CRD IV ONR XBRL File Upload User Procedure

Central Bank of Ireland
Online Reporting System
CRD IV XBRL File Upload User Procedure Document
Investment Firms
Date: 17 April 2015
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External User File Upload Procedure
To Add a CRD IV Return instance to ONR for an institution for a return date.
 The institution logs into ONR with their normal user details.
 Select View/Edit data.
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Click on Return
 Select the CRD IV return to which a return instance needs to be created for that
institution. For this example, it is “COREP Consolidated and Leverage Ratio”.
Note: The relevant section for the CRD IV Returns is ‘Investment Firms – XBRL Only.’
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 Select Load a File.
 Select “Browse” to locate an XBRL File.
N.B The entire filing must be reported in a single file. Where multiple files are uploaded only
the data in the latest accepted file will be considered reported.
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File Naming Convention
Note: The name of the file must be in the following format:
1. Cnnnnnn is the institution code (The institution digit code used for logging into ONR)
2. YYYYMMDD is the return reporting date (not submission date) eg: 20140331
3. XXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXX is the CRD IV “Return File name” on the ONR system (see
table below.
4. .XBRL is the file extension. This must be either ‘.XBRL’ or ‘.ZIP’
An example of this is as follows:
 Institution code: 123456
 Reporting date: 31/3/2014
The file named will be as follows:
The full list or CRD IV return file names to be included in the XBRL file name is as follows:
CRD IV Return Type
Return File Name
Asset Encumbrance Individual
Asset Encumbrance Consolidated
COREP Individual and Leverage Ratio
COREP Consolidated and Leverage Ratio
COREP Large Exposures Individual
COREP Large Exposures Consolidated
 Once the file has been located, select “Load File”. The file will then begin the validation
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There are four initial validations that happen on the file as it is being loading, as follows:
 Check that the size of the file is within the allowable file size of 30 MB, where the XBRL file
to be reported is in excess of this the file should be compressed. The error message
returned is below:
 Check that the date of the file contained in the file name is not in the future. The error
message returned is below:
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 Check that a Return instance exists on the ONR system for the ‘Reporting date” contained
in the file name. The error message returned is below:
 Check that the XBRL file name is in the correct format (see notes above on correct naming
format). The error message returned is below:
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 Once the XBRL file has passed the above four validations, it will be queued for validation
against the EBA Taxonomy. The length of time it will be queued will depend on the
number of institutions uploading and validating XBRL files on the ONR system at the same
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 Once the XBRL file has begun the validation against the EBA Taxonomy, the status of the
file will display as ‘Processing’ on the screen below.
Note: The average time to load a file may vary on the live system depending on the number
of Institutions using the system at the same time.
Status of the file is
‘processing’ here during
Taxonomy validation
 If the XBRL fails the Taxonomy validation, the following email is sent to the ONR
administrator for that Institution informing them of the rejection of the file.
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 If the XBRL file fails the Taxonomy validation, the taxonomy errors are displayed on the
screen below. To see the detailed validation errors, click on the ‘File Errors’ arrow and
then on each individual “Taxonomy Error” arrow to expand the errors.
Click ‘File errors’
to see detailed list
of validation
Click here to see
detail of each
validation error
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 To export the detailed validation errors to a web page or file that can be downloaded, select the “Export Errors” button.
Click here to export
validation errors
for download
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 The file below is an webpage showing the exported Taxonomy validation errors.
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 The rejected file will sit on the ONR system (along with the validation errors) and can be
accessed at any time (see below). To load a new file, return to the File Upload screen
below and browse for a new file.
 Once the file passed the EBA Taxonomy validation stage, an email will be sent to the
Institutions ONR administrator saying the file has passed been successfully processed.
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 The status of the file on the File upload screen below will change to “Accepted”.
Status of file
changed to
“Accepted” once
validation passed
 To view all uploaded XBRL files for that return type, select “View Uploaded Files” menu
item below.
Select “View
Uploaded Files”
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 The screen below displays all of the XBRL files that have been uploaded for that return
type and the status of them (i.e.: Queued, Processing, Rejected, Accepted).
Select “View /
Edit returns”
 The icon on the right hand side will work as the Export Errors button on the File Upload
screen. To view the details of an individual returns that has been updated, select “View /
Edit Returns” from the menu options of the screen above.
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 To select an individual file, click on that file on the screen below.
Select Individual
uploaded return
 Once a file has been accepted it is copied from the queue to the actual return instance. By
clicking on the link below, the accepted file details can be viewed.
Select Individual
uploaded return
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 The accepted file details can be seen below. By clicking on the link below, the accepted
XBRL file and the Excel version of this file can be accessed and downloaded.
For more detailed file
information, click here
To delete the XBRL file
from the ONR system,
click here
 To delete the file off ONR, click on the “Delete” functionality above.
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 The screen above displays the details (name, size etc.) of the XBRL file uploaded onto ONR.
Clicking on Download will give you back the XBRL file uploaded. Clicking on Download
Excel will give you an excel version of it (this functionality is now available).
 To finalise the XBRL return, select the “Finalise” button on the Returns screen below.
Note: For instructions on how to navigate to this screen, see earlier steps in the procedure
Select to “Finalise”
return on ONR
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Variance Analysis Functionality
The Online Reporting System now contains a ‘Variance Analysis’ solution which will compare CRD IV
returns period on period and require institutions to explain variances that exceed a certain
percentage and threshold.
The following are the COREP templates which are covered by Variance Analysis:
An explanation is required for the following:
Where there is a positive or negative variance of greater than or equal to 20%, then an
explanation must be provided. The 20% variance applies to all of the above templates.
An explanation is required for any variance from Zero (increase or decrease).
Variances in Percentages will be treated the same as amounts and will follow the same rules
as above.
The Variance Analysis functionality is going live on the 29th July 2014. The first period to which it will
relate will be the June 2014 quarter-end which will be compared to the previous March 2014
quarter-end for the above COREP templates.
The returns for the previous reporting period must be signed-off before the returns for the
subsequent reporting period and the variance analysis explanations template can be finalised and
The following are the procedures for accessing these screens on the Online Reporting System.
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To Access Variance Analysis
 The Variance Analysis explanations will need to be completed AFTER the current COREP
return has been uploaded to the Online Reporting System but BEFORE the return can be
 To access Variance Analysis, click on View/Edit Returns below.
Select to “Finalise”
return on ONR
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 The individual files loaded for that return instance are displayed on a list below. Click on
the current return instance which is required to be finalised.
Click on return
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 Click on “Variance Analysis Report.” This will generate a report which will compare the
current COREP return against the signed-off COREP return just uploaded.
Click on Variance
Analysis Report
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 The Variance Analysis Report is displayed below. The variances from the previous return
are displayed as well as a section to enter an explanation for each variance. Click on “Edit”
at the bottom of the screen to begin entering explanations.
Enter explanations
 An explanation must be entered against each variance. If the user attempts to save
without entering explanations in all fields, the following error message will appear.
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 If the user saves the Variance Analysis Report without completing all fields, they will not
be allowed to finalise the return on the Online Reporting System and will get the following
message if they click the “Finalise” button.
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 Once the Variance Analysis Report is fully completed, it will allow the user to save it
without errors. The user can then “Finalise” the return.
Click here to
Finalise Return
 The user will get the following message.
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 The user can then sign-off the COREP return by clicking on the sign-off button. Note, this
must be a different user from the one who finalises the return on the Online Reporting
Click here to Signoff Return
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