 and 14. When the pH of a substance is above 7, it is a basic substance. When the pH of a substance is below 7, it is an acid substance. The further the pH lies above or below 7, the more basic or acid a solution is.The pH is a logarithmic factor; when a solution becomes ten times more acidic, the pH will fall by one unit. When a solution becomes a hundred times more acidic the pH will fall by two units. The word pH is short for "pondus Hydrogenium". This literally means the weight of hydrogen. De pH is an indication for the number of hydrogen ions. It consisted when we discovered that water consists of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). The pH does not have a unit; it is merely expressed as a number. When a solution is neutral, the number of hydrogen ions equals the number of hydroxide ions. When the number of hydroxide ions is higher, the solution is basic. When the number of hydrogen ions is higher, the solution is acid. Methods to determine the pH There are several different methods to measure the pH. One of these is using a peace of pH indicator paper. When the paper is pushed into a solution it will change colour. Each different colour indicates a different pH-value. This method is not very accurate and it is not suitable to determine more exact pH values. That is why there are now test-strings available, which are able to determine smaller pHvalues, such as 3.5 or 8.5. The most accurate method to determine the pH is measuring a colour change in a chemical lab experiment. With this method one can determine pH values, such as 5.07 and 2.03. All of these methods are not suitable to determine a pH development in time. The pH-electrode: Fig of pH Meter Operation A pH electrode is a tube that is small enough to put it in sample jars. It is tied to a pH-meter by means of a cable. A special type of fluid is located within the electrode; this is usually "3M Kalium Chlorine ". Some electrodes contain a gel that has the same properties as the 3M-fluid. In the fluid there are silver and platinum wires. The system is quite fragile, because it contains a small membrane. The H+ and OH- ions will enter the electrode through this membrane. The ions will create a slightly positive charge and a slightly negative charge in each end of the electrode. The potential of the charges determines the number of H+ and OH- ions and when this is determined the pH will appear digitally on the pH-meter. The potential is co-dependent on the temperature of the solution. That is why the temperature is also presented on the pH-meter. pH product 14 Sodium hydroxide 13 lye 12.4 lyme 11 ammonia 10.5 manganese 8.3 backing powder 7.4 human blood 7.0 pure water 6.6 milk 4.5 tomatoes 4.0 win 3.0 apples 2.0 lemon juice 0 hydrochloric acid Representative Steam Sampling: In order to ensure accurate analysis, samples must be truly representative of the steam being generated. When the sampling procedures are not followed properly, the steam purity evaluation is of little or no value. Sampling nozzles recommended by the ASTM and ASME have been in use for many years. The nozzles have ports spaced in such a way that they sample equal cross sectional areas of the steam line. Instructions for these nozzles can be found in ASTM Standard D 1066, "Standard Method of Sampling Steam" and ASME PTC 19.11. Field steam studies have shown that sampling nozzles of designs other than these often fail to provide a reliable steam sample. Isokinetic flow is established when steam velocity entering the sampling nozzle is equal to the velocity of the steam in the header. This condition helps to ensure representative sampling for more reliable test results. The isokinetic sampling rate for many nozzles that do not conform to ASME or ASTM specifications cannot be determined. Accurate sampling of superheated steam presents problems not encountered in saturated steam sampling. The solubility of sodium salts in steam decreases as steam temperature decreases. If a superheated steam sample is gradually cooled as it flows through the sample line, solids deposit on sample line surfaces. To eliminate this problem, the steam can be desuperheated at the sampling point. What Is Isokinetic Sampling? Isokinetic sampling ensures that all phases (solid oxides and precipitates, liquid droplets, and vapor) of the sampled fluid enter the sampling nozzle with the same velocity vector (velocity and direction of flow) and the flow velocity into the nozzle is the same as the sampled stream velocity. The main reason isokinetic sampling is necessary is that the sampled stream is almost always a two-phase fluid (gas-liquid, gas-solid, liquid-solid) and the second phase has a very different chemical composition than the steam or water. In addition, the second phase (droplets or particles) has a different density and inertia than the primary phase (gas or liquid) and therefore wouldn’t be proportionally represented in a sample that’s not withdrawn isokinetically. Locations where isokinetic sampling nozzles should be used include: feedwater, boiler downcomer, saturated steam, and main steam (or reheat steam). Isokinetic sampling means sampling in which the linear velocity of the Steam entering the sampling nozzle is equal to that of the undisturbed steam stream at the sample point.