Modeling Earth`s Climate Quiz

Modeling Earth’s Climate Quiz
1. Which of the following BEST describes a mathematical model?
a. Data created by performing calculations with an equation
b. Using observational data to create an equation that can predict future values
c. An explanation how an equation works
d. Tyra Banks doing an algebra problem
2. Use the diagram to the right to
predict the intensity of sunlight at
Pluto (40 AU).
a. 0 W/m2
b. 9.76 W/m2
c. 0.85 W/m2
d. 0.22 W/m2
3. Based on the R-value for this
graph, what kind of relationship
exists between the two variables?
a. No relationship
b. Linear relationship
c. Mathematical relationship
d. Low correlation
4. A positive feedback loop in a model will cause the result to be
a. Linear
b. Exponential
c. Increasing
d. Decreasing
5. Given the diagram of the carbon cycle to the
right, ___________ would be an example of a
stock and ___________ would be an example of
a flow.
a. Ocean, Lithosphere
b. Diffusion, Deforestation
c. Decomposition, Biosphere
d. Atmosphere, Photosynthesis
6. Which of the following BEST describes a global climate model?
a. A two dimensional grid only on the surface of the Earth
b. A three dimensional grid where equations describe what happens at each point of intersection.
c. A vertical column at one specific location on Earth
d. Equations explaining precisely what is happening at every single point around the globe.
7. If the resolution of a climate model is doubled, how much more computing power will it take to run the
a. 2x
b. 5x
c. 10x
d. 20x
8. Which of the following BEST explains why scientists need to create visualizations of their data?
a. It makes it easier to run models
b. Many data sets are too large and complex for the human brain to comprehend
c. Visualizations make it more difficult to understand what is happening
d. They like to show off their cool computer skills
9. Which of the following BEST describes how the global mean temperature of Earth is determined?
a. A weighted average is taken from a global grid of weather station observations.
b. A simple average is taken of all available surface measurements.
c. Weather station observations are added and then divided by the total number of weather stations
on Earth.
d. By taking the average of weather station observations only near the equator.
10. Climate models are verified by
a. precisely matching experimental calculations
b. comparing their results to observational data
c. being tested against other models
d. seeing if predictions come true
Global Mean Temperature (°C)
Observational and Model Data (1850-2010)
Observational data
Coupled Model Control
AMIP Model Control
11. Based on the above diagram, which of the following statements about climate models is most accurate?
a. Climate models can match observational data exactly
b. Climate models can’t even come close to matching observational data
c. Some climate models match observational data better than others
d. Climate models make projections before they are verified
12. Which of the following is the BEST
describes the scenario shown to the right
by the Very Simple Climate Model?
a. Carbon emissions steadily
increase causing the temperature
to remain constant
b. Temperature increases causing
the carbon emissions to rise
c. Carbon emissions level out but
temperature continues to rise
because removal of carbon from
the atmosphere is slow
d. The CO2 concentration remains
constant because the natural
processes quickly remove all
excess carbon from the
13. The IPCC projection that produces the SMALLEST amount of global temperature increase is
a. A1B
b. A1FI
c. A2
d. B1
14. The IPCC projection that produces the LARGEST amount of global temperature increase is
a. A1B
b. A1FI
c. A2
d. A1T
15. Which of the following statements about climate model projections is MOST accurate?
a. All global climate models project a warming trend in the next century
b. Some models predict cooling while others predict warming
c. All models predict the same amount of warming, both globally and in North America
d. Global temperature projections are based ONLY on the carbon emissions of the United States